This was a reread. The first time around was a so-so, but as an audiobook, it was much closer to a pick.
This was a reread. The first time around was a so-so, but as an audiobook, it was much closer to a pick.
Book no7
I borrowed this on a whim after seeing the film 😅
The third person narration is ok. A bit odd to me considering how much emotion is coming through Hadley's character as the story centers around her but all in all a solid read with a whirlwind romance, a bit of they will they or won't they trope, and the dialogue between Hadley and Oliver was cute and lent it itself nicely to a more believable romance for me than other young adults books.
Wish the "...based on the book by..." Tagline was at the beginning and not the end of a movie. I much prefer to read then watch. This was very good!
3.6 ⭐️ this is a pic, but barely. This was my #HometownBookClub book choice for the month, so it was read using Audible as this has been the groups preferred method. However, I wish I had the book in my hand so I could‘ve thrown it across the room several times. The primary love story was super cute, but the background story had me up in arms the entire time.
3✨ For me I really liked the airplane scenes. The rest of the story was good, but it seemed slow in other scenes especially the wedding and where Oliver went. I say that it went slow, but there was really not much details in both of these places. I‘m not a fan of jumping around on the timeline, and this had quite a bit of that on here. It was done better than most in giving a warning it was happening. Overall, not a bad book.
I had a bit of a hard time starting and staying with this book. But it‘s a cute little romance.
I went with colorful this time for my #BookSpinBingo It is also quite messy since I have a lot of rollover from 2023 🫣 There is more if I can‘t finish a few books in the next two days. 😅
I saw the Netflix movie then put a hold on the book inspiring it. The book was cute but I liked the adaption a bit better. Oliver‘s presence and backstory in the movie was more interesting. The movie upped Hadley‘s age just enough to make me comfortable with her traveling overseas and discovering streets of London for the first time and on her own.
Hadley and Oliver meet in an airport just before heading to London. Hadley is headed to get Dad‘s wedding. This almost never happens, but I actually liked movie more than the book. There‘s a completely different plot about Oliver‘s parents in the film which was beautifully done. The book is more about Hadley‘s parent‘s divorce than her whirlwind romance. I highly recommend the movie, the book was just OK, and perfect for a quick read.
I can't say that I was incredibly impressed with either the book or the movie, but both were... fine.
It did fill a #wickedwords prompt for me, though! @asyouwish
Finishing this today and then heading to the library for my Team Romance book for the month long
Trope-Ical readathon. Still time to join in! https://jenjenreviews.wordpress.com/tropeical-readathon/
This is a nice read for those days where you would want to finish a book in one sitting. I love that it was packed with lot of emotions and back story of Hadley and not just some fluff to match the title of the book
Re-read this book I got as a teen. A love story about a young couple who meet in an airport on the same flight to London, on trips they are both dreading. I wish there was more about London because it‘s one of my favourite cities, but the story is still cute ☺️
#BookSpin for September
I‘ve heard great things about this one, so I‘m reading it at last. 😃👍
Who read it? Any thoughts? No spoilers!! 😉👍
#jennifersmith #love #instalove #reading #book
#ShowSomeLove Day 4: Fats‘ review: “Jennifer E. Smith concocts a beautiful story that reminds us about the magic of fate, all in a span of twenty-four hours. Although it took me days to finish the book, The Statistical Probability of #LoveAtFirstSight is the best YA novel I‘ve read so far. If you‘re looking for a book that would make you gush and fill your heart with cheesiness, then this book is not for you.” Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5jD
I really like this book, I am not finished yet but I am excited to see what will happen next. Hadley is the main character, she is on her way to London for a wedding, her fathers. Hadley's father was in London to work at Oxford University. He then met another girl and divorced Hadley's mother. Hadley was so mad at her dad for this, she didn't want to go to the wedding. Hadley was so mad that she hasn't visited her father in a year.
Got my June #bookspin picks ready. Most of them are from last month, with the replacement of four that I either DNFed, completed, or are currently reading.
“it's not the changes that will break your heart; it's that tug of familiarity.“
A very sweet YA romance - a young couple meet by accident in JFK Airport and find themselves sitting together on the #Airplane flying to London #LetsTravelJuly
This was a cute short read about two people who end up falling in love due to fate. Your typical story about love at first sight set over a 24 hour period. Hadley meets Oliver in the airport on the way to her dads wedding and a series of events ends up uniting them for good. It‘s an extremely short read but nonetheless pretty good. Only complaint is that not too much happens in the book because of the short time span but still good!
Started this book yesterday and already on chapter 8! It‘s so good so far! 😍
I have 4 books left in my stack! Good thing I just started a new one so I have a little bit till I read these ones! Gonna need to get some more soon! 😭
Can‘t wait to start this book! Just finished my 4th book in my stack of reads and now onto number 5! Looks so good! Too late to start it tonight so I can‘t wait for tomorrow! 😍
📚 - The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight
🎬 - Love, Actually
🎵 - Cupid by Sam Cook
#manicmonday @JoScho
Only finished this because it was a quick read. I wanted something light and fun, but just found this bland and predictable. It was hard to find proper justification to care about the characters which seemed flat and one-dimensional.
