I have claimed this book, human. Do not even try to read it (when he‘s feeling imperious he doesn‘t use contractions. It‘s more intimidating that way) 🐈😼😼
I have claimed this book, human. Do not even try to read it (when he‘s feeling imperious he doesn‘t use contractions. It‘s more intimidating that way) 🐈😼😼
“As children we thought Superman was brave to stand in front of a train. That‘s not brave, though. Superman never stood before anything that could destroy him. Peter did”
Lying Cat says Maggie O‘Farrell has great taste in colors for her books 😸😸
Sitting in my new car, reading before class. A, so far, excellently written book. Beautiful words.
Help! I‘m held hostage by my math exam this morning.😱 All I want to do is read my book and finish it before the due date. Sucks being a responsible adult who needs to do her homework 🤣 #adultingishard
Dog Eared Books in SF. Love going to indie bookstores when I‘m traveling. It‘s the best! Borderland Books is just a block away from this spot. An all genre bookstore. I think I‘m in love! 😻😻😻
An interesting premise. I like the small town aspect and how the work was translated into a New England setting. I think fans of horror might like this even though it‘s more psychological horror than straight up horror. I‘m glad I got through it for bookclub but the ending kind of ruined it for me and it‘s just really not my genre. Yay! Me for finishing it.
Love Carthay Circle at Disneyland for reading. It feels like a 1940s bar experience. Cocktails and books are the best.
Finals AKA the week you spend 8 hour days at your favorite boba cafe while sneaking in reading breaks in the hope of preventing brain breakage 😩😅
Finished this pretty quickly. Love how straightforward it is. She get to the heart of the matter straight away and at the same time brings a unique perspective to the subject.
A little late night cleaning (taking a bath is serious business) and finally starting my reading for the first meeting of my feminist book club...on Tuesday 😳. Maybe better reading organization should be part of my upcoming New Year‘s resolution. 😂
Finished this book on a plane. Combination of audiobook and traditional book. I think I liked it! Some interesting characters. Great writing. I definitely have to think about it some more. I‘m not sure I understand everything. This will forever be my first cross stitch and read book. Might have been the best part of the book!
#24in48 #readathon progress. Combined times pre and post accidental time wipeout 🙄
Because I am away from my beloved bookshelves I don't have a stack of books for the #24in48 18 hour challenge. I do however have a science fiction anthology edited by Mahvesh Murad and containing some wonderful looking stories by diverse authors. I love me a good anthology every now and then #weneeddiversebooks
Finally! Done. So happy. This book seems like it was written because the author liked the central gimmick. It's a neat gimmick. But, IMO, was not really used in the best way possible. I liked how the truth about Merrin was revealed but The pacing, the gimmick, the ending were really not all that compelling or fun. So glad I read The Fireman before I read this. First #24in48 #readathon book complete!
#24in48 #readathon introduction. 1: where am I reading? 2.have you don't the 24in48 marathon before? 3. Where did you hear about readathon? 4. What book are you most excited about? 5. Tell us something about yourself. 6. Remind us where to find you online. #currentlyreading #pleaseletmefinishthisbook
I'm so excited for this readathon. I have flown to Portland (one of my very favorite cities) in order to read with one of my very favorite cousins @Pagesflutter. We have already gone to 2 different bookstores and bought 15 books between us so we are fully prepared. Let's do this! #24in48
1. Tea...I am disappointingly unable to enjoy neither beer or wine. No matter how many times I try. 2. Buy based on their cover. They're so pretty. 3. At the beach! Give me sand and sun (and a large umbrella) any day. 4. Fantasy novels. 5. Mr. Darcy. Rochester has too many women in the attic. #bookishwouldyourather
A different kind of view of lunch and reading. Glad to be taking a break from A Little Life. That is an intense sort of book. #multireader #lighthearted #collegelife #summersemesterwhyyyyy
Both practical and magical this bookmark came in a second package from the bookish elves involved in #summersantagoespostal thanks again! This little gadget oddly makes reading even more fun.
In the aftermath! Awesome choices @ferskner absolutely love the amazing pin and I can't wait to read my new book beauties. #summerbookexchange #summersolstice #summersantagoespostal
1. Chocolate for sure. Or maybe chocolate covered strawberries. Is that cheating?!
2. Sprayed edges. So pretty and not annoying.
3. I have to say series. If it's good and I love the characters I get really attached and don't want to say goodbye.
4. Neverland. I love Alice and her Wonderland but wouldn't want to live in an Acid trip. And I can avoid all the children in Neverland right?
5. Publishing!
Delivered directly to me by bookish summer elves from the land of awesome! I can't wait to open it and reveal all it's secrets. Thanks so much @ferskner you lovely kindred book dragon (I refuse to classify myself or other lovelies as any sort of worm lol) #summersantagoespostal #summerbookexchange
Summer is about to start! I am finally shipping my #summersantagoespostal box! Slipping in just under the may deadline. Because I'm cool like that. Me and Cool Reading cat are super excited. @BookishMarginalia #summersolsticebookexchange
Soothing gold face mask and reading a fantastic book. This is the best part of being an English major. I am officially doing homework 😬#englishmajor #imalwaysthispretty #studying #Litsyskincare
Me being silly on my cruise. Was gone a week. No internet. I missed you all Litsy! This is a great memoir. I love her writing. Very lyrical and slightly vague but the larger theme is so poignant. So glad to be back on dry land. P.S. I learned I like fishnet stockings.
