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Joined August 2016

Books, dogs, and Slytherin for life

Now I absolutely loved the first book in this series and the second one felt very unnecessary. I hate I didn‘t love it but April wasn‘t the main character for most of the book, the Carls played a more active roll and I felt the whole time it was going off the rails. I know that was the way you were supposed to feel based on how the story was going but still I didn‘t love the ending and it didn‘t help matters any. I overall gave it 3 stars.

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This book surprised me with how weird and fun it was, but then again it was written by Hank Green and that‘s his whole internet presence. So it follows April who comes upon a robot she decides to name Carl. Turns out there‘s tons of them all over the world and it‘s a science fiction adventure with robot aliens! This felt like a complete story and I could hardly put it down, falling in love with the characters and the carls!

The Witch's Heart | Genevieve Gornichec
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This book is a perfect addition to the new thing going on with women in myths finally getting their stories told. Angrboda is the wife of Loki, she‘s been exiled out of Asgard and she really just want to live safely away from the drama of the gods and one follows her to her wilderness. It‘s a good story steeped in Norse mythology and full of angst for the future and heartbreak to an extent. I gave it 4 stars!

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I loved this book! It was unique and magical and the writing was lyrical without being overdone in the purple prose. Magical realism is one of my favorite genres and mixing it together with historical settings that included the circus sets this up to be one of my favorite books of the year! Also the cover is just gorgeous!

Dial A For Aunties | Jesse Sutanto
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I have recently fallen in love with cozy mysteries and I really thought this one would feel the same and it did not. It‘s very possible it‘s because I read it when I had Covid but I couldn‘t keep the aunts straight and the story was so convoluted that it took me out of the book completely. The ending was fun though so I ended up giving it a 3 stars and decided not to continue on with the sequel.

writerlibrarian It's very « Week-end at Bernie » -esque. I felt it was more a rom-com with a crime twist for me than a cozy. I laughed quite a few times reading it. 2y
AshleyKorinE @writerlibrarian I sadly did not, I don‘t know if it was because she tried to make it funny when they are toting around a dead guy and I had covid and didn‘t find it funny or if it just was not for me. 2y
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This was my first Emma Straub book and wasn‘t sure what to expect picking it up, more sci-fi or literary fiction. Instead I got a good mix of both and a book I loved! It knows what it is discussing other time travel stories, comparing itself to 13 going on 30 and Bill and Ted. I loved the father daughter relationship and was glad she picked the ending she did despite all the back and forth the focus was on them and her friend, not the romance.


I‘ve loved every single one of the Lady Astronaut books and this one was no different. We follow Nicole Wargin as she goes on a mission to the moon colony while there‘s someone trying to sabotage their home and trips. There‘s a mystery, you get a lot of personal stories about her health as she suffers from anorexia and how she also use to be a spy in the war. Kowal knows how to tell a story and immerse you in the world!

Woman of Light: A Novel | Kali Fajardo-Anstine

I really enjoyed reading this book but I couldn‘t tell exactly where it was trying to go. There were many time jumps between generations of women and their stories and some were sadder than the others but there was no real connection aside from family to make sense of. Despite that I loved the book and felt the women in the story were written well and showed real strength and I will pick up this authors other books!


This was probably my least favorite of the series that I love so very much. Cora decides to go to the Whitehorn institute to get away from evil gods from the twins world and learns it‘s a horrid trap. It was just okay, and we met new characters but I‘m not sure where McGuire plans to go from here and it left this one feeling somewhat lifeless. I gave it my lowest rating of this series, 3 stars.

Vespertine | Margaret Rogerson

A fantasy about nuns who fight ghost and spirits. Rogerson‘s books are so much fun and relatively fast reads. I‘d have probably enjoyed this more had I read it without having Covid. The main character becomes friends with the ghost who‘s sort of possessing her and they have to fight to stop bad guys from doing dark magic. It was good. I gave it 4 stars.

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This book was adorable, full of sunshine, romance, and an adorable main character who takes life and makes it what she wants. Piper is such a happy character and Brendan isn‘t, he‘s grumpy and hates change but they make it work and I love Tessa Bailey‘s romance novels. The only think I didn‘t love was the miscommunication troupe at the very end so I‘d say 4 instead of 5 stars, had they just talked it out we could have avoided the last 30 pages!

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As someone with immediate family addicted to drugs, with extended family who is addicted to drugs, who lives in a blue collar state this book effected me more than I thought it would. To know a family sits on billions while so many people, patients, they called them customers die is devastating to learn this families history. I highly recommend everything Keefe writes because he tells a fantastic story, building history. It‘s a beautiful book!


