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Ik zie jou
Ik zie jou | Clare Mackintosh
Na haar succesdebuut Mea culpa (I Let You Go) slaagt Clare Mackintosh er opnieuw in een geweldige thriller te schrijven. Ik zie jou (I See You) is een thriller over forenzen, routines en obsessie. Je treinreis, je rit naar je werk wordt nooit meer hetzelfde na het lezen van dit boek! Wanneer Zo Walker, tijdens een treinrit naar haar werk, tot haar verbijstering een foto van zichzelf in de krant ziet in de rubriek met seksadvertenties, is ze vastbesloten uit te zoeken hoe die foto daar terecht is gekomen. Ze heeft geen andere aanwijzingen dan de korrelige foto, een website en een telefoonnummer. Haar familieleden wuiven het weg als iemand die misschien veel op haar lijkt. Maar dan verschijnt er een foto van een andere vrouw, een vrouw die net als Zo elke dag die trein neemt. Wanneer deze vrouw vervolgens gewurgd wordt gevonden, beseft Zo dat ze gevaar loopt. Maar van wie komt dat gevaar? Iemand die net als zij dagelijks die trein neemt? Iemand die precies weet wat haar routines zijn? Van Mea culpa(I Let You Go) werden wereldwijd meer dan een miljoen exemplaren verkocht en ook Ik zie jou (I See You) was na verschijnen direct een hit.
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Main character felt realistic and atmosphere was horrid: women who are just trying to work and pay their bills are suddenly targets. They are followed and it makes you think how routines can work against you.

The ending was a bit much and some things were unbelievable. This was so captivating and thrilling, and I can forgive that.

AnnCrystal Too terrifyingly realistic during these crazy times...a few days ago I saw a guy who could've been Michael Myers (minus the mask and weapon, thankfully). Freaked me out. Kept my eye on him for awhile (ready to take on the Laurie Strode / Keri Tate role LOL). He had hatred in his eyes... 10mo
PageShifter @AnnCrystal Oh no!! I am happy that you're fine! We had a teenager here who murdered his friend and was dressed as Michael Myers. He also moved like Michael Myers. This happened a year ago. 10mo
AnnCrystal @PageShifter what the heck!? That's just horrible. What is going on out there?! Too scary. Something is wrong... 10mo
PageShifter @AnnCrystal I agree!! 10mo
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I liked it. I was torn between thinking it was too unbelievable and maybe TOO believable, and that was creepy. Lots of red herrings in this one, which made me go back and forth with the whodunnit right up until the end.

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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@Andrew65 In going to make good progress this week during the #JoysOfJune Readathon.

Weeks 2 & 3 sections in Last Night at the Telegraph Club for #sundaybuddyread
Read I See You
Read the Australia Overview for #foodandlit
Start My Calamity Jane

Andrew65 Great to have you with us, and good luck. 😁 Some good book choices. (edited) 1y
Allylu Is My Calamity Jane the third book in the Lady Janies series by Cynthia Hand? I‘m anxious to hear what you think of it. I just finished My Lady Jane! (edited) 1y
Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick @Allylu Yes! I really enjoyed My Lady Jane. I liked My Plain Jane but didn't love it. Will be starting this one soon and hoping it's good. It'll be my first one on audio because I have some driving to do this week and next. 1y
Allylu @Kelly_the_Bookish_Sidekick I listened to My Lady Jane and the narrator really added to the story and made it exciting! 1y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Reading this and unable to get up… We moved from CT to OR on Friday and the cats got here last night (they went by car with a service). They clearly are as happy to be reunited with me as I am to be with them ♥️😆

LiteraryinPA Awwwww!! I‘m so glad you‘re reunited! 2y
EvieBee That‘s a big move! 2y
Librariana Welcome to the PNW! But my goodness, what a move! Glad your kitty cats are now with you 😊🥰 2y
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LauraJ Congrats on a successful move! The kitties adjusted quickly. 2y
Leftcoastzen Wow , didn‘t know there was such a service. Glad your move was successful. 2y
Hooked_on_books I did RI to OR once upon a time, so I know that‘s a huge move! Congrats on making it! I‘m not in Oregon now but think of it as home. What part did you end up in? The north coast has my heart. 2y
mcipher @Hooked_on_books We are in Astoria, so right up near WA on the coast. It‘s beautiful! 2y
Hooked_on_books @mcipher Nice! I lived in Gearhart for 6 years and my husband is from Cannon Beach! The north coast is the best part of the state AND you‘re not too far from Powell‘s in Portland! But be sure to check out Beach Books in Seaside. Karen, the owner, is awesome! 2y
mcipher @Hooked_on_books We loved Cannon Beach when we visited! And I totally went to Beach Books and Powell‘s both already but I plan to go back (as well as check out Lucy‘s Books here if I ever manage to get there at the right time!) 2y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Book 61

