“O Captain, My Captain ...“
“O Captain, My Captain ...“
I finished this book last night and enjoyed it a lot. Dubliners is a collection of short stories set in Ireland and I really enjoyed going through them. My personal favourite was the story, Eveline which was based on the life og Eveline. I also liked The Sisters, which was the first story in the book.
A definite #must.
A light read, Southern Fried Christmas is a beautiful story of Kelly, Denny and Chelsea. It isn't necessarily a romance but if you're a romance fan, then you MUST try it out. I mean, I loved it and I don't even like romance that much!
Merritt did a beautiful work with this novel and although this is her only novel I've read so far, I'm certain I will so try out more. Do pick it up guys!😁
#christmas #must #rec
I absolutely love this hilarious and heart-warming tale about a nutty family!
A #must-read for all ages.
#AprilBookishMadness @maich
I forgot my current reading at home, but thankfully I have backup books at the boyfriend's apartment.
@outofprint #bookmail #bannedbooks #library #must-haves
Thank you @Riveted_Reader_Melissa for sharing your #haul , I HAD to get this heat-reactive mug when I saw it! Hot beverage goes in and the black-out marks just disappear 🙌 And, while on their website, I saw the Library socks in blue and I had to get them 😊