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Joined October 2018

Loves nonfiction, literature, mystery/thriller, cats & dogs...plus the occasional glass of wine to go with all of the aforementioned....
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Birthdaze apoppin‘ out all over in October! If you would like to be feted by the birthday fairies and other Littens on your birthday, just drop an email to: Litsybirthdays@gmail.com ... don‘t forget to include your birthdate (month, day) and your handle!!



Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎊🥳🎉🎊🥳🎉 4y
Ladygodiva7 🥳 4y
robinb 💐 💗 🎉 🎈 📚 4y
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CarolynM Hello👋 I've missed seeing you around. Hope all is well. 4y
TrishB Hope you‘re ok 😁 4y
BarbaraBB Hi Minette, Just checking in. Hope all is well 💕 4y
Andrew65 Hope all is well with you, not seen you around for a while. Sending all my love. 🥰 4y
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Just wanted to wish happy birthday to @squirrelbrain ... I saw this and couldn‘t help but think of you. I hope you have a perfect day for your birthday, Helen—you deserve it! You‘re a great pal. And don‘t forget to mind the (squirrel) distancing!!

squirrelbrain Oh my gosh this made me laugh Minette! And thanks for the kind wishes - you‘re so sweet! 😘 4y
BarbaraBB Happy birthday 🎈 @squirrelbrain ❤️ (great post Minette 😘) 4y
AnneCecilie Happy birthday 🎉🎂🎈🎁📚 @squirrelbrain 4y
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Caroline2 😆 This is great! 👏 4y
TrishB Brilliant 😁🎉🎉🥂🍰 happy birthday Helen 😘 @squirrelbrain (edited) 4y
Tanisha_A Happy, happy birthday @squirrelbrain 🎂🎈 4y
batsy Happy birthday @squirrelbrain ! 🎈🎂🎉 4y
squirrelbrain Thank you @BarbaraBB and @TrishB - and thank you for the lovely gifts too! I will post pics later - got my Mum and brother coming soon as it was my brother‘s birthday this week too. 😘 4y
JessClark78 Happy Birthday! @squirrelbrain 🎊🎂🎉✨ 4y
Annie1215 Happy birthday! @squirrelbrain 😀🎉 4y
TheRiehlDeal Happy Birthday @squirrelbrain 🙂🎉 4y
gradcat @squirrelbrain Are you going to be able to take your camping trip? I really hope you guys get to go 🏕 👍 ♥️ 4y
squirrelbrain Yes, we‘re definitely going @gradcat - we might be stuck in the van doing #audiocolouring if the weather doesn‘t improve by the weekend but 🤞 it does! 4y
gradcat I wish you good weather, @squirrelbrain ... crossing my fingers, too 🤞🏼♥️ 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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1. I did not—what is a corn moon, exactly? 🌽 🌝
2. “Oh it‘s a long long while
From May to December
But the days grow short
When you reach September...” I love Willie Nelson‘s voice 🎶
3. Snow Falling on Cedars, and yes, I am enjoying it 📖

Thanks for the tag, @Klou ... I think I‘m too late to tag anyone else...it is Friday after all....♥️♥️♥️

Klou You're welcome! 4y
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Untitled | Unknown Author
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1. I have! And darn it all, I‘ve been trying to remember the name of that book for years! It was in the mid-80s, and a friend left it at my house. It was so good, I bought it after she retrieved it. After moving several times, I have lost it; however, I remember the book very well, but not the title...so ridiculous!

2. The best habit is reading out of my usual comfort genres. I‘ve enjoyed so many different books.


Thanks, @Klou ♥️

Klou You're welcome! 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😃 4y
gradcat @TheSpineView It was my pleasure! ♥️ 4y
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Caveat: I have to do this on my cell phone, because we are without internet after Hurricane Laura came through. I cannot upload a photo of the book, and I cannot see very well using my phone, so this will be short. As in introvert myself, I really couldn‘t relate to the mission of the author. I had read the book “Quiet,” by Susan Cain, and loved it. This is not that book. Jessica Pan‘s goal ⬇️

