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Joined June 2017

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How I Live Now | Meg Rosoff
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I read my first ever war story How I Live Now. I can not tell you how controversial this read was for me. It was so ugh I do not know how I felt about this book! There are just parts I absolutely hated, but then others that I had so much appreciation and awe for.

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It was such an adorable short read that really satisfied all that I was looking for! It was magical. I am sitting here wondering how Natalie came up with the idea of a spring that gives eternal life, and how she came up with the moral of the story. I think that the moral of the story is this: Life never stops. So enjoy every minute of it, and don‘t be afraid of growing old. Just live your life and don‘t try to think of how to halt your life.

Ella Enchanted | Gail Carson Levine
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I do like the idea of the story. There are a lot of great elements to the story that are very creative and unique. There are elements such as a girl with the ‘gift‘ to be obedient, a magical land where giants and ogres roam, and a prince that is charming! I like to think that this book is a retelling of multiple well-known fairytales. I just love fairytale retellings!

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This was by far my favorite book in this series! I was absolutely in love! Maybe it was how Lord Granville was so cold hearted on the outside, but on the inside he was yearning to be wanted. or maybe it was how Charlotte was just a relatable character for me, or maybe it was actually how the book unravelled with each turn of the page? Actually it was all of the above! I loved every single word, and every single notion made in the book.

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Brave New World | Aldous Huxley
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I do like the book very much. I loved the world Huxley created. He was so very creative and detailed in the world. It really makes you think about what our world could potentially become at the rate we are going in our discoveries. There are a lot of things that I really admired about the book from the characters, to the plot, to the writing style.

Updrifting I love how your tastes reflect an affinity for literary and commercial fiction. I'm the same! 7y
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Confessions of a Murder Suspect | James Patterson, Maxine Paetro
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I honestly love James Patterson novels and Confessions of a Murder Suspect does not stray from my love of his novels! In this novel, there is a lot of suspense in the plot, insane characters, and descriptive writing.

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It is true, I thought about Aladdin in a completely different way. I am not going to lie, I am a HUGE Disney fan, I love Disney a lot, so this book blew my mind away. I loved how Braswell change the story completely, yet it still felt the same. I still felt the same romance between Jasmine and Aladdin, and I still felt the personalities of each character shine through.

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This book is just to die for! This book is literally about a girl, Maddie, who wrote love letters to a fictional Capt. MacKenzie who turns out to be no fictional character at all and actually waltz up to Maddie‘s front door and forces her to marry him, and let me add MacKenzie is no ugly Scottish brute, but the most drop dead gorgeous muscular Scottish man.

Winter | Marissa Meyer
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I have said this further down my book review, but it is true! I love all aspects of fairytales and I am obsessed with retellings. I love how clever Marissa wrote this with a bunch of fairytales from the same realm with a SciFi twist might I add! Another thing I like about it is how perfectly complete the stories were written. This book is 97 chapters long and though it was so long, Marissa did a perfect job in concluding this well done series!

Whenever I'm With You | Lydia Sharp
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I definitely had higher expectations for this book, but I still really liked it either way. When I happened upon this book, I really thought it was a road trip book and after reading Amy and Roger‘s Epic Detour (Click here to read that review!) I had really high standards for any other road trip books that I read. And I assumed that this was just another fun loving road trip story, which ended up not being the case.

The Upside of Unrequited | Becky Albertalli
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I really enjoyed this book! I absolutely loved it! From the humor, to the tragedies, to the romance! I love how Becky recognized and acknowledged the feelings of despair to those who identify in the social issues of present day. I loved every moment of this book!

Until Friday Night | Abbi Glines
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I could not get over what Maggie witnessed to her mother all those years ago. She suffered immensely, and she kept to herself for all those years. Then you have West who is your stereotypical popular football player who is living large, but then you come to find that he has been hiding a secret from everyone that he knows; waiting for just someone to come along that he could vent to. He needed someone that he could fall apart to.

