🧡 Wake Me Up-Wham!
🧡 on a beach, tropics
🧡 spa, wine, book, quiet
anyone? @hannah-leeloo @ElizaMarie
🧡 Wake Me Up-Wham!
🧡 on a beach, tropics
🧡 spa, wine, book, quiet
anyone? @hannah-leeloo @ElizaMarie
My best show of restraint and not going both ways for every category 😂 But I (and I think a lot of us here) are the read the book then watch the movie variety 📖 ➡️ 🎥 #hhs #hauntedhollowswap
1. Yes. My son‘s school has a literary pumpkin project most years so we usually carve a book character. Prior pumpkins have been the tree from Chicka Chicka Boom Boom, Horton, and the Cat in the Hat
2. Yes size 9-10
3. I love jewel tones like purple, teal and mustard yellow
4. I love a beanie
5. I am a nerd for frostbeard studio candles and tarts
6. I won a costume contest as a Hershey kiss as a kid
7. beanies/slouchy and bandanas too #HHS
1. Definitely the people! Everyone here is so friendly, and I see none of the drama that permeates other social media.
2. Honestly, nothing. Even when I‘m not participating in something, it‘s fun to see other people‘s posts on it.
3. Maybe the ability to message each other?
4. It varies, but usually at least 3 times a week.
5. I haven‘t done any swaps yet! 🙈 But I‘ve enjoyed all the other things.
6. Maybe increase the character limit on posts?
1️⃣ knitting, jigsaw puzzles, photography, playing drums
2️⃣ mystery (but I read almost anything except romance, horror, historical fiction)
3️⃣ Milo, ball python extraordinaire! 💙🐍
4️⃣ I have TBR lists all over creation—not one is accurate or complete. List here should be unowned (now). 😂
5️⃣ Tasmanian Devil, M&Ms (mostly Blue), Animal (Muppet), Funko Pops
6️⃣ Most in 1️⃣ have been neglected—need more Me Time!
#LitsyLoveSurvey #LitsyLove
#LitsyLove #LitsyLoveSurvey
🍲🌱 I love to cook and garden
👻 My favorite genre is horror of course
🐍🦎🦎🦂🕷️🕷️🕷️🕷️🐇 We have a snake, 2 geckos, a scorpion, 4 spiders and a bunny
📚 Most of them are unowned but I would go with my Amazon wish List because those are all unowned.
🦄 I collect My Little Ponies and mermaid stuff 🧜
🌺 You are all wonderful. Thank you for letting me be a part of this!
1. Playing bridge and other card games. Making cards. Reading Twitter
2. Psychological suspense, memoirs
3. cats: Starbucks and Java. Dog Tibor (his mom came from Siberia and his dad from Hungary)
4. Yes. All are unowned
5. No. Am trying to downsize and reduce clutter
6. I write postcards for postcardstovoters.org
#litsylovesurvey #litsylove
Yep! I like reading! Fun stats though 😄
I‘m sure this will change yet (because I‘m not going to stop reading for the next 3 weeks😱) but at this moment the GR survey says:
I read a lot
I liked most of them
My shortest was REALLY Short
My longest was VERY long
Makes sense to me 🤪
Probably true - although I read a lot of women authors already. I‘m sure I could branch out more. #bookriot
If my phone counts as an e-reader than I got all of them!
Total = 31
How many did you guys get? 😃
1. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
2. Noise is fine. Once I‘m in the zone I don‘t hear anything!
3. Pig. 🐖🐖🐖
4. Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. For sure. Yes.