#ReadWithMrBook #ToHavePplLeaveYouAlone #August

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) is to make new friends, a circle of friends, in fact, whereas I, as an introvert, so love being alone that I‘m really not interested in going out and looking for new friends. I value my quiet time way too much—which is exactly why I didn‘t like this book—it‘s message is not aimed at me. ♥️👩🏻‍🎓🐱 4y
kspenmoll Hope you & loved ones are ok- do you have power? Sending 💕💕 4y
Prairiegirl_reading I hope you are ok! 4y
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KathyWheeler I loved Quiet too and could not finish this book. It didn‘t keep me interested. I hope everything gets back to relative normality for you soon. (edited) 4y
gradcat @kspenmoll & @Prairiegirl_reading I am okay, and my family is also. We were relatively unscathed, just lots & lots & LOTS of branches down...we have a pool that I fear will never be clean again. We only lost the internet, which is strange, but I am able to use my cell—go figure. Anyway, thank you both for thinking of me. I fear for the Littens I the southwestern part of my state... I hope they are all okay. 🙏 ♥️ 😞 4y
gradcat @KathyWheeler It sounds like you & I had the exact same reaction to this book!! 😂🤣♥️ 4y
CarolynM Glad you're ok. 4y
kspenmoll @gradcat I am so glad to hear you got through the storm but how scary! 4y
Leftcoastzen Glad you are ok , hope you can get back to normal fairly soon . Clean up looks massive. 4y
gradcat @CarolynM + @Leftcoastzen Thanks guys...you really are some of the nicest people.... 😘 4y
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Just a reminder that September is just around the corner, and we have lots of Litsy Birthdays to celebrate. If you would like to be celebrated by the birthday fairies on your special day, simply drop an email with your Litsy handle + birth date (month, day) to: LitsyBirthdays@gmail.com. You may make this request only on your own behalf.


Cinfhen Happy birthday friends!!!!! 🎉♥️🥂 4y
squirrelbrain 📚🍰🎉📚🍰🎉 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊 4y
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Crazeedi @gradcat is everything ok down your way? Were you affected much by the hurricane?? 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi Thanks for asking! We‘re all okay...just no internet, so I have to use my tiny-screened cell phone! I‘m so blind—I can‘t see what I‘m doing! But how are you? I understand you haven‘t been feeling well? I so hope you‘re getting better now...how‘s your gardening? More soon, & via snail mail—I finally got some stationary!! 👍♥️♥️ 4y
Crazeedi @gradcat I cant wait for winter, so I can spend time reading and writing instead of canning and freezing and taking care of veggies!! 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi I can believe that...is it still hot-ish up there? 4y
Crazeedi @gradcat no! On August 29 I woke up and smelled fall in the air. IRS crazy how the world changes right when September arrives. Temps in 70s now. Of course we may have some hot weather, but the season is definitely changes! 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi That‘s really good...it was 96 degrees here yesterday...and with thick humidity—disgusting! I SOOO envy you! 😂♥️ 4y
Crazeedi @gradcat well the humidity has returned here!!! 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi Don‘t you hate it? 4y
51 likes11 comments
Wednesday | Mary Lindeen
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1. “Snow Falling on Cedars” - I‘ve never read this book, even tho I‘ve long heard good things about. I‘m just about to change that... 📖
2. In my sunroom, on my daybed, with my [pesky, but don‘t tell him] cat. 😼
3. “What a Wonderful World,” as sung by Louis Armstrong [and others], but only in the most ironic way, alas, for it‘s really not my usual sense of things. 🤣

Such a beautiful post, Sherri—who can resist this one? ♥️

Cinfhen Snow Falling on Cedars was slow but worthy!!!! It was a beautiful and eye opening read 4y
gradcat @Cinfhen Thanks for that! I really don‘t know anything about the book, even though it‘s one of those that have stayed in the forefront of my mind for some reason. Thanks for stopping by!! ♥️ 4y
Crazeedi Hello my dear Minette, are you ok?? I've been MIA too, email me when you have a minute!! 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi Oh, I‘m so happy to hear from you! I ordered some special stationary so that I could write a few letters to some of you lovely Littens. So hang in there: as soon as I receive it, I‘ll be sending you a letter!! Been thinking of you lots...♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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#Booked2020 #Summer #ArmchairTravel

