I went to Target to for groceries and ended up grabbing a Halloween #bookhaul too!
I went to Target to for groceries and ended up grabbing a Halloween #bookhaul too!
I got to work early this morning. It's been too long since I've time to hide in my quiet place around the side of the building with my coffee and my book. There was a nasty note in the kitchen from my night shift about my new day shift but I gave myself time to ignore it and read. #currentlyreading
I'm not crying, I have something in my eye.
No, I'm crying.
#currentlyreading and almost done already.
I haven't posted in so long but I'm going to start again. So this is me saying Hi.
I got a promotion. Yay! So things have been bananas. Less Yay. I've still been reading though. So Yay again!
I'll be back!
Well I'm suddenly about 200 pages into this one already after starting it late Tuesday night. I can't put it down.
Correction, I had to put it down last night. It was making me very uneasy as I started trying to put things together. Serious "the call is coming from inside the house" vibes.
A few days late but here is my #MayWrapUp
Seven books read. Not too bad. I feel like I'm getting back into a reading groove. The Alienist and The Martian were my favorites! Maybe the next thing I'll I try to get back into is posting reviews, starting with these.
After skipping last month I went a little splurgy this month. I wanted A Nearly Normal Family too but I have a #botm backlog I need to get though. Plus you know, money.
Despite the backlog this may get put on the top of my #tbr. I'm really excited about Recursion and just love Beatriz Williams.
Sidenote, I joined Book of the Month about a year ago and my first pick was a Beatriz Williams (The Summer Wives) It's like full circle or something.
No! Guys, I ripped my book already. I'm only on page 9. It's not even a beat up old book I bought at a thift store. It's new, it's from Book of The Month and it's only ever been mine. And I betrayed it. 🙁
Well I guess it'll fit in on the shelf with all my beat up books.
I'm not a gentle reader.
My #botm edition has a very good title page. Nice. I'm starting this right now. I finished Legendary last night. I'll post a review of it eventually lol. #currentlyreading
I can't wait to go back to Caraval!
Starting this now.
That was excellent! The characters were so alive, the setting immersive. Often when a there are long descriptions of place and it's history in a story my eyes gaze over, I'm like "get back to the action". Not this time, this time I wanted to know everything, to be there, to feel it.
I might be getting better at handling gore or this book just handled it perfectly. I vote for both.
Easily very near the top of favorites for the year so far.
I got to pick out my own Mother's Day gift last night. I choose a book, duh.
I'm excited to read it but can we discuss why some cranky Walmart employee put the price sticker right on Ms. Haddish's face? 😆
Yes, the best place to begin my next read is at the beginning!
Happy Mother's Day to all the mamas out there.
"To the beginning, then!"
I finished this yesterday. It's why I mentioned something this morning about reading two young people books in a row. I realized that I never posted about this.
It was so good. I love this series. I have the last book and I'm not ready to read it yet because I don't want the series to end.
There were a few pages toward the beginning that made me cry, literally tears it hit me so hard. Yes, these books are for kids but yes they are that beautiful
I don't usually two read children's or young adult books back to back but I let my son choose my next read for me from my TBR stack. I was overwhelmed by choice. He didn't know anything about any of the books and didn't ask. I guess this just spoke to him. I'm sticking to his pick and so far so good.
Six books in April. Four print, two audio.
It was a slow reading month but we went up to Universal for a weekend, then Easter and my dad's birthday. So we had a lot of fun days with no reading involved #worthit.
Hi everybody! I haven't posted in 2 weeks. That's crazy, time flew.
Anyway, I'm lost guys. I can't decide on my #botm. None of them are really speaking to me. I don't think I want to skip though. I'm on a very serious book buying ban and this is my one shopping moment of the month.
Talk to me, what's good. What're you guys picking?
I've seen a lot of The Bride Test on here. So maybe?
I felt like a slacker because I hadn't finished anything this month but I buckled down and finished 3 last night. I guess that's what happens when you have 4 books going at once, you finished them at once.
So this one, I liked it. It was a little "Bell Jar" in style and it worked really well for me. I just got Rooney's next book, Normal People, from #botm and now really can't wait to read it.
I added a fourth book to my #currentlyreading last night. I don't usually try anywhere near this many at once but I left Conversations With Friends at work. So, I had to read something and Clockwork Princess is dragging right now.