I See You is the first Clare Mackintosh novel I've read that doesn't take place on a plane or have a flight attendant in it. It began very slow, but the end was gripping. The villian seemed obvious, but the twists were surprising. A woman sees her picture in the classifieds and begins uncovering murder victims that were first pictured there. ⭐️⭐️⭐️

I See You | Clare Mackintosh


I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Thank you so much, @Callemarie ! You hit it right on the head! I love cats and sloths and pumpkin spice and mysteries and socks and book bags! And a mystery solved by sheep?!? I‘m so looking forward to that! #FallingForFallSwap @Avanders — And #Lexiecat is happy too! #CatsofLitsy

AmyG I have a pin with the black cat on the book. So cute! 3y
MegaWhoppingCosmicBookwyrm Three Bags Full!! 😍❤️ 3y
Callemarie Yayyyyyyyy I‘m so happy you like them all❤️❤️❤️ 3y
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Avanders I love all those bookish goodies!! 😍😍🍁🍂🧡 3y
IMASLOWREADER i have the shirt and its one of my favorites 3y
tokorowilliamwallace Seems as if there's particularly a lot of swapping and gifting going on in this community. 3y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Great book for great minded people

mrp27 Hi! Welcome to Litsy, hope you like it here. 3y
Wife Welcome to Litsy!🌹 3y
tpixie Welcome to Litsy! Follow @LitsyHappenings check out @LitsyWelcomeWagon find books you like and people that liked them and those might be good people to follow. Everyone here is friendly, though so I don‘t think you could go wrong ! Check out #Litsytips & @Chelleo on YouTube https://youtu.be/H-iERTO-zXU (edited) 3y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Halfway through my first book of 2021! The chapters are alternating from 3 different character perspectives, looking forward to seeing how it all comes together at the end

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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This one was great! The final reveal, even though it was shocking confirmed my suspicions. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Oh my god I am shook! I did not see that coming! That ending, wow!
This book was pretty slow at first but wow did it pick up towards the end. I gave it 4/5 stars

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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Clare Mackintosh is quickly moving to the top of my favourite thriller authors. This book was creepy as fuck, and I loved every single sentence in it! I stayed up until 4:30am to finish the audiobook, and I was super grateful that my husband was home because otherwise I might‘ve been hiding under the covers afterwards 😂

Yes, yes and yes! 🖤😱🤍

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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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This is a pick for me, but I have a thought... #6 #2020

kricheal I really hate that the parents not being honest to their children about their divorce was used as a plot device. That part irked me. 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh

3.5 or 4 stars- I See You was a creepy, realistic thriller that kept me on the edge of my seat. Some of the twists in this one were a bit more predictable than they usually are in her books, but I still hung on to every word, anxiously waiting to find out how it would all turn out.

#jpbookreview #minireview #thegreeneyedreader #bookreview #review #iseeyou #claremackintosh

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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Currently buddy reading this one with a coworker.. have you read I See You?

LiteraryinPA I did and I liked it! It‘s been a bit so I don‘t remember specifics though. 5y
Jemgirl2014 I have! It's so good! Enjoy! 5y
erzascarletbookgasm I did, I still think her debut is the best. 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I usually will buy anything by Clare mackintosh because I love her easy to read style of writing, love her characters and best of all her story lines, but this one was so dull. I really didn‘t care in the end and only finished it because I have to finish a book I start 😞 it wasn‘t bad, it was just really boring

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Starting this next on #overdrive #currentlylistening

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Slow start, but it hooked me pretty quickly! The ending though? I need like a whole other book to elaborate on that. Oh well - still a decent suspense-y thriller. 😁

ashley_o13 There definitely needs to be another book for this ending ! 5y
CBee @ashley_o13 yes! I was like, NOOOO, I need more 😂😂😂 5y
ashley_o13 @CBee same! I flipped back to see if I missed something. I couldn't believe it was over 😂 5y
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CBee @ashley_o13 I finished and remembered that one part where they were talking at the cafe, almost like they had a secret..... but that was like the ONLY hint I had. But I never thought that‘s how it was going to end! 5y
ashley_o13 @CBee yes i know i remembered that too. I definitely thought it was the boyfriend though 5y
CBee @ashley_o13 same 🤷‍♀️ 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I had trouble getting into this book but then things picked up and I ended up liking it. The author gives plenty of possible suspects so it was fun working out whodunit and identifying red herrings. I was telling my son about it and we both agreed it would be good if a certain character was guilty and we were right, so that was fun. I did feel that the entire plot, ending, and motivation were all totally unbelievable. Interesting, but forgettable.