I‘ve been a fan of Bourdain‘s since “Kitchen Confidential.” Of course, he is most definitely a figure whom one loves or hates. I think at the end he had mostly come about enough to get rid of some of his earlier, snarkier, and just downright mean behavior. I don‘t know. I only know that I loved him and was truly heartbroken when he died. Perhaps it has more to do with the manner of his death.... Anyway, none ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) of this really matters. This book is simply a kind of tangible, coffee-table styled record of Bourdain‘s experiences and travels that occurred during the filming of the titular Travel channel show. It‘s great, in my opinion, but then, I think everything he does is great. The stories are better even than the pictures; however, I don‘t think Bourdain‘s would agree with me on that. But how nice to have big, fat, coffee-table book ⬇️ (edited) 4y
gradcat ⬆️ (cont) that actually features loads of interesting tales. 👩🏻‍🎓🐱♥️ (edited) 4y
Cinfhen Sounds wonderful and the perfect choice for #ArmChairTravel ❤️🌎 4y
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Prairiegirl_reading I really miss him. Parts Unknown was such a great show. My husband and I used to watch it together all the time. ❤️ 4y
gradcat @Cinfhen Thanks for stopping by and leaving drops of kindness to help me through my day...kisses! ♥️ 4y
gradcat @Prairiegirl_reading You know, I cannot—for the life of me—figure out why I get so emotional whenever his name comes up, or I spy a bit of one of his shows, or even when I‘m watching Top Chef...his suicide really got to me, and—weirder still—I feel like I miss him personally. Am I strange, or what? I promise you I never, ever even met him...so I‘m not some weird stalker or obsessive!! 😂😂😂 Anyway, he is very missed by me. ♥️ 4y
Prairiegirl_reading @gradcat I feel like that too! I think it was because he was so genuine. I never thought he was putting on an act, on his show or top chef or any show he was on. 😄 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage I want to start binging some of his shows ... he did have this prickly but genuine personality that was just ALL him. So many of us miss him! 4y
gradcat @Prairiegirl_reading I think you‘ve hit the nail on the head. I think he never said anything he didn‘t genuinely feel—so transparent in that way. ♥️ 4y
gradcat @BarbaraTheBibliophage I love his shows! ♥️ 4y
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Flush: A Biography | Virginia Woolf
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#ReadWithMrBook #NarratedByAnimal

What a lovely book (that I didn‘t even know existed!) about a Spaniel named Flush, and the trials and tribulations of his life spent with, first, Elizabeth Barrett [Browning], and then with both she and her husband, Robert Browning. I found myself sympathizing rather too much with Flush‘s (sometimes) sadness, so evocative is the writing of Woolf. When Flush is taken from his country life with Miss Mitford and ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) given to Miss Barrett in London, he is obliged to forego his youthful gamboling and rowdiness for the rather quieter life in the bedroom of an invalid. This Flush happily does, as soon as he learns a few ground rules. But when Mr Browning comes a-calling, Flush‘s jealousy causes him to revert back to some of his earlier, more feral ways. Extreme events later on cause everyone to settle down together; Flush eventually lives his life in ⬇️ 4y
gradcat ⬆️ (cont) bliss with both Elizabeth and Robert, happier and wiser in his later life in Italy, and on the final return trip to England. Woolf cobbled this story together after reading two poems of Barrett Browning‘s written in homage to her dog, Flush, and by sourcing some of her own dog‘s antics to fatten this “biography of a dog.” 👩🏻‍🎓🐱♥️ 4y
gradcat @MrBook It only occurred to me just now, when I checked on the proper wording of your prompt for July, that I may have not followed the prompt exactly as it‘s meant to be done. This book is a biography of a dog, and while it is written from his point of view, there is actually an omniscient narrator. As it is too late now to read another book, I‘ll leave it to you to judge whether it‘s worthy of your intentions when you listed the prompt. Oops!😔 (edited) 4y
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The Promised Land | Barry Maitland
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#Booked2020 #Summer #RedWhiteOrBlueLettersOnCover