Torment | Lauren Kate
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This book also had such a mystery to it when Luce was investigating about her past lives and the lives she shared with Daniel. And Maybe if he confided in Luce, things would have turned out differently, but I mean if it turned out differently then we wouldn‘t have the two other beautiful books that followed Torment.

Through to You | Lauren Barnholdt
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I loved this book! I read it on the way to my family‘s yearly camping spot, which is 4 hours from my house. I finished that book during the car ride! Then I got my host sister from Sweden to read the book too! She started this book the next day during lunch, and finished it just before the sun set! This books grabs a hold of you and never lets go. You really can not put this book down! It is just that good!

Tales from the Shadowhunter Academy | Cassandra Clare, Sarah Rees Brennan, Maureen Johnson, Robin Wasserman
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I have never been disappointed with Cassandra Clare‘s work, and I wasn‘t going to start now with this book! This book has reached my high expectations in Clare‘s work. But I will be honest with you guys, I was a little hesitant to pick this book up because I am not a fan of books written by multiple authors. But I did the brave thing and read the book! And that was an amazing decision!

A Study in Charlotte | Brittany Cavallaro
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I read all the stories that were authored by Arthur Conan Doyle There are so many elements to the story that I loved and adored. I can get easily confused when it comes to mystery novels because sometimes the authors don‘t explain well the deductions that were made or how the detective got to their ending results, but Brittany did such a great job of explaining each and everything deduction that was made. It made me enjoy the story all the more!

Stolen | Lucy Christopher
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I finished this book in a day because I could not put the book down. Grant it I did stay up till 2:00 in the morning just to finish it, but honestly it was worth it!

Lucy Christopher did a stunning job portraying a young girl being kidnapped by a man who only wants to be loved. She is taken to the middle of nowhere in Australia, and is isolated. Only to have the company of the kidnapper, Ty, as her way of staying sane enough to survive.

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I just love the whole book in general. I was eagerly reading each page wanting to know more about this relationship that Hadley and Oliver developed over a course of 24 hours. I really liked the plot of the story. It was just such a heart warming read!

Speak | Laurie Halse Anderson
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I think all girls and boys should get a chance to read this book because you learn so much and yes, this book is about a touchy topic (date rape) but you learn so much about that subject and what psychological traumas that impact the teenager who experienced this.

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Someday, Someday, Maybe | Lauren Graham
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As I scanned the bookshelves of Barnes and Noble in need of a book that really reached out of my reader‘s sphere; I glanced at this book by Lauren Graham. This may be the book that sets me free from being a non diverse reader. I read the synopsis of the book, and I was like, “Hell yeah!” I had so much enthusiasm coming into this book, but maybe that was the problem? Maybe I hyped myself up too much for this book?

Jess7 I'm sorry you didn't like it. I thought it was good, but I also really love Lauren Graham. She also wrote a nonfiction book 7y
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The Selection | Kiera Cass
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The Selection. It‘s the dystopian version of the Bachelor. Literally it is so similar to the Bachelor. It is so bad, that it is so good! I read each page yearning for the knowledge of who Prince Maxon is gonna choose. I can actually see the words on the pages as if it is a tv show that I am watching. I can here the crowd gasp and sigh when Maxon dismisses one of the girls from the palace, or when something too cute to watch happens.

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I begged for more after I put this book down! I really enjoyed it that much! I loved how Tessa was able to think outside the box with this book. The plot of the story was just that unique.

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As I said before, I loved the characters, the history references, and the plot line! I will further indulge on the plot further down the review. To start off with, I really liked how Lorraine kept referring to the Civil War and the after affects of it for the South. Lorraine mentioned a few battles in the book such as the Gettysburg Battle. Even the aspect of how men and women were treated during this time was really true to the time period.

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When I picked up this book, I did not expect to discover the meaning of romance to those who have given up hope in thinking that they could ever be loved by someone. Both these characters have given up on the idea of a happily ever after, but they could not ignore the attraction that they have for each other. They were attracted to each other physically, but it was what was inside that pulled them close to each other.