Dragonfairykats I love that you discussed the book with your son! 5y
Bookgirl @Dragonfairykats Me too ☺️ He loves hearing about what I‘m reading and speculating on whodunit when it‘s a mystery! 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh

Okay, so. I really liked this, it was fast paced, well written, definitely kept me guessing in ways that didn‘t feel cheap or obvious like some thrillers. And the reveal/whodunnit was actually interesting—EXCEPT FOR THE REASON BEHIND PART OF IT which was so fucking clichéd and tired and made me literally say aloud OH COME ON SERIOUSLY??! Sigh. Much of the ending was good! And the story was good! Whyyy the trite bit of crap thrown in? 3/5 ⭐️

alisonrose Giving it a Pick over a So-So because overall it was good and I‘m sure plenty of people won‘t be as irked as I am by the one thing. 5y
alisonrose OH ALSO in addition to there being characters with my first name and my dad‘s FULL name, the main character is named Zoe...........my fucking cat‘s name! IS THE TITLE MEANT TO BE CLARE MACKINTOSH TALKING TO ME??? 5y
Crazeedi @alisonrose Haha!!🤣 maybe she's related!! 😉 5y
Bklover Love it!😂 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Starting to wonder if this author knows my family—first there was reference to a character named Alison (spelled right!) and now there‘s someone with the same name, first and last, as my dad! A little eerie since it‘s a thriller about maybe being watched/stalked by a creeper 😆😆😆

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Time to creep myself out!!! 😬 #nowreading

LiteraryinPA I liked this one and remember it being quite creepy. Have fun! 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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When all your clients cancel what else can you do buy have an early lunch and go via the charity shop. £1 each. Bargain.

julesG Perfect lunchbreak! 5y
kellock @julesG The actual lunch was disappointing but the book buying was fab! 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I love having friends that send me books. I love having friends that include other special little tokens with the book even more!

ElizaMarie Random gifts are the best :) 5y
wanderinglynn That elephant color page is so cool! ❤️ And agree, unexpected gifts are awesome! 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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This book has not quite grabbed me fully yet. I'm debating on reading this today at work or actually being productive until the term begins again on Monday 🤔📖

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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My reading spot today. I wish I could bottle up this sense of peace and carry it with me in my purse! 🌊 ☀️

kspenmoll Water and sand= tranquility. 👍🏻 5y
Mitch Oh wow... just looking at that photo gave me the feels.. space, sky and ocean! Perfect? 5y
JanuarieTimewalker13 Beautiful 💙 5y
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squirrelbrain Looks so relaxing! 5y
Crazeedi ❤❤❤❤ 5y
chelreads The beach is the best spot to read! I wanted to let you know that I‘ve moved so I‘ll email you my new address so that you have it for the next breakfast book club exchange 😊 5y
whatsthEStorey @chelreads congrats on your move! Hope you‘re getting settled! ☺️ 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Zoe takes the same route to work everyday, and in the train commute, is unaware she is being observed with psychotic interest.

#AMonthOfSongs #EyesOnYou

OriginalCyn620 Sounds good! 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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My obvious choice for #EveryBreathYouTake, "the stalker's anthem" as Ana Steele called it, would have been 50 Shades. But I must be boring you all with it by now. Hence the tagged book, which I bought in London while commuting, but didn't dare to read yet. #MountTBR

#anglophileapril @emilyhaldi @Cinfhen @Reviewsbylola @Mdargusch

Mdargusch Every thriller should get this tag especially when there‘s a stalker involved. 😳 5y
emilyhaldi Lol, who knew so many prompts could apply to 50 shades?! 5y
Reviewsbylola She‘s a great author. This is a good one. 5y
julesG @emilyhaldi Let's see, maybe I can think of a 50 Shades connection for the next prompts too. 😁 5y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Dollar Tree haul. I think I accidentally bought I See You twice, oops. And I didn‘t realize the one was ripped along the spine til I took the photo. Darn it.
#dollartree #dollartreehaul #haul #bookhaul #books #newbooks #memoirs #fiction #mystery

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I enjoyed this book, alot have said it was creepy, I didn't find it creepy at all. The ending was a great surprise if I do say so myself. All in all, a great read.

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Excellent thriller. This book had an interesting cast of characters and delicious tension. Kept me guessing until the end and I was sad when the book finished - I wanted to know more!

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I See You | Clare Mackintosh

The first 1/3 of the book you spend your time going back and forth on who you think it could be. You‘re so sure about yourself 98% of the time and turn a couple of pages and then you‘re questioning your decision. The ending was SPOT ON! The answer was revealed to you with about 80 pages left and you‘re SHOOK!

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Again, I thought I would enjoy this creepy thriller more than I did. A woman finds her picture in the newspaper and finds out someone is stalking women on their commutes and uploading their personal information on a website. I think my problem was that I loved Mackintosh‘s debut so much so this one let me down a bit. The ending seemed a bit too far fetched.

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Making progress. Image looks like not coming through but on book number 12 for January. Loved ‘I see You‘ by Clare Macintosh. Got her first one on audible.

