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Joined November 2017

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Narrative Solutions in Brief Therapy by Joseph B. Eron, Thomas W. Lund
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Jane Eyre by Charlotte Bront
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A Wrinkle in Time Trilogy by Madeleine L'Engle
Feed | M.T. Anderson
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Sending off my last swap of the year! Life has been crazy this year so very sorry it's going out so late but it should be there in 2/3 days from tomorrow!


Hocus Pocus | Jack Popplewell
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Sent off @Dr.Who_number10 #hocuspocusswap a few days ago but life has been crazy and I keep forgetting to send her the pic (grad school life) (color guard schedule) 😂 it is on its way though!

Dr._Who_number10 Thanks mom😂😂😂😂 6y
rather_be_reading yay! 🎃 6y
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Caraval | Garber
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Got these sweet treats from this quarters #feedareader interested in this peanut butter chili 😂 I actually have some super peanut butter lovers in my house. Also my husband was stoked to see the oven mitt (he LOVES pizza and it‘s big enough he doesn‘t have to squeeze his hand in) maybe he will cook more 😉 thank you for all the goodies!!!

ferskner Yay I'm so glad you like it! The oven mitt made me laugh with your "feed a crew" suggestion from your form. ? I swear the chili is great! There's a dessert recipe in there too, but I wouldn't necessarily serve them together. ;) 6y
Pennington.K Oh my gosh yes I‘m excited to try the desert! Thank you for that!!! How cool you lived there for a while! 6y
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Feed | Mira Grant
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#feedareader sent out my quarterly swap sorry it will be a bit late @lrh9

ferskner Just checking - did you get the package from me? Lately I haven't had a good track record on packages arriving. :( 6y
Pennington.K @ferskner yes ma‘am I did!! I‘m fixing to post it now!! Thank you!! 6y
ferskner Whew! I'm relieved! 6y
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Feed | M.T. Anderson
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Sent off my #feedareader package today! @MinDea @TricksyTails

MinDea 👏👏👏 6y
ferskner Hi! It sounds like the package was sent to my old address - I'm sorry, I thought you'd been told that I moved! Luckily, a friend of mine moved into my old place and she's forwarding it to me on Monday. Just wanted to let you know why there's no opening picture today! 6y
Pennington.K Oh no! I didn‘t know well I‘m glad you will be getting it soon! 6y
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Paper Valentine | Brenna Yovanoff
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Got my #feedareader package today! Thanks @MoniqueReads305 I‘m excited to read the book!! Pretty cool it‘s signed!!

Pennington.K Hey @MoniqueReads305 the recipes were missing. 6y
MoniqueReads305 @Pennington.K I'm sorry. I thought I had everything together. This is what happens when I plan to day in advance and don't double check. I can mail you the recipe and/or send you the link. Whichever you prefer. 6y
TricksyTails Hi @Pennington.K ! We sent an email earlier. Would you mind checking your inbox when you get a chance? Thank you so much! 6y
Pennington.K @MoniqueReads305 you can email it to me! Krystalp24@yahoo.com 6y
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Leaning new disorders is interesting but also so very sad when reading about who/how many they effect.

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Feeder | Patrick Weekes
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Finally sent off my #feedareader package! Spring break pushed me back a bit on the sending! Hope the goodies don‘t melt!!

TricksyTails Yay!! 👏😁 7y
Pennington.K @AprilMaesBookHabit did you happen to get your package? I got a notification it was delivered Monday but wanted to follow up! 6y
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AprilMae I did get it! I'll opening it tonight!❤ 6y
TricksyTails @AprilMaesBookHabit Did you get a chance to open your package yet? We‘re excited to see what you got. Would you mind making a post? Please be sure to tag me and @MinDea so we can see the recipes! Thank you! 😊 6y
AprilMae @TricksyTails just opened it today & did a post! Sorry I didn't get to it sooner ( sorry to you too @Pennington.K !!) But this week got out of hand quickly and today was the first day I've been home for more than just to sleep and shower!!! I'll try to be quicker on the draw next round!!❤ 6y
TricksyTails @AprilMaesBookHabit Yay! Thank you! No problem! This has been a crazy week for me too. Thanks for making the post. Can‘t wait to see what you got! 😊 6y
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The loot for the kiddies!! #cupidgoespostalkids

