I‘m just gonna leave this right here. It is of course from Les Miserable by Victor Hugo!!!
⬆️ Link for the best Waterloo explanation I can find @tpixie
I‘m just gonna leave this right here. It is of course from Les Miserable by Victor Hugo!!!
⬆️ Link for the best Waterloo explanation I can find @tpixie
Epoch 3, part 3, ch 1-3: that freaking count #waltertiesuplooseends #mariansendsascaryletter #waltrusheshome #porkchopcausingtrouble #threateningtosendlaurabacktotheasylum #asshole #marianandlauramove #waltisonamission #butfirst #offtotheseaforsomefreshair #lauraisalmostbacktonormal #whichobviouslyleadstoawedding #hashtagbrigade
Ch 4: well this took a turn #timeforabadmovieaboutfootball #technicolor #spoton 💃🏻 #butwait 🤮🤮 #alllllthepuking #byalllllthegirls #maybedoreenisthesmartoneafterall #soupforeveryone #andabook #youknow #sotheydontsue 🤷🏻♀️ #seemslegit #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
It‘s getting depressing over here with Fantine. I am trying to keep going but I skimmed ahead a bit and saw where this was heading. When I start doing that, it‘s not a good sign. #ReadLesMis
I managed to slog through #thebros and #therearenomysteriesatudolpho but this one might end me let‘s skip 1000 words and add pictures
For enthusiasts of Fyodor Dostoevsky.
I recently delved into Dostoevsky's works, and it was an exhilarating journey!.
As he once said:
"The mystery of human existence lies not in just staying alive, but in finding something to live for."
I must admit, I found it challenging to imagine Dostoevsky's works in any other way, given the poetic way.. ? Have you experienced his works in a different light? Please share your thoughts and reviews! ??
Loved this book. I‘m so glad my vampire aversion didn‘t keep me away. I should have known the #hashtagbrigade wouldn‘t lead me astray (except for when they do but we still have fun #thebros)
Thanks @BarkingMadRead
#31by31 @Catsandbooks #spookoween @TheSpineView #LongNights #PromptMaze @TheAromaofBooks #BookSpinBingo #AtoZ @Texreader
Ch 26: everyone is cold #minafiguresoutdracsroute #becausetheserichboysareuseless #theyaretravelingingroups #chasingdowndrac #onechaptertogo #shouldbeinteresting #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
@Cuilin @lillinblue @dabbe @librarybelle @quietjenn
@Andrew65 @JenlovesJT47
@Dieareader @tpixie
@julieclair @Deblovestoread
@Gleefulreader @DRachel
If I got through the war scenes in WAR AND PEACE, I can get through this, right?
Thanks for the link! 4d