Opened my library book this morning to find this gem. I adore when people leave things like this in books for other to find!!
Opened my library book this morning to find this gem. I adore when people leave things like this in books for other to find!!
I started rereading this trilogy because I saw she wrote a new book in the world (while I was WANDERING THE RECENTLY REOPENED LIBRARY 💃🏻) and omg I forgot how interesting the premise was. I‘m super enjoying my visit to the Tearling.
Holy wow, this book is freaking AWESOME. Incredibly epic start to a trilogy, refreshingly draws from indigenous American cultures which just, y‘know, so much fantasy is based in European culture and it‘s all the freaking same. This was most definitely not. I loved it. It drew me in steadily, until I was so wrapped up I couldn‘t do anything but finish. Now I just have to wait for the next installment. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Holy crap. This book fucking wrecked me. I was not expecting that. I, like, got teary more than once. And grinned a lot. And had to cool off a few times too. This book feels so much more mature, Nesta is very much a woman and the language and sexyfuntimes definitely reflect that. I wish I could recommend this as a stand-alone to those who were turned off by the YA-ness of Feyre‘s story. I cannot wait for whatever Maas does next.
A very good friend is having a very hard time and asked me if she could borrow some fantasy to escape her reality. I think I showed excellent restraint and range...
Seriously, what a gift she gave me! Reading is such a solitary love, it‘s rare I get to share it in this way. I doubt I‘m the only litten who has a special love for giving books, especially when there are so few other things to provide in tough times. The only healing I can provide...
The countdown-to-release-date-reread begins!!! Stoooooooked for #nessian!!!!
I really fucking loved this book. I loved how unapologetic it was - it is messy and sprawling and weird and so incredibly queer - and proud of it. It is dark and spooky and delicious. It is sexy and overblown and winking and witchy. It is the first time you almost felt grown up, a campfire with slightly older kids and sticky sweet alcohol and laughter and shivers and shadows and undercurrents you don‘t understand yet but crave. 4 1/2👍🏼
I maybe started a #romance #bookstagram out of boredom the other day...
If you‘re interested in my #romantsy thoughts, come find me! @ hitachi_and_kindle
Yes! It is named after my preferred “self-care” tools!
Happy new year, my beautiful Littens!
WHAT A TREAT!!!! This trilogy is ABSOLUTELY GENIUS. Seriously one of the most complex worlds I‘ve entered, well built and innovative and surprising, filled with complicated characters and questions about existence itself without feeling navel gaze-y or smug. This is my favorite type of fantasy, where gods and magic are used to examine reality. If you need an escape that is thrilling and feeling and engaging and interesting, read this. 5👍🏼
I love this series so much - and this rings so very true for our current world. RJB is a goldang genius.
I‘ve read the first two books in this series, but I‘m out. As much as I love the heroines, I cannot bring myself to read Sebastian‘s “redemption” story. (SPOILER) He kidnapped a woman with the intent to force her into marriage while repeatedly threatening to rape her so her fiancée will no longer want her! Because he‘s broke and needs her fortune! WHAT. Oh, but he assures her he‘ll make sure she ENJOYS THE RAPE. Because he‘s so good at sex.???
So, Douglas Preston has a fascinating article in the New Yorker about remains found in the Himalayas and DNA and anthropology and totally reminded me of this book. I remember getting it on audioCASSETTE (👵🏻) at the library because it was very long and being absolutely captivated. Like, I still think about it, 20some years later. I‘d love to do a reread, but my libraries don‘t have it and I‘m worried it wouldn‘t hold up at all. Have you read it?
Okay, this is the final book in the Thornchapel quartet and, whew, Sierra *almost* pulls it off. I didn‘t love the ending, it was sadder than I wanted - I‘ve been spoiled by #romance HEAs. But, if you‘re looking for broody, kinky, magic-ish, poly, bi, sexually explicit romance - this is absolutely amazing. Overall, one of my absolute favorite series that I will definitely revisit. Beautiful setting, diverse characters & all the heartache. 4.5👍🏼
🥵🥵🥵 Quite possibly the sexiest exchange I‘ve ever read... Also, young Harrison with a beard is...mmhmm, yes, please and thank youuuuuuu.
(So glad I remembered hoopla today! My library doesn‘t have this on libby and I was so bummed. Now I am very much the opposite of bummed 🥰)
This YouTube video gives a primer on the world of Roshar, where the Stormlight Archive is set. Very, very cool.