JenP Wow! Nice 7y
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#cupidgoespostalkids I def had some stoked kiddos!! I missed @Dr.Who_number10 reaction to her dr who book and Rhett was mid saying cheese! Thanks @Annl and crew for the goodies!! @JenP

Annl Love the photos! 7y
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Cress | Marissa Meyer
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Cress was probably one of the more complex characters as she was alone for so long and had a routine and “someone” to talk to. I loved when she was rescued and the whole thing with captain thorn! Overall I loved this series completely and found these unlikely friends to be so sweet in achieving their goals!


This first book was different I enjoyed the cyborg aspect of the old story and just the different characters. My daughter @Unicornperson was starting the series so I thought it would be fun to read and be able to discuss!

Scarlet | Marissa Meyer

Scarlett was great! I actually listened to this on audio and the accent and things going on for the different characters were awesome! Scarlett‘s story was intriguing and the whole alpha thing! Loved it!

Winter (International) | Marissa Meyer

I loved this book. I thought it was interesting to see how everything started and tied together! It was definitely a quick read and had so much going on it kept me reading probably longer than I should have!

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Got my boxes sent out yesterday but I was traveling most of the day! #cupidgoespostalkids @JenP these should be delivered by Saturday!!

JenP Awesome, thanks for tagging me! 7y
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My life for the next few months....one of the many but this is definitely the one with the driest content. Ready for books I want to read rather than those I “have” to read!

QuoteQueen That one is about as fun as the MFT study guide I have. I like to reward myself with some fun reading after I finish a chapter to keep my sanity and love of books strong. 😉 7y
Pennington.K @QuoteQueen don‘t I know it! I have the MFT study guide also! I‘ve got about 4 different books going for school and overall they are so dry! I haven‘t been able to read for fun much but I am hoping over this week I can at least listen to an audiobook or something!! Good luck reading!! 7y
QuoteQueen Oh I‘ve been there. Finished my masters beginning of the year and now I get to read for fun AND do what I love (minus studying for licensing exams lol). Life is good and you‘ll get there too! Then even books for “work” are fun cause YOU pick them! 7y
Pennington.K Nice!!! That‘s awesome congrats on finishing! Good luck with the exams! LMFT or LPC? 7y
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Thanks for the teas and sweet mug @Rabidgummibear I love it all thank you!!!! Thanks for organizing #muglove @TheKidUpstairs

Pennington.K @CoffeeCatsBooks did you happen to get your box today? It showed it was attempted yesterday at 1:10pm but said the employee didn‘t have access to the delivery location. Sorry if it didn‘t make it on time!!!!! 7y
CoffeeCatsBooks No worries! My post office is really bad about not leaving delivery notices. I won‘t get one until it‘s time for it to be returned to sender! If you could give me the tracking # though, I can pick it up from the post office. 7y
Pennington.K @CoffeeCatsBooks 9405803699300582761108 7y
Pennington.K Let me know!!!! 7y
Pennington.K USPS btw 7y
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Outlander | Diana Gabaldon

So overall I enjoyed this book but had a difficult time getting through a few of the Middle chapters. There were a few things that happened that had me wanting to stop but I muscled through and overall enjoyed the majority of the book.

Dystopia | M. Keith Booker
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Today was a long stressful day. I drove to Oklahoma & back which isn‘t far but with 2 small kids isn‘t totally a blast. When I got home I was so excited to see that @kamoorephoto had already opened her box! So I had to open mine! I am EXCITED! I haven‘t read any of them and I can‘t wait to see what they are all about! As for the “extra” goodies I‘m stoked!!! I love the bag most of all!!! Thanks so much and I hope you enjoy your box as well!!

