A nice, light one day read - perfect for the beach! This was very cute and a good reminder to read more Tessa Dare. #romantsy
A nice, light one day read - perfect for the beach! This was very cute and a good reminder to read more Tessa Dare. #romantsy
Out of the 3 Castles Ever After, this was my least fave but I still enjoyed it. It just dragged out a little bit. But still a fun regency romance.
I had a great fun #legoaudiobooking today and finished the Lego Bookshop!
Book 4 for #joyousjanuary
Book 3 for #pantone2022
#roaringwolf “hope”
I wasn‘t sure about this when I started,but I should have trusted that Tessa Dare would make a trope I‘m not usually a fan of into something great.It was sweet and had moments that really made me laugh.
I loved how Rafe wanted the best for everyone. Clio has been engaged to his brother for eight years and she‘s finally done. She is ready to do what she wants and needs Rafe‘s help. The brewery part was interesting and I loved the sibling dynamics.
A sweet and witty regency romance. Clio has been waiting to get married for years while her betrothed is off in Europe as a diplomat, when Rafe, her intended‘s disreputable brother, shows up to help her plan the wedding before she calls the whole thing off. This was met first Tessa Dare but I plan to read more!
Tessa Dare writes some of my most enjoyable romances, I‘ve found. This one wasn‘t my favorite but was still good. I liked the importance placed on the main character being able to make her own choices and be resourceful in situations forced upon her.
4🌟Its Tessa Dare folks pick it UP and enjoy
After a prolonged 8 year engagement Heroine Clio has had enough, she's inherited a castle& is planning on breaking the engagement.
Only thing is his brother, rake and ruthless prizefighter has plans to ensure the wedding goes through. https://t.co/mhxDNShAog
This one had a weird premise. I think I like it least of Dare's books that I've read, but I did like it. Both the leads gain some self-esteem, aided by their relationship and each other.
I'm quite the sucker for #romantsy rain scenes. There's a couple in this book, edging it right out of the so-so category.
I really liked the heroine in this one, she‘s smart and witty and just wants independence and recognition. The hero was a bit of a mansplaining turd in the beginning, but by the end I‘d warmed up to him. Not a ton of funsexytimes, I guess Tessa Dare is a little more tame than some of the other romance authors I read. Overall, a delightful romp, and Carmen Rose does excellent narration. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Ooooh the next book takes place in Scotland!!
Tessa Dare is decidedly hit and miss for me, but almost always an easy read. I find it better if I go in expecting fairy tales. #romantsy
“I love you. I wish I had better ways to show it. All I have is this brash, reckless heart. But it's yours.”
― Tessa Dare, Say Yes to the Marquess
Made it to hour 13. With less than a hundred pages of this one to go, I will finish tomorrow and continue reading as much as I can in between chores and errands. #13inthree
Starting this tonight. I need a light fun read to help me finish off this school year. Only 3 weeks left! I hate these covers but the books are so good!
"Then came the day she learned that this castle belonged to her. And she realized that something else belonged to her, too. All that knowledged she'd accumulated... It was hers." ??? For education ? (page 77) #readathon #bookone #24hourreadathon
I have so many books I want to read that are waiting in stacks like this for me all around my apartment, but I randomly grabbed these for my #readathon this weekend!! I won't get to all of these, and I might grab something else depending on how I feel, but these are looking good so far 🤗😍📚☕🤓📖 #24hourreadathon #deweysreadathon @DeweysReadathon
Clio is completely understandable in her desire to take control of her own life, and frustration at being taken for granted. Rafe's appreciation of her many attributes also makes him a completely satisfying male protagonist. Add in a couple of charming supporting characters (Phoebe and Bruiser), some character ability diversity, and I was totally delighted. I must have giggled in each of the first seven chapters or so. Can't wait for the next!
#Booked2018 #BodyPositiveNovel
I‘m a little sad this one didn‘t have the nerdy 🤓 goodness we got in “Romancing the Duke,” but, I still really enjoyed it! Just differently, lol. Rafe is so damned sweet! The #BodyPositive theme warmed the cockles of my heart. I love that Clio was so proactive about taking charge of her life, family, and love. Throw in the #ADHD rep, #Autistic rep, and (a little) #BiSexual rep, and it‘s 📚💕for me!
Still hanging out with my sick Dad, and I need a happy read, so @Mc_cart_ny and I are taking on this one together! Has anyone else read it?