This is Pippin. He jumps into my lap each morning for about 30 mins and industriously cleans his lions mane. It's the best part of the morning and I had to share. Also a photo collage of a cleaning cat is amusing to me 🤓😁 #catsoflitsy #readingbuddy #petsoflitsy
Ahh! What an amazing gift giver is my Litsy Cupid, @B.Reader ! Thank you so much. The books are perfect. You may be a little psychic because Behind the Throne was on my library borrow list. The bookmarks and stationary supplies are also adorable and fantastic. I will also be stealing the notes for each item idea for the next exchange. Ahh! So much love for Litsy and #Cupidgoespostal #Valentinesbookexchange right now!
Woo! I'm a few days late but still super excited. This arrived this week #valentinesbookexchange and I've placed it on my media center just to tease myself with it until the 14th. I really like the bookish going postal experience. Picking things out is so much fun. Staring at a red #cupidgoespostal package is fun. I don't know who you are yet but thank you so much B for my pretty bookish package.
Cupid is coming! #cupidgoespostal The gifts are packed and ready to fly their way to California! I have to say, nerdily, how proud I am to be getting this out kind of early. Go me! So much fun to pick everything out. I threw in some puns for good measure. Everyone loves a few good puns right? #valentinesbookexchange 🤓🤓😎😎
I finally finished this. So frustrating! The friendship with Tracey was paper thin. We were given no chance to really know her or try to understand her. She did things out of nowhere with no context for them. Maybe I was just missing too many clues? Or foreshadows? Hints I was blind to that explained why she did the things she did. The mother is a complex character. I also appreciated Hawa. Good writing. Has anyone else read this?
49 books - 18,048 pages. I've been sharing this on my Facebook page and I realized how weird I was being not sharing this with all the beautiful Littens. 1 short of my goal. Argh! So typical of 2016. That's okay, I'm going to be ambitious in 2017 and do oh so many challenges. 2017 is my reading year. 🤓📚📚
RIP to my favorite princess and general and an awesome sassy broad. You will definitely be missed. And I officially am done with 2016 #longlivethequeen
I finished this book! There was a week or two where I thought I might have to pay the library for the book but I finally found under my pile of clothes on the bed (streak of returned books safe!) such a great read. Love the supernatural elements. Sophie is one of my favorite characters this year. Back to the library now though. 😎😎
This book is making me laugh also maybe in some ways understand the characters of Pride and Prejudice more. Especially the Bennet dad who I always had a soft spot for because of his sardonic sense of humor. He has some great one liners in this book too. But his fatal flaw is way more apparent as well. Anyway, so funny. I aspire to be Liz.
All conditions met for appropriate time to be in lap - person done sitting✔️ book just out of reach of arms of said person✔️ person wearing black pants✔️ cat points achieved 💯 #catsoflitsy
This is a little late but I had to bookishly swoon. So much awesome #secretsantagoespostal swag. The book is perfect. A good Christmas read haha. Thank you again @ralexist and @BookishMarginalia. This has been one of the most fun #WinterSolsticeBookExchange I'm totally in for the next one
They're here! They're here! And they are lovely. Thank you @ralexist for my pretty pretty packages and lovely holiday card. And awesome mug, of course. I can't wait to open the presents! Thanks @BookishMarginalia for setting this all up. Happy holidays to all participating and supporting #SecretSantaGoesPostal #WinterSolsticeBookExchange
A really good book. I got frustrated in the middle because it was taking so long to get to the important stuff but by the last third it was more interesting and poignant in the story it told than I thought it would be. Great characters. Great depiction of family. Would definitely recommend. ⭐️⭐️⭐️⭐️
Secret Santa mystery will be solved in three days. Also I have some drawing skillz. Thanks for organizing this @BookishMarginalia I had fun picking things out. Anxiety. But also fun! 🎁🎁📚⛄️ #wintersolsticebookexchange #secretsantagoespostal
Sushi sushi sushi and Swing Time. My wild and crazy side is showing with finals finally over. Back to the business of living. Woo!
One week left in the semester. Thank you English 212 for sending me to LACMA for extra credit. It was a good day. Finally reading again. One week left in semester. 💃🏻💃🏻💃🏻
7 pages in and I already kind of love this protagonist and her unvarnished truth.
This is probably one of my favorite books out this year. Reading about Lab Girl's career, her struggles, and triumphs in the world of science and botany was really #inspiring for me. It's a little bit messy in structure and story arc - but then so is life 😉#photoadaynov16 day 3!
I'm getting just under the wire with only a couple minutes to go till Nov 2nd. Gonna give #photoadaynov16 a shot. Here is my #novembertbr. I did manage to slip in one #nonfictionNovember in there because Jennifer Lawrence is going to play Zelda based on this book and I now haz to read. Excited to participate this month and to see what you all are planning on reading. Bring on the TBRs @Litsy
What?! You were trying to be productive? Nothing is more productive than petting me. Especially on #NationalCatDay. Happy National Cat day @Litsy 😻😻 #catsoflitsy#petsoflits My Pippin is a proud member of #LittenKittens