If you want a shallow dive into the history of women writing horror this is the exact book for you! It talks about the beginning of horror fiction and the women who pioneered it into the authors who write horror today. I enjoyed the reading list sections in each mini-biographies even though it just made my tbr longer. This book also has cute illustrations but I read the kindle version. I plan on buying a physical copy though cause they are cute!

Lore Olympus: Volume One | Rachel Smythe
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If this isn‘t the prettiest book I‘ve ever read I don‘t know pretty. I love and adore the webcomic so I had to hold the hard copy in my hands. Persephone and Hades meet in uncomfy circumstances and slowly strike up an adorable friendship. I‘ll give warning for sexual assault that happens towards the end but it‘s handled in such a way I need to know more of Persephone story and admire her strength. It‘s a 5 star graphic novel I want more of now!

Ghost Girl | Ally Malinenko

This book was delightful and spooky and full of big emotions that grown ups sometimes forget kids have to deal with to and I loved it! Grown ups go missing, there‘s a new principle, and Zee has to team up with her best friend and her bully to figure out what‘s going on. I really recommend this for anyone with kids in their life and this book in particular deals heavily with loss, mental illness, and just plain bad parenting.

Miss Lattimore's Letter | Suzanne Allain

Allain's writing comes as close to resembling old romance novels in the classic style like Jane Austen that I've ever read. No, I'm no comparing it to Austen but it is good on it's on without the comparison. Miss Lattimore overhears something she doesn't want to but instead of keeping it to herself she shares it in a letter making her the tons most exciting new member. I loved the characters and even the fact it was a clean romance. It's good!

The Thursday Murder Club | Richard Osman

Elderly people who live in a retirement home solving cold cases get sucked into a current murder case and might end up in danger! What isn't to love about this book? I got on a murder mystery/cozy mystery kick this year and I'm glad I picked this one up because I know it is going to be a fun series to continue. One thought is there are to many characters to keep up with, and to many villains to follow. But if you do want to keep up I recommend it!

Fugitive Telemetry | Martha Wells

I love good novellas, especially when they can tell a full story, get you attached to the characters, and end the story too. Fugitive Telemetry is a Murderbot murder mystery and now they have been signed up to helping solve a murder they were kind of accused of committing. The character dynamic in this one opened up emotions we haven't gotten to see yet from Murderbot, especially the desire to fit in. I loved it and want so many more!


Every murderbot book is a pick! Murderbot is on a trip with his humans when they are suddenly kidnapped and forced into an adventure that for once isn't the humans faults, its the murderbots! They meet up with old friends, meet new characters, and have science fiction fun. The only reason this is not my favorite is because I've gotten use to these stories in short novellas and a full novel had to much room to repeat itself. The book was still fun!


This short novella was kind of like reading a hug! Dex is a tea monk who goes from town to town giving tea to people who just need a moment to step away from life and let go of emotions. Dex has been doing this for awhile and now need a break themselves so decided to go into the wild where the robots are! Robots are sentient and now one wants to see the world of humans. The characters are delightful, the story sweet and emotional. I loved it!


Final girls are the people standing after the murders are done, the ones who fight back and win to save their own lives. Lynnette has never felt she fit in with the other final girls, but now she is the only one who sees the horror that is happening to them again. I loved this book. I mean I love everything Hendrix writes honestly, it's good writing, good stories, good characters. This one was full of murder but also full of hope at the same time!

For Your Own Good | Samantha Downing

Teddy Crutcher is teacher of the year at a most prestigious academy and he wants all the attention on him! Then people start dying, someone gets falsely accused and he needs to figure out how to fix a mess and keep the attention. I loved this book! It was such a fun read and I got into the mystery even though you know from the start whats going on. The characters are to compelling to put it down! For mysteries this is my favorite of 2021!


I didn't love this book and I hate the fact I didn't love it because it is usually my favorite kind! Caroline is in present day London on what is suppose to be a dream vacation with her husband that turned into a solo vacation after finding out he cheated. She stumbles into a hidden mystery of an apothecary who only worked for women killing the men who ruin their lives. I liked the historical part more and wished that had been the only story.

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So far every book Cleeton has written I have loved and this one was no different! Grace, the newspaper reporter in gilded age New York, Evangelina a Cuban prisoner, and Marina get to tell their stories in this beautiful book set in multiple perspectives. One of my favorite parts of Cleeton's books is how she actually teaches me history of America and Cuban relations and in this one I got some newpaper history too! It was sweet, fun and emotional!

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I read this months ago and I can't tell you a single character name. What I can tell you is I hated this book. A man brings his new bride to a secluded island where only other men are staying. They decide it's a good idea to chase and hunt her on the island like twisted horror story adulterer hunger games. The attitudes of the male characters in this book were so bad I finished it just so I could say how much I hated it. I don't recommend it.


