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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austin
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@TheSpineView (thanks for the tag 😘)

1. If at home, 2 outfits: comfy day clothes, comfy sleep clothes. Add one more comfy outfit if going out somewhere. 👚🩳 = 😌 No more work clothes! 🤩
2. EMMA is quite the fashionista. 😍

Play? @Catiewithac @shelleybooksie @WildAlaskaBibliophile

kspenmoll Yay for no more work clothes! 2d
dabbe @kspenmoll 🤩🤗😊 2d
TheSpineView I'll be so glad when I don't have to work! Thanks for playing 2d
dabbe @TheSpineView 🩶🧡🩶 2d
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Emma | Austen Jane
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Not the edition I own, but fitting for #coverlove #chair !

@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Cool cover 💚🤍💚 2mo
Eggs Yes perfect 👍🏼 2mo
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Emma | Jane Austin
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I‘m still working my way through Emma in between other reading. I‘ll finish it eventually. #green #coverlove

Eggs I haven‘t even started it yet 😳 2mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Eggs Stunning! 🩷🤍💗 2mo
sebrittainclark That's a gorgeous edition 2mo
IndoorDame @sebrittainclark definitely one of my splurges 🙃 2mo
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Gorgeous ❤️ 2mo
dabbe 🤩🤩🤩 2mo
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Emma | Jane Austen, James Kinsley, Adela Pinch
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#WondrousWednesday @Eggs

Thanks for the tag @SpellboundReader

1 Iris Murdoch, I honestly don‘t know where to start with her novels. I also have some Dickens I still need to get to.
2. The twilight series.
3. Emma by Jane Austen started a love affair with all things Jane. I have reread her books many times.

@Itchyfeetreader @Lizpixie @Karisimo @IndoorDame @julieclair care to play?

Texreader I ❤️ Dickens. Start with the Christmas Carol, which has such hilarious descriptions. 3mo
Cuilin @Texreader I love Dickens too. I read Carol nearly every December. I‘ve read some others but not all. I should probably read a new one a year at least. Bleak House is probably my favorite. Do you have a favorite? 3mo
Eggs Agree on #2. Thx for joining in 🩵 3mo
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Texreader @Cuilin I‘ve only read many of his short stories and The Christmas Carol is still the best. I‘ve read A Tale of Two Cities but don‘t remember it. And I‘ve listened to half of David Copperfield. I want to get back to his books but one really must plan ahead to read those chunksters 3mo
Cuilin @Texreader I haven‘t read David Copperfield. Are you interested in a buddy read for fall/winter? 3mo
Texreader @Cuilin Absolutely!! 3mo
Cuilin @Texreader Yay!!! I can see if others would like to join us. I‘ll post a survey to gauge interest and we can come up with a plan. September-December? 3mo
Texreader Sounds great! 3mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Whenever I hear the word #Picnic I always think about this scene from Emma


Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️❤️❤️ 4mo
Crinoline_Laphroaig Box Hill! 4mo
Eggs Perfection 🥐🌳🧺 4mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks Great choice! 5mo
Eggs Brilliant 👌🏼 5mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Choices were slim pickings this month, but Emma was easily the best book I read for March.

Pruzy Ooh this looks like fun! How does it work and where do I find the template? 5mo
Littlewolf1 @Pruzy right, I love the templates. I got them both from @CSeydel (edited) 5mo
CSeydel @Pruzy Glad you like it! Here‘s the post so you don‘t have to scroll back searching for it: https://litsy.com/p/eU5QTVpBcHdl (edited) 5mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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A fun read, but I was hoping to like it more than I did. I can't say I'm entirely disappointed but I was hoping for more substance out of it and more fun matchmaking shenanigans instead of the gossip which took the majority of the book.

Doppoetry The empasis Jane Austen puts on how shallow and self righteous Emma as a character is phenomenal, though. She really believes herself fit to dictate who would make a better match for whom, and then when she's done toying with people *cough* Harriet* *cough* she just discards them like toys. 6mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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📚Currently reading:

📕The Goblin Emperor
📕A Storm of Swords
📙Lord of The Necropolis
🎧Night of the Hunter
🎧 Gods of Jade and Shadow


I haven't finished anything this week, but I made steady progress in Emma and Gods of Jade and Shadow, I hope to do better next week.

Emma | Jane Austin
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🩷🩷🩷 7mo
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Emma | Jane Austin
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This took me a long time to read. I forgot how different the writing/language is with classics! #authoramonth @Soubhiville

Emma | Jane Austin
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Just finished this one for the second time. I must admit I appreciated it much more the second time around. For all her faults, I can‘t help but be fond of Emma📚🥰

kezzlou85 Beautiful edition. 8mo
Ruthiella I like Emma too, despite her faults. 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austin
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1. Busy week! A couple appointments, evening commitments, etc.
2. Tagged. It‘s going slowly.
3. Quirky and introspective.

