My #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin tracker has been updated. I‘m ready to see the numbers for March‘s books.
My #BookSpin & #DoubleSpin tracker has been updated. I‘m ready to see the numbers for March‘s books.
Finished my #ThematicCozies
I enjoy this series and I felt like the full cast of characters were portrayed really well in this one. I‘m looking forward to continuing this series.
#BookSpinBingo #Roll100 #SeriesLove2025
Next!! Finished and added another 3:02 to my #27hoursin7days total I have just over 12 hours done now
The mystery portion is well-plotted with several twists have and after this many cases, everyone knows Hannah is investigating.
Read my full review here: https://www.escapewithdollycas.com/2019/12/28/wedding-cake-murder-hannah-swensen...
Finished another for the #25inFive #Readathon. These books are a puzzle to me. The characters are vapid. The dialogue is idiotic. The plots are occasionally decent mysteries - this one wasn't. But for some reason I feel compelled to read them. I'm convinced if I didn't like the movies so much (& Ali Sweeney as Hannah), I'd have given up on this series long ago. I'll keep reading them, & I actually do enjoy them, but I don't know why.
Nolan was nice enough to bring our leftover wedding cake to my work today. It is still so delicious 🤤🤤🤤
Loved this book I haven‘t been able to read the next two I can‘t wait to find out about what is going on with Ross!!
I have faithfully read every Hannah Swenson book since the first. The last couple have shown a marked decline of the series. This one is ridiculous and so disappointing I wonder if Joanna Fluke has lost interest in writing this series. :(
This is one of those book series I feel safe giving to my grandma, but anyone else I'll tell not to waste their time. The mystery was interesting, but Hannah was such an immature drip it felt like she was serving some weird perfect daughter wish fulfillment for the author. Hard pass.
I'm hate reading this book. I had hoped that maybe all the weird relationship bits would improve from earlier in the series but they haven't. If it turns out Hannah DOESN'T get married at the end if the book, I'll be tempted to toss it across the room.
So far, "Wedding Cake Murder" is reminding me of all the things I loved about this series initially; Hannah isn't as grating as she has been lately, and the bevy of supporting characters is back to being dynamic instead of just a bunch of props. #hannahswensen #jofluke
I know I keep telling myself that I'm tired of this series because Hannah is ridiculous, but I can't seem to stop. #gluttonforpunishment #andcookierecipes #hannahswensen #jofluke