Quiet morning under the blankets.
Comfort read continues on a beautiful fall afternoon. #WeArePack #BookAndBrew
Things have been a bit trying lately, so going for the comfort re-read and food. #WeArePack
This is her best work yet, and the audiobook is PHENOMENAL. All the ✨✨✨✨✨✨✨
This series is so much fun!
Waiting for my car to be serviced and reading what appears to be the perfect book for this time in my life. Already thinking about how many of my friends need to read it, too!
Embarking on a new...thing 😂 🚃 👟 🧩
Barbara Pym, lifegiver 🖤😆
The Pym-is-the-ultimate-comfort-readathon continues.
Barbara Pym is the ultimate comfort read.
The premise is so interesting, but this book is just a hot, confusing mess. ☹️😑
“There are people I love. There are people who have loved me. I fought for what I believed, protected those I could, and stood my ground against the encroaching darkness. Good enough.”
This one ended up feeling uneven to me. I liked the beginning, a lot. I enjoyed seeing the characters come together, but their meeting never quite payed off, emotionally speaking. Instead, a good 3/4 of the book is action sequences in which literally faceless foes are mowed down, with some witty one liners thrown in. This wore quite thin after a while. A blockbuster in book form, the humanity needs to shine through more for me to really care.
Could not resist this beautiful set...my preciousssssssss 🐝🐺🐉
We‘re enjoying this sci-fi novel with flavors of Firefly, The Expanse and The Long Way to a Small, Angry Planet. #catsoflitsy
Holy forking shirtballs, what a cliffhanger! 😮Thank goodness I‘m prepared and picked up Book II from the library yesterday. #WinterStormReading
Revisiting a favorite - because rainy Saturdays were made for literary and historical comics.
Me and Radar are hunkered down with our electric blanket and a classic novel I‘ve somehow never gotten around to. About halfway through and we‘re wondering: is EVERYONE in this story an asshole? 🧐😂
Waiting on car repairs with a 15‘000 calorie treat and this sharp, dark, and at times unexpectedly vulnerable collection of essays.
Visited my family in Switzerland and found time to read during a two day stay in a cabin in the mountains. Tomorrow I go back to work, for the first time since my husband passed away in May. I‘m glad I took some time off to process, be with friends and family, attend Buddhist teachings in NYC and Toronto, putter, and read. I am determined to grieve with an open heart and mind and am grateful to have the supports I need. ❤️
What an amazing and thoughtful #sockswap package from @Carolyn11215 !! Love all the local flavor - I burn incense quite a bit and can‘t wait to try these! The socks are beautiful and the book is right up my alley. Thank you so much, Carolyn, you definitely brightened my day ❤️❤️❤️ @JPeterson , thanks for hosting this fun swap!
First thing I‘ve even attempted to read since my husband died, and there‘s no one I‘d rather be hanging with than Murderbot!
My best friend and sweet husband Craig passed away early Sunday morning. I am sad, but mostly feeling overwhelming love and gratitude for the life we had together and the support and love we are receiving from friends and family. Rest easy, Craigfish, you‘re with Amitabha now. ❤️🙏🏻🕯
Thanks for all the kind words and wishes, Littens. ❤️ Enjoying a crisp spring morning with coffee, electric blanket and this book. Hover kitty Hawkeye keeping an eye on birds and squirrels.
Haven‘t been on Litsy much lately. My husband has been back in the hospital for the past month and he is not recovering as well as we‘d hoped. I‘m in the process of looking into nursing homes for him, because if nothing changes I will not be able to take care of him anymore. Heart is broken, unable to focus on much except a little bit of TV. Hope all is well with all y‘all Littens. ❤️
Wut. 😂😂😂
Me and Hawkeye doing #24in48. He‘s not a lap kitty yet, but we‘re getting there. 🖤 🐾#catsoflitsy
Day 4 of the flu and we are a mess. Husband is still unwell, on top of recovering from his seizure, but no more fever. I‘m well enough to read a bit, thank goodness, but my sinuses are on 🔥Christmas decorations will still be up on Easter at this rate! 😂
So. Much. FUN! Time travel, adventure, history and humor, with flavors of Connie Willis and TV‘s Primeval (the original series, anyway, not that reboot abomination). I cannot wait to read more!
Reluctant model: Radar 🐾
For my entry into #HipHobbinto2018. Too many fantasy favorites to choose from, but I credit this series in general and this book in particular with my life long love of fantasy and reading. As a child, I longed to escape to Narnia - and still do!
My sister-in-law sent me these lovely felt gloves for Christmas and they‘re perfect for reading. And so is this book! 🗡
Omg, so hilarious 😂 Came across this note tucked into the dust jacket of a library book: “Dear next reader, this book was one of a kind. *HINT: NO SPOILERS. All I have to say is the ending fucks you up, leaves you hanging and luckily for us both, there happens to be no sequel. Great, just great. Out of all the books that have left me hanging, this one sucks ass. I‘ll have to get a hold of the author.”
Continued in comments: ⬇️
I loved this book! The setting is stellar, a magical mountainous world loosely based on Tibetan culture. Beautifully written with well-paced action, this is a perfect read for winter. Would have given a full 5 stars if we could have avoided the obligatory YA love triangle and resultant angst, though here I found it less annoying than usual.
Book model: Hawkeye 🐾
Yessss! The only reason I‘d brave a windchill of -13F!