kamoorephoto Yay!! Now I‘ll have you started on three (hopefully four) new series! 💓💓💓 7y
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kamoorephoto @Mommamanzi Thanks for organizing the swap 💖 7y
Pennington.K Yes @Mommamanzi thanks this was so fun! 7y
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Got my #muglove box! Yay feb can‘t come soon enough! I‘m excited @Rabidgummibear

Outlander | Diana Gabaldon

Having the most difficult time getting through this book. Been working on it since before Christmas. Made it quickly through the first few chapters but now I am just “waiting”. Seriously when does something happen. Everyone has said the first few chapters were slow but this Middle bit is killing me slowly.😟

kamoorephoto They say if it‘s that hard, you may just not be into it.... I saw an article about not wasting time on books you don‘t like in the New Year, you know!! 😹 7y
candyturbo That happened to me a few times while reading the Outlander series. I would just put it down for a bit and then come back. I have finished the series now (waiting anxiously for the next book) and I look back and all in all I loved them. They may just not be for you, or maybe you are like me and sometimes you just push through until you get to the parts you cannot put down. 7y
Pennington.K Thanks for the input guys. I finally finished the book up last week and really enjoyed the majority of it. Although there were bits I did not like and had a difficult time for probably 10 chapters in the middle it was good. Started the second book and am frustrated with the time gap and time movement.... 7y
BethM I‘ve been reading this for 6 months. It‘s hard bc it feels like nothing is happening. 7y
Pennington.K @BethM it was so hard to get through the Middle chapters but once I did it turned out pretty good. I did try the second book and had to stop. I really dislike the way the first few chapters started and I feel like maybe I‘d rather just watch the tv show! 7y
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@PolaroidPoet lol this one has more crazy facial expressions!! She was thrilled with everything especially the Red Queen and the happy hippos!!! Thank you so much their boxes captured so well! #secretsantakids

PolaroidPoet @Pennington.K those hippos are the best!! Haha we love them. They sell them at our commissary here and are always out. :) 7y
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@PolaroidPoet girl she was excited! Haha not all show how much but she loved the books especially the peculiar children (I love this series) and all the goodies!!!! From our stay in Germany those happy hippos received a very happy welcome!! Hahaha! Thank you guys so much!!!!! #secretsantakids

PolaroidPoet @Pennington.K yay! I‘m glad it made it. You had mentioned she ‘might‘ like horror so I sent one horror book I let my daughter read when she was younger. It‘s an older book, but written for youth, so I put a note inside for her to check with you before actually reading it. I never read it and can‘t speak on its behalf. 7y
Pennington.K Hey @PolaroidPoet she LOVED the book!! She said she wants to watch the movie haha! Although there is a ton of differences she ate it up over a couple days!!! Thank you! 7y
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Got this girls package opened today! She was very excited for the candies hahaha! Thanks @shendrix413 she is going to love all the books and extras!! It was a bit overwhelming with all the Christmas activities but she loved it! Thank you!! #secretsantakids

shendrix413 I'm glad she liked it! 7y
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Got this sweet boys #secretsantakids package opened finally after a fun long few days away! Thanks so much to @kamoorephoto

kamoorephoto I‘m happy he got it open finally!!! I hope he loves Larry! Maybe he can visit Seattle with him... 7y
Pennington.K Aww I‘m sure he will that was too cute! We have been to Seattle but the two smallest ones have not! Guess now we will have to go again 😉 7y
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Got a sweet little package hanging out under my tree waiting for next week!! Thanks @shendrix413 #secretsantakids