I‘ve been reading the Brock & Kolla mysteries since the first one (1994), and I‘ve waited a long time for this one. It was worth it! In this, Barry Maitland‘s 13th featuring Kathy Kolla & David Brock, Brock has retired while Kolla is now a DCI. A series of murders are committed in Hampstead Heath, and the initial suspect is rather a shock, as he‘s an elderly publisher running a distinguished, ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ if a bit tired and worn, family-owned publishing firm. Stranger still, Brock, who was Kolla‘s rabbi in the police force, finds himself mixed up in these murders, and not only as a sleuth. Throw in a questionable manuscript by George Orwell, and you‘ve got yourself a nice mystery going with plenty of intrigue to keep the reader invested. Bonus: If you‘re a student of literature, you‘ll enjoy the research work one character brings to bear on ⬇️ 4y
gradcat ⬆️ the question of the long-lost Orwell manuscript. 🎓🐱♥️ 4y
Cinfhen Another fabulous review 🤓 4y
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Freespirit Sounds like one I need to add to my list! 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Sounds like a good series to dive into! 4y
gradcat @Cinfhen Thanks for stopping by and leaving some kind words for me. ♥️😉♥️ 4y
gradcat @Freespirit & @BarbaraTheBibliophage I have really enjoyed this series...not one book has been a disappointment! Highly recommended.... ♥️ 4y
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We‘re getting closer and closer to celebrating the love for our bibliophilic Littens who were born in August...oh, it‘s gonna be a great month!!
If you‘d like for the birthday fairies to acknowledge your birthday, please drop us an email at: Litsybirthdays@gmail.com with your Litsy handle + your birthday (month, day). You can only make this request for yourself.

Crazeedi 🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️🧚‍♀️ 4y
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#ReadWithMrBook #June #ByAboutWDisability

Naomi Blake had a best friend, Helen Jones, who went missing when they were schoolgirls. As an adult, Blake was a member of the Ingham Division police until she was in an accident which resulted in her losing her sight. Now, sidelined from a job she loves, a discovery is made when a man dies, leaving behind his confession to murdering Jones. The police are keeping the dead man‘s identity from the ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) public until the confession is authenticated and the statements therein investigated. And there begins the mystery, but that isn‘t all: Recently, a six-year-old girl was strangled, and her case is adding to the pressures on both the police force and Blake, who is feeling an anxiety about both cases for reasons that she herself is unsure of. The outcome requires a suspension of belief, and the book could do with some proof-reading, but ⬇️ 4y
gradcat ⬆️ (cont) quite a good read as far as plot and character development...I‘m giving it a so-so rating because of the poor editing and wildly improbable villain. 👩🏻‍🎓🐱♥️ 4y
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Bonfire | Krysten Ritter
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*Me, too!


Day 28 - #Cabin

**The quote is NOT from the tagged book. ♥️

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July is almost here, and the birthday fairies will be spreading the #birthdaylove for all of our lovely Littens born in July! Woo hoo!
If you, too, would like to be feted by the birthday fairies when your birthday rolls around, please send an email to: litsybirthdays@gmail.com and include your birthday (month, day) along with your Litsy handle. You may only make this request on your own behalf. ♥️🧚🏽‍♂️🎂🧚🏿‍♀️📚🧚🏽🥳

squirrelbrain 🎉❤️🎉❤️ 4y
robinb 🎂💐📚🎈🎉💕 4y
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks 🎉🎊🎊🎉 4y
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Untitled | Unknown
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The end of the month is nigh, which means Littens born in July are about to receive lots of attention and love, plus lovely cake, books, and sparkles (all virtual—🎂, 📚, + ✨—just FYI) from us birthday fairies!

If I‘ve peaked your interest, perhaps you, too, would like loads of #birthdaylove on your birthday. If so, drop us a line with your birthday (month, year) & your Litsy handle to: litsybirthdays@gmail.com (only on behalf of yourself, mind).

squirrelbrain 🎉❤️🎉❤️🎉❤️ 4y
gradcat @squirrelbrain I see you! Logged out & back in—so far, so good...♥️♥️♥️ 4y
robinb Lots of #birthdaylove to spread in July! ❤️❤️❤️ 4y
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Dictionary of Quotations | Connie Robertson
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Jeane Kirkpatrick | Pat Harrison
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The Sympathizer | Viet Thanh Nguyen
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Yay! #Booked2020 #Spring is officially put to bed!
1. Makes you LOL
2. Memoir about a Parent and child
3. Tartan Noir
4. Book about Genocide
5. Pan Asian Author
6. Animal on Cover