1. I don‘t know-it changes based on who I‘m talking to and what they like. Maybe The Shadow of the Wind—that‘s one that stayed with me awhile 2. Sci-if 3. 1 dog named Guinness. I‘m pretty much a 1 dog at a time person 4. Roughly 100,000
🌸Thanks for the tag @LadyChristy 1.🌙🌏🎍🐉👁🚀🏪🌌⏳🔮📚📝🔏🖤🧛🏻♀️❤️🧛🏻♀️🧟♂️🧟♂️🧟♂️💋👁⏳🌅🌠🎯2.The real Q:should be what non-fictional 🙃😉 3. Honestly why!?🤦🏻♀️For maid service or a$$ wiping service what!?🤦🏻♀️😆 4. Yes 5. Hell Hath no Fury lmao 🤣🤣🤣 #FriyayIntro
Repost from @BethwithBooks :
Dearest Litsy Community❤️
I‘ve been MIA lately b/c of my thesis. I NEED YOUR HELP. I‘m conducting a survey on librarians‘ experiences & opinions about homelessness & drug addiction in American public library
Survey access here https://worcester.az1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/SV_dilnfQB6kXSVCwl
Please tag & share & help me finish this degree so I can leisure read again. Open to all public librarians in the US. Thank you!
Repost from @MinDea and @BarbaraTheBibliophage :
@Kaye and @MinDea are gathering info about us, just for fun. It takes less than a minute to fill out the form, which doesn‘t ask anything deeply personal. I promise. So pop on over and participate, why don‘t ya!
#WhereInTheWorld #LitsySurvey #Share #Repost
I could use your advice Littlens. If you were expecting a mug, would you be disappointed to get an owl teapot instead?
(I do have a nice mug already but this teapot is adorable.)
#indecisiveshopper #cantbuyitformyself #muglove @TheKidUpstairs
1. Fairly eclectic, but frequently character driven, lyrical, and/or British.
2. In what genre? ? I can't pick just one!
3. Anything with a Fabio on the cover or "shopaholic" in the title, and similar. But also poorly researched/written/edited books in whatever genre.
4. Ergodic maybe? Or more punk sub genres?
5. ? Let's go with 'Lair of the White Worm'. At least for this year. ? See #WormyBuddyread for details.
•Right now: Anne of Green Gables
•The White Mountains or an of the Trixie Belden series
•None ATM, but previously cats, both deceased and mice.
•On average 1-2 depending. I read several at once (different formats)
•I like books in all forms, but have a fondness for print
•All of them. Especially, from the 50s and carols
•Love to cook and bake when I have time enough!
•mostly fiction
•Ursula K. LeGuin
#GiftSwapSurvey #SecretSantaGoesPostal
1. Purple, blue, jewel tones
2. Turtles, fun socks, candles, bookish jewelry, mugs, tea
3. So many! The Sparrow, The Blue Castle, LOTR, Lymond Chronicles
4. Fantasy, literary fic, historical fic (esp. British/medieval), classics
5. Food: mint, almond, shredded coconut. Books: horror, erotica, Dan Brown.
6. Lived in🇬🇧as a child, studied in🇮🇹in college, lived in🇿🇦as an adult.
7. Goodreads/blog on profile
Thanks for the tag, @candyelf !
1) Purple and blue 💜💙
2) Baking, candles, cuddly socks
3) Harry Potter
4) Fantasy, YA, mystery/thriller, true crime
5) Peas, yellow, peanuts
6) Getting ready to become an aunt for the second time - to a little girl this time! 💗💗💗
