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The Deep Sky: A Novel | Yume Kitasei
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A unique science fiction debut that really picked up in the second half. Two timelines: a past where teen Asuka is competing in an elite school to earn a spot on a mission to reestablish humanity on "planet x" in the wake of climate change and world wars. The present is Asuka and colleagues in space, dealing with the aftermath of an explosion that killed the captain, leaving them with a locked-room mystery to solve. NB + sapphic characters!

Ruthiella That does sound promising! 21h
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The Deep Sky: A Novel | Yume Kitasei
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A soft pick on this debut murder mystery in space which takes an interesting approach to generation ships and the weight/cost of being humanity‘s hope. Marketed as adult, this often read more like YA as it bounced between the present, after the ship is sabotaged & people die, and the past as we learn more about the backgrounds of those on board. A solid enough debut I‘ll probably read more by this author in the future.

Parasite | Darcy Coates
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My September #ReadingPlan
I'm reading Parasite - August #doublespin & July #GoodReads #DustyBookshelfChallenge

The Other Black Girl - September Booksipn

Ghost Station - September #LitsySciFiBookClub

The Murders in Great Diddling - September #GoodReads #DustyBookshelfChallenge

The last three would be happy bonuses to get to. How to Keep House is my #Doublespin & the other two are GR dusty bookshelf bonuses.


TheSpineView 👍🤩🚀 5d
Avanders I know it gets mixed reviews, but I really loved the other black girl. 5d
TheAromaofBooks Woohoo!! Enjoy!!! 5d
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Project Hail Mary | Weir Andy
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One of my favorite reads/listens from last year. The MC, Ryland Grace, is a junior high school science #Teacher
Teacher before he is sent to space to rescue the planet. 🧑‍🏫 🧑‍🚀🖤🚀🪐

Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks ❤️💫📚 6d
Eggs Excellent 👌🏼 5d
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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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This was a strong outing in atmospheric horror. Good character development, but sometimes the FMC could get a little annoying. There was a strong mood of creepy dread throughout the novel. 4 Stars.
ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GHABI4ROSES
LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude
#LitsySciFiBookClub @TheSpineView

TheSpineView Great job! 👍🤩📖 7d
Ruthiella Wow! I only picked it up from the library today and you‘ve already read it! 😅 7d
DieAReader 🥳Fantastic 7d
julesG Overachiever! 😉 Like @Ruthiella I've only had time to get the book yet. 7d
AmandaBlaze @Ruthiella and @julesG I already had the book checked out from the library. I was happy when it was chosen, so I didn't have to wait to get a copy. lol 6d
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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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TheSpineView Enjoy! 1w
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Orbital | Samantha Harvey
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This poetic, rhythmic, meditative novel was not for me. There is no plot, and although I can appreciate what this work is doing, it did not captivate me. I switched to the audio version at about the 50% mark since I was having trouble making myself pick it up. 3 🌟 #bookerlonglist
@squirrelbrain @JenP @AnneCecilie @charl08 @JamieArc @BarbaraBB @Graywacke @jlhammar @Deblovestoread

squirrelbrain Some people love this one - I found it OK but it didn‘t grab me. 1w
JenP Yup, I felt the same 1w
BarbaraBB Me too. Love your review though 1w
Graywacke Bummer. No clue how i‘ll fair with this one. Split response (well, not split here ☺️) (edited) 1w
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Ghost Station | S.A. Barnes
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The September selection for the #LitsySciFiBookClub is Ghost Station. Hope everyone enjoys. Fortunately, my local library has a physical copy. I saw that it is available as an audio book on Amazon but not Kindle Unlimited.
Let me know if you wish to be added or removed from the tag list.

@Larkken @Deblovestoread @bnp @Johanna414 @BookmarkTavern @julesG @sebrittainclark @BookBelle84 @Readergrrl @CSeydel @Roary47 @Lizpixie @Ruthiella

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I finally finished my #BookSpin for this month. It wasn't bad, but it was gross much of the time and kind of ruined the glamour of being an astronaut. This book is not for the squeamish or those who would rather remain oblivious to the often disgusting logistics of putting humans into space.

The Deep Sky: A Novel | Yume Kitasei
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My reading brain is all over the place these days so diving into deep space, a generation ship, and murder…