Great prompts, as usual, and I thoroughly enjoyed reading these, so thank you #Booked2020 folks!! 👩🏻‍🎓🐱♥️

BarbaraBB You‘ve made some great choices for these prompts! 4y
Cinfhen Congrats 🎊 You read some awesome books 🙌🏻💕 This is your #OfficialSecondQuarterEntry #Booked2020 #Spring 🌈🧡🌻😁📚 4y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Thanks Barbara! Thanks for stopping by! I haven‘t “seen” you much lately. ♥️ 4y
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gradcat @Cinfhen Thanks so much for saying that!! You‘re way too nice!! And thanks for recording my entry! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
BarbaraBB No, that‘s right! I must change that, I always enjoy your posts! 4y
gradcat @BarbaraBB Why, thank you! That‘s very nice of you to say! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
59 likes6 comments
In the Darkroom | Susan Faludi
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#Booked2020 #Spring #MemoirAboutAParentAndChild

I think I‘ll be in the minority on this one, but I could only give it a so-so rating because I felt there were huge portions of the book that seemed to drag. Faludi receives an email from her father, who lives in Budapest (and with whom she‘s had little communication for 25 years) informing her of his sex-change operation that took place in Thailand. Steven, now Stefánie, invites Susan to visit, ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ and he, now she, also invites her daughter to write her biography. Susan makes several trips over, beginning in 2004, until her father passes away in 2015. Faludi attempts to reconcile the somewhat menacing figure of her father with the now ultimately feminine woman she has become, and while she is perhaps not totally successful, Susan does manage to establish a relationship with a father from whom she was estranged. This book presents loads ⬇️ (edited) 4y
gradcat ⬆️ of opportunity for postmodernist thought, in that discussion of identity is paramount throughout the text. The portions that I felt were so slow, e.g., Susan‘s father‘s time growing up in anti-Semitic Hungary, show how Steven‘s Jewish identity had to be suppressed in order for him to stay alive. In later years, his own self-perception is at odds with how others see him or her, throughout his or her life and regardless of the myriad changes. ♥️ (edited) 4y
Cinfhen This was a so-so for me too. I just wasn‘t able to emotionally connect to this story. Even when I felt bad for Susan, I didn‘t particularly “care” for her. And Stephanie/Stephen was such a difficult personality 4y
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gradcat @Cinfhen I absolutely agree with everything you wrote here. Now why can‘t I just say that and be done with it, instead of being a such a long-winded bore?! At points in the story, I felt my skin crawl in disgust over their interactions. Then in the next moment, I scold myself for not being more sympathetic to their plight. Finally, I just felt that I was glad I read it, but equally glad that it was over and done with...humpf, oh well.... ♥️ 4y
Cinfhen I appreciate your eloquence 😘 4y
gradcat @Cinfhen Thank you. You are a kind soul. ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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Crazeedi 💛💛💛 4y
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TK-421 ❤️ 4y
Crazeedi Awwwww😻😻😻❤❤❤ 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi & @TK-421 Aren‘t they just too, too precious?!?! ♥️ 4y
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JessClark78 🖤🖤 4y
tracey38 Awww, those baby faces!!! ❤❤❤ 4y
gradcat @JessClark78 + @tracey38 I know! I wish they were mine...I want them...but shhh! Don‘t want my cat to hear me say that... 🤫 🙀 4y
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Cocktail Time | P. G. Wodehouse
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1. Water 💦
2. Claire DeWitt & the City of the Dead by Sara Gran 📚
3. Mourning the Little Dead by Jane A. Adams 📖

*I‘m so late, I won‘t tag anyone now. I‘m so sorry...I save these things and put them aside for later, then I forget: utterly terrible behavior!

Thanks for the tag, @Klou ♥️

Eggs I do the same at times, no apology necessary! As the person who reads and responds to posts, it‘s nice for me having it spread out over several days!!! Always enjoy hearing from you any day of the week Minette 🥰👏🏻💕 4y
gradcat @Eggs You are so sweet! Thank you so much for saying that...I appreciate it more than you know... ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
Eggs @gradcat 💕🌺💕 4y
Klou You're welcome! 4y
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Flight Patterns | Karen White
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Day 15 - #Nature

(a teensy bit late, I know!)

