I read this last year and it is an awesome book to read around Halloween. Plus, it has one hell of a twist at the end!
I read this last year and it is an awesome book to read around Halloween. Plus, it has one hell of a twist at the end!
I‘m enjoying this book so much I made a little Pinterest image collage for aesthetic purposes. It‘s dark and kind of gory, but perfect witchy read set in 17th century Puritan New England.
I‘ve waited for it to get closer to autumn to start this book and it has been well worth the wait. I‘m already 58 pages in and can‘t put it down!
I just couldn‘t get into this one! I wanted to so badly. I don‘t know if it‘s just not my jam or if I just need to revisit at another time.
Ok. This is my first T. Kingfisher novel and I just started it. Am I the only one annoyed by the beginning. The conversational, not so subtle foreshadowing, and the cliche narration from a typewriter? Or am I just having PMS? 🤣
I really liked this Hades/Persephone retelling but I wish it was longer. I wished she would have expanded her plot. The concept behind the book was wonderful and could have been a wonderful story if she went further with it.
Re-reading this treasure of a book. I loved it as a young teen and I love it now. The descriptive writing is wonderful.
If you liked Uprooted and The Bear and the Nightingale, you will love this. It‘s heavily inspired by Polish culture and folklore. It‘s a slow burn romance but the ending made me cry. I loved it.
I‘ve watched the movies for years and never read the books until now. To be honest, the film took liberties with the characters, Katniss, especially but both were great in their own way. On to Catching Fire!
OH MY GOD! The twist at the end! I thought I had it figured out and BAM! Awesome!!!!
When I saw the previews for the Hulu series, I decided to read. Can‘t lie, I couldn‘t put it down. I wanted to yell at Lucy for being an idiot and wanted to run that Stephen over with a car. It‘s a good book when you have strong reactions for characters. Toxic college “love” story all the way.
I really loved the writing in this book. The main character is a woman with a past, a twin that is mentally incapacitated and dependent on her, and a career studying wolves. She is part of a team that reintroduce them in Scotland and meet a resistance from the community..mostly violent. There‘s a murder..but is it a murder or a wolf attack? She tries to save the wolves like she couldn‘t save her sister. I loved it.
This is basically an retelling of Jane Eyre but there‘s a couple twists to it you wouldn‘t expect. It takes place in 1686 Iceland and Rosa marries and has to move to a different town to be with her husband. Not only does her husband act strange and cold, the town is superstitious and wary of her and witchcraft. There are noises in their home and rooms and outbuildings that are locked. The question is why?
1. Sarah Maas or Holly Black. 2. My warm bed or in an isolated corner of the library. 3. Not yet, but one of these days….
#wondrouswednesday @Eggs. I tag anyone to participate 😊
I gave this 5 stars on Goodreads. It is a book about a girl raised in the woods and who helps Jewish individuals who escape from the ghettos in Poland survive in the woods and avoid German soldiers during the Holocaust. Not only is it a historical fiction book with romance…it‘s an existential masterpiece.
I‘m so very glad I finally read this book! It‘s heartwarming and funny. This book is a testament to the fact that family has nothing to do with blood and home is where your chosen family is. I can think of no better book to start 2022 off than this one! I highly recommend!
Lucy is my 2nd favorite character after Theodore. He‘s hilarious and Mr. Parnassus is so humorous in his patience and matter of fact responses.
This is exactly what I‘m loving about this book! I‘m only 144 pages in and I have laughed out loud and chuckled countless times.
A skimpy year…just was in a reading rut.
Dunmore has been added to my list of favorite historical romance authors! I‘ve loved all her books thus far!
Pretty good in the gothic romance area but the ending was abrupt and really irritated me with it‘s abruptness.
This book started off great, but the end was confusing to say the least. It was a good idea over all for a book, but the ending lost me.
One of my favorites this year. If you liked The Bear and the Nightingale, Uprooted, and Spinning Silver, you will love this.
I loved this book! It‘s an Ethiopian retelling of Jane Eyre with magic intertwined. I just wished it went more into detail.
Even better than the first book. Can‘t wait for the 3rd to come out this summer.
I would rate this as one of my top three favorites this year.