After Charlie's best friend dies she decided it was time to go home to her grandmother that loves her. The only way to do that was hitchhike her way home, also she sees movies in her mind. Charlie doesn't make a single decision that a woman with a brain would make, she wasn't a well written fleshed out character. The villain, both of them were also shallow and made no sense. The non-villain twist didn't fit the story. Overall the book was bad.

My Calamity Jane | Jodi Meadows, Brodi Ashton, Cynthia Hand

Calamity Jane just makes you want to hug her! This book is the third in a set of historical retelling about women named Jane in history who didn't get the stories they deserved. This one Jane is a werewolf hunter in the wild west who is learning who she is and what it means to have a family. I loved the side characters and how the authors mix up timelines to make friends where they didn't fit in real life. These books are just such fun to read!


The Wayfarers is the perfect example of cozy sci-fi! Gora, a planet with nothing on it but travel stops, an odd group finds themselves at the Five-Hop run by a single mother and child doing their best. Mechanical failures means the group gets to have a mini-vacation while trying to figure out their lives. I enjoyed the day in the life style writing with emotional moments between strangers, characters becoming friends. Chambers is a great author!

Malibu Rising | Taylor Jenkins Reid

Nina Riva has always done what she could to keep her family together, quitting school, becoming a model female surfer, running her mothers restaurant to keep her siblings. Her dedication is where her mothers wasn't. Her father is Mick Riva someone already famous who decides not to be there. I love books about family, especially when there is love and dysfunction. I love the commitment between the siblings. It was such an emotional book to read!

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The Album of Dr. Moreau | Daryl Gregory

The WyldBoyz are part human, part animal and also a famous rock band while the rest of the world are just human. They've never discussed publicly how they came to be, they just decided to be famous! Now there has been a murder and they have to make sure none of them are considered the killer. The twist at the end, the science fiction aspects just built such a weird story. I loved it! Now I need to read more books by Gregory cause this was great!


Addie has lived a very long time, you could probably count it as forever by now. She has had a struggle living that long though because no one who meets her remembers. Addie slowly builds herself into the story though to cheat the devil a little. Until someone finally remembers but she can't figure out why and he decides not to tell her. I enjoyed this novel, how Schwab built the story and characters and it was a long but fun read!

Bridge of Souls | Victoria Schwab

Cassidy Blake goes to New Orleans to learn about southern historical ghost! She finally feels she might have some control over her ghost hunting abilities until she meets super scary ghost again and it all goes upside down. I love the friendship she has in these novels with Jacob who is a ghost himself, and Lara who traveled across the world just to help! Her parents, clueless are sweet too. These are just fun MG books I love reading!

Rule of Wolves | Leigh Bardugo

Leigh Bardugo just can't go wrong, I haven't read anything by her I just didn't fall face first into love! Rule of Wolves follows our favorite Ravkan characters Nikolai and Zoya trying to stop war with the Fjerda and Nina, one of the character loves of my life undercover trying not to fall in love herself while mourning in Fjreda. I open these books and it feels like home with how real the world has been built and how much I love the stories.

An Unexpected Peril | Deanna Raybourn

I love Veronica Speedwell so much and it pains me to say I just didn't love this book compared to others in the series. Veronica is slowly meeting more and more of her family and ends up in an adventure to impersonate a Princess from anther country while trying to keep England and them both out of war. There has also been a murder she just knows is connected to the foreign dignitaries and people climb mountains! It was fun, if slightly boring.


Bethany is a control freak and all of a sudden she has thrown her own world out of control. Ending in a feud with her brother to flip the best house how did she only end up with one man on her team, and why is it Wes a man younger and hotter than she needs in her life? This isn't my favorite in Tessa Bailey's hot and hammered series but it was a fun read and I enjoyed the banter between the two and his cute niece didn't ruin the romance either!

A Court of Silver Flames | Sarah J. Maas

I love Sarah J. Maas books even if they are all the exact same and tell the same story and women have to give up their powers at the end, they are just still fun! So Nesta finally has to contribute to her family, she's got dark dangerous scary powers of destruction and she needs to use them to help instead of be drunk with men. I didn't enjoy the ending but I had loved the story in between, and especially the steam between her and Cassian!


So Malcolm is a book seller who once made a list of eight perfect murders in mystery novels and now an FBI agent is knocking on his door to solve cold cases that look eerily similar to his list. I remember the twist even if I read it in February but I don't want to spoil anything for anyone else. It was a fun if slow murder mystery read and I did enjoy Swanson's writing even if it has little staying power, and didn't stick with me long term.

The Project | Courtney Summers
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Wow, I did not like this book! So Lo has been on her own, but not really because she has her boss who is super weird with her is her side I guess, but mostly alone. Her sister joined a cult called the Unity Project and Lo spends the whole book trying to out this cult for being a cult. Until the very end where she makes a whole character arc change and I hated it honestly. I don't recommend and this doesn't come close to Sadie which was good.

