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Joined March 2019

A house without books is like a room without windows

I kept wanting to read just one more chapter. The characters developed a bit slowly but I think was in part to how the storyline was revealed. I did find myself skim reading through paragraphs as it did tend to get wordy in some spots. That ending 😲 SHOOK I did NOT see that little twist coming. It was a fun, quick little mystery read & right in my genre wheelhouse. Thank you Netgalley for a digital copy of this book for my honest review.

The Good Girl | Mary Kubica
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I read many reviews that mentioned the plot and storyline was predictable but I don‘t agree. Sure there were bits and pieces that I saw coming but that Epilogue 😲👏🏻🙌🏻 well done Mary, well done, that one I did NOT see coming even a little bit. I can‘t wait to read more from this author!


I thoroughly enjoyed this “book”. I don‘t normally listen to audio books because I can‘t focus on them well enough with my bad ADD but I‘m so glad I decided to do that with this book because I don‘t think it would have been the same without her voice. She‘s so funny and hearing about her back story, she went to SMU 🤯 and all the thoughts behind her 2 best roles of Lorelai and Sarah were so wonderful. I loved it!

Fly Away | Kristin Hannah

This sequel was just as wonderful & heart wrenching as the first one. This tragic and beautiful story couldn‘t have ended in a better way. Through the ups and downs of life love remains. I can‘t wait to read what else Kristin Hannah has to say. She is a beautiful and descriptive writer who really knows how to immerse you into the story. You feel so deep and connected to the characters.

Elevation | Stephen King

I‘m not exactly sure what to say about it as I‘m not fully sure what to think about it honestly. It was cute and interesting but odd and mind boggling. This is the 2nd Stephen King book that I‘ve read and I‘m still on the struggle bus of whether I like his books or not. 😂 But somehow I‘m still intrigued to keep reading his books even though they‘re not really my style. It‘s so very odd just like this story.


This book was funny, nostalgic, heartbreaking and beautiful. The words just flowed so easily I devoured it. It gave you the feeling you were living that life with TullyandKate. The songs mentioned were like an iPod that just brought you into the moment with them, such a simple idea but really rounded it out and made it perfection. Although the ending had me in a big ugly cry of streaming tears, this love story of friendship will steal your heart.

The Outsider | Stephen King

This was my first Stephen King book. Shocking since all I read for the most part is thrillers, murder mysteries, etc. I kind of had no clue what to expect going in. Once I realized where the storyline was headed it was losing me. I don‘t enjoy those types of things and I‘ll leave it at that so I don‘t give anything away. While I semi struggled to get through the last quarter of the book I still enjoyed it for the most part.


I devoured this book. I don‘t think I‘ve ever read a book so fast before! For some reason it just read so quickly. I really enjoyed this book. Again it was a little bit of a different read than I‘m used to but it did have an underlying mystery element to it. I haven‘t read one of JG‘s books in years but I quickly remembered how wonderful of a writer he is. You can just immerse yourself into his writing! So glad I decided to read this one!

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Code Name Verity | Elizabeth Wein

Page 8: This book may take some getting used to with all these German names and French words with no translation. But stick with it Jamie
Page 51: I love her humor even with being a POW
Page 135: SHOOK 😵
Page 157: My heart is POUNDING 😳
Page 199: Wait what?!!! Mind blown 🤯
Page 206: Oh 💩 this is getting good. Wow
Page 211: No! Stopppp he can‘t be him can he?
Page 263: 😭

Shley9225 Most accurate review I‘ve ever seen :) 5y
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Emma in the Night | Wendy Walker

I didn‘t love this book and I didn‘t hate it. It gripped me 80% of the way and I don‘t know if my ADD kicked in or if the storyline was losing me but either way I started rushing towards the finish line and sort or skim read. I will admit the ending had me SHOOK I didn‘t really see that coming 🤯 I think after I dwell on it and think about the whole story I will give it a better rating

I See You | Clare Mackintosh

The first 1/3 of the book you spend your time going back and forth on who you think it could be. You‘re so sure about yourself 98% of the time and turn a couple of pages and then you‘re questioning your decision. The ending was SPOT ON! The answer was revealed to you with about 80 pages left and you‘re SHOOK!