shendrix413 Yay! I hope she loves it! 7y
Pennington.K I‘m sure she will!! She was carrying the box around forever hahahahaha 7y
JenP How many boxes have you gotten? Are you still missing one? Just trying to make sure I follow up where needed. I know one box (for two children) is traveling a distance but is on its way 😊. Not sure about the third (edited) 7y
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Pennington.K So far just this one! 7y
JenP @Pennington.K ok. Let me check with your match. One package for two children is coming from Italy! I know that‘s on its way. I will check on the one for your youngest. 7y
Pennington.K Oh how fun! @JenP my oldest will love that. We lived in Europe for a while so I‘m sure they will get a kick out of getting a package from overseas!! 7y
JenP @Pennington.K oh, that‘s cool! 7y
PolaroidPoet @Pennington.K I was matched with two of your daughters (the 13 and 14 year old). The packages are coming from Italy but through USPS priority, so shouldn‘t take more than 10ish days and I sent Dec 10. I sent two separate boxes, one for each daughter. Have you received those yet? If they are late, I‘m super sorry. You can show them the photos of their wrapped gifts on my page to build anticipation! Merry Christmas to all of you! 🎄🎄 (edited) 7y
Pennington.K @PolaroidPoet they are excited! It‘s ok they won‘t be here and they will have to open them on Christmas! Haha so it‘s ok! They are stoked to have a package coming from Italy! Are you military or are you working with DODEA or something else if you don‘t mind me asking? We lived in Germany for a few years before we came back to Texas. My hubs is in the AF. Merry Christmas to you guys as well!! I will def show them the pics! 7y
PolaroidPoet @Pennington.K well, actually both! My husband is in the army and I‘m a high school teacher for DoDea :) 7y
Pennington.K Haha I didn‘t want to assume haha nice! I miss Europe so much! I cannot wait to go back! 7y
kamoorephoto Your last #secretsantakids package (coming from #Seattle) for Little Rhett is out for delivery RIGHT NOW! I didn‘t want you to worry anymore... 💓💓💓 Sorry it‘s a bit late! Looking forward to seeing pics! 7y
PolaroidPoet @Pennington.K I got both email confirmations that the boxes were delivered at 8:12am this morning and left on your front porch. 7y
Pennington.K Ok awesome we are out of town so my neighbor is getting my packages for me! I will post pictures either Christmas Eve or Christmas Day! Thank you guys!! 7y
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Got this #secretsantakids box out on Saturday! These kids are so excited and hope that everyone loves the books and extras they picked!

shendrix413 My girls are with their dad till Monday! I'm sure they will love it, but I'll post some pictures then! 7y
Pennington.K Ok I understand! We are out of town as well so mine have to wait until Monday also! 7y
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Got my second #secretsantakids box out today!!

Pennington.K @LapReader hey just wanted you to know I did send off your stuff. I‘m out of town or I‘d check the tracking I sure hope it gets to y‘all soon!! 7y
LapReader I'm out of town too so looking forward to watching the kids open it soon. Thankyou. 7y
Pennington.K @LapReader have you guys received the package?? 7y
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Plum Pudding Murder | Joanne Fluke

Love this series!

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Wedding Cake Murder | Joanne Fluke

Loved this book I haven‘t been able to read the next two I can‘t wait to find out about what is going on with Ross!!

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Sugar Cookie Murder | Joanne Fluke

Love these books they are a quick murder mystery with yummy recipes and funny tidbits!


Sent on one of my #secretsantakids boxes today hope to have the other one out Monday ran into an issue trying to do the international shipping today! Who knew you can‘t ship internationally at all USPS locations? 😒

JenP Really? I wouldn‘t have guessed that 7y
Pennington.K Yeah me either! Finally got the other box off! 7y
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The Book Lover | Maryann McFadden
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Stormy is interested in books about magic and good versus evil. She enjoyed the Thickety series and is only missing the last book. She enjoyed the BFG and The One and Only Ivan. She would like other books by K.A Applegate, Alyssa Sheinmel, and Kami Garcia.


Chloe is interested in the lunar chronicles she has everything except Winter and Fairest. She is interested in cats, running, and likes to read late at night and on car rides. She‘s loves scary movies so she might be interested in a scary thriller series of course that‘s age appropriate!


Great book series.


Great series. So interesting to have this perspective and so heartbreaking for the children.

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First Grave On The Right | Darynda Jones

Amazing series caught me so quickly


Great read. Very fun

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Love this entire series. Such a fun read


Great series very entertaining. Each time I ended a book a feel like I lost a friend.

RaimeyGallant Welcome to Litsy! #LitsyWelcomeWagon And here's a compilation of Litsy tips that some of us put together:
cathysaid Welcome! 7y
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