I was t expecting much from this book since I had seen it all over TikTok. I am not obsessed with this series!
I was t expecting much from this book since I had seen it all over TikTok. I am not obsessed with this series!
It has been awhile since I have posted here on Litsy. This book is a nice combination of quirky, romance, and death.
Thank you Netgalley for an Advanced Copy.
I was hoping it was going to be a 5 star read for me. Unfortunately, it wasn't. The first half of the book was rich with broken and raw characters. I loved every minute of it. The story became problematic during the party. Characters were introduced with little to no bearing on the overall story. With all of that being said, I would recommend it to others. Just don't expect a book hangover.
I love the humor and sarcasm I find in Christina Lauren's writing. I have laughed in all of her books I have read so far and look forward to the next.
There was so much hype around this book, I was hesitant to pick it up. I put it on hold with the library and figured it wouldn't come up for awhile. I was wrong and was able to snag a skip the line copy today. I also finished the book today. It was amazing.
I decided to expand what I read into Graphic Novels. This is a pretty good series so far.
On to my next read. This cover is gorgeous. I hope the story is just as good.
What an amazing story! Every Taylor Jenkins Reid book I read is amazing. I think it is safe to say she is one of my favorite authors. This book really makes you think "What would I do if I was put into this situation?" You are rooting for everyone and hope that they all come out on the other side with their hearts intact
While it had a slow start, I am so glad I stuck with it. I am always looking for a good adult fantasy. Now to wait not so patiently for book 2 to be released in November😳
First read of the New Year and it was a 👎for me. I find that for me Colleen Hoover is hit or miss. I will keep giving her a chance though. When I find one I like, I really like it
I have been waiting for my hold to become available. I was excited to see it pop and I immediately dug in. Loving it so far, but I have always been fascinated by David Chang.
Took a down day after my book hangover. Going to give this one a try and see where it takes me. It gets good reviews.
What was that ending?! I am not okay....now to wait for the rest of the journey in the third book.
The reviews on Goodreads were not enthusiastic about the second book in the American Royals series. Personally, I enjoyed it. I love not so happily ever afters. I will agree that some things seemed to be pulled from the Netflix series The Crown but it was an easy read and I would recommend it.
Stumbled across this little gem today. If you like The Crown on Netflix, this is definitely a book you will enjoy.
This book will stick with me for a long time. The writing was so good. I finished the book in 6 hours! I had seen reviews and warnings surrounding the subject matter. I decided to dive in anyway. I was not disappointed.
I am excited that I was able to read every published Stephanie Plum book this year. Well, the main 26 books. I only read one of the holiday shorts from the series. This is a fun, dont have to think hard, fluffy series.
I have no words except for what an amazing sequel! If you havent read Beartown, it is a must read. Follow it up with this sequel....
I really enjoyed this story. I picked it up at the library with no expectations or any idea what the storyline was. I read it is an entire day! I couldn't put it down.
I am so ridiculously excited about this book! I love Monty Don and I got this gem off ebay for .98 with free shipping. I have been not so patiently waiting for it to get here.
I really wanted to love this book but at 227 pages I am still not wanting to drop everything and pick it up. I decided to end my suffering. I dont want a book to be a chore. In fact, I would rather do chores than sit and read this book.
This series is amazing! I am seriously debating purchasing The Toll (which just came out yesterday). I would have to buy the whole series though, as I borrowed the first two from the library. Decisions, decisions🤔
It is taking me much longer than expected to get through this book. I am not sure how I feel about it yet.....
So glad I picked this book up on a whim. To be perfectly honest, if I had been judging it by its cover, I would have never picked it up. The artwork is good, I just saw a reaper and thought, pass....so ready to devour the series though!
I picked this up on a whim at the library. It is pretty good. I read 75% of it yesterday.
It has taken me over a year to finally start reading this...
The moment you realize you may have gotten a little carried away with the hold request button....this doesn't count all the books that also became available on my Libby app.
So far this has been a heartbreaking story. She writes about her pain in such a way it makes my own heart ache for her and her daughter.
Making my way through this fun series. I am on #4 but I am disappointed in the change of narrators. I loved Lori Petty for the voice of Stephanie Plum. I may switch over to the physical book if the current narrator is used for the rest of the series...
Excited to get this in the mail today! I started reading it when it was just blog posts on her blog. When she took them down, I was bummed. I finally got around to ordering it.
I keep trying to give Liane Moriarty a chance but I just cannot love her writing style. I will finish this book since I have so much time invested so far. I just dont understand why she drags her story out for so long before she gets to the big moment (which ends up being so anticlimactic)
I am making my way through this series and have enjoyed it so far. I am not sure how I feel about the set up of this particular book yet, but do know that there is always a method from this author that makes sense as you get to the next book.
**I received an advance copy from the publisher**
I was excited to read this book and was surprised by the path of the story. Definitely not was I was expecting. I was hooked and read it in just under a day.
I am really enjoying this book. Being in Ohio I can relate to a lot of what the author is talking about.
I stumbled across this little gem and I am so glad I did. It is really good.
The reviews were very mixed on this but I actually enjoyed. I was also pleased when I didn‘t see the twist coming.
When you realize you are starting to collect Kindle ebooks.....starting Winter Loon tonight. I have heard good things and won it in a Goodreads giveaway.
Felt the need to read a “Christmas” type book. Pleasantly surprised by how hooked I am to the storyline....
I was able to finish two other books today, which means I can start this. 💗
Making my way through all the books I am currently reading and trying to finish them up. My stack of TBR ,and needs to go back to the library, is getting just a little out of control and I really want to read everything I have checked out. Since I finished Three Dark Crowns, I should be able to finish the last quarter of this book today.
Only have an hour left of this audiobook. I wasn‘t sure how much I would like it, but am really enjoying it!
Picked this up for a book club bingo prompt this month. I have always liked Jay Asher‘s stories.
First two reads of December. I have a massive reading plan for the month. Hopefully, I am able to conquer it with all the Holiday hustle and bustle!
I was excited my turn came up on this book. I really enjoyed the first one in the series and now that the weather is getting cold I have an excuse to sit down and read them all.
What the trees on our property looked like this morning. It doesn‘t seem to be getting any better. Still really cold out and the rain is still coming. Too bad I am working. It would be a perfect day to sit in a comfy chair reading.
It has been awhile since I have been on Litsy. I started this today, hopefully it is as good as the reviews I have seen.