This is one of those books where the main character gets on your nerves but the plot is so good that you can‘t help but continue. Just a warning: it‘s book 1 of a trilogy and the final book isn‘t to be released until 8/30/22.
I loved this book. Erin A. Craig didn‘t disappoint! A House of Salt and Sorrows was great and this one just as great! A strong young female main character doing her best to keep her family together and fed, a mysterious young man from the woods, and a town that slowly turns on each other. It‘s a romance, a horror and even a little fairytale mixed in. It‘s a must read!
One thing I like about Silvia Moreno-Garcia is that she writes in different genres and her characters are interesting and not conventionally beautiful. This book is fantasy, romance, drama, and I get such a Victorian vibe from it. It‘s about unrequited love, lust, magic, social class conventions..I could go on and on. Plus, I actually liked the ending on this one.
I loved this book and I loved Domingo‘s character, but Silvia! What is with your endings, woman?!? So disappointed with the ending but the book is worth it. It has a very different spin on vampires.
I really enjoy Silvia Moreno-Garcia‘s writing, but this one was okay but not nearly as good as her other novels.
QUESTION: I was just thinking that the audiobooks that I listen to may be affecting my perspective on a novel and it‘s characters. Thinking I should probably read the books I‘m listening to just to see. But then that‘s kind of like watching the movie first. Does anyone else feel this way?
I don‘t know how I feel about the main character of this book. The book is by the same author that wrote Mexican Gothic, though this book wasn‘t as good, but still pretty good. In her hometown of Baja California, eighteen year old Viridiana starts working for 3 Americans, but soon learns they aren‘t who they say they are. I want to like Viridiana…but she seems too selfish but then, I know she doesn‘t have the best life. It makes me wonder ….
I‘m on a big gothic romance kick; however, I wasn‘t too impressed. It had the potential to be great but the author fell short on her development of the conflict and storyline.
A classic gothic romance and suspense novel from the 1950s set in France. Don‘t let the age of the book fool you! It‘s a mix of Rebecca and Jane Eyre. Really good.
Just finished re-reading. I really enjoyed this creep read when I was in high school. It‘s a light read and creepy but nothing too overwhelming. It‘s about a teenage girl who just started working in the mall who soon finds out she has a murderous stalker in the same mall but she doesn‘t know what he looks like. Is he the janitor? The security guard? Will she live to find out? Good read for fall and Halloween.
I truly enjoyed this book. It‘s set in a fantasy Victorian England where people of higher social standing are the only ones that can use magic, but Anna is considered barren of magic and is ostracized for it. After accidentally ruining her sister‘s spells at her official debut into society, Anna is sent away with her grandmother‘s home country Hungary where she meets a beautiful guarded gypsy boy and becomes involved in a revolution.
Book 5 of Cassandra Palmer series.
Book 4 of the Cassandra Palmer series.
Book 2 of the Cassandra Palmer series. My review is the same as book 1. I read these a while back so my review is based on the first 5 books that I‘ve read.
If you enjoy the Sookie Stackhouse novels, you may like the Cassandra Palmer series. There are 10 books in this series. Cassie is a clairvoyant living in Vegas hiding from the mafia vampire boss who raised her. Cassie gets on my nerves a little-I just want to slap her sometimes because she‘s so impulsive and the pacing is too fast sometimes but an overall pick for me..however, I liked Sookie much more. 😊
This has been one of the best books that I‘ve read in a long while. It‘s a modern retelling of the Celtic tale of Tam Lin. Beautifully bizarre, it weaves fairy folklore and the in between of death..I read this in 24 hours. It was that good! Book 1 in the trilogy.
Book 2 to the Greenhollow duology! Also a short and very satisfying read! I‘m just sad it was over so soon.
Absolutely loved this book! Woodland creatures/Fae and a love story! A short read as well at 105 pages. It‘s part of a duology. I highly recommend.
LOVED this book! HATED the ending. Slow burn love story with a mix of fairytale and folklore. Did I mention that I hated the ending? 😠
Listening and reading...I have been resisting this book for a while but am glad I‘m reading it. I think Silvia Moreno-Garcia will become a favorite author with me. I loved Mexican Gothic and am now enjoying this one.