Rapture | Lauren Kate
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I was actually afraid of how Lauren Kate wouldn't sum everything up into one satisfying conclusion, but she succeeded in all expectations! There was one point in the story where I actually started tearing up because it was just a sad plot twist. It has to do with before the fall of the angels and it involves Luce and Lucifer. That is all that I am going to say about the big plot twist.

Pride and Prejudice | Jane Austen
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A tale that has been pasted down for generations and was loved by all. Not only do I love the romance between Elizabeth and Mr. Darcy, but I enjoy the lesson that comes from it. Figuring out the moral of the novel is very simple. Jane Austen explains the consequences of having too much pride, and thus having prejudice amongst peers. It shows that we are so blinded by our own pride, that sometimes we misjudge someone.

Peter Pan | J M Barrie
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I love the idea of Neverland that is a place to never grow up. Where kids can have fun all day and night playing games and having adventures. As a kid, I have always wanted to visit Neverland, and reading Peter Pan and any adaptations from the story, I can visit that realm all the time!

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"I couldn't have found God in the seminary, he thought, as he looked at the sunrise" --The Alchemist

Perfect | Natasha Friend
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I have another book review for you today of a book that I recently re-read. I read Perfect when I was a mere 13- year old going through the strife of puberty and growing up. It was the perfect book for me to read.

Get it I made a pun! I read a book called Perfect and when I read it the first time, it was a perfect book to read!

Yes, I am not a funny person.

Passion | Lauren Kate
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This is honestly my second favorite book in the series.You get to see Daniel and Luce‘s relationship throughout the decades. You see from the different life times, how it all ended for them. But you also see how their love is so powerful. They have conquered all obstacles thrown at them since the dawn of time till now.

On the Fence | Kasie West
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I really liked this book because of that ‘feel good‘ emotion you get after reading this book. and Charlie was such a strong female character, and I just felt like I related to her on a level. She is so strong, independent, and very athletic. She goes through such a transformation throughout the book because I think she did loose her way in the duration of the book about who she really is as a person. But luckily she had Braden there to aide her.

The One and Only Ivan | Katherine Applegate
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The One and Only Ivan is such a unique and powerful story. It amazed me! The messaged is so clear and strong. The message is that love and friendship will always conquer all. Pretty cheesy right? Yeah, I know, but it is such a beautiful message!

My heart was broken all throughout the book when reading in the perspective of Ivan. Reading everything he thought about living in his “domain” and thinking this is all that life has to offer.

Obsidian | Jennifer L Armentrout
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This book will suck you into a world of no return! Got to do the dishes or clean your room, well forget doing those things once you start this book. You will be so hooked into this book that once you put it down, you will be disoriented and confused as to where you are, what time of day it is, and who you are.

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No Love Allowed | Kate Evangelista
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This was a very charming book that proved how unpredictably falling for the person you least expected to fall in love with can be so abrupt that you don‘t even know that it is love. This book also showed that no matter your financial circumstances or your mental condition; you can never choose who you fall in love with, because you do not fall in love with a person‘s wealth or way of living, but you fall in love with who the person is.

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Tonight, I bring to you a more melancholy review. I have a depressing review about a book that I did not enjoy. Nicola and the Viscount was a huge disappointment.

There were a few good parts in the book such as after 200 or so pages, it started getting really good, and there was a big damsel in distress moment which I really grapple for. But overall, that was the only part I liked in the book.

Me Before You | Jojo Moyes
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It was not just the structure of the characters that I liked, but also the plot of the story. I can‘t express enough the sadness and joy this book brought to me. I cried, and I laughed with the characters. This was story teaches what having a choice really means. What I mean is we take for granted the choices that we have like brushing teeth. I don‘t think I can ever take for granted the simple things that I am able to do after reading this book.

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The title says it all. This book is a little something different! The difference between this book and so many others is that the story is focused on two college students, but the story is told by fourteen different viewpoints. And get this! The viewpoints of the story is the creative writing teacher, the baristas at Starbucks, the bus driver, the waitress at the diner, a squirrel, and a bench to just name a few!

