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Somewhere Beyond the Sea
Somewhere Beyond the Sea | Tj Klune
Featuring gorgeous orange sprayed edges! Somewhere Beyond the Sea is the hugely-anticipated sequel to TJ Klune's TheHouse in the Cerulean Sea, one of the best-loved and best-selling fantasy novels of the past decade. A magical house. A secret past. A summons that could change everything. Arthur Parnassus lives a good life built on the ashes of a bad one. He's the master of a strange orphanage on a distant and peculiar island, and he hopes to soon be the adoptive father to the six dangerous and magical children who live there. Arthur works hard and loves with his whole heart so none of the children ever feel the neglect and pain that he once felt as an orphan on that very same island so long ago. He is not alone: joining him is the love of his life, Linus Baker, a former caseworker in the Department In Charge of Magical Youth. And there's the island's sprite, Zoe Chapelwhite, and her girlfriend, Mayor Helen Webb. Together, they will do anything to protect the children. But when Arthur is summoned to make a public statement about his dark past, he finds himself at the helm of a fight for the future that his family, and all magical people, deserve. And when a new magical child hopes to join them on their island home--one who finds power in calling himself monster, a name that Arthur worked so hard to protect his children from--Arthur knows they're at a breaking point: their family will either grow stronger than ever or fall apart. Welcome back to Marsyas Island. This is Arthur's story. Somewhere Beyond the Sea is a story of resistance, lovingly told, about the daunting experience of fighting for the life you want to live and doing the work to keep it.
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A lovely follow up to The House on the Cerulean Sea, this book centering in on Arthur, the loving wonderful caregiver to the orphanage in book 1. This one is definitely message heavy, but messages worth sharing. The characters are as lovable as the first book and we get a new character that is a delight. It felt just a little long, and the ending was a bit convenient. However, it was still a comfy, cozy read. 4⭐️

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The House in the Cerulean Sea did not need a sequel, but I‘m not mad about it! This one has almost the same plot as the first, and it‘s a tad heavy-handed in parts—but honestly, I still thoroughly enjoyed it. The kids are (even more) hilarious, Arthur and Linus are wonderful, and it was a delight to spend time with them all. If TJ Klune decides to write more in this world, I‘ll totally read it—but I‘m hoping for origin stories if he does. ⤵️

BarbaraJean Also: I read this about half on audio and half on digital. I loved the voices (especially Chauncey!), but OH MY GOSH stop saying “ga-ZAY-bo”!! 20h
TheIntrovertedDodoBird @BarbaraJean I'm reading this book now! In an interview, he said that he's planning on these books being a trilogy! 6h
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So excited to receive this one! The first one was damaged, but they quickly replaced it! It is gorgeous! Can‘t wait to read it! 💫💛🌟 🌊


CaroPi I loved the first one. One of my favorite reads from 2020 1d
TheSpineView ❤️ Book mail! Enjoy! 1d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @CaroPi one of my favorites too! 1d
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Did I get overly excited and preorder this book from two different retailers? Yes, yes I did! 🤪

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Earlier this year I made a collage of “S” books on my TBR for a photo challenge, and I decided to turn it into a reading challenge. With this charming sequel from TJ Klune for #authoramonth I have completed that challenge.

PaperbackPirate Which was your favorite? 📚 1d
Susanita @PaperbackPirate That‘s an interesting question! I know Sea Wife was my least favorite. I guess for my favorite it‘s either Somewhere Beyond the Sea or 1d
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My favorite book of the year. Giving it all the stars ❤️🌈🌻🌸🍄🐚🎼🌳

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I pre-ordered this February and it‘s finally here!! I am so excited!

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Themes: Fantasy, LGBT, Amazing storytelling that has laughs along the way

I hope, hope, HOPE there is at least another book in this series coming someday🤞I love the characters, I love Klune‘s storytelling and I love the queer representation here. It‘s a great read that while at times isn‘t easy, it‘s extremely important nonetheless. If you enjoyed the first book (“The House in the Cerulean Sea”), you will love this one too!

TobeyTheScavengerMonk The sequel literally came out last week! 3d
TobeyTheScavengerMonk Oops, misread! Sorry! You‘re hoping for book 3, not book 2. 3d
Aims42 @TobeyTheScavengerMonk All good!! 😄💗 3d
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It‘s complicated!

Goodreads says I‘m “currently reading” six books…

I‘m MOST currently reading the tagged book.


