The Southern Gate. Restored in 2015 for 200th Anniversary of The Battle of Waterloo
The Southern Gate. Restored in 2015 for 200th Anniversary of The Battle of Waterloo
#PemberLittens OMG! OMG! OMG! Pride and Prejudice on the big screen! https://www.focusfeatures.com/pride_and_prejudice
I've got my tickets. 🎟
This is a reread for me of Anne of Green Gable # 7. I read it the first time over ten years ago and I didn‘t remember much. A nice happy escape with some laugh out loud moments. I look forward to the #KindredSpiritsBuddyRead discussion on Saturday.
For week 1 of #weeklyfavorites, the only thing I finished was the short story for #noplacelikeholmes.
For this week, I‘ll only be finishing this week‘s short story for #noplacelikeholmes. I don‘t think I‘ll be finishing anything else.
Currently Reading
My Healthy Noggin - Bokinia Colbert (progress: 30%)
The Starless Sea - Erin Morgenstern (progress: 57%)
Assassin‘s Apprentice - Robin Hobb (progress: 24%)
I got myself a bit of a treat that's not in the database: Agatha Christie's England: A Map and Guide from Herb Lester Associates, written and researched by Caroline Crampton. Now I can get a sense of the geography of the Christies I read each month.
I really liked the two sisters in the first section but the doctor is soooo boring. Made it about 20% before bailing.
I think I liked this better the first time I read it, 2 years ago. I still like it because there's something about LMM's writing that always appeals to me. But, this time Ellen West being a terrible sister and the way she talks to her cat irritated me. And then there was Mr. Meredith, who kept wishing a woman would come along and do all his work for him. 🙄
#Three-List-Thursday @dabbe #TLT
🎬 12 Angry Men (I've seen the original and the remake)
🎬 7 Brides for 7 Brothers
🎬 Miracle on 34th Street
Well, it's not the best showing. Most are well before my time. Though the ones I have seen are mainly because my mother liked watching the old movies.
Play? @Read4life @AnnCrystal @WildAlaskaBibliophile @Deblovestoread @ImperfectCJ @Leftcoastzen @Kshakal @TheBookHippie @JenReadsAlot
Epoch 3, part 1, ch 1-4: Walter does some sleuthing #sonowweknow #mariansneakslauraoutoftheasylum #justintimetofindwalter #walteriatryingtofigureoutthedetails #typingerror #movingon #visittothelawyer #hastobesneakytogethome #poorlaura #anyway #porkchopsendsalettertomarian #passiveagressiveass #hethreatenswalt #walthasanewplan #staytuned #hashtagbrigade