This is a collection of 15 short stories, and as is usually the case with me, there were some that I really liked and some that I just didn‘t get. This was my first Joyce and I am glad I read it!
This is a collection of 15 short stories, and as is usually the case with me, there were some that I really liked and some that I just didn‘t get. This was my first Joyce and I am glad I read it!
I tried new earbuds while in the tractor and could barely hear the book I had started, so I switched to this. It‘s been on my someday TBR and moved up when I started Ulysses. After listening once, I felt I missed a lot, so I went back to several of the stories again. Some were fascinating and some just left me unsure of the point. I enjoyed the view of average people and the way the stories were ordered to transition from one to the next.
8 Dec 2021 (audiobook)
First book I have bailed on in a long time. Not actually a reflection on Joyce‘s stories, which I have read before as an undergrad lit student and enjoyed, but on listening to short stories or perhaps to the works of James Joyce which rely on a close reading and an appreciation of the writing. I did not seem to be able to focus sufficiently to gain that appreciation through audio.
June #bookspin
This months bookspin will be a reread from my college days. I thought it was just ok when I first read it and I‘m curious to see if my opinion will change.
I don‘t really have anything to say about this one other than I had to read it. I‘m taking a course on Celtic Englishes and we had to read a book that has some Celtic English dialect features in it so this fits the bill. I just really didn‘t enjoy reading this one, I found it quite dull and uninteresting. And now to write an essay on it, yay. Book 8 for #ReadingEurope2020 #Ireland @Librarybelle @BarbaraBB
A collection of various Dublin stories, spanning boys skipping school to a man's thoughts and anxieties over the course of a night spent in company. Writing was interesting enough to keep me reading.
#Bookspin done!
I picked up this pretty little edition at #DogEaredBooks a few years ago and thanks to #BookSpinBingo I‘ve finally read it!
I‘m so glad I did. My first Joyce and can‘t believe I‘ve waited so long to read him. What I love most about the writing here is his acutely accurate observation of human foibles, desires, and insecurities. His characters, even when unlikeable, are deeply relatable ⤵️
“His soul swooned slowly as he heard the snow falling faintly through the universe and faintly falling, like the descent of their last end, upon all the living and the dead.”
The above is from one of my favorite last paragraphs in all of literature. 🍀 Hope you all found some tiny, lucky moment today — or a lucky sentence, at least — to indulge in.
Keep on, keepin‘ on. 💚🤍🧡
#MarchMadness Day 17: #StPatricksDay reminded me of my trip to Dublin, Ireland where I visited the Volumes Bookshop at the Dublin Writers Museum. The books above are some of the books I bought. More here: https://wp.me/pDlzr-iKV
Ok, ok, so yes this is great writing and highlights a section of Irish population not previously written about.... but I think I hold an #UnpopularOpinion in that I was fairly bored through this entire listen. I did like one story a lot: A Painful Case... others were somewhat interesting, others I fast forwarded. Couldn‘t get completely used to the meandering style. #bbrc #growup
Oohhhh.... might need a little trip to Dublin!
Oh james, how long have i longed to
Walk under the rain of your thunderstorm
While singing finnegans wake
“and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood.”
Here‘s a recommendation in honor of St. Patrick‘s Day. Dubliners is James Joyce‘s ode to all walks of life in turn of the century Dublin.
I finished this book last night and enjoyed it a lot. Dubliners is a collection of short stories set in Ireland and I really enjoyed going through them. My personal favourite was the story, Eveline which was based on the life og Eveline. I also liked The Sisters, which was the first story in the book.
A definite #must.
I greatly enjoyed all of these stories. Turn of the 20th century Dublin sounds a lot like turn of the 21st century America with its love of beating children. Several characters in several stories wax poetic about whipping boys, almost as if they get some kind of perverse pleasure out of it.
Two years older than this guy, and I don‘t particularly like him, but I totally get this feeling.
#jamesjoyce #twogallants #dubliners #ireland #growingupbutnot
Joyce has a wonderfully creative way of describing things.
#jamesjoyce #twogallants #dubliners #ireland #paintingpictureswithwords
I just bought this from Goodwill. I'm excited to read but very intrigued by the note inside. Why did Larry donate such a lovely gift from Andrew and Dick? If someone brought a book back from Ireland to thank me for watching their children (or possibly pets?) I'd cherish it forever. Maybe they had a falling out, maybe Larry passed away. Poor Larry. So many mysteries!