Cupcake12 Have a good week. Thanks for joining in x 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austin
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Goals for #JoyousJanuary
-Emma at least 75% (currently 10%)
-Sea Wife for Tuesday book club (currently 29%)
-2 issues Real Simple

Bonus: anything that comes through the Libby portal and/or something from my #readordonate or #readorbail piles.


Emma | Jane Austin
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I loved the movie Clueless when I was a teen. So this book was pretty fun because in my head it was those characters with the fun outfits. But honestly there's like way too much dialogue in this. Or something. Whatever.

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

#BookSpin @TheAromaofBooks

Soubhiville 😆 whatever. 8mo
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! My least favorite Austen, honestly - Emma drives me a bit up the wall! 8mo
vlwelser @TheAromaofBooks But Cher from Clueless is so fun and extra. Otherwise this might have been intolerable imo. 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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#AuthorAMonth I enjoyed Emma even more the 2nd time. When I first read it I appreciated the dialogue (some of Austen‘s best) & found the writing relaxing and the ending heartwarming. But I approached it more seriously since I didn‘t read as many classics then, & found myself cringing at some of the characters vapidity & naivety. This time I was able to appreciate the humor more & see the caricature of village life in all its ridiculous glory.

Soubhiville That‘s a pretty edition. I have Alice in Wonderland in this edition series. 🙂 8mo
IndoorDame @Soubhiville oooh, love the idea of a seasons Alice! 8mo
vivastory I love these editions 8mo
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IndoorDame @vivastory same! This is my only one, but I just had to have at least one 😊 8mo
vivastory I had my eye on the Dracula edition (now out of print) but decided at the time not to get it bc I already had 3 or 4 other editions 8mo
IndoorDame @vivastory so many awesome editions of Dracula to choose from! 8mo
MaureenMc I have this edition too! 😁 I‘ve managed to get all of Austen‘s novels in these editions except for Persuasion. 8mo
Graciouswarriorprincess I have this edition too! 8mo
Karisimo I need to find this edition 😍 8mo
IndoorDame @Karisimo the editions in this line are called Seasons books (though I totally don‘t remember why) you should be able to look them up pretty easily that way 8mo
Gissy I have that gorgeous edition and the bookmark. 😍 8mo
IndoorDame @Gissy I‘ve seen pics of the bookmark. Lovely! 8mo
Cuilin Lovely review, Emma was the first Austen I read as a teenager. I love rereading her as an adult and having a greater capacity to sympathize with characters. 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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1. I have always wanted to read Emma because Clueless is a favorite movie.
2. I have always wanted a Penguin clothbound because they are gorgeous.
3. I have NEVER EVER struggled with a book more since A Tale of Two Cities in 11th grade.
4. I really don‘t think Austen or Dickens are for me.
5. You don‘t have to love classics to love reading.
6. First #AuthorAMonth of ‘24 in the bag!

BarbaraBB Lol. Great review. Emma is my least favorite Austen so maybe you shouldn‘t give up on her - yet 😃 8mo
Soubhiville Good job finishing it then! I agree, you don‘t have to read classics to be an avid reader. 8mo
vivastory I liked Emma, but in retrospect 😂 I had a blast with Northanger Abbey. Hard agree with #5 though! 8mo
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Ruthiella Absolutely to No. 5! I happen have a bent for classics, but there are other kinds of books (time periods, authors, reading levels, genres, etc.) that are just not for me. 8mo
yourfavouritemixtape I have tried reading this after deciding to name my daughter Emma and I just couldn‘t get through it… 8mo
Suet624 Amen to #5 8mo
squirrelbrain I do love the Clothbound Classics though! 8mo
Hooked_on_books Such a pretty edition! 8mo
Read4life I‘m with you on #4! I‘m reading Northanger Abbey now so maybe I‘ll find an Austen I like but Dickens just isn‘t for me. 8mo
Bluebird Emma is also my least favorite. Nevertheless, I totally agree with #5! 8mo
Centique Ive never really warmed to Austen except for Northanger Abbey. Love the movies and tv series though! And of course number 5 is exactly right 👍👍 8mo
Chelsea.Poole My secret (and now confession) as a librarian and book lover: I‘ve never read a Jane Austen novel. 😱 I don‘t think I ever will! (edited) 8mo
CBee Thank you for #5. I used to have a hang up about that very thing and finally got over it! 😂 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Settling in for my #hyggehourreadathon with my #authoramonth book and some cocoa to ward off the snowstorm and sneak in some extra #hyggehugs. Hope everyone is safe and warm tonight. 🤍❄️