7) GR: https://www.goodreads.com/friend/i?i=LTM2MDQ5Mzk0NzA6Mzc0
8) @Vbrrgirl
1. Hufflepuff
2. Engaged
3. Fiance proposed with a book
4. Tolkien quote tattooed in runes on spine
5. Professional fangirl
6. Cosplays River Song
7. Meeting Mercedes Lackey in two weeks!
8. 3 cats
9. Loves renfaires
10. Just bought a pink wedding dress for $1
11. Adores sun catchers
12. Grows succulents
13. Wants to live in the woods
14. Loves sunlight
15. Toledo, OH
16. 0 kids
17. 35
18. Aquarius
19. Curly hair!
20. Bad at math
This is like the second bookish discussion question of the day 😁. @BookBabe and I had set up a poll a little while back, and we've had a great turn-out, but the participation numbers didn't hit the goal we were aiming for. If you haven't already, would you be willing to take a couple minutes to participate, pretty please ☺️? Thank you 😊! #MakingPodcastingForReaders #BookTalk
@MrBook and I came up with a 10-question survey, of which we'd be honored to have our #LitsyFamily provide input. ☺️ You are, bar none, the best group to help us, and we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you! Here's the link to the SurveyMonkey poll 🙊🙉🙈
Thank you!!!! #BookTalk
(This is the same one from a couple weeks ago—we're still waiting to hear from some of you!) ❤️
1. My reading chair in New Jersey 2. Close Enough to Touch 3. Monsters: A Love Story 4. Sooo many but probably anything by Francine Pascal, Judy Blume, or Ann M. Martin 5. He's Just Not That Into You (didn't read the book, but loved the film) 6. Ready Player One, although I already fear the film adaptation won't be for me:( #letstalkaboutbooksbaby
1. @britt_brooke
2. Goodreads, Litsy and my bullet journal
3. Kindle E-books
4. Yes, several times. I love discussing books!
5. Yes. We meet Monday to discuss Into the Water
6. Truly, Madly Guilty - the narrator's voice 😳😫
7. Confessions of a Domestic Failure 🤗😍
8. The End of Your Life Book Club
9. A Man Called Ove or Good As Gone
10. A Contradiction: Opinionated, Outgoing and Kind of Shy
24in48 Closing Survey
1) 10 books (2 GN, 1 Poetry, 8 Novels/Novellas); 1712 pages
2) 24 hours 21 minutes
3) Everything! It was awesome.
4) Nothing I can think of.
5) Yes!!!
#24in48 #readathon #survey
1. Finished 3, started and made great progress on 3. Didn't keep track of page count. 2. A little over 24. 3. Idk, I get caught up in the reading and forget to check in and do challenges. 4. See answer above. 5. Yes absolutely #24in48
1. 3 books, started on the 4th. (All physical books).
2. 13 hours.
3. The blog, the challenges, and the updates on Litsy.
4. More prizes for international participants.
5. Yes.
Thank you for the great time! 📚🍷
#24in48 #readathon
1. Finished two. In progress on three.
2. 24! 🎉🎉
3. I felt the prizes worked really well for Americans. (I am one.) Also the host posts on 24 in 48 were fun!
4. More international prizes for my overseas friends on Litsy. I think this event has grown so far beyond America.
5. Absolutely! Number 5 here I come!!
1. South-Central Pennsylvania
2. Yes. This might be my...3rd time?
3. I'm pretty sure I have @Liberty to thank for spreading the word about @24in48 initially
4. I'm actually reading it right now - SUCH SMALL HANDS by Andrés Barba. The same translator also worked on Yuri Herrera's books!
5. I'll be spending most of the weekend under my mermaid blanket
6. Here on Litsy, Instagram - [at]BooksForYears, Twitter - [at]Books_For_Years
Here's my #24in48readathon intro survey! I'm glad to be Reading with you all this weekend! 😊📚
Rapidfirebooktag. Thank you for tagging me @crazycatlady!
4.The twisted ones-Scott Cawthon.
5.Kidnapped-Robert Louis Stevenson.