Anyone else kind of freaked out by the guy in this one (second story of the collection)? First I thought he was blind, but then he obviously could see. First he seemed kind of cool, then he flipped and waxed poetic about beating boys who talked to girls. (Jesus Christ that sounded like my Grandmother when I was 11. 🙄)
#jamesjoyce #dubliners #anencounter
Taking the audiobook of this for a spin with my tea this morning. It seems fitting, since I saw the surname “Joyce” last night in the other book I‘m reading.
#jamesjoyce #dubliners #teaandaudiobook
Planning to end the year the way I started it, reading Joyce! ❤️
Happy Birthday to Anjelica Huston!Born in Santa Monica, makes her one of the #californiagurls.She was raised in Ireland ,her father filmmaker John Huston, became an Irish citizen.The last film he made,on oxygen ,in a wheelchair,was “The Dead”from the James Joyce story.I loved her dads respect for literature,and to see this story come to life on film , a wonderful thing.Since Dubliners is my favorite book of short stories, I was enchanted by it.
3 stars as some of these stories were amazing. Others I skim read because I was bored. Stand out stories were An Encounter, Eveline, A Little Cloud, Counterparts, A Mother and the ending of The Dead (too much filler in that final one!) Overall a good collection of short stories, and I can definitely see how they have influenced modern writers.
“I had never spoken to her, except for a few casual words, and yet her name was like a summons to all my foolish blood.”
#litsyclassics #trainreads #jamesjoyce
So my aim this week is to at least finish Dubliners and The Survival Game on Kindle, and get half way through the other 2 on this pile. This may be slightly hindered by the fact that our 10 month old took his first steps last night and hasn't stopped trying to walk all morning either. I'm preparing for lots of falls and accidents! 🙈😥 #currentlyreading
Dubliners and dinosaurs in the playroom! This is a so-so for now. A couple of the stories have really stood out, others dragged. I do like how they're not fully complete stories. They're little snap shots. Brief moments or evenings, just endings or even simply feelings.
#QuotsyJune18 Day 22: Is Whiskey your preferred #beverage? Personally, I can not stand beer, wine, or hard liquor. I am a rosé moscato lady through and through. Bailey‘s / kahlua mixed in with my coffee is good too. ??♀️??
#yorklitsymeetup #bookhaul 🙈
Top ones were from my fellow littens, thank you all so much!
Found 2 Persephone's in a second hand book shop, absolute find! ❤
And couldn't pass up on Pratchett's I didn't own. Others are recommendations and ones that took my fancy.
I have no idea where I will put them all.
I've been neglecting reading this week because I am so tired! But I've finally managed another story from Dubliners for my book group read this month. I'm still not sure what I think of it.
I seem to inadvertently have ended up reading two short story collections simultaneously. I decided to read The Refugees because I recently bought it and I'm so bad at reading the books I buy straight away so when I was done with Ready Player One I jumped straight into that. The May theme for my book group was short story collections so we chose Dubliners by James Joyce.
This has been on my ‘to read‘ list for a long, long time. This book is a collection of 15 short stories highlighting the everyday middle class citizens of Dublin, Ireland in the early 20th century. I really enjoyed it. I wanted more from each story. I highly recommend it.
Most of my #libraryhaul for #freakyfriday 😄
I‘ve got 2 more in my holds that I should get mid month, but I think I‘m pretty much set!
Now it‘s a matter of deciding how to start. @CoffeeCatsBooks any recommendations?
Been wanting to read this for a while now. It will be on my TBR pile for 2018.
“Melancholy was the dominant note of his temperament, he thought, but it was a melancholy tempered by recurrences of faith and resignation and simple joy. If he could give expression to it in a book of poems perhaps men would listen.”
#quotsynov17 #temper
Just scored these two lovely editions for my #LitsyClassics Challenge at Dog Eared Books. I‘m going to try to use the library, books I already own, and Serial Reader but I‘m planning to let myself splurge on a few if they are really nice editions like these beauties. I saw some other gorgeous volumes too but they weren‘t on my list so I practiced self restraint.🙌
Our latest book club was of James Joyce's Dubliners and Gertrude Stein's Tender Buttons. We greatly preferred the Joyce with its heavy themes versus Stein which was too experimental for us. We had to switch our game plan last second, but still ended up having a great time. You can read about entire experience, including the planning bellow:
Our table
This is more of a "it's me not you" pan. While I enjoyed the first few stories I soon grew tired of them and the majority of the short stories bored me and didn't hold my attention. I've come to realize that short stories are just not for me.
#LitsyAtoZ #LetterD #classic #shortstories #serialreader