Watch out, @WeeziesBooks! Something wicked this way comes...
#witchpleaseswap @monalyisha
Watch out, @WeeziesBooks! Something wicked this way comes...
#witchpleaseswap @monalyisha
I am trying to explain to my boyfriend how I am writing an erotic fanfiction based on a metafictional YA fantasy novel that's a spinoff of a different YA novel that is a love letter to Harry Potter fandom and he's been sitting here with Michael Keaton eyebrows for at least five minutes now.
I guess I'll need to wait until he's somewhat less stoned. Or attempt to draw him a diagram.
I guess this is my life now.
Baz: So far, dating Simon Snow hasn't been the erotic gropefest I imagined...
Me, opening a Word document: CHALLENGE ACCEPTED
Um, wow. So, what exactly characterizes a "Schwarzenegger dick?" Is it vaguely European? Ostentatiously muscular? A futuristic cyborg penis covered in human skin?
This is one of the most hilariously baffling descriptors I've read in recent memory.
I brought up Dunning-Kruger Effect during the Q&A, then explained what it was, and Ling Ma wrote this nice message in my book. 😍
I laughed way too hard at this.
After hearing Rebecca Traister reference her admiration for this book and Cooper 2-3 times, I knew I needed my own copy. Serendipitously, my local indie was selling remaindered copies for half price! 🤘
I picked up these two novels after seeing K Arsenault Rivera speak at #WIBookFest this morning. She was witty and entertaining, and I'm really excited to dig into these Mongolian-inspired fantasy with two lesbian MCs. #queerbooks
I really enjoyed seeing Chloe Benjamin speak at #WIBookFest last night. Particularly about her struggles with anxiety and how they influenced her conceptualization of the Gold siblings- each trying to decide how to live with the knowledge of when they will die. I'm only about a quarter of the way through the book, but I can tell knowing more about her writing process will enrich my reading experience.
Though I like thrillers in theory, in practice I often feel let down by their depictions of women- even at the hands of female authors. Women obsessed with marriage, childbirth, and interpersonal drama are difficult for me to relate to as I've never desired any of those things. The women of this book are a different breed entirely: intelligent, ambitious, morally nuanced. It's a breath of fresh air, and sure to please the feminist INTPs out there.
Two more Native authors from my TBR- a collection of poetry and a memoir, both recommended to me by Tommy Orange.
Happy #IndigenousPeoplesDay!
For a little TBR inspiration, Rebecca Roanhorse published this list of five Indigenous speculative fiction authors you should be reading: https://www.tor.com/2018/06/27/five-indigenous-speculative-fiction-authors-you-s...
Planning to start this one this week. Hoping it will provide some wisdom/perspective useful in processing recent events. 🤞
(Side note: Jerry Brown? Really?)
Here's my #bookhaul from yesterday's #librarysale. Not bad for $9!
It's #SelfCareSaturday!
I spent the morning browsing my local library sale (haul post forthcoming). Now I'm getting solo brunch and starting the tagged novel, recommended to me by @readordierachel. Hope you're all having a lovely Saturday.
And the award for parent of the year goes to...
Some of her conclusions seemed slightly specious to me (I think Jacques Derrida, for one, would take umbrage with being indirectly blamed for the Trump administration), but I definitely think this is worth reading. One of the most salient points is where Kakutani draws attention to how Trump&Co strategically deploy a constant onslaught of misinformation in order to overwhelm and exhaust their opposition. It's a good reminder to stay engaged, 👇
I officially met the Goodreads reading goal I set at the beginning of the year, so I decided to increase my goal by 30. Last year I read 135 books, so this would also be an all-time personal record. 😁
Short story author Kelly Link has been named one of 25 recipients of this year's MacArthur Genius Grant!
She's an author I'm convinced I'd love if I ever got around to reading her work. It might be time to bump her to the top of my TBR list. Are you a fan?
#recommendsday request: between the current news cycle and personal tragedy, I've had a hard time concentrating on reading this past week. If anyone could recommend me something light and feel-good to read, I'd be most obliged. Thank you!
It's been a difficult few days. I had to say goodbye to my sweet Nox on Saturday, after he was diagnosed with an autoimmune disease. The blood transfusions he would have likely needed for the rest of his life to stay healthy were too much of a financial burden at $1200-$2200 each and I made the heartbreaking decision to put him to sleep. I only took him in a year ago, so our time together was brief, but he brightened every day with 👇
Hey, you. You know who you are.
Be kind to yourself today. Take solace in the fact that if there is a hell, a special place is surely reserved for white male Republicans who apologize to an accused sex abuser for everything he's been through after not being able to look his accuser in the face.
I'm going to smoke a bowl and power down for the evening. Goodnight all.
