#FallFinds Day 21: I find steampunk stories sort-of #futuristic. Fats featured quite a number of titles when we launched our steampunk reading theme here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8jA
#FallFinds Day 21: I find steampunk stories sort-of #futuristic. Fats featured quite a number of titles when we launched our steampunk reading theme here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-8jA
Thanks @LibrarianRyan for your #steampunkgoespostal package! I was waiting until I knew you got mine to open it. My cats were intrigued by the scarf and necklace you made. I generally don't read middle grade novels but this one sounds interesting. I have some reading to do!
Yay! My #steampunkgoespostal package arrived today! Thanks @TheRomantiCate ! I swear yours will go out priority tomorrow.
Also got another #bookmail package.
@MaleficentBookDragon I‘m shipping off your #steampunkgoespostal box today after work... ignore that it‘s in an Amazon box 😳🤫😜
I got my #steampunkswap from @LibrarianRyan but I didn't have a chance to post yet. I'm hoping to send mine out by this weekend!
Got some awesome #bookmail today from @JanJan ! Can't wait until we can open it, I'm going to have to hide it so it doesn't tempt me! I was actually doing some online shopping for your stuff last night. Will be sending your goodies next week. Thank you in advance!!
Packed up all my #Steampunkgoespostal books and bookish goodies today. Can‘t wait for our opening April 13th!
I‘m not sure I like steampunk so any recommendations for “steampunk lite” would be appreciated.
Books for my #steampunkgoespostal match have started coming it. I‘m very excited about this swap! This pic is of a steampunk necklace I bought this past summer and am wearing today.
Sooo excited!! Goodies for my #steampunkgoespostal swap-ee have started to arrive!! I just LOOOVE buying gifts for other people; this is my first swap and I am having way too much fun picking things out!! 🎉🙌🏻
Besides other wrapping I finished this parcel today. 🤗
🇩🇪 -> 🇺🇸
@Tiffy_Reads @Mommamanzi
Currently shopping for the #steampunkswap. There are so many steampunk novels out there that sound really fun to read.
Do any of you lovely littens have recommendations?
I am so excited to be apart of #steampunkgoespostal I just won a cool thing for my person to display on her bookcase and I am hoping I win the other thing too. And bonus I already got one book for them.
Thought my Litsy friends would appreciate this new art acquisition at my work. Steampunk feline air pirates!
What‘s one of your favorite steampunk books? This is next up on my tbr, just in time to see if I love it enough to recommend for our #steampunkgoespostal bookswap. Sign up today! https://goo.gl/forms/gfHQF4XTGq3ghwow1
Repost from @Tiffy_Reads :
#steampunkgoespostal if you‘re an old fan or are new to the genre...steampunk is SUCH a fun type of read!
By definition, it‘s a genre of sci-fi that has a historical setting that features steam powered machinery and gadgets.
Here is a link to sign up for our book swap https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOSoiML7L6yTKDkwYQIbl8o_slfm_nVwqQlmlN...
Hey go see those lovely gals @Tiffy_Reads and @Mommamanzi for this great bookswap! You know you want to !!!
#steampunkgoespostal if you‘re an old fan or are new to the genre...steampunk is SUCH a fun type of read!
By definition, it‘s a genre of sci-fi that has a historical setting that features steam powered machinery and gadgets.
Here is a link to sign up for our book swap https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOSoiML7L6yTKDkwYQIbl8o_slfm_nVwqQlmlN...
Thanks so much @Mommamanzi and @Tiffy_Reads for hosting #steampunkgoespostal ! This is going to be fun!
every time I say I'm not signing up for anymore swaps you do something awesome like this!!!
Steampunk Swap!!!
here's the link:
Heads up! @Mommamanzi and @Tiffy_Reads are hosting a steampunk swap! Head on over to their pages to fill out the survey. #steampunkgoespostal #swap #bookmail #steampunk 🤓💚📦
Swap: #steampunkgoespostal
Host(s): @Mommamanzi & @Tiffy_Reads
Sign up Closes: ????
Open: April 13, 2018
Form Link: goo.gl/4FE8ZT
Theme: Steampunk
#LitsyHappenings @LitsyHappenings #LitsySwaps @LitsySwaps #Swaps
https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSeOSoiML7L6yTKDkwYQIbl8o_slfm_nVwqQlmlN.... Open date is in April. FRIDAY THE THIRTEENTH! If you have any questions feel free to email me nicoleorlando@Hotmail.com please spread the word. And be sure to tag us so we can keep up with all the fun!
#Steampunk list done! There's so many! Definitely excluded quite a few authors, but I think I included pretty much all of the big names 😁. What do you think? They need some kind of steampunk emoji. #LitsyLovesLibraries
I'm skipping #Steampunk because I have never read a book of this genre and I have 0 desires to do so. I just don't have any interest. 😕 #SeasonsReadings2016
#litsyconfession: I'm not entirely sure what steampunk is! *hides under bed* A steampunk novel is a prompt for the PopSugar Reading challenge next year, so throw me your recs!