Blue books for gray skies. #botm
Blue books for gray skies. #botm
Excellent, excellent. Trust me, this is the (ultimately) WWII story you want to read.
Great book, about a young female Dominican immigrant in New York. The audio has an excellent author interview at the end. The book is based on the author‘s mom‘s experience, who thought she was so ordinary and boring. (Anything but!) Also, interesting to see the racial tensions between multiple groups, all while important movements are ongoing (in the 60s). Definitely worth the read.
Just finished this fantastic book. So good, couldn‘t put it down. Kudos to each & all, & to @WmMorrowBooks for giving it the attention it deserves. Great job of highlighting relevance to now. Loved learning about these heroines. #ribbonsofscarlet 🙌🏻 #ReadThis #HistFic #women
If you want to know about ale, lagers, IPAs, and beer, (and trust me, you do), esp. in that humorous Fargo tone (sans the murders), this utterly delightful book is for you. Marvelous! Perfect for fall, football, and when you need a lift, such as because you just took the boy to meet his dreams in Spain, with tears and smiles.
#uplifting #smilethroughtears
Loved so much of this. Why aren‘t we all reading and talking about this book? #empowerment
Super fun romance, so very much to love. Yes, I read it in a day, on the beach. But then, what‘s not to love in a story about a woman who—as a favor to niece—enlists for small town summer Renaissance fair run by a taciturn English Prof, and said prof also just happens to be a swoony pirate with more to him than meets the eye.
Well Met, indeed. Loved!
I‘m in love!! Great #Middlegrade book for this #backtoschool kids and parents. What‘s not to love? Baking and subtle Shakespeare. 💖🧁 #readingtothefuture
“Because sometimes all that‘s needed to lift women up is to stop pulling them down.”
❤️❤️❤️ #empowerment #women
And I love #kindlequotes new look!!
I‘ve read @CarrieCallaghan‘s ❤️Bought @Dolen‘s after her excellent talk at #HNS2019 & @KateQuinnAuthor‘s newest❤️ & @rajanilarocca ‘s ❤️Had #thegoldenhour already #BOTM ❤️Soul pic to help w/ a hard week back at work-that time of year! ❤️ #amreading #histfic #amreading
I flat out love Mary Norris. What a wordie. And here she is talking about one of my fascinations. 🌈🌻🍒💝
I‘m totally sucked into #theburied —who knew the Egyptian Revolution could be so timely, so fascinating? #botm
It‘s been on the best seller list so I had to try it out. #Ireland #historicalfiction #timetravel ❤️❤️❤️ #worthit #reading #bookstagram
Betcha can't quit reading, just like you can't stop watching that VH1 special on your favorite (or so) band. This one lived up to the claims.
Just finished directing this play. It was a lovely beast. Super proud.
Light and sexy and just enough depth. In other words, damn near perfect for me right now. 🌟🌟🌟🌟
I'm sooooo behind on my #tbr from #botm!! Any suggestions on which to read first?? #help #amreading #readingsuggestions
This is excellent!!!
Really liking this! Page turner, interesting and plausible. Definitely sticking with it and thankful for the ARC.
Both listening and reading the book because—no road map. Who is talking now? I like the story, just having to work way too hard at this.
What do you do as a Director of Shakespeare in Love in your local community theatre? Read this for fun!
Catching up on my #BOTM doesn‘t at all hurt that it is replete with #Christmas and #romance
Why aren‘t more of my book friends talking about this love story? ❣️ Lovely and devastating, but also easy and touching, a bit like an Audrey role. 💔💛❤️#botm #bookofthemonth #bookstagram
A delightful blizzard of strange American and French characters who will absolutely not behave.
I fought reading this book way too long. SO good. #BOTM #weekendread
So glad to be back in this world, racing on to the next book. Loved this one!
This book blew my mind. When I was a quarter in, I thought: ok another Glass Castle and Hillbilly Elegy. But then it became its very own page turner. It grieves me that there can be such willful ignorance and control and violence, and yet, there is. Reading, deep and wide, I.e. educating ourselves, is the only way to truly test the waters and find truth. This book confirms those opinions.
When I read this and other British authors, I wonder if the Brits have done better about not giving over the slow build absolutely brilliant novel. It is a slow build, so wait for it. Kind of like how Fall doesn‘t happen over night, but then builds to a crescendo of falling leaves. It‘s worth it, as I knew it would be.
I love this book. I‘ve got a growing fascination with Lady Bird going on right now. And boy, is she inspiring me. Who knew? What a woman.
I have it on good authority that this will be a great book! #HappyBookBirthday!!! #mystery NEXT on my TBR!!
Voicing a Romance now so—fun listening research. Audio Award Romance Winner 2017. 🤓😉🍸What is a Dive Bar Novel?! 🤔🧐😎
Such a fun #fridayreads. Leading me to #fridaythoughts of the Brits amazing cheerfulness and fighting outlook getting through WWII.
Post read: first part so fun and cheery, second part gets so real. I ❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Loved this book so much!
Columbia late 80s, and the choices women and girls make while as Pablo Escobar and guerilla warfare makes its inevitable way toward them. Told with a bit of magical realism, the magic exudes from the voice of Chula as she grows and gains understanding of the events which reordered her life. Also sheds light on political refugees. So glad this well told story is getting the attention it deserves.
Is it good? Diving in, I think.
Sometimes I frustrate myself. Why do I wait to read these great books? All the feels. ❤️❤️❤️
Great epic❣️
What to read when in Paris???
I❤️❤️❤️ Revel books, and this one looks great. The hope of Azure Springs, by a debut author.