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Got my match! Hope they are not expecting milk, it's hard to ship.

#CupidGoesPostal @BookishMarginalia

Caroline2 😂 6y
TrishB 😂😂👍🏻 6y
BookBabe 😂 6y
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GingerAntics 🤣😂🤣 6y
BookishMarginalia 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼 6y
BookNAround This cracked me up! My match needs to send milk because we‘re pretty much always out of milk. 😂 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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SilversReviews ENJOY!! I liked this book, but I liked her others better. 6y
wallacereads @SilversReviews - it was not totally predictable so I gave it a thumbs up! 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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#OctoberXFiles #SomebodysWatchingMe another 👂🏼🐛🎶 Zoe Walker commutes to work every day to a job she hates and a boss who‘s horrid. She becomes convinced that somebody is watching her and other female commuters but nobody takes her seriously until someone winds up murdered😱 #MoreMehThanYeah

TrishB Good pick 👍🏻 6y
julesG Grrr, that would have been my choice, but I do have another idea. 😉 6y
Cinfhen Sorry @julesG 💕💕I have faith in you 6y
erzascarletbookgasm Perfect 👌 6y
Robothugs Ooo 😳 sounds good! 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Zoe Walker feels like someone is watching her. She becomes trapped in the confines of her normal everyday world. This intense psychological thriller makes you re-evaluate every step you take and makes you see the world in a different light. It has a killer twist which keeps the pages turning until the very end. I'm looking forward to reading Mackintosh's next novel and I highly recommend this one to those who love psychological thrillers.

Cinfhen Did you read her first book???? It was sooooo good 6y
EadieB @Cinfhen Yes it was much better than this one! 6y
Cinfhen Agreed!!!!! This one let me down after her first one... 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Just finished this one tonight! In the begging of the book Clare mentions how hard writing a second novel was. Now I read her first novel and I had no complaints about this one! Some people say it wasn‘t as good as the first, and I have to disagree! I felt it was just as great as the first!

I See You | Clare Mackintosh

Finished listening to this tonight. The narrator does a great job conveying the creepy parts of the book. I wasn‘t expecting the twists at the end - the author kept me guessing right up to the last chapter.

I See You | Clare Mackintosh

Loved the beginning of this and had high hopes for it but the ending was weak at best, ridiculous at worst. Disappointing 📕😒

I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Yup. I really enjoy Clare Mackintosh's books. 😊
#Burley enjoyed the lazy Saturday morning while I finished it up.

eanderson 😱 Cute Dog!!! 6y
MinDea Thank you @eanderson! He is 4 months old! Just a little puppers 😊 6y
tammysue Burley!! I think he‘s just about the cutest pup ever! 😍 6y
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LibrarianRyan He‘s soooo cute!!! 6y
Eggbeater Your dog melted my heart today. 😍 6y
MinDea @Eggbeater he is a sweet one. 💙 Thank you! 6y
Moony Such a cute dog and picture ❤❤❤ 6y
MinDea Thank you @Moony! 6y
tonyahoswalt Oh, this sounds good. And as always, Burley is adorable! 6y
MinDea Thanks @tonyahoswalt! And yes, it is good! I enjoyed I Let You Go more but I liked this one as well. If you haven't read any of her books I would highly recommend her. 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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Finally getting into #ISeeYou 120 ish pages in. It's starting to take off for me. I am very intrigued to find out what is going on!

#Shadow is so super snuggly right now. 😍 My sweet little boy seems to be doing better and I am so thankful and happy. #CatsOfLitsy #Shippy @Zelma

Tanzy13 🐱 6y
ju.ca.no Cutie😍 6y
Zelma So glad he‘s feeling better! And what a cutie. 😻 6y
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MinDea Thanks @Zelma! 6y
Purrfectpages Adorable picture! 6y
tonyahoswalt I'm glad Shadow is feeling better! And that you are reading again! 6y
mcipher Awww, what a cute picture! Glad he‘s feeling well and you‘re enjoying this book. 😊 6y
MinDea Thanks @mcipher! 💙 6y
MinDea Thank you @tonyahoswalt!💙 6y
TK421 It is good to see Shadow feeling better! I've heard that cat snuggles can improve your reading experience. 😺 6y
MinDea Thank you @TK421! And yes, cat snuggles make everything better! 💙 6y
hgrimes I‘m so happy he‘s doing better! Yay! Keep up the good work, Shadow!!! 6y
MinDea Thank you @hgrimes! 💙💙 6y
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I See You | Clare Mackintosh
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I have a snuggly puppers so I am actually going to try to read. I haven't been reading much at all lately. Wish me luck! 🤞🤞🤞 #ReadingSlump #Burley #DogsOfLitsy

imabusybee I loved this book!! 6y
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