Taking the audiobook of this for a spin with my tea this morning. It seems fitting, since I saw the surname “Joyce” last night in the other book I‘m reading.
#jamesjoyce #dubliners #teaandaudiobook
Taking the audiobook of this for a spin with my tea this morning. It seems fitting, since I saw the surname “Joyce” last night in the other book I‘m reading.
#jamesjoyce #dubliners #teaandaudiobook
1.5-2🌟 First, let me say that I really like Robin Hood stories. I like the legend and I like the idea of humanitarianism. It is from these stories that I first came to believe that the wealth of a nation should be the wealth of the entire nation not just the select few. However, I was not a great fan of this particular telling of it. Pyle talks to the reader as if they are both travelling with Robin or spying on him. (cont‘d below)
Back to my morning Audiobook with my morning tea. So glad things are calming down after the holidays now. I‘m ready for a nap...or a good audiobook.
#robinhood #howardpyle #teaandaudiobook
I was a strange child. Apparently I greatly loved this story...I am quite frankly borde by it, now. I like other of Swift's works so much more. This just seems to go on and on. Not sure if I'm going to get through it before its due. With the wait list I can't renew it, either.
#jonathanswift #gulliverstravels #teaandabook #teaandanaudiobook #teaandaudiobook
This was read to me long ago, but I don't remeber it. I remeber watching a TV movie version of it when I was quite young. So excited to listen to this classic story once again.
#jonathanswift #gulliverstravels #teaandabook #audiobook #teaandaudiobook
It's been almost a week since I got to sit down and listen to this story. I'm half way through it and so excited to see what happens next.
#thekiterunner #khaledhosseini #teaandanaudiobook #teaandabook #teaandaudiobook
This is an amazing story. It‘s so heartbreaking and beautiful. Khaled Hosseini is a wonderful story teller. I wish I could just sit and listen to this story all day.
#thekiterunner #khaledhosseini #teaandabook #teaandanaudiobook #teaandaudiobook #morningroutine #greatstory
What the feck, why did they leave the stockade and given the pirates the map? What‘s going on around here? Why aren‘t they rescuing Jim?
#robertlouisestevenson #treasureisland #teaandaudiobook #teaandbook #tired #confused #whatishappeninghere
This is a great book. It‘s moving right along. It‘s a great little adventure story. It was hard getting going at first because I was so annoyed at Middlemarch, but it‘s won me over easily. So glad I got on the waitlist for this one.
#treasureisland #robertlouisstevenson #teaandaudiobook #teaandabook #audiobook
Who are these characters? We just randomly switch characters to the point that I don‘t care about any of them. I can‘t imagine doing this for another 22 hours. It‘s just not worth it. I have so many other books to read that aren‘t as annoying. It‘s a bunch of women concerned with being womanly and men being manly. It‘s prattling twaddle. I just don‘t have the will to continue this. I don‘t get the charm or appeal of this book. I‘m so sorry.