Estherhasredhair I try to be a “one book at a time” person, but that isnt going so well. 🥲 3d
BookmarkTavern I‘ve been seeing good things about your tagged book! Thanks for sharing! 3d
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Sprayed edges! 🤩🫶🏻😍 #AuthorAMonth

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Treated myself to lunch out at my favorite sandwich place 😋 I enjoyed a delicious sandwich and a few chapters from this deliciously entertaining novel too! #happysaturday

LiteraryinPA I love everything about this picture! I always get excited when there‘s a Potbelly‘s in a city (or even airport) I‘m visiting! And I‘m super excited for the new Klune! 4d
Aims42 @LiteraryinPA Yay! I‘m so happy to have another Potbelly fan in my circle 💕 I was good and resisted a shake or one of their amazing chocolate chip oatmeal cookies. Next time 😉 4d
Aims42 @LiteraryinPA Oooo and the new Klune is AMAZING! I‘m about halfway and I think I love it more than the first one, which I didn‘t think was possible 😍 4d
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🎉🎉🎉 I was hoping for the print or ebook to show up first, but I‘ll take it! Looks like some audiopuzzling is in my future…

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I loved being back on the island with Arthur, Linus, Zoe and the children.

#WeeklyFavorites @Read4life

#AuthorAMonth @Soubhiville

LiteraryinPA My library hold just came in on this, which was way faster than I expected! I must have been one of the first to reserve it. 4d
Read4life Waiting on my hold… 3d
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IT‘S HERE!!! I am officially in possession of the audiobook, ebook, and hardcover… just as I have all three versions of The House in the Cerulean Sea!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #TheHouseInTheCeruleanSea #CeruleanChronicles #Hardcover #ebook #audiobook #beautiful #wonderful #family #IslandDads #IslandWives #IslandKids #IslandMagic #LifeInTheCeruleanSea

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“So let‘s say I‘m thirty-six.” 😂🤣😂🧡🧡🧡🤌🏻🤌🏻🤌🏻
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #CeruleanChronicles #lucy #snark #chefkiss

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“Thanks for coming here with your face and your words.”
Lucy‘s snark in this book is just 🤌🏻 chef kiss! I seriously LOVE this kid!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #CeruleanChronicles #Lucy #snark #chefkiss

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But, given their track record, even given a chance, WILL they learn anything? Of all the chances they have has thus far, HAVE they learned anything? Part of me wants to tell Lucy to have at it! If the “anti-Christ” can want to change people‘s minds so they will be more accepting of others, that‘s probably pointing at a problem with people never learning from their own pasts than a need to be given a chance to learn something new. Just saying.

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I started on this today as soon as work was over. So excited & love it so far! If anyone wonders what I‘m doing this weekend, I‘m on the couch reading.

Cupcake12 Loved the first book by this author. Looking forward to reading your review 👍🏻📖 5d
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I think this was even better than The House of the Cerulean Sea. It had a lot more laugh outloud moments, but could also be tense at times. I loved it. 5 stars.
@Soubhiville #AuthorAMonth
#ReadAway2024 @Andrew65 @DieAReader @GH
#LitsyLoveReads @Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks @Read4life @TieDyeDude

DieAReader 🥳Fantastic! 5d
Soubhiville Ooo, that‘s exciting to hear! It‘s my next up audiobook! 5d
AmyG Oh wow! So nice to hear this. 5d
Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I can‘t wait! I preordered the special edition and it was damaged 😫 waiting on a new copy! 5d
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Having arrived on my doorstep this afternoon, I really have no choice but to start reading it…

Melismatic I was planning on this next but just realized it‘s not available on Spotify….so I‘m thinking it‘s a sign to buy from my fave local shop. 💖 7d
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Book mail is fun mail! 🤩

sarahbarnes New Strout! 😍 7d
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So pumped to visit with Arthur, Linus, Zoe and this amazing island again!! I have to hurry up and finish my current read so I can dive into this one 🥰 #LibraryLunchFun

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This is my biggest pick of the year. Hands down. This book is SO poignant and even more beautiful. I laughed, a lot. I cried happy tears, a lot. I‘m not a crier, so that‘s really saying something. I inhaled this book. I couldn‘t stop reading. I couldn‘t stop listening. Read this book with some tissues and an understanding that anyone who can see or hear you are going to think you‘re crazy (and that‘s okay)! It‘s absolutely worth it.

