Ugh love love love! A love story, a murder, prejudice being held, it had it all!
Ugh love love love! A love story, a murder, prejudice being held, it had it all!
Some parts I felt were kind of long and drawn out but the ending had a lot of bang and that worked for me. Good story, every time I thought I had it figured out something added made the puzzle pieces not line up.
I wanted to thank everyone who‘s sent a card or package to my sweet Layla! It‘s helped her a lot, she‘s talking to us more about her feelings. She had a rough time seeing wes mom today and not having him. She‘s been wearing a necklace he gave her two years ago that says “although apart always in my heart”. As he got treatment in New York they missed eachother often. If you‘d like to send a card please email molinanicolette@yahoo.com
Thank you everyone for the replies and recommendations! I will be sending out emails tonight ! The amazing thing about this young man, is he set up a toy drive the past four years for other pediatric cancer families, 55 thousand worth in toys is being delivered by United in grace, it‘s called Wes‘s wish. To learn more about him follow wes‘ fight against neuroblastoma on facebook.
My dear friends, earlier this month my daughters best friend, first love, and soulmate passed away from neuroblastoma at the age of 12. My daughter has had a rough time dealing with these feelings. I am asking if anyone has a book recommendation for her age on how to deal with grief and still acknowledge him. Also, if anyone has a spare Christmas card to send, I know that would make her season. Thank you all!
Wow that ending was..fantastic! Many times I thought I had this book figured out and I had these characters figured out only to be side swept! Was so easy to just fly through!
Enjoying this wonderful view of my Japanese maple right outside my library window. Starting this book I was able to find at my local used bookstore. The first few pages have just flown by so I‘m sure this is going to be a super quick read.
I really love how Arden kept this story going. To make vasya so brave and fearless and also let readers in on how women were viewed and treated at that time period was awesome. I‘m really excited for the next installment yet sad because this is a trilogy and that may be the last one ☹️
We made our rounds to visit family this morning, and this will be my view for the rest of the weekend couse it is madness out there. Terrible drivers, traffic galore, cold weather! Nope we‘ll stay inside where it‘s warm, safe, and we can move along in vasyas next adventure.
Oh wow..this book I just couldn‘t put down. I felt so many many things but it was also informative (historically). The lives these two women led just next door to each other and the way their lives become entangled together was marvelous. Highly recommend!
Starting this beauty. Not sure how much progress I‘ll make as husband has hit the road again and i am on my own with the kiddos. Still recovering from a surgery aswell so, we‘ll see!
It‘s been a good while since I‘ve just blown through a book in two days. A book this good, heart wrenching yet so hopeful at times was what I needed. I loved the past/present stories, aswell as the true stories at the back. Highly recommended!
Still getting better from surgery but the library is coming together nicely. Had to stop progress for the day. I also didn‘t realize my son had made a very naked appearance until after photo was sent to friends and family...why are little boys so hard to keep clothes on?
I really liked this book. It was adventurous enough and had twists and turns galore. Everything was so well detailed I could picture the very places being described perfectly.
Very good book. Some parts I felt were kind of, eh. The ending hyped up really fast and I was unable to put it down.
My library room in my new house, waiting for household goods to arrive before we repaint and get some new bookshelves going!
I tried, I‘m halfway through the book and I‘m just bored. With Halloween approaching fast I‘m ready to move onto another thriller.
Help! My new home has a room with a wood burning stove which my husband has dubbed “my library”. Now, where would one recommend finding floor to ceiling bookshelves?
Just finished this one tonight! In the begging of the book Clare mentions how hard writing a second novel was. Now I read her first novel and I had no complaints about this one! Some people say it wasn‘t as good as the first, and I have to disagree! I felt it was just as great as the first!
I‘m afraid this is one of those books that will haunt me. It was beautiful, and showed the beauty of people in such dark times. The love and romance in such a dreadful position. I absolutely loved it.
I really enjoyed this book. There was a lot of twists and turns and I feel it ended beautifully. It kept me drawn in from begging to end.
Working on this beauty! Staying with a friend while house is under contract, so harder to read but really hopeful to just fly through this one! The first few pages were absolutely beautiful so I don‘t see it being a problem.