I'm just whipping through this book but these ladies keep making me groan, I nearly threw the book at one point.
It's the 12th and I still haven't finished a book yet this month! I know, I don't know either.
I have these three books going though.
This is my #childhoodfavorite! It was given to me by my uncle when I was little. There were years where I had it completely memorized. I wish I still did, I should work on that.
10 books read if you count All My Friends Are Dead and I am. 9 physical and 1 ebook.
Daisy Jones and The Six was my favorite followed closely by The Care And Feeding Of Ravenously Hungry Girls and Early Riser.
Of the 3 thrillers I liked Behind Her Eyes best.
The Mermaid's Voice was excellent, better than her previous work, The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One, in my opinion. If my opinion means anything to you Lol
It's a beautiful day! Sunny and 75, pretty windy though.
I've been reading on the back porch all morning. I have no plans to go inside anytime soon. Now that I said that I have to peepee, dang it!
Anyway I started this book last night, I felt like I needed something more grown up to go with the YA fantasy I'm also reading.
Coffee and #currentlyreading
Onto the next! Time to finish up this series so I can move to other YA series I want to get into.
I heard it's the best of the three. Fingers crossed because I enjoyed the first two but they weren't great. Honestly I'm a little burnt out on the story after over 1,000 pages of it so far. But I still want to know how it ends and I can't leave a series unfinished. #currentlyreading
I finished two books today. I like days off, they are few and far between and I like them.
I just passed my dad in the kitchen. He said "Hello" and I said "I finished two books today". So he replied "Good for you honey"
Yes, good for me. I agree Daddy.
And yes, I'm 35 and call my father Daddy.
I did not pick this book for my #botm this month. I choose Lot. Then everyone around here started getting their books and I saw this book a lot and so many positive reviews. Honestly I had some serious FOMO going on. So, I went to the store and bought it. I couldn't even wait to add it on next month, I had to see what all the hype was about. I started it and I am all in baby! Loving it so far!
I inhaled The Witch Doesn't Burn In This One and keep going back to it. This one I've decided to read more mindfully. A little at a time so I have time to digest it.
My daughter asked me if her poetry "speaks to me" because she caught me tearing up with it in my hands the other night. Yes, yes it does.
She actually said "Mom, are you like crying? Those poems must mean something to you" Same thing.
I know occasionally people choose a book because of the cover but have you recently chosen a book because of the title? I have, this one! I couldn't even remember what was about until I started it last night but I'm a little obsessed with the title. I keep finding ways to tell everyone I talk to. It's such a good title!
Ugh. I really wanted to love it, I believe a lot of people did, but I just couldn't get passed the first few pages. I was so lost. It felt like there were jokes I just wasn't getting.
So I read some reviews and did some more research. From all that I decided to bail. I was so afraid it would ruin To Kill A Mockingbird for me.
I needed something fluffy, it was fluffy but I think I'm burning out on books I can't relate to. I'd probably have liked it more if I wasn't generally angry at characters who can afford to buy nice dresses, jump on planes and eat out every meal. I stress $12 Walmart sneakers and the $8 Uber to work. If I'm that broke I should cancel BoTM. I know that, quiet you!
Anyway this book made me want doughnuts more than sexy time. 😉
It's been a stressful few weeks. I picked up a second "job" volunteering for the local police association and haven't had a day off since February 21st.
I've been reading but neglecting my rambling reviews you have to expect from me ?But I'll be back.
So, since I don't see any days off in the near future and I'm so tired I'm going to be a little romance kick. They make me feel all cheesy and smile. Starting this now #currentlyreading
#FebruaryWrapUp! Eight books in the books. Seven physical, one audio and I enjoyed all of them. A Woman Is No Man, American Gods, Where'd You Go Bernadette, and Hope Never Dies were favorites.
I'm still on track to meet my goal for the year but I'm hoping to do better this month.
I'm still carrying over that ebook from January. Maybe I should just give up on it.
My daughter volunteered to go to the elementary school today to read to a kindergarten class for Read Across American/Dr. Seuss Day. She's very excited and ready with her headband and even a little gift for the host teacher. Hopefully she gets assigned to her cousin's class.