Chrissyreadit 🩵❄️🩵 8mo
JenReadsAlot I'm going to start Emma tonight! 8mo
IndoorDame @JenReadsAlot 🩵🩵🩵 8mo
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dabbe Love EMMA, and your book is gorgeous! I'm reading SENSE AND SENSIBILITY for #authoramonth. Nothing like starting January with Austen! 🖤💜🖤 8mo
IndoorDame @dabbe Sense and Sensibility is wonderful!!!! I agree, there‘s nothing like starting the year with Austen💜 8mo
Sparklemn Beautiful edition! 8mo
AllDebooks Gorgeous edition 😍 8mo
IndoorDame @AllDebooks @Sparklemn Thanks! I collected each Austen in a different fun edition! I know it would drive lots of readers up the walls to see their shelves that way, but it makes me happy 😃 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Reading this as I‘m staring out the window at the snow that‘s been falling since I woke up and is supposed to continue through tomorrow. I find myself in complete agreement with Jane‘s view on winter storms!!! #AAM #pemberlittens

Cuilin 🩷 Emma. 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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#HashtagBrigade I seem to be raising little literary critics! I can‘t get even one of these furballs to sit with me while I read The Bros K. I even tried reading to Cass aloud yesterday, she ran away so fast! Clearly not a Dostoevsky fan 😂 Then today I started re-reading Emma for #authoramonth & they both cuddle up sweet as can be. They practically never both sit in my lap at the same time. I think they‘re Austen fans! #pemberlittens #catsoflitsy

Gissy ☺️ #austenFanCats 😻😻 8mo
dabbe 🖤🐾🐾🖤 8mo
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IndoorDame @RaeLovesToRead SO right!!! 😁😆 8mo
Ruthiella @RaeLovesToRead 😹😹😹 8mo
StayCurious I love this! 8mo
IndoorDame @StayCurious 💜💜💜 8mo
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma | Jane Austin


Emma | Austen Jane
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Oh Emma!

I find her so relatable, yet maddening. 😆 Well meaning, but not as shrewd and sensible as she thinks she is. Believing in her own superior judgment, yet continually putting her foot in it.

I didn‘t have quite the patience and understanding for Emma as I did on previous readings. Mr. Wodehouse wore me to a frazzle this time, also. 🤣 It was enjoyable to compare the story again to Clueless and match similarities/differences.

Emma | Austen Jane
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My favorite Austen book thus far. My literary crush is officially Mr. Knightley.

Emma | Jane Austin
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This is so strangely accurate 🤣🤣


DGRachel 😂😂 1y
Littlewolf1 Love this 1y
batsy 🤣 1y
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Emma | Jane Austin
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First of all, make sure not to get the “Signet Classic” edition because Margaret Drabble discloses the entire plot in the Introduction. (Sigh)
Jane Austen worked the magic of engaging me in the story to the extent that I felt I was visiting real people and the characters and relationships are intriguing. But she overdid it with unnecessary, irrelevant stuff, trying to tie up all loose ends. Ultimately, it was disappointing to me.

Emma | Jane Austen
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I find the character of Emma a little arrogant. But it is still a very enjoyable story.

Emma | Jane Austen
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I wanted to come on here and let you know that to me , so far, starting Chapter 5, that I find, Emma and especially her father, Mr. Woodhouse, to be hilarious. Emma is not at all likable to me which adds to the humor. I also keep thinking about “A Room of One‘s Own” by Virginia Woolfe in which she notes that Jane had to write in the presence of her family. How did she come up with this? I love it.

KathyWheeler Me. Woodhouse is absolutely insane! I laugh every time he appears. 1y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads @KathyWheeler I do too! He is so funny!! 1y
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Emma | Austen Jane
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I‘ve been so surprised how much I‘ve been enjoying this novel. Since I also loved “Persuasion”, I guess I am joining the ranks of being a Jane Austen fan. Her characterization of women is intriguing to me.

KathyWheeler I‘ve been reading this for quite some time — I pick it up, read some, and put it down and read something else. I don‘t know why I haven‘t finished it because I‘m loving it. 1y
DrSabrinaMoldenReads @KathyWheeler Some books are like that 1y
KathyWheeler @DrSabrinaMoldenReads they are. It‘s been a couple of years! I pick it up, read a few chapters, and put it down. A few months later, I pick it up again. Surprisingly, I haven‘t forgotten anything that‘s happened though. 1y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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Books that start with each letter for Easter:

T-hrone of Glass
E-yre Affair
R-easy Player One

#EasterOMC #picturechallenge
@Clwojick @LadyKatrina

annahenke I love ALL these books! 🙋‍♀️ 1y
Clwojick 🖤🖤🖤 1y
Sapphire Clever! 1y
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Emma | Jane Austen
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"Silly things do cease to be silly if they are done by sensible people in an impudent way."