Joyride | Anna Banks
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This book definitely brought happiness to my soul. It opened my eyes and gave me a new perspective on immigration within the Mexican community. This was a world I never knew existed and I was thirsty for more. I read this book while on my spring break trip with my mom to Miami, Florida, and the setting of this book takes place in, FLORIDA. So I felt just a little bit more connected to the story

Insanity | Cameron Jace
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If you are seeking a book that questions your sanity, well here you go! I have found the perfect book for that! Never have I ever read a book that makes me question if I am sane or not. This book blew my mind away, but is there a limit to how much a book should blow your mind, or maybe a line that should not be crossed?

The answer is yes, and I am pointing my finger at this book for crossing the line.

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The Infinite Moment of Us | Lauren Myracle
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I read this book last year and I STILL get the feels when I pass my bookshelf, take a glance, and see this beautiful book. I have very few romantic young adult novels just because it was hard for me to get into them, but this book changed my perspective of the romantic young adult novels.

Howls Moving Castle | Diana Wynne Jones
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This book has caught me off guard completely. I knew that I was going into reading a book that would be nothing like the movie at all. I knew that much, but it was completely different. I almost felt a sense of closure knowing what Howl and Sophie were thinking and saying throughout the story that I couldn‘t get out of watching the movie. But this is one book to movie adaption where I truly liked the movie better.

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There are all highs and lows in books, from great and complex plot lines to the damaging lack of character dynamics. This book is no exception to this dilemma. There were highs for me while reading like the interactions between each character was unique and well thought. There were also lows such as a boring plot line.

Finding Audrey | Sophie Kinsella
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I truly connected with Finding Audrey on such a deep level. I will occasionally tear up, but I would never full on ugly cry. However, this book really made me feel things that I never really felt before while reading.The story was written in the eyes of Audrey. So we got to experience all the feelings that Audrey developed. Guys, this book was absolutely amazing. That is all I can say.

The F- It List | Julie Halpern
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This was the perfect book for a summer time read. Although I did not read this book in summer, I read it during my spring break and it was still perfect. The reading was easily, but with a little bit of some explicit material. These explicit material leans more towards sexual activities and harsh language.

Fallen | Lauren Kate
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Eye rolling, nail biting, heart stopping, one of a kind novel. You sit at the edge of your seat when the action starts, and you roll your eyes when Daniel acts like a total douche. But Lauren has an amazing writing style and she is full of ideas that she organized well into a beautiful piece of work!

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This book is not as unique as you might believe, though I really did enjoy the read. I can not help but think that this book is a mixture between Twilight and the Vampire Diaries. There are no vampires in this book. In fact, vampires are nonexistent in this world. Instead there are these beings who are called immortals and have psychic capabilities. But as I said earlier, this book reminds me of something between Twilight and Vampire Diaries.

Everland | Wendy Spinale
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I love the story, and I love the concept behind it. I was not expecting to see a ton of references from Peter Pan. By this I am talking about Peter Pan‘s crow, his famous, “To die would be an awfully big adventure”, and even the pixie dust. But I was taken aback when I saw that Wendy incorporated all those in the book! I was absolutely shocked and excited all at the same time!

The Elite | Kiera Cass
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I really like the plot of the second book! I was more engaged in what was happening to the characters and the kingdom. I loved how there is more going on too from the rebel attacks, to the unexpected cruel abuser that we find out towards the end of the book. Definitely my favorite part in this whole book is the better developed plot.

Eleanor & Park | Rainbow Rowell
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My heart melted after reading this book. It was so adorable! There relationship made me believe that love is not a casualty of the heart, but more of a victory for the heart.

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The character Caymen in the story is so well rounded. You can really connect with the character and for me, I connected with her wit! This book got me so wrapped up that the initial task of searching for food could not be completed at all. I ended up in the kitchen in front of the fridge without realizing it. I was broken out of my trance when my dad entered the kitchen laughing at how wrapped up I was in the story.