You know you're gonna like your hotel when this greets you on your nightstand.
You know you're gonna like your hotel when this greets you on your nightstand.
So this is about my new #series on #kindlevella not my 3rd tagged above... #iris (bk 1) & #violet (bk 2) are up in The Seaflower Sagas on the new platform, launched this week! First 3 episodes r always #free - put on ur teenage girl hat and dive in!
From the renderers of leaf lard used in this very best of crusts, Fannie & Flo Finch: "The Finch girls were always envied for producing a fine tub of fat!"
If you write mermaid romance novels and you have sea creature cookie cutters and you're getting ready for Christmas, this could happen to you, too... 😘
#paranormalromance #mermaids #romance
Teaser for a thing I'm doing today...
#christmascookies #decorating #mermaiding
Ok so it's not actually Provence, it's my kitchen. But like any girl worth her salt, I know how to fake it...
Kate felt as if she'd stepped into someone else's body. Everything was about twenty degrees off, from the people in the castle to the weird, new seclusion of her days.
"I have quite a rich inner life, and I'm constantly looking for a way to express that. I haven't found it yet in acting. When you're playing a character, you're only going to find outlets for very specific parts of your inner world." Daniel Radcliffe
#bookshelves #writinglife
"Falling, falling... Maya was caught between a landless platform above, and an inscrutable expanse of water below."
It's too hot for anything but mermaid food, people. C'mon by - I'll share! #healthy #summer #beachreads
If you hope humanity will transcend, this story will crush those dreams, although a sort of justice is served. Exquisite writing, too.
1. Last night, my 2 best friends from college came over, and we sat on my deck and ate and drank and laughed for hours. My soul got filled.
2. My husband and son, our abundance, the 3 beautiful books I have out.
@LitsyBuddyRead @Mermaid82 @romanticreads
Based on A Thousand and One Nights, which I loved hard. Anyone read this one? Thoughts?
Gonna read this one next, which will be a rare nonfiction foray for me... and I can't wait! Anyone else read it yet? Thoughts?
Merry Christmas, bookish friends! I wish you and yours an abundant, fruitful 2020!
Happy Thanksgiving, beautiful friends!
Thanks for the tag @julesG ! Here's my rundown:
1. Its lack of pretension.
2. Ppl 's amphibious pets.
3. Are we doing a #holidayexchange this year?
4. Either once every few months or 3x/day.
5. Yep.
6. Keep it noncommercial!
#keeplitsyvital #myfavotitethings #bookishobsessions
This #read launched my departure from litfic only books into the wider world of intellectually messy pulp. After this came Sidney Sheldon, which I also loved. Too damselly for some, this book remains one of my favorite guilty pleasures. Not for those who prefer man-bashing combat queens for heroines.
#guiltypleasures #damselsindistress #bestromance
1. Julia Glass, Ian McEwan, Charles Dickens.
2. I just want to hear them talk, and try to connect their speaking and writing sensibilities. Your turn @TheReadingMermaid @TheReadingDiva81 @Lifeisasnap
3. Hundreds. It's embarrassing.
#wondrouswednesday #bookhoarder #fantasytalks
Who's dressing up this week? I am!
1. "Real" books with pages.
2. Entertaining a crap ton of relatives!
3. Sure!
4. "It's a Wonderful Life"
5. Okey dokey!
#friyayintro #christmas #bookme
Really fresh, this story, with lots of lovely, sharp edges to it. As I said in my BookBub review, it reads a bit like Pinocchio after gender reassignment. And on crack. Def recommend.
1. I have 2 - literary fiction and romantic suspense.
2. Anything canned! Except tomatoes, which are technically a fruit...
3. 108, 97, 97 and 94.
4. Minnesota. 😨
5. 🕺
Am so enjoying this one, people. #smartreads #thebreakfastbookclub #darkYA
@Chasing_Pages @InBooksILive Look what came in the mail today! Hurray! #thebreakfastbookclub #abundance #luckyme
1. Zeppelin!
2. Legs for superspeed.
3. Puuupppyyy...
4. Clockwork Princess by Cassandra Clare
#fandomfriday #steampunk @LibrarianRyan
Late, I know. But I had to order the dried flowers and plan the shot and build the #tentacles , right? 🐙😘 #SummerReading2018 @TheReadingMermaid @monkeygirlsmama @Jerdencon @WeeziesBooks @Traci1 @so1quilt @MirrorMask @myellenbee @cewilf @BookwormAHN @Bronte_Chintz @carrceli @CaroPi @2BR02B
Was tagged by the industrious and #inspiring @TheReadingMermaid for this so I'm doing it:
1. My fave book is Sweet Tooth by Ian McEwan because...because... ok there are too many reasons. Just go read it.
2. No. I fall in love with a new one every time I read.
3. Graceling. I am sick to death of man-bashing combat queens.
4. I reread old faves because it makes me feel centered and beats valium. 😂
#summerreading2018 #readingmatters #favoritebooks
I decided to try a #bookmandala and came up with this deconstructed... thing. #magicalrealism #gabrielgarciamarquez
Character motivation for Kate and Gabe and the gang? Of course it's love.