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Chopin's Letters | Fr?d?ric Chopin, Henryk Opie?ski, Ethel Lillian Voynich
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Velvetfur That reminds me of something from many years ago - imagine my surprise, while strolling through Pere Lachaise cemetery in Paris, having visited Oscar Wild and Jim Morrisson, when I suddenly happened upon Mr Chopin's tomb! 4y
gradcat @Velvetfur I did the exact same thing at Père LaChaise, only it was almost 35 years ago now...you just brought back such a lovely memory for me...thank you for that! ♥️ 4y
Velvetfur @gradcat Aw a happy memory for both of us! But has you known beforehand that he was there? I hadn't! It was a nice surprise though 😁 4y
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gradcat @Velvetfur No, I was like you. We were there for Jim Morrison, and then just walking about the place, we found the others. When I was there (1984), there were so many people sitting on Morrison‘s plot, smoking and drinking, and who knows what else...that‘s why we kept walking around. Is it still like that? 4y
Velvetfur @gradcat Oh gosh that's so disrespectful! The last time I was in Paris was 14 years ago! But no it wasn't like that then, there was a fence around the grave - although I did see a guy vault over the fence to stand by the grave while another guy took his photo, then he popped back out again and off they went. I stood respectfully on the outside of the fence for my photo! 😁 4y
Velvetfur But I did hear about people behaving like that, even having little parties on his grave, which I assume is why they put the fence around it 🙂 4y
gradcat @Velvetfur You‘re probably right, because that‘s exactly what they did...have little parties with cigarettes, booze & marijuana. I think at the time they were attempting to make an homage by doing all of the things that they thought he would like to do if he were there. But it‘s probably best to have a fence. I mean, the graffiti was all over it...it looked terrible to me.♥️ 4y
Velvetfur @gradcat Oh yeah it's a different tombstone now as well! Sorry, I forgot to say.... I'll see if I can find the photo of me near it so you can see! 4y
gradcat @Velvetfur Cool! I‘d love to see it! ♥️ 4y
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EadieB Great quote! 4y
gradcat Thank you very much, @EadieB ... you‘re so nice for saying so! ♥️ 4y
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#WondrousWednesday (I think?)

1. William Joyce, but not from my childhood. He‘s a contemporary children‘s book writer & illustrator. 😊
2. Not so great...I keep getting distracted, and I can‘t focus. Hmmm, I wonder why... 🤔
3. I bought 3 yesterday: The Last Trial/Scott Turow; Murder on the Second Tee/Ian Simpson; Mourning the Little Dead/Jane A. Adams

I think too late to tag anyone, sorry. Thanks for tagging me, @EadieB ♥️

Eggs Thanks so much for joining in Minette💕 4y
gradcat @Eggs Well, thank you! I‘m just sorry I didn‘t get it posted in a timely fashion. ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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1. The books that had me truly laughing out loud were all of the “Spellman” series by Lisa Lutz, beginning with “The Spellman Files.” So funny! 😂
2. The last book that made me cry was probably “Did You Ever Have a Family,” by Bill Clegg. 😭

Thanks to @Klou and @MoonWitch94 for tagging me. I‘m sorry I‘m late, but if you haven‘t been tagged, would you like to give it a go @robinb ? ♥️

Klou You're welcome! 4y
TheSpineView Thanks for playing! 😊 4y
kspenmoll Bill Craig‘s book was wonderful! 4y
gradcat @kspenmoll It was, but it was kind of sad...I guess poignant is the better word. But I do like reading books like this. Thanks for stopping by! ♥️ 4y
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EadieB @gradcat Good one! 4y
gradcat @EadieB Thank you, Eadie! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
EadieB @gradcat You‘re welcome! Hope your doing good! 4y
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Sace Spreading some truth this morning! 👏 4y
gradcat @Sace I just love that Wordsworth was perhaps the first to call on people to “practice random acts of kindness.” At any rate, that‘s what came to my mind immediately when I read it...thanks for stopping by! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
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Favorite Poems | William Wordsworth
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John F. Kennedy in His Own Words | John Fitzgerald Kennedy
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The Truants | Kate Weinberg
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#Booked2020 #Spring #AnimalOnCover