7.Lord of the rings-J.R.R Tolkien
8.Beauty Queens-Libba Bray
9.The Hobbit -J.R.R Tolkien
10.The Ring
1. My BFF's guest suite in LINCOLN, NE!!
2. This is my FIRST TIME!
4. ALL the books
6. LITSY: @specklife
INSTAGRAM: pathologically_literate
FB: http://Facebook.com/pathologicallyliterate
#24in48 #readathon
I tag @Marmie7 and @Nazgul93
1. Physical
2. Villains
3. Series
4. Death note
5. The twisted ones
6. Yes
7. And then there were none, harry potter, and maze runner
8. The mortal instruments: city of bones
9. Harry potter
10. None
11. Yep
1. Twilight-not my favorite writing/writer didn't like The Host either
2. Happy Hollisters (didn't know anybody else who read them)
3. Twilight- Team Jacob
4. Does Graphic Novel count?
5. Bella-really Edward
6. Neil Gaimen-granted only tried one book- I may try again
7. Girl falling for a bad relationship-Twilight?
8. Shades of Grey
9. Homeward Bound (The Incredible Journey-book had too long of sentences &too much narration) SorryTwilight
Unpopularopinion. Thanks for tagging me!!! @Marmie7
1.Fates and furies/Never let me go.
2.Lord of the rings/Maze runner.
3.Hunger games.
5.Jace-The mortal instruments.
6.James Patterson.
7.Siblings not getting along.
8.Outlander/50 shades of grey.
9.Hannibal (TV show).
#unpopularopinionsbooktag @Rachael5248
Thank you for tagging me! @Marmie7
I tag @respekt1111
1. The little princess
2. Maze runner
3. The mortal instruments (Simon and Maia instead of Isabelle)
4. Romance
5. Jace
6. John green
7. Going back in time
8. Twilight
9. ?
#unpopularopinionsbooktag thanks for the tag @Marmie7 ! I tag @LoverofLit !
1.The Night Circus
2. The Grisha Trilogy
3. The Remnant Chronicles
4. Mystery
6. Stephen King
7. Mean girls
9.The 100
Unpopularopinionsbooktag @Rachael5248
Thanks for tagging me! @Read4life
I tag @nazgul93 @crazycatlady @sammisho
1. Ravenboys, Wuthering Heights
2. Magicians trilogy
3. Remains of the day
4. Contemporary/ Romance
5. Blue(Raven boys)
6. Gillian Flynn
7. Parents who don't believe their kids
8. Fifty shades
9. True blood
Morning All! I'm looking to do an #ImpossibleRead read a long and would love some input!
@MrBook and I came up with a 10-question survey, of which we'd be honored to have our #LitsyFamily provide input. ☺️ You are, bar none, the best group to help us, and we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you! Here's the link to the SurveyMonkey poll 🙊🙉🙈
Thank you!!!! #BookTalk
In lieu of a normal bookish discussion question of the day, @BookBabe and I came up with a 10-question survey, of which we'd be honored to have our #LitsyFamily provide input ☺️. You are, bar none, the best group to help us, and we appreciate it from the bottom of our hearts. Thank you! Here's the link to the SurveyMonkey poll 🙊🙉🙈: https://www.surveymonkey.com/r/RS6VLXZ. Thank you!!!! #BookTalk
@BookBabe and I are all set and ready to share our survey with you tomorrow 😁👍🏻! Just trying to figure out when is the optimal time to do so 🤔. Maybe in lieu of the bookish discussion question of the day, which happens around 5 pm EST? Please keep your 👀 open for the post! Your input is exceedingly valuable to us, and we deeply respect your thoughts. Thank you!!! ☺️
Don't forget, I think @BookBabe and I are on track to have that survey ready when Friday rolls around. Our #LitsyFamily's input will be the most valuable to us ☺️. Please keep your 👀 on the look-out! Thank you!
@BookBabe & I've been developing a bookish project over several months (well, a few, but we're close with this one in particular 😁), and we'll want input. I think on Friday we're going to have a poll up & running, probably on SurveyMonkey. Just wanted to give all of you fantastic Littens a head's up if you're interested in participating. The more the merrier, and the better for us in figuring things out. Keep your 👀 open! Thank you in advance!
#24in48 survey. Where? Tennessee
Have you done the 24in48 readathon before? No
Where did you hear about the #readathon? Litsy
What book are you most excited about reading this weekend? Year of Yes Something about yourself. sleepy retired teacher who is wishing for a bout of insomnia
Remind us where to find you online this weekend. Here on Litsy. One of my companions is Grand-kitty Jackson. I'm cat-sitting