An odd collection of poems???! 🤪
Read for reading challenges
Library book 📖
An odd collection of poems???! 🤪
Read for reading challenges
Library book 📖
I really enjoyed this collection and may possibly avoid the author in the future! But he sure loves cats and writes about it with his own kind of love. #PoetryMatters #APoemADay
Current Poetry Collection #poemaday #poetrymatters
(Esther meets neighbor cat Callie. I am allergic to cats.)
Absurdly, one of the only things my husband and I argue about is Charles Bukowski. I despise him- abusive, misogynistic, angry and miserable. But my husband likes his style, and defiantly gifted me the tagged book a couple of years ago. I just got around to reading it, and finally found the author's humanity. Cats, man; they bring it out. "When I am feeling low, all I have to do is watch my cats and my courage returns." Same, Buk. Damn you.
I‘m not one for poetry and Bukowski and I probably didn‘t have too much in common other than a shared love for felines. 😻
“One of the finest things about cats is
that when you are feeling bad , very bad-
if you just look at a cat cooling it
the way they do
it‘s a lesson in persevering against
the odds, and if you can look at 5 cats that‘s 5
times better”
My last book for #Booked2021 Fall Edition- Poetry or verse
This was a quick audiobook to take for a spin while running errands. I love cats, so I did appreciate Bukowski‘s mutual admiration, some of which is really perceptive or amusing, but also jeeze what a dirtbag 😂 Eh, it was fine for what it is but definitely for existing Bukowski fans.
‘The cat is the beautiful devil‘, says Bukowski, and in this wonderful collection of cat-related poetry he shows what a loveable devil a cat can be. I‘ve always rated Bukowski. The novels are great, too: Post Office especially. I sometimes read my own stuff to the cat. He never judges and sometimes purrs.
I didn‘t think I could dislike a book of poems about cats, but this wasn‘t my thing.
"Let's see you try to read a book now, sucka!"
#caturday #catsoflitsy #KAL
"Mom, can we have a readathon next weekend, too?"
Feli is really appreciating how sedentary I've been this weekend. ?
#24in48 #catsoflitsy
Because comfort is relative. #catsoflitsy
@Emiller Feli and Fran are sending kitty cuddles your way, and hoping you feel better soon. ❤😺
Like I need an excuse to post a picture of my cat! Here‘s #KingCyress being peak lazy. Every day I tell him to go get a job, but does he listen? It‘s a good thing he‘s cute. 😻
Congratulations again, @TheLibrarian! 💕💕
#50kgiveaway2 #catsoflitsy #catsy
Between the Boxing Day sale and having $20 in rewards, I just got 18 books for only $17 at Book Outlet. 💃🏼📚💃🏼 The cat isn‘t impressed, though. #kingcyress #catsoflitsy #catsy
Not a huge fan of Bukowski, but cats! 😻 ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Thank you, @emilyhaldi for this #HalloweenGoesPostal gift. I was giggling aloud today during #PoetrySpeedDating . #FallBookExchange
#TBRtemptation post 6! This short book goes into the positive relationship between the crusty writer and the felines he respected and admired. This book of reflective poems is humorous, edgy and raw. Mingled with other subjects such as life and aging, Bukowski's love for cats shines through. #blameLitsy #blameMrBook 😎
The scene at my house right now is a cat in a sea of cotton! She thought it was snow at first and was so scared haha #catsofLitsy #PondandGil #LittenKitten
Trying to read, suffering INCESSANT meowing instead. Can a bookworm have no peace!!! 😡 #CatsofLitsy #LittenKitten #cantread
Only day off this week and what are we doing? Working out followed by reading and napping 👍😊 #CatsofLitsy #LittenKitten #TBR
My cat is the ACTUAL WEIRDEST. This is Pond. Had to snap this from far away because she stretched more then moved soon after I got close. So silly! #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
He can be sneaky when he wants to be! And after this he meowed like crazy and swatted my cookie out of my hands, so I fed them. #catsoflitsy #littenkitten
Back home with my baby boy and I realize now I got no pictures of my in-laws kitties! This guy won't shut up or stop asking for attention despite already getting attention, lol #CatsofLitsy
My #BookOutlet haul just got here! 🙌🏻 I figured last week's sale was enough reason to buy a few books I'm interested in but don't know a lot about. Anyone read any of these?
Millay weighed in on the subject. 📚🐾🐈
I have to get ready for work to leave on time right NOW but GUESS WHO decided this was super good timing for her HIGHLY RARE cuddles! Pond is slowwwwwwlyyyyyyyy gonna be a lap cat 😍 #catsoflitsy
Look at this goober. Big stretch! I'm told he's very drugged up atm. Yesterday was solely spent taking him to the vet and learning he has a UTI/crystals due to his weight so I've been trying to get him to drink water, take his new med, and not pee on the carpet! 🙈😂😭 His water fountain also broke yesterday so no more easy way to get him to drink :( I know a lot of ya'll are cat people, so any advice?
Happy Caturday everyone! This is my next #NonFictionNovember read, but Kali thinks I should start it now.
#CatsofLitsy #Caturday
Omg whyyyyyyyy. My in-laws got a NEW KITTEN last week and I don't get to see her until Thanksgiving 😭😭😭 This is a pic my sister-in-law posted online. 😻😻😻😻😻I know it's so creative but they named her Tabby 😂
I was supposed to bring home Millay and Steinbeck on Halloween in 2011, but because of an outbreak of illness at the shelter, it delayed the process by three weeks. So I had to wait patiently and look at adorable photos instead. But it was on this day that I decided this sleepy little kitten was going to be Steinbeck. 💕
I have been staying with my sister this weekend to help her out after a surgery. I haven't had much time to read, but I have enjoyed spending time with these two cuties. They are Snowball and Princess. What few minutes I have tried to read, they have not let me. Princess bites when I stop petting her. She lives up to her name!