I‘m going to give this book a solid 4 stars (out of 5). It‘s good—it‘s well written with a good plot and fairly deeply drawn characters. However, I‘ve read similar books, e.g., “The Secret History,” “If We Were Villains,” “Black Chalk,” “Special Topics in Calamity Physics,” to name a few. This book falls somewhere in the middle of the scale of those I catalogued, and if you know these books, you know exactly ⬇️

gradcat ⬆️ (cont) what you‘re in for. There are some subtle differences here, and I will admit to being detoured along the way, i.e., I thought I knew what was coming, then I was thrown for a loop, and finally what I thought would happen, well, did. Set in a lower British university (not—thank god—Oxbridge), with sort of typical students, and a couple of professors, and a good mystery...well, who could ask for more? If you liked the ones I named, ⬇️ (edited) 4y
gradcat ⬆️ (cont) you‘ll most likely enjoy this one, so go for it. Like I say, a solid 4...that‘s pretty good, isn‘t it? 👩🏻‍🎓🐈♥️ 4y
Cinfhen I‘ve never heard of this book before but it sounds soooo good!! Thanks for sharing your thoughts xx great review 4y
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TrishB I‘m really interested in reading this as I work in a uni, but disliked most of the books you mentioned 🤷‍♀️ it‘s quite cheap on kindle so I may just give it a go at some point. 4y
BarbaraTheBibliophage Interesting choice! ♥️📚👊🏻 4y
gradcat @Cinfhen & @BarbaraTheBibliophage Thanks for stopping by and delivering your (always) kind words... I suppose it is kind of a strange choice for “Int‘l Pet Day” after all; I think there‘s but a single scene featuring horses in the entire book—oops! 🤣😂♥️ 4y
gradcat @TrishB There are some differences between this book and the others I mentioned. I think you should read it because, selfishly, I‘d like to get your opinion on it. It‘s certainly not a bad book, and it‘s one of those “quick” reads, so your time investment, as well as your financial one, shouldn‘t be too much. Tag me if you decide to give it a go. ♥️ 4y
TrishB I have brought it as it said time limited offer on kindle 👍🏻 4y
gradcat @TrishB Good! Let me know what you think when you finish...no pressure, of course...just whenever you get around to it. ♥️ 4y
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1. A set of Dickens‘ works in 6 volumes from 1875 📚
2. The Promised Land by Barry Maitland (Brock & Kolla series)
3. I have several books written by a former boyfriend, but the only novel he wrote is the most valuable to me, as he died recently. Est value? Priceless, I‘d say ♥️
4. There‘s so many, but to name one: The Mysterious Flame of Queen Loana by Umberto Eco (perhaps it‘s more interesting than pretty? 🤷🏽‍♀️)

@squirrelbrain 👋

gradcat @Klou Thanks for the tag! I had to give this one some thought, so I mulled it over for a bit, but better late than never, right? 😂♥️ 4y
Crazeedi I still need to do! So you're not late! 4y
BeansPage Wonderful answers! ❤️ Thank you for playing 4y
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gradcat @SumisBooks Thanks for coming up with this one, Tamara...it was so lovely to mull over...thinking about books and beauty and remembering great reads! ♥️ 4y
gradcat @Crazeedi This one took some time for me...it required some thought on my part, but I really enjoyed reliving some bittersweet memories. I hope you enjoy doing it as much as I did...♥️ 4y
Klou @gradcat you're welcome! And yep, that's how the saying goes 😂 lovely post 💕 4y
gradcat @Klou Thank you! ☺️♥️ 4y
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Megabooks Interesting quote @Trashcanman 😊🥬 4y
gradcat @Megabooks Interesting author, right? 😊♥️ 4y
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1. I love seeing so many young people gathering in peaceful protest against racism. It gives me such hope for tomorrow‘s leaders. ♥️
2. “The greatest glory in living lies not in never falling, but in rising every time we fall.” - Nelson Mandela
3. It‘s difficult, but I suppose I allow myself to cry with no apologies, regardless of how loud or how long.
4. French fried + salad, to be eaten together

