1. "Real" books with pages.
2. Entertaining a crap ton of relatives!
3. Sure!
4. "It's a Wonderful Life"
5. Okey dokey!
#friyayintro #christmas #bookme
1. "Real" books with pages.
2. Entertaining a crap ton of relatives!
3. Sure!
4. "It's a Wonderful Life"
5. Okey dokey!
#friyayintro #christmas #bookme
I think this is now everything for the #Nightmare4Christmas swap and the #StuffedStockingSwap 😁 For #MakerSwap, I just need to finish one gift and wait for a book to arrive 🤞🏼
In honour of #Nightmare4Christmas, I‘m bringing back my #GiftSwapSurvey so everyone can get to know each other 💀👻 My answers are⤵️
♦️ Feel free to share your answers even if you aren‘t participating in the swap ♦️
I‘ve been MIA lately, thanks to school and job hunting, and I have a million book reviews to add (and hopefully good news to report) soon. But I‘m the meantime, @Eggs your #sockswap package headed out on Tuesday and should be at your doorstep in a day or two. In my hurry to get it to you, I forgot to take a picture of the package but it has definitely been sent. 😊
I know this is several days late but only just remembered to do it!
⚀ Cheesy 90s pop but just recently been listening to The Greatest Showman soundtrack on repeat.
⚁ Dick King-Smith, Lucy Daniels & Caroline Lawrence before discovering JK Rowling!
⚂ Books
⚃ Something personalised - I'm doing my Dad a CD of his favourite tunes for his 60th birthday
⚄ Something warm with a breeze
@Seekingtardis #magicalmonday
Ummmm how perfect is this wrapping paper for #secretsantagoespostal #wintersolsticebookexchange ??
Ok here we go!
Used or new 🎄series and stand alones 🎄tea and hot chocolate 🎄candles 🎄bright and neutral colors 🎄socks and blankets 🎄 no Pop figures
Another week, another #GiftSwapSurvey? I'm enjoying reading everyone's answers and I thought a lit-focused one would be nice 📚🎅🏼 My answers will be ⤵️
#SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange #SSGPThisorThat #geekygraphicnovelswap #bookswap #bookmarkswap
🛁 bath bombs
💄 I like it all (eos, NYX)
👩🏼 LOVE face masks
💅🏻 I never paint my nails myself
🕶 I don‘t accessorize much more than my Alex and Ani bracelets. Although I do love a good graphic tee!
1. Bombs
2. Gloss
3. Yes
4. Pink and purple
5. Necklace
I should have included it as a question for the #GiftSwapSurvey but I didn't think of it until now. So just to put it out there for anyone who may have me for #SecretSantaGoesPostal #geekygraphicnovelswap #bookmarkswap or the #LitsyAroundTheWorld exchange, I totally don't mind receiving secondhand items (books or otherwise) or receiving handmade items. 👍🏼
1. Depends on my mood 😊 Currently purple and greens/teals.
2. Hiking, swimming, bullet journaling, engaging in social justice issues, puzzles, tea
3. First to mind: Homegoing, The Hate U Give, and authors Barbara Kingsolver and Susannah Kearsley, Louise Penny.
4. Contemporary Fiction, YA Fiction, Mystery, Non-fiction
5. Coffee and I don't use candles
6. I walked 550 miles across Spain a few years ago
7. GoodReads link is in my profile
1. Green, navy, purple, gray, burgundy, other blues
2. Stationary, pens, bookmarks, movies, candles, diffusers, coffee, chocolate, coloring books, cats, llamas, penguins, bears
3. So hard - The Grapes of Wrath
4. Horror, westerns, romance, historical fiction, literary fiction, nonfiction, humor, GN, YA
5. Self-help, religious, licorice, Lima beans
6. I love brussel sprouts
7. My GR link is in my profile
8. Everyone
1. Purple and green
2. Scarves, socks, hot teas, mugs (anything hygge)
3. This is always so hard to answer... Lamb by Christopher Moore
4. Fantasy
5. Books about modern wars, soldiers, death, violence (anything depressing or upsetting)
6. I love vampires
7. List is under construction at the moment. https://www.amazon.com/gp/registry/wishlist/1OSCT2615WW0T
8. @Riveted_Reader_Melissa
1. I love black, bright pink and leopard print
2. Candles, running, food, candy, my dog and cat (and sometimes my kids)
3. ?
4. Murder, thriller, mystery, humor, Southern stories and some non-fiction (i would like to read a Mary Roach book)
5. Fantasy, romance books, peppermint
6. I am a professional fundraiser, fighting heart disease and stroke. I‘ve raised over $14 million in my career
7. Goodreads has my TBR
1. Pink, purple, blue
2. Snoopy, traveling, going out to dinner
3. The Great Gatsby
4. Fiction, historical fiction, mystery
5. Politics, sappy romance novels
6. Currently watching Lala Land and am a little bored lol
7. I'm on goodreads as momtoconnor
8. Ill tag my last swap partner @robinb #giftswapsurvey #ssgpthisorthaf
There's so many swaps going on now, and I've written my interests so often I've no idea if I'm being consistent or helpful. So I devised a little something to make the stalking easier! Please share and tag someone! #GiftSwapSurvey 🎅🏼 My answers are ⤵️
EDIT: I know it's not a this or that but I'll tag it #SSGPThisOrThat in case anyone wants to use it.
#SecretSantaGoesPostal #geekygraphicnovelswap #bookmarkswap #LitsyAroundTheWorld