2.5⭐️ The main reason for the rating is that the author spent way too much time discussing the sea otter and lumber trade and wish he had spent more time on Hadwin‘s story. #2025 #nonfiction #bookclub #britishcolumbia
My #weekendreads; I am taking a break from Homecoming for a few days because I have to get The House in the Cerulean Sea completed and reviewed by Wednesday afternoon for my Wednesday evening library #bookclub meeting.
4.5⭐️ I really enjoyed this book (liked it so much that I spoke for 15 minutes on the book on my YouTube channel [mjreadings on YouTube if you‘re interested]). The only thing that didn‘t make it a 5⭐️ was that it was slow paced in the beginning. I read it about 10+ years ago for another #bookclub and reading it again now blew me away once again. #2025 #historicalfiction #fiction #africanamerican
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The Strange Case of Jane O- Karen Thompson Walker
Book Review- https://www.boleybooks.com//the-strange-case-of-jane-o/
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#HowFarIllGo #KealaKendall #TwistedTales #book #books #bookkeeper #bookkeeperlife #bookkeeping #booklist #booklust #bookloot #booklove #booklover #booklovers #bookloversunite #bookz #bookzesty #bookzilla #bookzone #bookxcess #bookcase #bookcases #bookcover #bookcovers #bookcoverdesign #bookcoverdesigner #bookclub #bookclubs #bookvibe #bookvibes #bookvsfilm #bookvsmovie #Retellings #Fantasy #YoungAdult
4⭐️ Really enjoyed this #bookclub pick. Got into it much easier than the previous ones that I have read of hers. #2025 #indigineous #contemporary #fiction #covid19fiction
4.25⭐️ Really liked the book. While the book read a bit simplistic, it was very well written. The story flowed well and I enjoyed the story as well. #2025 #biographicalfiction #historicalfiction #fiction #wwii #holocaust #bookclub
It was good to have a book that I was sucked into, making time, avoiding most of life distractions to read - because I missed that need, that drive. But overall, this book was just depressing about how hard it is to trust and react with love in a way that is not messed up by being human/messy. #ReadICT category multiple pts of view. #bookclub #LitPie #ApplePie
#Feb2025 Book19
4.5⭐️ I really liked the book. This was chosen for my Monday library #bookclub meeting for this month. This was one of those books that I had borrowed a number of times but never got around to reading. I was really surprised as to how much enjoyed it. #2025 #historicalfiction #fiction #lgbt #literaryfiction