Ah, they finally said love! 😍
My new post-Christmas adoptees 1-3/10 total 😂
The author reached out to me because he saw my reviews online and sent me a copy to review for him. I‘m super excited! About to dig in!
4.5/5 💚‘s
I think I am officially out of my reading funk! Yay!
The story follows the start of the second Formic war in the Enderverse. But the formics are less important than the character you come to o ow in the first formic war trilogy. If I could sum it up, I‘d tell you this is a book about love. Love for those close to us and love for the human race.
I can‘t wait to share some of my favorite quotes from this book. Stay tuned! 😉
As fate would have it, this was a recent purchase of my bookoutlet accident. 😂 Also, the authors are holding a kind of book club to go through it week by week as a group! So excited!
My idea of a WILD night is cataloguing all my books in the CLZ books app! I haven‘t even gotten to 2 bookshelves or my boxes of books in storage yet and already have 191 logged! 🤯
Pictured is my bedside table of books I‘ve already read. Who wants to play a fun game and guess how many books are in there? 50pts to your house if you get it right!
Hints: it‘s 3 rows deep and a mix of hard and soft covers.
Since my mouth is either too numb or too ouchie to eat, I‘ve been kicking my feet up and reading for work. Keeps the mind off my hungry tummy and achy mouth. The dentist is no fun. 😭
A cute and short little read on the uniqueness of relationships complete with comics, jokes, and cute weirdness. Loved the inclusivity of couples in the artwork!
Soooooo bookoutlet had a sale recently and I found a TON of books for work (and a few for the kids). This was one heavy package to haul in!
...and then I realized I have no shelf space...whoops 😬
#therapistbooks #bookhaul
As if my sex therapy certification program isn‘t expensive enough, they have to have really AMAZING people for their conferences who have written books. After a conference with Peggy I IMMEDIATELY had to get her new book. I can‘t wait to read it! 😍
#therapistbooks #therapy
Taking a break from client notes to work on my final project, a book repot no less, for my certification in consensual non-monogamy! So far I am loving the book and it‘s little pearls of wisdom can be applied to monogamous relationships as well. Though it‘s giving me some very #Stoic #MarcusAurelius feels. 🤔😳
COVID life has been crazy. Got caught in a non-reading funk (my Minecraft village is thriving though and I‘ve caught many Pokémon!). Tonight my daughter has her first color guard practice and I‘m taking advantage of it by reading.
The husband is going to be DMing a D&D game so I decided to play too. I haven‘t played since high school and even then only a handful of times. This is going to be interesting. I‘ve decided to be a high-elf wizard. Her name is Lumi.
1: If we can count Plato‘s dialogues as “literary” I‘d love to be named after Socrates‘ wife (maybe mistress or second wife) Xanthippe. I can‘t think of any others but literary names are awesome.
2: Technically both my kids have literary names. Zooey was named after Zooey Deschanel who was named for a character in Franny & Zooey I believe. And my son, Ender, is named after Ender Wiggin from the Ender‘s Game series.
Finally reading the book I bought 4yrs ago when my husband proposed (7yrs after we were married) to me in Barnes & Noble on my birthday. 😊
Instead of stars I use 💚. Sometimes I‘ll use a half rating but typically stick to whole numbers. So here‘s my breakdown.
1/5 💚s: Do not read/waste your time (idk that I‘ve ever used a 1 before).
2/5 💚s: This is not a book for me, I didn‘t like it
3/5 💚s: it was enjoyable
4/5 💚s: loved it! Consider reading too
5/5 💚s: OMG! Obsessed! Adds to favorites. Everyone go read it NOW!!! 😍
I‘m a picky reader so most of my books end up being a 4.
The war with the Formics continues and the characters I loved from book‘s 1 & 2 are there to fight it! There is heroism, loss, and a reordering of Earth‘s defense. And of course it ends on a (predictable) cliffhanger. I guess it‘s time to start reading about the second Formic war trilogy and see how Mazer Rackham becomes famous and the Ender universe is started!
Follow the leads of Earth Unaware (and meet some new friends) as the Formics begin to invade Earth. See how they struggle to survive and attempt to save the world. I think my favorite part is seeing the small parts of this story that set the scene for children in war, how they are trained, and the beginnings of what ultimately makes Ender Wiggin the success he is.
