It has taken me a few years but I'm finally out of my reading slump. I hope to be active again here, but in the meantime I'm rereading a favorite book
It has taken me a few years but I'm finally out of my reading slump. I hope to be active again here, but in the meantime I'm rereading a favorite book
I finished this a little while ago but completely forgot to post. This isn't quite a comfort read, but it is a book I enjoy re-reading. Picture is my #handspun yarn, I've been doing a lot of #spinning lately.
#serialreader #craftingwhilereading
I think this is the biggest part I disagree with. I don't think a wonderful place would have such inequality as slavery, and fixed gender roles aren't great. It can be passed off as being of its time, but there's also the discussion about property which feels very modern.
Honestly this is why I love this book. There's always something new to discover.
I am thoroughly enjoying this. I'm pretty sure this is my fourth time reading it, but each time I find something new
Another day, another issue! Such an interesting look at early 16th century thought
Another issue done! This is the most I've read in ages. It's good to note that this was written in 1516 and is firmly against the death penalty
After almost two years of not even wanting to read, I've started a book.
Absolutely #ItsSoLateItsEarly at 6am but I need to know what happens next. I need to know if they're all OK
... And now to start the third in the series! Excited for this, worried for the characters, and curious as to how it'll all end
Actually finished this last night, just forgot to post about it. An excellent book, it felt shorter than the first in the series despite being longer
Just some #ItsSoLateItsEarly reading
This book is trigger warning central.
The final few chapters redeemed it but oof. I'm unsure how to feel about this one
Starting this for a book club, not a clue what it's about, so this could be interesting??
Have you read this?
This was a little slow to start, lots of world and character building rather than plot, but once the plot started it really went fast.
Reading this for my book club and enjoying it so far. I love the world building, it feels like being in the 1920s
Well this is amazing. I love a book that instantly opens with a huge list of names and how to pronounce them. This is such a brilliant book
I have to stop reading this. It was published in 2017 but the language is outdated and offensive. The arguments made in the five essays I've read are weak, based on evidence that can be interpreted in a very different way very easily. I have to stop.
I'm only a little bit into this, but I'm really not sure how to feel about it so far. Anyone read it?
I forgot it was #24in48 this weekend so I'm doing it in the week instead. Good luck to everyone doing it!
I finished the tagged book on Friday, about to start Queen of Air and Darkness now.
This was an easy read with some of my favourite tropes.
My January wrap up and my February TBR will be up on my blog at 6pm UK time on ellanathornton-wheybrew.weebly.com
I first read this when I was 5yrs old, and mom thought it was a lovely book about a farm. She was wrong, yes, but it did seem to influence a great deal about my world view. 25yrs on from the first time I read it, this still remains an excellent book, one I think should be essential reading
Again, ableist slurs used. Every book in the series so far has used at least one. I still enjoyed it, but ugh.
Not bad, put off by the slurs in it though
Much prefer this to the first in the series, despite the slurs.
Starting the next in the series with a little friend. Fuzzbutt is snoring loudly
I love the representation in this, with a large number of main characters having ADHD and dyslexia, but I'm not yet convinced that I'll love the series
This one I'm very excited about reading. I adored the previous books and I'm looking forward to reading this
The misogyny is strong in this one.
It's an OK series, I'm invested in some characters, but not Uhtred. The author seems to show that people are evil if they abuse women and children. Sure you can claim it's historically accurate, but does it really need to be in every other chapter?
Guess who's been forgetting to check here...
It is my plan to read every day in December to help smash my reading goal, so let's get started!
I'm dog sitting this pretty baby, fuzzbutt. Fuzzbutt has anxiety so we're reading together
This book needs all the trigger warnings, but what an intense read. Incredible, dark, and a great way to end my reading slump
It has been three months since I read a book, but I started this last night and so far I'm enjoying it! While it's not the most comforting book to read since I'm sick right now, I'm enjoying it nonetheless. It's dark and brutal, and just what I want
My #WitcherADay continues! The dragon episode was so good, but the story was better.
My #OWLs are going well, with Muggle Studies now complete
Also I'm back doing some cross stitch! Not yet done with this yet but isn't it pretty?
One day left with this book for #WitcherADay and I'm really enjoying it!
I adore Geralt. Just read the story regarding the law of surprise for my #WitcherADay and oooooh...
My #WitcherADay is going well, and I love Geralt even more now
Starting today I'm doing #WitcherADay and I'm starting with one short story a day, then one chapter a day once I get to the novels.
Geralt is adorable
Reading for the #OWLs starting with Astronomy, reading a book when it's dark. I'm aiming for Alchemist.
Tomorrow I'm starting something interesting, and I'm planning on hosting a readathon in June, but more details later