I love Jane Austen. ❤️

#janeausten #bookwithapinkcover

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Una delle parole più ricorrenti è ‘buon senso‘ e altre ad essa collegate come ‘ragione‘, ‘giusta condotta‘, ‘senso del dovere‘.

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Emma | Jane Austen
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Emma, as a heroine, is fine, but her dad is THE BEST. And I love Miss Bates. I would love to spend an evening being safely kept out of drafts and away from open windows eating gruel with Mr. Woodhouse and Miss Bates. I hope Jane Fairfax is happy and never has to speak to Mrs. Elton again.

BarbaraBB Gorgeous photo 😍 2y
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Emma by Jane Austin | Jane Austen
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You know you're gonna like your hotel when this greets you on your nightstand.

Emma | Jane Austin
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My last book was a pan : too much torture, I hope Emma will be a nice palate cleanser ;)

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Emma | Jane Austen
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I finished reading this book on Thursday, but I was so caught up with it that I forgot to post quotes and a review.

I have to say, this book was a good refresher as it was a truly a gem. Then again, it‘s Jane Austen. It was a brilliantly written romantic comedy, and the character development was also amazing. Emma is a person who needed “fixing” at the time this book was set, and the way that Jane Austen wrote about her was great!


Emma | Austen Jane
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Book: Emma
Author: George Eliot
Movie: ET, Eight Men Out
Singer: Elvis, Eagles, Elton John
Song: Eight Days a Week


CBee Thanks for playing 😊😊 2y
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Emma | Austen Jane
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Emma is quite flawed - but I feel that‘s what makes her likable and interesting. She tries to do her best while being awfully misguided, often because of her own prejudice… and it‘s hilarious to see the events unfold exactly as a more sensible person would have expected them to unfold. I also like how independent Emma is and how she finds ways around her father‘s concerns. I‘d say it‘s one of my favorite Jane Austen book!

Emma | Jane Austen
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#ArtfulAugust #LoveTriangle
@Eggs @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks
Emma's meddling lead to multiple love triangles 🔺️ ❤️

Eggs Perfect 👏🏻❤️📚 2y
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Emma | Jane Austin
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I still enjoyed more Persuasion. I‘m still new in Jane Austen world. Liked it but not loved it. Book deserves a re-read but I will watch first a movie adaptation and will read some retellings before the re-read. Any recommendations will be appreciated. I will like to re-read it for next year. Do you see these beautiful editions? I still want two editions that I love. Every re-read will be in a different edition. Book collector😜
Thanks @mabell

Gissy @mabell gave me the Penguin Classic edition😍🥰

Last book read for July 2022 #20in4 Readathon @Andrew65 I read two long books for this Readathon and this was the last book read for July 3.5/3.8⭐️

#BookSpinBingo @TheAromaOfBooks
Andrew65 Brilliant 👏👏👏🥂🍾🙌🥳😍 2y
TheAromaofBooks Such gorgeous editions!!! You may enjoy reading this one, which runs parallel to Emma - 2y
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Gissy @TheAromaofBooks I tagged the title, Thank You🤗❤️ 2y
mabell You‘re welcome! The one in the bottom left is so pretty! 😍 And your paper cutouts! (scherenschnitte 😊) 2y
Gissy @mabell That one is a Spanish edition. I‘m buying the classics in that edition because the covers are so pretty. I still want the Chiltern publishing copies. Am I a book hoarder? Nooo! I‘m a book collector😜Classics are for re-reads so it justifies the multiple editions☺️The bookmark comes with that book edition. They are limited copies but I missed the Persuasion one. Which Jane Austen novel is your favorite? 2y
mabell Classics are perfect for multiple pretty copies! 😊 It‘s been a while since I have reread all the Austen novels. From memory I think my favorite would be Emma or Northanger Abbey. Or Pride and Prejudice 2y
Gissy @mabell I will try again Emma but I‘m going to watch a movie adaptation first. 2y
mabell @Gissy A lot of people don‘t love Emma, and it‘s been years since I read it, so I may feel differently after a reread. 🤷‍♀️ I haven‘t seen any Emma adaptations, but I know my mom really liked the Gwyneth Paltrow version. 😊 2y
Gissy @mabell I will try that adaptation🤗 2y
DivineDiana And there‘s always Clueless! For a modern interpretation! 2y
Gissy @DivineDiana I heard about that, I will try that one too, Thank you🤗 2y
Gissy @DivineDiana I heard about that, I will try that one too, Thank you🤗 2y
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Emma | Austen Jane
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Current read

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Emma | Jane Austin
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