About to start the final book in the First Formic war trilogy snuggled up in our makeshift reading nook full of squishmallow friends!
Here is how it all began! Told from 3 different perspectives we learn how the human race became aware of the Formics and what those who first discovered they were coming to earth did to try to stop them. From the get go it was gripping and heartbreaking. I cannot wait to follow these characters more in book 2 of the first Formic war trilogy.
I‘ve read all of the Ender series and all of the Shadow series. Time to know what happened in the first Formic war that sent it all in motion!
Pictured for cuteness (and sass) my Ender. 💚
What an emotional rollercoaster! Bean‘s epic conclusion after he leaves earth with 3 of his children who share his genius and risk of a short life. You also find out something mind blowing about the Enderverse and the history of the Formics. I‘m glad that Bean got some happiness after needing to leave nearly everyone be loved behind on Earth.
2 chapters into book 5 of the Shadow series and it‘s got me like 😬😱😢
Another book bites the dust during quarantine & all I‘m thinking is “why did I wait so long to continue this series?!?!” More than any other book in the Ender‘s Shadows this one hits you in the feels. My heart breaks for Petra and Bean. 😢 However, you got to get to know more of Ender‘s jeesh and the leaders of earth after the Formica wars, which I really liked. Can‘t wait to find out what happens to Bean in the next book!
So as much as I love philosophy sometimes my mind gets mushy thinking too much. I still wanna read so I‘m throwing in some fiction too. I‘d been meaning to finish this series but kept getting distracted by other books...like you do... 😜🤷🏻♀️
Oh hey, 2 authors of a chapter work at the university around the corner from where I work! How neat! 😁
Finished it in 3 days. Loved the final book and finally my shipping was satisfied. 😜 Action packed as all the rest, heartwarming, and surprising! I soooooo wish the series didn‘t end. What will I read now?!?!? 😭 While I want more, the ending was satisfying, so it‘s not like I‘ve been left hanging on a cliff.
Read this one so fast (& started the 5th) that I didn‘t even have a chance to say I was reading it! I am LOVING this series. But I think in this one my favorite parts (aside from the Greek myth aspect) is when it comes to romantic feelings, whether the characters know or are admitting it or not. Ah teenagers. 😜🤷🏻♀️😂 sometimes I wish the characters were older...it wouldn‘t feel so weird shipping them then.
Whoops! Forgot to review when I finished it. 😬
Loved the book. It was written focusing on Cleopatra‘s younger sister and brother (the oldest) and each chapter switched between them. Now I love Cleopatra and Caesar but this was a VERY different viewpoint of the two and it was not at all flattering to either. But I really appreciated the unique perspective it took and am hoping there will be a 3rd book in this series.
So good I immediately had to start reading the next one and almost forgot to post a little review. Each book is better than the last. Just digging all the Greek mythology and adventure in these books, which are not without their twists and turns!
Even during quarantine my husband still manages to surprise me with a gift. He got it when he ordered some other stuff we needed. 💚
Just finished book 2 and nothing is stopping me from starting book 3!
So exciting to return to Camp Half-Blood! I think my favorite part is guessing who is what greek myth while reading the book. This one was filled with all kinds of twists and surprises as well as heart warming moments in the midst of action. Onto book 3!
A little light reading amidst the chaos of being therapist, mom, homeschool teacher, chef, maid, etc.
Definitely got a different look at Socrates than anything I‘ve ever read about him. He‘s a lover, a strong solider, and of course a brilliant philosopher responsible for some of my favorite philosophies of life. I really appreciate the research and explanation of where ideas about Socrates as a young man came from. My favorite part was the afterword where a semi-fictional/really good guess what his entire life was like.
My reward for taking care of my health and getting 18 vials of blood drawn today!
Okay so maybe I pre-ordered it and it arrived the same day I had blood drawn...I‘m gonna call it a reward anyways. Lol.
Super excited for this one! Socrates as a young man! I wonder if I will cry like I did when I read that other biography of Socrates. 🤔 Which was silly cause I knew how it would end...but feelings are silly sometimes anyways. 😜😂🤷🏻♀️