Really fun read, especially if you‘re into the fantasy genre. A good spin on the Peter Pan story, and I like how it has a lot of magical aspects, set in the real world.
Here‘s my #AprilTBR for #OWLsReadathon2019! From top to bottom:
Ancient Runes (retelling)
Arithmancy (more than 1 author)
Astronomy (“Star” in title)
Care of Magical Creatures (land animal on cover)
Charms (adult work)
DADA (starts with “R”)
Divination (set in future)
Herbology (plant on cover)
History of Magic (published 10+ yrs ago)
Muggle Studies (contemporary)
Potions (sequel)
Transfiguration (sprayed edges or red cover)
So, full disclosure: I hate Peter Pan. And when I first read this book 2 years ago, I struggled through it, hating every minute of it. But I decided to give it another chance, being that the 2nd and 3rd books are based upon Alice In Wonderland and Wizard Of Oz, stories I love. And y'all...it was so much better this time around. Maybe because I didn't go in determined to hate it.
My haul from the library and my birthday.
Today is my daughter's ( @September tagging her even though she broke her phone and can't get on here right now) 13th birthday. Here are some of the books she's picked out as gifts so far, 1 giftcard down and 2 to go lol. I'm so proud of her #raisingbookworms
3/5⭐️This was good but it was predictable. Gwen falls for exactly who you think. Bella is jealous as expected. Lily‘s character was a bit flat & felt like she was just added to be true to the original. The only difference this was to the original was that this had steampunk elements, and took place in our world with a war going on. Hook was a very interesting villain. Pete was super annoying. Overall this was a fun read but it fell a little flat.
It's a little ironic that this darker, steampunk reimagining of the classic Peter Pan was....a PAN (cue canned laughter). While a crazy cool concept and some nice world building, the writing was immature and full of plot holes and SO MUCH unneeded angst. Also, the male narrator was British with a terrible attempt at a German accent. It annoyed me and detracted from his perspective. One more triggery spoiler in comments. Overall 👎👎👎👎👎
After a long break consisting of my daughter's show & an unexpected nap 🤫, I started this audiobook while doing some chores. I love fairy tale retellings and chapters with differing POV voices, & this book has both. #currentread #currentlyreading #audiobook #readingwithmyears #24in48 @24in48
⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️ I totally enjoyed this retelling of Peter Pan! It was darker than the original, a little bit steampunk, the characters were realistic/believable, and the storyline was almost too believable - I could totally see this happening! Listened to the audiobook and both the male and female narrators were amazing!!
Up next on audio...this one has been on my TBR for a while, so when it turned up as a freebie on audiobooksync.com I figured it was time to read it!😝🤓
Two free audio book downloads every week for teens and teachers. We are on week 7 of 13. Lots of free audiobooks to be had. #teachersoflitsy #YA #audiobooks #freebooks
SYNC is a free summer audiobook program for teens 13+.
Look at today's AudiobookSYNC titles. One week only Free!!
I really enjoyed listening to the audio for this book. The story was about peterpan with a twist. They had full cast characters on audio. It was alot fun listening to the audio book. #litsy #booklover #kindle #kindlefire #paperwhite
I'm listening to Everland on audio. I'm loving it! I have 3 hours left. I'm using the app scribd I really recommend you give it a try. It's 8.99 a month. You get a 30 day trial to try it out. You get unlimited audio books and books to read. I'm doing the audio books so I don't have read on my phone. You don't pay for the books like you do on audible. 8.99 is all you pay. I'm very happy with a cheap price. #litsy #kindle #kindlefire
I am all over the place today and can not find an Audiobook that will keep my attention. This is my third try today, hopefully it sticks. Has anyone read this?
I don't think my baby girl is feeling well, so we're gonna relax on the couch. 💙
I really wanted to like #Everland but there was a bit too much #PeterPan and not enough #steampunk #retelling. The beautiful cover still has my heart, though!
Full review is up on the blog!
✨I had a really hard time reading this. Im not sure why. It wasn't a bad book and it definitely picked up within the last third or so. Which kind of made it seem rushed, but that could also be my anticipation for Umberland. 📚
✨With that being said, I LOVED the way Neverland is being mixed Wonderland so far. 💜
✨Here I am again, starting a new book too late at night. 😂📖
✨This was such a daring photo for me to take with three lit candles, but I'd say it was worth it. 😄
✨I'm kind of liking this book so far, I'm not too far into it so it could change but I'm hopeful! 🤗
✨I'm really only reading this so I can start Umberland! Super stoked for that one. 💜📚
✨Have you Littens read either of these? Thoughts? 💜😆😄
✨Starting a new book late at night is kind of a hobby. I just can't wait until the morning. 🙈📚
This was an interesting book that suffers from no or very little character development. I love the concept of an illness in this time period but I didn't get involved or feel invested in any of the characters. I wish there would have been more humanizing moments. I also felt like the ending romance was quite a cop or and a little lazily done. It gave me the impression that this was a debut author that has some room to grow and improve.
We're doing an original fairytale (Peter Pan) vs. retelling (Everland) read this month in the Life & Lit Facebook book club. I likely won't have a chance to read Peter Pan BUT this book was already on my bookshelf unread so...
Peter Pan retelling in an apocalyptic society that a virus has killed off all the adults and majority of the children. It's steampunk and considerably fast read. You flip between Gwen and Hook's pov and I couldn't tell a huge difference from character to character. It's a series but I'm not going to continue with it's, I enjoyed it but it was ultimately just an average read. The cover is very pretty though.
It was a very good retelling of Peter Pan can't wait to see what happens in the second book
Needed some tea to get out me to sleep last night or else I would have been up all night with this one! #everland #whatimreading
I think I'm finally starting to get the hang of this site.. though I'm not sure what the stacks are??? This takes a bit of getting used to I'm still using bookstagram so if any of you want to follow me on there I'm @palaces__of_paragraphs
If you can give me some tips on how to use litsy they would be much appreciated, thank you!!
#bookstagram #books #bookish #bookworm #bookdragon #YA #yalovin #yalit #youngadult #youngadultbooks #bibliophile
I love the story, and I love the concept behind it. I was not expecting to see a ton of references from Peter Pan. By this I am talking about Peter Pan‘s crow, his famous, “To die would be an awfully big adventure”, and even the pixie dust. But I was taken aback when I saw that Wendy incorporated all those in the book! I was absolutely shocked and excited all at the same time!
The story of Peter Pan has turned steampunk. I really wasn't sure I would like this book (read for bookclub), it was so much better than I expected!
After destroying London and releasing a virus, the lost boys and girls must fight their way to survive and of course Pete is the hero. I love this story and how it ended. I cannot wait to get the sequel.
🌟🌟🌟🌟 out of 5 stars because of character development, I wanted more. Still a great read!
My son made me this bookmark. ? I love it!
I've never read a "retelling" of a classic story. I am really liking it so far, only 1/3 of the way through. Adventure and I smell love story! ?
DNFed this one it so didn't work.
A steampunk retelling of the Peter Pan story sounds like it will be pretty awesome! I also really love the cover for this book! It's got a matte-velvet finish and I can't seem to stop touching it. 😆
#everland #wendyspinale #ya #steampunk #peterpan #fantasy #fairytale #litsygram