2️⃣ it is best with silence
3️⃣ night 🦉
4️⃣ yes whenever possible
#sundaysurvey @alisonrose
2️⃣ it is best with silence
3️⃣ night 🦉
4️⃣ yes whenever possible
#sundaysurvey @alisonrose
1. A Christmas Carol by Charles Dickens
2. Noise is fine. Once I‘m in the zone I don‘t hear anything!
3. Pig. 🐖🐖🐖
4. Yes. Definitely. Absolutely. For sure. Yes.
#sundaysurvey @alisonrose
1. The Woman in the Dunes (only one that came to mind)
2. Both; depends on the book
3. Rooster
4. Yay!!!
#sundaysurvey @alisonrose
1. I can't think of one. I am sure I have read some but I am drawing a blank at the moment.
2. Some noise is OK but I prefer quiet.
3. Tiger
4. Yay!
1. Tagged!
2. Total silence for print, for whatever reason I‘m able to tune out background noise better when I‘m reading an ebook. 🤷🏼♀️
3. I had to look it up, tiger. 🐅
4. Nope.
1. Where the Sidewalk Ends by Shel Silverstein. This was a childhood favorite. I remember checking it out of the library over and over again.
2. Read with noise.
3. Rabbit
4. NAY!!!!
1. Animal Farm
2. I actually read and study better surrounded by noise. In college I'd study in the student center instead of the library. I think it's because I grew up with loud brothers 😂
3. 🐷
4. In baked goods, absolutely
1) You know darn well that I won't pick just one ! 😂Favorite classic is Animal Farm by George Orwell.
I also love stories with horror themes and I loved Blanky by Kealan Patrick Burke and A House at the Bottom of a Lake by Josh Malerman.
2) I prefer silence, but I can tolerate most background noise.
3) Goat 🐐
4) Yay, I not obsessed with it, but I do like it on the rare occasion.
@alisonrose #SundaySurvey
#sundaysurvey time!! Please repost with your answers and tag me! ☺️🎉
My answers:
1. The Penelopiad by Margaret Atwood — such a brilliant idea for a retelling!
2. I can deal with background noise, like conversations around me in a coffee shop or something, but not loud TV or music or the like
3. 🐒
4. It‘s great in some uses — pastries and such — but some things are just weird. But I don‘t dump on people for loving it. Like what you like!