@TheReadingMermaid does this qualify as an art project? 🤪
#paranormalromance #howtocatchamermaid
1. Chewy!
2. Kinda withholding judgement till I see the new girl.
3. Team Snow all the way.
4. No. 1, please.
5. Animal!
@LibrarianRyan #fandomfriday #fivefacts
I graduated to Willa Cather after eating my way through Louisa May Alcott as a girl. What were your faves in middle school? #bestheroines #favoritechildhoodreads
"But if you never did anything you couldn't undo you'd end up doing nothing at all." #midlifecrisis #walkaway
1. Horror/romance.
2. Liver/anything Thai.
3. A novel masquerading as a novella/full, rich stories.
4. Acid green/bluuuuueeee 😍
5. Ebook/print.
6. M or F who gender bashes/talented M or F author.
7. Female/male, prolly 'cause my dad read to me.
8. $1/$67. Yes, I've been more disappointed by cheapies.
9. No preference here tho I tend to enjoy long and involved.
10. Mr. McEwan, how satisfied are you with your various stories?
There must not be much profit in short stories because I don't see a ton of them out there on the market. But the form is so satisfying when well done, which AD did beautifully with this anthology imo. #shortstories #mentalescapes
I won't belabor this super clever #WriteAwayJune photo challenge by posting all month, but today's prompt is just too fun. I was asked to put a character through the #meyersbriggs and found the exercise works just as well for sirens as humans. Who knew? Anyway, my hero in Updrift, Gabe, came back as an ESTJ.
#paranormalromance #mermaidstories
1. Planting the rest of my veggies, ere go 2, tagged. 3. Old and new architecture, a newly cleaned river, great shopping and eating, and it's only an hr flight (Chicago!) 4. Sloth, although really neither... 5. 90 with high humidity. I bought extra deodorant. 😁 #friyayintro @jesshowbooks
@Chasing_Pages this is coming your way for our #thebreakfastbookclub June read, and golly I can't believe it's June already... 😳 @Tiffy_Reads
I have an overwhelming preference for fiction, but this nonfiction read gave me the same dose of escapism I chase in imagined works. Part modern reporting, part memoir, part intrigue, this hits all the right notes. #greatnonfiction #italianmafia #professionalsoccer
Richly drawn characters, esp.the heroine, give this story the perfect amount of emotional heft. I prefer this one to "The Handmaid's Tale." What's your favorite Atwood book? #margaretatwood #ladycriminals #goldbooks
"I think perhaps we want a more conscious life. We're tired of drudging and sleeping and dying." #classicreads #sinclairlewis #turquiosebooks
This was a lovely read about exploring and reaching the limits of your own talents. The cello played a key role in my family's life and paralleled my own infertility journey... Wrote a short essay about it yesterday if u want to check out my post, "Cello Babies" on errinstevens.com. Incidentally, the Montagnana referenced is worth $21 million. I would never have touched it had I known! #cello #cellobabies #infertility #ivf
@InBooksILive I got it! And your choice of journals is ADORABLE! #TheBreakfastBookClub #MayReads
This was told from the male POV, which isn't usually my thing. But it was so funny, so tongue-in-cheek, I couldn't help rooting for the guy. If you're a romance junkie, pick this one up!
A friend of mine told me about getting my books (Updrift and Breakwater) reviewed by Library Journal, so I submitted them. If anyone has any advice for me on this front, I'll take it! (Sorry for the wonky screen thing.) #indie #libraryjournal
"Touch. It is touch that is the deadliest enemy of chastity, loyalty, monogamy, gentility with its codes and conventions and restraints. By touch we are betrayed and betray others..." #pulitzer #epicreads #favoritefiction
This is coming your way @Chasing_Pages ! #Uprooted is for our #thebreakfastbookclub endeavor with @Tiffy_Reads . The Pride & Prejudice journal with my review goes with it; and the other book is mine, which you can read or not as you feel compelled. I LOVED Uprooted and can't wait to read everyone else's thoughts on it. 😄
I need Agnieska from this book to come to my house and make spring come.!! About to send this one off to my book club homies. #bookclub #fairytalereads #magical
1. In books: misuse of scent/smell. Not a snob on other issues!
2. Piepiepie
3. Prince.
4. Horror.
Now you go! #friyayintro
I'm so not into dystopian because I figure real life is anxiety-inducing enough, but I try to stretch myself sometimes. I recommend this one with reservations. The writing and premise are solid, and I believe if you like the genre, it's a home run. Loses a little steam as it goes on. #dystopian #readyourselfintoanexistentialcrisis