BookishTrish Yes to all of this 3y
AshleyKorinE @BookishTrish it just made no sense at the end. Why would someone who‘s been so against it the whole time decide to join when she knows it‘s a cult! Like not even for investigative purposes, just all out join. 3y
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Morrigan Crow is just such a delightful character to read about and these books are just so fun I want to give them to everyone I know from kid to grown ups! Nevermoor has been hit by a horrible sickness turning wunimals into just regular animals and Morrigan Crow has to do everything she can to fix it, even if it means teaming up with someone she hates. The ending left me wanting the next book now and even it they are long books they are fun!


So I love Crazy Ex-Girlfriend! The show is funny, musical, delightful, and everything fun you can find in a tv show. Rachel Bloom is not a tv character though. I hate to give bad reviews to memoirs because I'm not saying your life isn't good, she is just so very vulgar. Trust me when I say I can be too, but she went seven steps past what I enjoy reading so it wasn't for me. You may love it, and I hope you do honestly because she can be funny.


Nora's life isn't going the way she wants it so she makes a decision that puts her at the Midnight Library. It's a place where you go to live all of the lives you could have if you had just changed one thing. She goes through so many different lives, had she stayed with that boyfriend or not left a band and got to see if she was happy at the end of the day. Turns out she is right where she wants to be, she just needs to forgive and love herself.

Outlawed | Anna North

I read this in January so my original review was I liked it and I mean it's been 11 months now so I guess I did to a point but it has no staying power. Ada doesn't get pregnant in her first year of marriage so her mother tries tricks and eventually she has to run away. I didn't love it but maybe that's because I'm suffering through my own round of infertility and there's no magic in it, and setting it in the west of the future was a weird choice.

Convenience Store Woman | Sayaka Murata

This is is one of the weirdest little books I've ever had the pleasure to read. Keiko Furukura has always just wanted a very simple life. She has her job at her convenience store that she has worked at forever and she is happy. Men and family in her life just don't understand her lack of ambition and tries to making her change who she is. She just loves the simplicity of her store. It's a short, odd happy novel about knowing who you are in life.

The Ghosts of Sherwood | Carrie Vaughn

Robin Hood! Who doesn't love Robin Hood? Set after the epic events in his life, Marian and him are married and have children and there is an uneasy truce between the sheriff, kings, and other houses. Then the kids are kidnapped and Robin doesn't know if it's old enemies or new. With familiar names in the Robin Hood lore, John, Marian, and now his kids, Robin Hood saves the day again! It's a short novella that was just a lot of fun to read!


I'll start out by saying I love every book in this series, they are so well written! I don't know how McGuire builds such realistic worlds while keeping these books small novellas. Regan goes to the Hooflands, I mean she is a horse girl, what better world to go to for a horse girl than one where everyone is some type of horse? I loved the characters and Regans journey on discovering herself and what she wants in life. The book was fun!

Plain Bad Heroines | Emily M Danforth

This book was just entirely to long. Set in multiple time lines in 1902 and today about a school for girls and the tragedy that happened there with girls who love girls. The characters from the past are really the only ones I was interested in. Today's set with a famous actress and an author who wants to finish Capote's unfinished novel just bored me. It was also about a famous memoir that didn't add a lot to the story. Overall I was bored.

Ducks, Newburyport | Lucy Ellmann
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This took 3 long weeks to read. I read the physical book, ebook, and audio just to try to finish this before January was over. It‘s so long at 1,028 pages of nothing but stream of consciousness with no periods and never ending topics interspersed with the story of a mountain lion and her cubs. It felt like I was inside my own head but I don‘t have 4 kids and I can‘t bake to safe my life. It was a good long read overall, worth the effort it took.


I read this as a Reese Witherspoon pick of the month and honestly it was one of my favorites of hers I read this year. The story of Mina through in the past and her struggle as an immigrant and her daughters story was beautiful and a struggle at the same time. The way their lives were so different with the generational, language, and cultural divides and how it came to the sad conclusion made it a book worth reading.

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If you like nonsense and over blown drama creating funny situations resulting in a happy every after this book would be for you. It‘s more over done than your average romance novel to the point I kind of wanted them to just go ahead and kiss and make up. When they did it was must like the rest of the book dramatic and funny and overall worth the read. I recommend it, 4 stars and a fun book.

Mr. Malcolm's List | Suzanne Allain
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Having seen this was going to be a movie and all over Instagram adds I decided to pick it up. I‘m so glad I did! It‘s hilarious! It‘s light and fluffy with some good scheming and judgement built in to make it more interesting. I usually like my romances more open door but I was so delighted by the characters and the laughs the fact there was never more than unexplained kisses didn‘t even register. If you want a mushy romance this is it, 5 stars!

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