GingerAntics And before you can ask, hell yes I will be rereading this tomorrow! 💙💙💙 #tjklune #somewherebeyondthesea #ceruleanchronicles #beautiful #wonderful #happytears (edited) 1w
GingerAntics @CBee SO. IN. LOVE. 1w
CBee @GingerAntics EEEK! I can‘t wait to start! I can‘t believe I haven‘t started 😂😂🤪🤪 1w
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GingerAntics @CBee wait, what?! How has this happened?! 7d
CBee @GingerAntics I know, I know….. 🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ I‘m in the middle of two other books and want to give it my full attention! 7d
GingerAntics @CBee welcome to Saturday! Does it have your full attention yet?! 4d
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This book is perfect from the dedication to the acknowledgments!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #beautiful #perfect #wonderful #happytears

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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Lucy #ILoveLucy #papa #dad

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The more I read the Cerulean Chronicles, the more I adore Lucy!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Lucy #Florida #audiobook #ILoveLucy

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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Arthur

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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #audiobook

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🤣😂🤣 some things never change!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Lucy #Linus #JBone #losthismind

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GingerAntics We can discuss later. 1w
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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Chauncey

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Have been looking forward to this book for months as a back-to-school treat! Beyond The Cerulean Sea was the book that broke my pandemic reading slump, and the beginning of this one is offering the same charm. I love kids books and YA but it‘s nice to read some fantasy where caring adults are trying to take care of magical kids, even if they are making it up as they go.

Picture is Dottie, sporting our current vibe

GingerAntics How are you enjoying it? 1w
Mindelan @gingerantics Going slow and absolutely loving it. How could I not! 2d
GingerAntics @Mindelan it‘s SO good! 2d
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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #IKnowNothing

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🙊🙊🙊 Trying SO hard not to say anything or share any spoilers! 🫣🫣🫣 When you get there, you‘ll know what this means. 🙊🙊🙊 If you don‘t catch it before the book explains, it‘s not long after. 🤐🤐🤐
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #David #Arthur #Linus #mindblown

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Never have these words ever been so terrifying!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Lucy

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#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Lucy

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😂🤣😂 I‘m dying!!! How have they grown funnier as they‘ve aged?! 💀💀💀 “we could all smell colors.”
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Chauncey #Talia #pie #pecanpie

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Sal knitted Calliope a blanket! 🥰🥰🥰 oh Sal!
#TJKlune #SomewhereBeyondTheSea #Calliope #Sal #knitting #socute

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Also, death to price stickers 😭

GingerAntics Oh my god that is SO wrong! 1w
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IT‘S HERE IT‘S HERE!!! I‘m trying so hard to go back to sleep and not start it right now in the middle of the night. I need to get stuff done tomorrow, so sleep would be good. My #hardcover will be here today or tomorrow.
#tjklune #somewherebeyondthesea #preorder #ebook #audiobook #CeruleanChronicles

Scochrane26 I‘m excited, too! I didn‘t pre-order, so I‘m prob going to make a huge detour to the bookstore on my way home tonight. 1w
CBee Yayyyyy 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻 1w
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 can‘t wait to see your book haul! 1w
Scochrane26 @GingerAntics I only bought the tagged but realized I can‘t start it until Friday or I‘ll get nothing done this week. Can‘t be distracted at work. 1w
GingerAntics @Scochrane26 I‘m almost done! I‘m going to have to listen again. 1w
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Absolutely loved being back in this world. The chapters with the children were golden. They've all become a wonderful family. I'm keen to see how the story goes on; the sample ended with a cliffhanger.

#NetGalley #ARC #MountARC

Leniverse Looking forward to reading this with Thing 2. He says we have to re-read The House in the Cerulean Sea first. ❤️ 1mo
lil1inblue So excited for this! 1mo
julesG @Leniverse Less than a month to go! 1mo
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Alwaysbeenaloverofbooks I preordered this one 💫 💛 (edited) 1mo
GingerAntics Now that I have finished… where did the ARC end? … and how on earth did you score this as an arc? 1w
julesG @GingerAntics The ARC ends with Linus and Arthur on the way to court/before the hearing. The first 5 chapters or so. 1w
julesG @GingerAntics The ARC was via NetGalley, but I could just as easily have downloaded the sample chapters from Tor.com 1w
GingerAntics @julesG oh that is like the world‘s worst place to end it. The feel of the book at that point is SO much different than the actual feel of the book… to the point it almost feels like it doesn‘t fit with the first book. 7d
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Opened #NetGalley to admire my Camp NetGalley badge and saw that I had four new ARCs on my shelf. 😀 Didn't expect it to be these four books.


Made my day, possibly my week. I'll start with the tagged #ARC.

AnnCrystal 📚👏🥳👍💝. 1mo
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1. Podcast

2. Very excited about Sarah Rees Brennan‘s Long Live Evil which comes out in a couple of weeks. And if we stretch summer into September, I really want to read the tagged book just as soon as I hold it in my hands.


TheSpineView Thanks for playing!🤩🌞📚 1mo
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1. I just got an e-arc for the tagged book (sequel to The House in the Cerulean Sea)
And I am very excited. It comes out in September, but I can‘t wait!
2. I don‘t. I‘ve got so many books. But, give me a week or so.

TheSpineView I am looking forward to that sequel too. Thanks for playing 6mo
LiteraryinPA That is soooo cool that you get to read it ahead of time! 6mo
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