Friday my kids and I fly out to California. Little secret about me: I have insomnia. I cannot sleep without the aid of medication, I‘m doubting I‘ll be able to sleep so far away from home and my husband. So I‘m looking for 2 or 3 book recommendations, absolutely can‘t put down books that will keep me drawn in and enthralled. Thank you friends!
Trusty puppy and I need a quick read before we leave for California to visit by the end of the week.
You ever finish a book and just kind of lay there contemplating life? This book had me feeling that. Reflecting on my own stubbornness and situations.
Absolutely adored this book. I may have to visit miss Caroline ferridays house while I‘m still living in Connecticut!
Oh my gosh...M O O N that spells greatest book I‘ve ever read, laws yes! It took me much longer than I anticipated but it sure did have everything. Did anyone else just not like Fran Goldsmith?!
Didn‘t get to make much more progress on the stand, spent the weekend in Salem Massachusetts! Here‘s the house from hocus pocus!
Let‘s do this Gandalf!
Finally getting to sit down with this! Work is wrapping up for the summer and I will have much more time to read and update!
She is the most amazing person ever
No kids today, snow day for everyone. It‘s supposed to continue snowing way into tonight ! I‘m set though!
I haven‘t really been interested in reading this, however there has finally been a military wives book club started where I am and this has been the chosen book. Getting started while working , has anyone read this? What are your thoughts?
Ahhhh! This book just got SO interesting! I don‘t want to put it down but I have to! The kids need all the things! I can‘t wait to rip into it again tonight!
I went a little crazy this week purchasing..
Husband: I dont remember this pile Me: you got me my book! Exactly what I wanted! Perfect thank you! *husband gives me look... husband: you‘re welcome *while backing out of the room
It‘s gloomy, I have no daycare kids today, there is literally fog on the ground outside, kids have no school and are hanging out on the couch. Perfect day to read! This is my first young adult book in YEARS. It‘s....different. Very different. I do tell my daughter everything that happens every chapter MINUS some of the more adult situations. How‘s everyone else spending today? How is everyone ?
Starting this now. Hopefully I‘ll get a few chapters in before I fall asleep. Tomorrow is such a busy day I doubt I‘ll have anytime to read!
Almost done! A super quick read!
Well, one kid woke up with fever and the other has been vomiting. It‘s only 830 am ☹️ looks like I‘ll have plenty of time to start this while tending to my babies. Pray for good juju and that these kids are well asap!
Absolutely falling in love with this book! The moment the neighbor confronts Bernadette I swear, the same thing happened with an old neighbor of ours to my mother. I wish I had had the guts bee did to say something.
I am so saddened. I visited one of my favorite used book stores. With my son and husband in tow. As I was browsing my son bumped his head on something, my husband was calming him down. My sons crying sparked his friend to cry. An employee walked by saying “I‘m going outside to get away from these screaming kids”. My husband is military, we spend his times home together, when he leaves I don‘t get a guarantee he‘s coming home again.
It was very good and creepy. The ending left me a little sad, looking for a lighter read now
Just starting this! Making so much progress already getting back on my reading schedule. Well, stuck in a frozen tundra with no cozy bookshops what else is there to do!
Totally needed something a little lifetime style that I knew would have a decent ending. I liked it! I got pulled in so many different directions and for the life of me, I could not get what was going on till the ending.
It took me forever to finish this book. Between surgery, ER visits with kids, blizzards, holidays, and today my dog ran away. The asshole came back so I‘ve finally finished the book. I loved it. It gave me hope and happiness and I learned so much.
Wow, I do apologize for my leave of absence. I had come down with a terrible terrible cold that knocked me on my butt two weeks straight! Now, being snowed in with the nor‘easter storm, I‘ve had time to sit down and read and gather my thoughts. Stay warm everyone !
Hello littens! I‘d like to apologize for sudden disappearance. I have had to work on some life style changes that have benefited me greatly. This has taken some adjusting to get used to and myself and my family are finding a schedule that works for us. I am just finding time to read again. With lasik, I am enjoying reading easier and more enjoyable. Less headaches and uncomfortable readjustments to be able to read. I am back though!
Great book! A little long for my liking (I‘m a 3-4 hundred page kinda gal. Completely understand and loved the sister relationship of this book! Not a book for the faint of heart though.