4 hours and 44 minutes of my #20in4 done. I‘m doing ebooks and counting 20 hours
4 hours and 44 minutes of my #20in4 done. I‘m doing ebooks and counting 20 hours
Started my #20in4 earlier just to see if this book was gonna be the one I started with. So far I‘m liking it
I really enjoyed this one. The world building of alternate dimension steampunk London is intricate in ways I haven't encountered before. Did Bram Stoker really have a sister named Evaline? Nope. Don't care. I'll take more of her crimefighting antics along with Sherlock Holmes' niece, Mina. Totally action-packed. The two heroines have very distinct voices. There is a minor time-travel subplot which I'm sure will feature further along in the series.
An absolutely wonderful adventure! Action packed and fun.
5 out of 5 stars.
Steampunk Swap? I'm in! See @Mommamanzi or @Tiffy_Reads for sign up!
I've tagged my favorite steampunk book. What a series! ❤
This book and its sequels are my perfect books - two fierce ladies, #steampunk, vampires, fancy dresses, humor, and mystery.
This is a decent start to a series with potential for strong female characters - a Holmes and a Stoker. Holmes follows Sherlock cannon in terms of intelligence and logic. Stoker is basically Buffy the Vampire Slayer. Strong Victorian steampunk setting, sometimes a little too descriptive. It does seem like the author might be trying to through too much in to it and there's a plot point that I'll just have to see how it plays out. No spoilers.
Steampunk daughter-of-Mycroft meets Victorian-age-Buffy-the-Vampire-Slayer. Yes, please.
#day17 #feistyfeb #fanfichomage I really enjoyed this fun YA series... Mycroft's daughter and Bram's sister, work secretly for Irene Adler to fight crime in a 'steam-punky' Victorian England? Sold!
Next pick from my TBR pile - meanwhile Lou Lou the Wonder Dog is ready to go to bed.
I think this is a good follow up after reading both Lock & Mori books.
#day14 #seasonsreadings2016 #steampunk I really enjoyed this series... Mycroft's daughter and Bram's sister, work secretly for Irene Adler to fight crime in a 'steam-punky' Victorian England? I am so in!
Sometimes you just want to read fluff. This book fulfilled that need. A steampunk mystery featuring Sherlock Holmes' niece and Bram Stoker's vampire hunting sister? Hey, why not? Will I continue with this series? Maybe if I have the urge to read fluff again.
#day28 #characteriddressupas #booktober Mina or Evaline.... Niece of Sherlock and sister of Bram, the steam-punky ass-kicking crime-fighting ladies from the Stoker & Holmes series.... I'd love to dress up as either of them..... 💗
I have only just begun and I'm already so excited!!! So many fantastic elements: Sherlock Holmes, vampires, Victorian era, Egyptian mythology, and strong female characters!! It's only 1 of 9 books I currently own from my TBR list (not all pictured) ☺️😁📚📖❤️
*fart noise* I was so looking forward to this and I was so let down. The plot, while interesting, was weak. There are two love triangles, and while Mina was lovable, Evaline was a nightmare. Still, there were some unanswered questions that intrigued me, so I'll probably take a gander at the sequel.
Steampunk, alternate history, Egyptology, mystery, and two female investigators from the Holmes and Stoker family. Girl power at its best, this is a cute story for a rainy day, but I wouldn't take any of it too seriously.
The sister of Bram & niece of Sherlock makes for a good combo!