One of the many personal disappointments of 2020 has been my reduced attention span. I was so excited for book 4 when it was announced and now? Too much work!
But this video has fanned the spark... If you‘ve been thinking about reading the series, this will help!
Excellent addition to my favorite fantasy series!!
I truly love the Bromance Book Club. I love the idea of men taking it upon themselves to teach one another about emotional maturity and feminism. Of men deciding to be vulnerable with the women they love and also with their male friends. Of men who cry and take women seriously.
Truly, a beautiful fantasy.
This book: decent addition, less book club than I like, but some amazing growth. 4👍🏼
Strong female lead? ✅ Innovative magic system? ✅ Impeccable world building? ✅ Slowly unfolding mystery that ends up blowing your mind? ✅✅✅
Seriously excellent fantasy challenges how we view our reality. This book questions our relationship with the gods and how a society falls and conquers, the importance of history. It is immersive and consuming. A fully satisfying story that sets up the trilogy, I cannot recommend RJB highly enough. 5👍🏼
Nope. I‘m at 23% and actively dislike everyone in this book. And the premise. And everything. It is both boring and annoying.
(It does not help that I am MAX CRANKY today. So little time for this dumb bullshit.)
A F|F, Pride & Prejudice flavored, fake dating, opposites attract, adorkable romcom where the characters are believable and multifaceted, the situation just outlandish enough but every knows it, and the troubles were sincere and heartbreaking. And! The troubles have nothing to do with this being a same sex relationship, which is usually the case. And and!! The sexysex is sexy. Queer females are finally getting some good romances!!! 4👍🏼
TFW you have spent all evening scrolling Libby to find something to suit your mood, you make a decision, settle in to read, and this screen appears. #notmyday
This was SO BORING. I was excited about an enemies-to-lovers food truck battle between a Brit and Filipina set in Maui. But, except for referencing lumpia every other page, you‘d have no idea that Nikki is Filipina. And there is basically no character development for...Liam? I honestly can‘t remember and I spent the entire day reading the book. I love romance for it‘s inevitability, I want an HEA, but there‘s gotta be some sizzle. Ugh, so bland.
Okay wow. I went in blind and so glad I did. I was able to slowly descend into Piranesi‘s world, which is strange and beautiful and mysterious. This book has a plot, which is interesting?, but the glory is in the writing - sharp and brilliant. It just absolutely worked for me, the story building momentum as we discover more and more about the world. How I‘d love to visit the House! Weird and lovely, an immersive tale I‘ll cherish. Absolutely 5👍🏼
This was good! Not incredible, I like my romances with a little more spice and a little less drama, but this made me legitimately laugh more than once. The MCs reminded me of David and Patrick from Schitt‘s Creek, as this was an opposites attract sitch, but very British. There really wasn‘t much groundbreaking going on here, but good emotional growth and it wasn‘t too outlandish. Great for reading while keeping an eye on Kornacki. 3 1/2👍🏼
As a balm for my anxiety, I have been turning to The Great Pottery Throw Down, which is genuinely interesting and lovely. The above pictured person is a contestant in season two. And not only is he incredibly talented, he‘s besties with his gran and super helpful and kind. And as someone who devours #romance novels...I mean COME ON, let‘s get this story published already.
How are you handling the election hellscape?
#romantsy #thirstyaf
This was the perfect little Halloweenie bite! A collection of quick comics about a vampire and werewolf who are dating, it‘s very sharp and very sweet at the same time. Another side of Sarah Andersen, I absolutely loved it. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
I‘m having one of those days where my depression is obsessed with the fact that there will always be more books that I want to read than I have time to read. I‘m a little weepy and doomscrolling libby.
(Preeeetty sure this is my brain‘s way of handling election anxiety...oh god I just need it to be over already)
Anyways, I might bump my GR goal to 250?? That would essentially mean a book a day for the rest of the year...
Yes, I read A LOT of romance. No, it is not all created equally! Yes, there is a romance at the center of the story, but it is much more about family and duty and finding your place in the world and knowing who you are and what you want. Set in a delightfully egalitarian village of mostly immigrants, it was fun and educational and made my stomach growl. Absolutely recommend, especially if current events have your anxiety at 100000% 4 👍🏼 way up!!
When did Harlequin books get good?? I mean, I‘ve really embraced romance in a way that I‘d never have believed, but I‘ve always dismissed Harlequin books as the trashiest of trash. But then, @intothehallofbooks and @4thhouseontheleft both posted about this book yesterday and I said why the hell not? So pleasantly surprised! This was funny and cute and steamy and involved adults acting like adults. Short and sweet, absolutely recommend.