Okay, so I guess I'm hooked on romance novels now? Tessa Dare is great. I finished Romancing the Duke, and dove right into this one.
I was more taken by the love interest in this one, than the last. I also dig the fact that she brought craft beer culture into the book. IPA's and roguishly handsome boxers? Yes please. 😂
1st read in my 2018 project to try a new-to-me genre: romance! It feels average (at least of straight historical romance): the heroine and hero aren't especially unique (proper good girl finally standing up for herself, bad boy with a heart of gold); romantic/sexual tension was good but not riveting. However I feel like the entertainment I got out of this book isn't proportionate to how 'good' I thought it was? I certainly did enjoy reading it!
So far my first romance read for this not-usually-a-romance-reader is ... kind of just what I was expecting? I don't love it but I don't hate it? Also there's kissing already in chapter six and I'm not sure if this is normal or an anomaly cause I thought they saved the kissing for the end?? #Romantsy
Next up on my #TBR are two romance books for my new year reading project! Romance is a genre I've never really read before and so I'm exploring it for the first time. These are two authors who were recommended to me; I also have books by Alisha Rai and Alyssa Cole on hold at my library. Any other recs for brand new romance readers like me? #Romantsy
I'm going to start sounding like a broken record when it comes to my love of Tessa Dare's books!! They're each so wonderful in their own right and I'm thoroughly enjoying every second. My only dilemma is whether to continue plowing through them at a clipped pace or save some for later. I have a feeling my self control isn't that strong 😄 #romantsy
Thought this was the weakest of the three I have just read in this series.
Is it weird that I enjoyed serving jury duty today? I spent the whole morning sitting in a fairly comfortable chair reading a book before the case was settled out of courts and we all got to go home 😁👌
Out of about 30 jurors, I was one of only 2 people who brought something to read... everyone else just sort of stared into space or complained... I did loan out my spare book to another woman - the librarian in me is always prepared!
I begged for more after I put this book down! I really enjoyed it that much! I loved how Tessa was able to think outside the box with this book. The plot of the story was just that unique.
**** I really liked this. It was cute and funny and just what i needed to read 😊 📖📚
When I think of #thebacksofwomen on books, I typically think of romances. Here's one @Mc_cart_ny and I have talked about buddy reading. 😊 #MarchintoReading @RealLifeReading
I just wanted to share my newest collection. I started reading historical romance in December, and I was hooked immediately. These are all of the books I have collected so far, and I get a few new ones every week. I have another 50 or so on my iPad. I'm off to a good start! 😍❤😘💋#romantsy
The second in the Castles Ever After series - so enjoyable and fun.
Day 19 of #riotgrams - #greatdedication. This is the dedication from Tessa Dare's Say Yes to the Marquess. It made me cry even before I read the book and realized that a B-plot revolved around the hero keeping his brother's very elderly dog alive until the brother returned. ❤😢
I enjoyed Romancing The Duke so much that I had to move straight on to the next! 💕
I love these books SO MUCH.
The strong characters (including the independent ladies), the compelling stories, and the tenderness of the relationships (balanced with just the right amount of 🔥) makes Tessa Dare's books so, so good. I'm looking forward to the third in the series next, and I've already put another one on hold through the library. 💜💜💜 #romantsy
Reading a chapter in between coats makes me less impatient while painting my nails. 😂💅🏻 #romantsy
"At some point, while you were roaming the globe, making treaties and dividing the spoils of war, I quietly declared my own independence. I am the sovereign nation of Clio now. And there will be no terms of surrender." ????? Tessa Dare never disappoints. I really need a Phoebe book. #romantsy #osrbc
My home library is finally complete!! I ❤ every bit of it. All 800+ books are present and accounted for!📚📚📚📚
I really liked this! I loved that Clio is a beer enthusiast who wants to start a brewery and get in on the ground floor of the new IPA trend (even though I despise IPAs 😂) and I loved her independent streak! This was a really fun read, can't wait to get the next book in the series! 👍
I'm in the midst of crazy Thanksgiving prep so not a ton of reading is happening, but this quote did jump out at me as perfection. 💜
I spent all day debating requesting this from the library (and waiting until after Thanksgiving to read it) and finally decided not to buy it. This is an accurate photo of my decision making process this evening. 😂 #proudowneroftheebook #ialsoboughtlularoetoday #questionabledecisionclub
I mean, romance covers are notoriously bad, but is this one post it note on the cover bad? I don't think so.