I mean... 🤷♀️
Things I learned from hearing Tommy Orange speak at #WIBookFest:
1. He doesn't enjoy public speaking, but does it well nonetheless.
2. He loves both Nick Drake and MF Doom.
3. He once pulled a set of spider legs out of his own leg, and decided to include the freaky occurrence in his novel.
Rereading one of my favorite fantasy novels for my spec fic book club this week. Here's hoping it's as delightful as I remember! 🤞
I almost swore off Ruth Ware after the disappointment that was The Lying Game. I'm glad I didn't, because her most recent novel is also her best. Setting is always paramount in a Ware novel- the cabin in the woods, the cruise ship, the boarding school- but none are so thoroughly suffused with gothic menace as Trepassen House. A tense, twisty read highly recommended for fans of Christie, Highsmith, et al.
I spent the weekend in a cabin on the lake in rural Wisconsin. The weather was gorgeous, but 3G was spotty and I missed my Litsy friends. I must say not being able to compulsively refresh my news feed did a world of good for my mental health, though. Coming back to reality was difficult.
Happy Monday, Littens! I just finished the tagged book- review forthcoming. 😁
1. Presented without comment.
2. Why did the Norwegian navy add barcodes to the sides of their ships? So they could scan-da-navi-an.
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
Yandy.com, originator of such classic Halloween mainstays as "sexy pizza rat" and "sexy corn," have now released a sexy Handmaid's Tale costume and I don't want to live on this planet anymore.
Energize transporter.
Today's #libraryhaul includes a pair of recently published novels, as well as efforts to redress my cinematic illiteracy via film recommendations from @vivastory and @TobeyTheScavengerMonk.
Has this book been successful as a conversation-starter? I think so. Is it destined to go down as a literary classic? I seriously doubt it.
Like many debut novels, Vox suffers from an identity crisis. It spends the first three quarters cribbing a great deal from Atwood, both conceptually and stylistically. For the last quarter, it makes an abrupt tonal shift and starts reading like a conspiracy-laden political thriller. It's jarring. 👇
I have a review for this novel forthcoming, but I'd like to make a comment first.
Presently, the top review for this book on Goodreads can be summarized in three words: "not all Christians." If I had any doubts about the plausibility of Dalcher's premise, this reviewer successfully dispelled them- though I doubt that was his intent. Denying privilege, disowning responsibility, downplaying systemic issues as "a few bad apples"... ?
Book: Jonathan Strange and Mr Norrell
Author: N.K. Jemisin
Movie: La jetée
TV Show: Jessica Jones
Food: jackfruit
#manicmonday #letterJ @JoScho
I found plenty to like with this one: one of the protagonists is disabled, but doesn't allow it to define him. The fact that the characters experience an immediate physical attraction, but their romance is more of a slow burn struck me as very realistic to the period. I also enjoyed the mystery aspect- it gave the characters something to do and helped move the plot along. I'll definitely be reading more by this author. #queerbooks
Angela Carter has been on my bucket list of authors to try for years, so there's no way I'm saying no to this #audibledailydeal.
At my local pagan pride fest shopping for my #witchpleaseswap swapmate, and I couldn't resist taking a photo of this banner. 😆
The premise of this romance- two women who fall in love over a D&D campaign- really appealed to me, and I loved the geeky references sprinkled throughout (even though the author committed the cardinal sin of- gasp- mixing up Star Wars and Star Trek. 🤦♀️) It was a sweet and poignant story, but I wish the characters had been a bit more developed, and that there had been a little more conflict to overcome. #queerbooks
When #botm sent me a replacement for The Line That Held Us, they also included a second copy of this for whatever reason. Anyone up for a #BOTMBookSwap?
Playin' catch up:
Book: Ice Planet Barbarians
Author: Kazuo Ishiguro
Movie: The Imaginarium of Doctor Parnassus
TV show: I Shouldn't Be Alive
Food: Iced soy latte
#manicmonday #letterI @JoScho
HECK YES. I've been reading disproportionate amounts of heavy stuff lately, so I'm adding tons of these to my immediate TBR for palate cleansers. I hope they do a followup list of must-read F/F romance titles. #queerbooks
My Extreme Reading black belt is on display right next to my gold medal for Competitive Loafing.
1. 112 so far
2. 120. Clearly I'm going to need to bump it up to 150 or thereabouts.
3. I'm a broken record at this point, but the tagged book.
4. My Sister the Serial Killer, White Dancing Elephants
Spending my lunch hour today with hammock chairs and picturesque country views. #WhereIRead #WorkplaceEdition
1. I always seem to be recommending Jenny Lawson, so I'll switch it up this time with the tagged book.
2. February
3. Just three kitties. Love seeing all the adorable pics Littens with kiddos share, but I'm satisfied with appreciating them at a distance.
4. (From my pre-vegan days) Snyder of Hanover's Honey Mustard Onion Pretzel Pieces, or as I was fond of abbreviating them, H.M.O.P.P.s.
5. Will do! 🎉
@jesshowbooks #friyayintro
Have you read this yet? Dooo ittt.