Last week was the elementary school book fair, this week it's the middle school's turn. This is my daughter's #bookhaul. Geez, she owes me some chores. The book fair gets expensive has the books get more mature.
I told her no nonsense, just books but apparently the sushi roll eraser was "just too cute to pass up". Ok, I agree and I'm definitely borrowing Two Can Keep A Secret when she's done.
Book fair!
Today was the book fair at my son's school. He picked out two dog stories for himself, and his brother, The Awakening of Sunshine Girl for his sister and Interrupting Chicken for his teacher. Because he bought the book for his teacher he got that awesome bookmark which he is very proud of.
I don't know this for sure but my theory is he picked the book for his sister because the author shares her name.
#raisingreaders #imissthebookfair
1. Not a pet of my own but my dad has a 15 year old bloodhound mix. Her name is Nala and she doesn't like me. She doesn't like anyone but my dad & boyfriend. She's just a crotchety old lady.
2. Finish the tagged ebook! It's been a month
3. Yoga and cake decorating
4. Illinois where my BF family is, New York to see my sick aunt and I'd love to get just out to Fort Myers Beach soon
5. What's everyone reading this weekend?
#friyayintro @howjessreads
"That's what happens when you bring a sandal to a stiletto fight"
I loved this book. It was so funny.
It made me laugh twice on one page! I had to share both quotes.
1. City or suburb. I'm not very outdoorsy
2. Beach! It's my happy place🌴🏖
3. Swimming, walking, laying in the sunshine
4. I've never really been full on camping. I'm not sure I'd like it. So I'll go with hotel
5. I'm drawing a blank here. I'm sorry
#HelloThursday @wanderinglynn
Coffee and #currentlyreading
This is going to be a quick read. I need a quick read to get back on target for my goals.
The reviews I read before this book were mixed so I didn't have high hopes and it met those expectations. It was a lovely story about snd a woman attempting to learn more about her family's past and her own nationality but it was repetitive. Not only were most of Luis's explanations of Cuban policies all the same in nearly every chapter but phrases (i.e. "A curse falls from his lips") were used over and over.
I did learn more about Cuban ⬇️⬇️
Oh my, this messed me up man. I didn't know what to expect going in but I heard "dark thriller" and I see lots of Litsy people reading her books, so I went for it. I liked it but need a break from dark for a few books. ?
It was like an episode of Criminal Minds. That's how I described it too my mom. It's her favorite show but it gives me the creeping horrors. It's weird I can read graphic, sexual violence but can't watch it on tv or movies.
Target is having a sale. Buy 2 books, get 1 free. Other stuff besides books too but I stopped paying attention at free book. Anyway, I was just there buying my kids way too much Valentine's candy to share with their friends and I looked at the books but didn't buy any. I'm proud of my self control. Thought I'd share.
I loved this book! I said that already but I'll say it again. This quote is the best example of everything I loved about it.
They were scenes that were dirty in a dark way that unsettled me and are seared into my brain but that was part of the fun.
I totally stole this image from Pinterest. Sorry to whoever made it, whenever they are. Less sorry for the foul language.
1. So pretty. I'm feeling pink today!
2. My boyfriend and I are going out but we actually haven't figured out what we're going to do yet
3. Blue
4. It's sad but my parents suffered through 3 late term miscarriages before me. So they had no names picked, no baby clothes or diapers before I was born. They couldn't go through getting rid of it again if I didn't make it.
5. ❤it up!
#friyayintro @howjessreads
I know a lot of mythology. It has yet to be useful in everyday life, unless you count annoying my family by yelling at inaccuracies on tv shows, but it really helped me get into this book. It's like it was written especially for me! #currentlyreading
That was weird. Don't get me wrong, I love weird. I'm usually all in for strange, off putting, unlikable main characters but still, this was weird. Maybe because it's so short I had a problem connecting to it. By the time I was really feeling for Keiko it was over.
A guy I work with brought this in for me today! I've been talking about getting into 19th century novels I "should have" read by now so he thought of this. Apparently he stole it from the halfway house he just moved out of. Wait! That sounded bad, he borrowed it and hasn't brought it back yet. He still goes there for meetings. I told him I could make no promises on when I'd finish it. He says that's fine. I guess I have another monster on my TBR!