I think I‘m too late to tag anyone? Sorry!

gradcat @squirrelbrain I know I‘m late here (and apologies for that also to @MoonWitch94 ), but I wanted to do it. It just took me a while to think of an appropriate quote for this post. I had fun doing this one, so many thanks to both of you! ☺️😉♥️ 4y
Crazeedi Very well written as usual dear Minette, you are so thoughtful 4y
MoonWitch94 Oh no worries!!! I was just so happy to read your answers 😊 It doesn‘t matter when; sometimes I have Littens answers days afterwards. It makes the fun last longer for me. That‘s a great quote choice. Thank you for playing ☺️⭐️💗🌙 4y
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gradcat @Crazeedi Thank you, Diane, but I really think you are the thoughtful one...always giving me a pick-me-up, and usually precisely when I need one! Thanks for being my friend!! ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
gradcat @MoonWitch94 Why, thank you for stopping by with kind words...that‘s always a nice thing for me! ♥️ 4y
Crazeedi @gradcat 🥰💝 4y
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Steal this Book | Abbie Hoffman, Izak Haber, Bert Cohen
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Untitled | Anonymous
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1. Shreveport, Louisiana USA
2. “In the Garden of Beasts,” by Erik Larson (but it‘s hard to choose only one—they‘re all so different!)
3. I don‘t think I have a favorite novel length...if it‘s good, I‘ll read it regardless of how long it is, and if it‘s short, but still good, well, now you‘ve really got something, because short + good = extremely hard to do.

Where in the world are you, @batsy & @sudi ... You‘re tagged!!

ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled 👋 fellow Louisianian! Hope we‘re not washed away this weekend! Batten down the hatches! 4y
gradcat @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled Well, hey! I did not know that you live here...where do you live exactly? I mean, which city/town? ♥️♥️♥️ 4y
ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled I live in Prairieville and work in Baton Rouge ⚜️ 4y
gradcat @ErickaS_Flyleafunfurled My mother (and her entire extended family) are from Baton Rouge, as well as my best friend. I love BR, but the humidity kills me! 😓 4y
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1. “The Guest List” by Lucy Foley 📖💚
2. Stay inside in the air conditioning—It‘s too hot to move down here in the summer, unless you‘re in the pool (2nd favorite) 🏊‍♀️🧡
3. The season 3 finale of “Killing Eve” 📺💚

How about you, @EadieB ? And you @amber_ldsmom ? You guys want to give it a go? Oh, and thanks for the tag, @Klou ! ♥️

amber_ldsmom My sister loves Killing Eve. 😁 4y
EadieB @gradcat Thanks for the tag! 4y
Klou You're welcome! I've seen Killing Eve advertising recently. I have to admit, I'm intrigued. 4y
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corycatelyn Love me some killing eve! Such a great show and I loved this season! 🤗 4y
Laughterhp I just started reading the Guest List today. It‘s really good so far! 4y
gradcat @EadieB You‘re very welcome!! ♥️ 4y
gradcat @amber_ldsmom & @Klou If you‘re considering it, I highly recommend it...three seasons in and it‘s still fresh, am I right, @corycatelyn ? And the clothes! Omigod, so great...! 4y
gradcat @Laughterhp That‘s good to hear...I just saw it when I was looking at Amazon‘s First Reads selections, and snatched it right up, so I‘m looking forward to reading it now! ♥️♥️ 4y
Klou @gradcat definitely need to watch this show! 4y
gradcat @Klou You do! 😂 4y
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Day 4 - #Snuggle

*Quote from another book of the author‘s, titled “Being Bold,” which is not listed in Litsy‘s databank.

Leftcoastzen 😻👏😊 4y
TK-421 ❤️ 4y
gradcat @TK-421 & @Leftcoastzen Full disclosure: That isn‘t me & my cat in the picture...but aren‘t they cute? Meanwhile, my cat, Raylan would like for me to say that he, too, is quite cute...🐱♥️ 4y
TK-421 😸 Hello to your kitty Raylan! 😻 Hope we‘ll see him in some #catwithbook posts (edited) 4y
gradcat @TK-421 I‘m laughing because he hates to be still so that I can take his picture! 🤣 4y
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