I. Loved. This. Book. Come for the fat female protagonist who is confident and accomplished and caring and smart. Stay for the famous actor male protagonist who is shy and insecure and struggling with his image. Fall in love with the relationship between two adults who respect each other, who discuss their feelings and are introspective.
Cont‘d below ⬇️
I am SO EXCITED for today‘s #libraryhaul! I‘ve been looking forward to both of these books for such a long time.
This was a sweet M/M new adult romance taking place during a road trip to a Magic the Gathering-esque tournament and convention. It was dorky and cute, with a neurodiverse protagonist, enby bestie and lots of queer supporting characters. It was light and fun, perfect company during a terrible migraine day. Sexyfuntimes were very tame, if that‘s a concern. Overall, 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼1/2
Hi hi hiiii! I‘ve been gone so long my phone deleted the app! I‘ve missed you all and even though things aren‘t necessarily better, I guess I‘ve grown accustomed enough to be internet social again!! How is everyone?? Let‘s talk! 💜📚💜
This news after the Governor announced Virginia schools are done for the year... I know it‘s far from the most important thing but it‘s just another disappointment.
I know we‘ll get through this because there is no other option, but I‘m so tired already. I‘m a soft person made for soft times and I just feel so overwhelmed.
I wish I could be more positive, today is not a great one here. Much love to you all. 💜💜💜
*not book related*
I have an infrequently updated personal blog that I actually felt compelled to post to last night. I had a dream that made me reassess some of my feelings about global events and actually soothed some of my anxiety. If you have a moment, check it out and maybe it will inspire you as well.
Stay strong, friends. 💜💜💜
I‘m moving so slowly through the tagged book and Gemma Carroll nailed why!!
I‘ve also been avoiding Litsy because I‘ve seen so many people trying so hard to keep Litsy positive and that‘s just not my headspace right now. I‘ve totally gone apocalypse anxiety overload and I don‘t want to cloud the vibe with my negative energy. So much love to you all and I really hope everyone stays safe and that my doomed thoughts are wrong!! 💜💜💜
Ummmmm started this one tonight, 33% in and I am HORRIFIED. WHAT AM I READING??? Y‘all CoHo fans are messed up!!! Are all her books this twisted??
Reading about her pregnancy rn and so disturbed.
Good to feel anxious over something fictional 😂😫 🦠
I was not expecting to be completely engulfed by this story, but I was up way too late reading last night. A mystery in name only, this book is really about the opioid epidemic and family and what we‘ll do for love and to feel loved and why we need love. It was fast-paced with twists that caught me off-guard, a strong female MC and a reminder that drug addiction is ravaging communities and families and people. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Due to personal and global reasons, my anxiety has been at 11. So this morning I decided to go out and get my favorite breakfast and read my book and sit quietly by myself with no news for an hour. So refreshing!! I‘m still basking in the afterglow.
First time voter!!!! #notbookrelated #teamwarren #votevotevote
Okay, so I‘m not entirely convinced I believe in magick but as I get older, I‘m becoming more open to the possibility (same with astrology tbh). Maybe because everything seems terrible all the time, I want cosmic answers but can‘t really commit to religion. Whatever. What‘s important here is that Augusten has written another sharp, insightful, hilarious memoir that makes me want to be a witch. Do recommend. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼1/2
I don‘t think I‘ll be able to keep up this pace, but dayum!! This is the best reading year I‘ve had by far.
Focusing on the plight of Black Americans, touching on major tipping points while telling the story of a young man caught in the system and his sister with supernatural powers and the ways our society is set up to fail African Americans. There are sci-fi elements, fantasy elements and a story unfortunately too rooted in reality. It left me feeling mad and impotent. It‘s a story of love and rage and I absolutely recommend. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼
Stayed up all night reading this, just wish I loved it more!! It‘s cute and I appreciate that the MCs actually talk to one another, but the premise was so ridiculous and I just never fully connected. Cute banter, multicultural cast, overall a pick and I‘ll read more from Mia Sosa. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼1/2
Oh my, this book. It‘s a tale of love and neglect and the way our parents hurt us and need us and how trauma settles in our bones. It‘s atmospheric and gorgeously written, flowing back and forth through time and slowly revealing secrets and triumphs and losses. I lost myself in this story, aching with its brilliance. I am dazzled and in awe of Crissy Van Meter. 👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼👍🏼