Above them, one of the blackened #television screens brightens, and there‘s an announcement about the in-flight movie. It‘s an animated film about a family of ducks, one that Hadley‘s actually seen, and when Oliver groans, she‘s about to deny the whole thing. But then she twists in her seat and eyes him critically. “There‘s nothing wrong with ducks,” she tells him, and he rolls his eyes. “Talking ducks?” Hadley grins.“They sing, too.” #QuotsyNov18
#PrinceOfJuly Day 19: This fits #InternationalLover to a T as 17yo Hadley Sullivan missed her flight by 4 minutes and meets a British boy named Oliver who also happens to be flying to London and, as fate would have it, shares her row in the plane. As Fats noted in her review: Smith concocts a beautiful story that reminds us about the magic of fate, all in a span of 24 hours. Full review: https://wp.me/pDlzr-5jD
Another YA selection. I‘m on a roll! This was another book from the Bustle “meet cute” article I read. It was surprisingly sweet and poignant, especially considering the article topic. Definitely would recommend this quick read to anyone. It was delightful. #meetcute #youngadult Article link: https://www.bustle.com/p/13-romance-novels-with-meet-cutes-that-will-seriously-m...
1. My job is hosting a music festival, so I‘m working open-close all weekend 😭
2. The Statistical Probability of Love at First Sight by Jennifer E. Smith because I‘m traveling.
3. So many! Boston is home. I went to school in LA. I love to travel to Sorrento, Italy, Key West, Florida, and I loved living in Chiba, Japan.
4. Sloth!
5. 80, but it‘s the beginning of a tropical storm 🌧
#fridayintro @jesshowbooks
Really enjoying this one so far ... chilling out in my teenage niece‘s room, with the pup and some fine YA lit. ❤️
While this book does contain an instalove story it's maybe only 10% of the book. The rest of the book is about a family and I adore books that look into family dynamics. I was pleasantly surprised with how good this is. The audio was wonderful. Cute quick listen.
Chocolate Kiss
How the Light Gets In
I‘ll Give You The Sun
Statistical Probabilities of Love at First Sight
Two Boys Kissing
If I Stay
Absolutely True Diary of a Part-Time Indian
I thought that this book was cute and I liked the characters and the story. Two young adults meet in an unexpected place and help each other deal with events that neither want to have to face. I found it to be a bit rushed and idealistic, but overall it was a light, cute read. I just think it needed more developing.
“It was his fault, all of it, and yet her hatred for him was the worst kind of love, a tortured longing, a misguided wish that made her heart hammer in her chest. She couldn't ignore the disjointed sensation that they were now two different pieces of two different #puzzles, and nothing in the world could make them fit together again.”
#puzzle #quotsynov17
I was a bit reluctant to read this because 1. it's a young adult novel 2. it's a love story and 3. it's chic lit and this spells lots and lots of CHEESE, cheesy story, cheesy lines, a perfect gentleman and a damsel in distress. However, I was wrong. I actually enjoyed the book. Its just not about romantic love but also daddy and daughter love is also present. The book actually made me cry. Readers everywhere has to pick this one up. I recommend it
A #BigJetPlane brings Hadley and Oliver together for a quick and charming YA romance. #TuneIntoNovember
¿Desde cuándo son puntuales los aviones a la hora de despegar? Hadley ha llegado cuatro minutos tarde, lo que, bien pensado, no parece mucho. Cierra los ojos solo un instante y, cuando los vuelve a abrir, el avión ha desaparecido. Desarrollada a lo largo de 24 horas, la historia de Hadley y Oliver nos convence de que el amor verdadero puede aparecer en nuestras vidas cuando menos lo esperamos. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Doing some art stuff and some reading tonight.
I just finished reading this book and it was so beautiful! Just a perfect book to help me get out of my reading slump!
I fell in love with Hadley and Oliver, and I fell in love with the writing, and I think I'm going to read more books by this author!
Have you guys read this book? 😊
A sweet book that could read in a day ⭐⭐⭐
I just love the whole book in general. I was eagerly reading each page wanting to know more about this relationship that Hadley and Oliver developed over a course of 24 hours. I really liked the plot of the story. It was just such a heart warming read!
Hallo ihr Lieben, ich bin Kati ❤
Aber zum Buch: Ich liebe diesen Titel der alten Ausgaben 😍
Auch die Geschichte konnte mich überzeugen. Es ist zwar recht kurz und hat einen sehr tollen Schreibstil 😊
Die Story war sehr süß und meine Befürchtung, dass alles irgendwie unecht wirken könnte, weil es hauptsächlich am selben Tag spielt hat sich nicht bewahrheitet 😊
Ich kann es jedem Liebhaber von kurzen und romantischen Geschichten nur empfehlen 😊😍
a few books with love it the title for #feistyFeb