I hated this book so much.
4 ⭐️'s
Only 21 pages in and already *countless* eating disorder triggers. Wowza. I don‘t have an ED, but I have three daughters. This would absolutely trigger two of them. A little shocked.
Love this series adaptation on Hulu so thought I‘d see if the novel reads the same - it does not, quite. (is this coming back for another season??🤞)
About 1/3 boring, 1/3 frustrating, and 1/3 funny. I only got through it because I could do other things while listening, and the male reader is very good at putting the right amount of contempt and arrogance into Stephen's voice. Privileged Lucy goes off to college and in short order becomes anorexic and hopelessly obsessed with Stephen, a cheesy d'bag that some women find charming. Stephen has minimal, atypical attachments and emotions to the ⬇️
Just started this one. Been waiting for it to come off hold on Libby and I am hopeful that this will not disappoint. I've never seen the show so I'm excited to see where it goes. Have several other must-read's in my Libby library and in Audible so I'm set for at least the next two weeks! Btw I have been highly disappointed with most of the new release thrillers that have come out recently and I'm desperate for the New Year releases! Any recs?
Honestly, bleh. I hate these characters. This is a very readable book, the toxic obsessive relationship between Lucy and Stephen pulls you in, but I hate them both. Stephen, for obvious reasons, and Lucy I just wanted to slap her, idiot girl! She reminded me of a lot of the idiot girl things I have done for relationships that weren‘t right for me. But the tv show was a lot better— watching it was addictive but reading it was torturous.
Decided to dive into this book since I became obsessed with the Hulu show! So sad the first season is over already! There‘s a lot of differences so far, but all the characters still make me feel icky. Bleh. #effedupromance
This book just wasn‘t what I thought it would be. I was hoping for a mystery or thriller and this just wasn‘t it. It was literally just the story of a toxic relationship and the only reason I finished it was because I kept reading a little more in hopes that the mystery would come and finally I was so far along I just finished it and I was glad when I did. This was the first book I‘ve read by Carola Lovering and it just wasn‘t my cup of tea.
Got this book so I can read it before watching the show, and wow! Considering how busy I‘ve been lately, I didn‘t think I‘d have much time to read - where there‘s a will, there‘s a way! Intense story about a toxic relationship, battles with mental health, and even a twist snuck in there. Can‘t wait to watch the show now!
I‘ve had this on my bookshelf for years and finally decided to read it before watching the TV show.
This relationship is as toxic as promised. Do you ever find yourself so angry with characters that you literally scoff and say how you‘re feeling out loud? That was me often throughout this book.
I always find it to be a great talent to write unlikable characters so effectively.
I liked this book a lot. I felt this story on such a level. I think every woman knows a guy like Stephen. Not much really happens in this book. It‘s really about a relationship and how it runs it‘s course and I think I really liked it because it‘s so relatable. I think the characters were so real and the story just hit me hard and took me back to my dating days with my own Stephen Demarco from way back when.
When I saw the previews for the Hulu series, I decided to read. Can‘t lie, I couldn‘t put it down. I wanted to yell at Lucy for being an idiot and wanted to run that Stephen over with a car. It‘s a good book when you have strong reactions for characters. Toxic college “love” story all the way.
Overall Rating 3¾⭐|Narration😀=Good
My initial reaction upon finishing this book...what, that‘s it...that‘s the end? It could even be said that it felt sort of pointless. But, once I reflected on it...I realized it did have some depth to it. A cautionary tale of a toxic relationship. With a lesson to be learned, which is --If something is eating at you, talk it out, deal with it, do something...instead of letting it eat at you from the inside out.
Summer has officially started for me and the first order of business is to finish these two books. #happysigh
#BookOutlet haul. I feel pretty good about getting 18 books for $50.
About to head to work. I‘ve never opened/closed before but my coworker‘s father passed away so I volunteered to work for her. Thankfully the students are really nice and offered to help me even though they aren‘t working but will be at the library.
Anyone else get up an hour before you really have to get up just so you can read?
Lucy and Stephen have an instant attraction that both know they should not pursue. They do anyway and it is toxic for years. I‘ll tell you, I was surprised that I liked Stephen most between the two. It was because he was more honest about his bad behavior. We all know people like both of them, so being in their heads (alternating POVs) was eye-opening!! Not everyone will like this but many will find it engrossing 🙋🏻♀️ I COULD NOT put it down!!
The relationship in this book is absolutely maddening, yet I couldn‘t put it down! So good!
Book 1 of 2019 is complete! It also conveniently fits the bill for #mmdchallenge (new to you author), #popsugarreadingchallenge (set on college campus), and #litsyAtoZ (L for Lovering).
I devoured the story of Lucy and Stephen. She is charmed by him but he may not be all that he is cracked up to be, as far as loyalty and empathy are concerned. It is paced well as it tracks them through college and beyond. I enjoyed the dialogue (inner and outer).
It is good for what it is meant to be, but that is not for me apparently.
Huge trigger warning for fatphobia, starts on page one and doesn't let up. This is my only real criticism, cuz that's just crap.
DNF'd at page 88 after confirming that I had exactly guessed the big Unforgivable Thing. I appreciate that Mr. Psychopath is a Poli-Sci major, that fits. I met plenty of him in DC. 🙄
Happy Saturday everyone! Woke to beautiful snow this morning! Something about snow, I find so peaceful! Perfect reading and baking weather! I have my stack of books, flowing coffee and these delicious Peanut butter and Jelly Bars!
Great book kept me on the edge of my seat. Loved the plot twists and turns.
A modern sort-of-romance. Obsession and toxic people and relationships make this a thrilling read.
I‘m really struggling to finish this book. While I love the way the author has put this book together, and the story it tells, I‘d like to give a heads up to anyone who plans to read this book. If you‘ve ever been in a toxic relationship or are triggered by toxic relationships, you may want to stay away from this book. I‘ve seen many toxic relationships in my 22 years of living, and this book is just hitting a bit too close to home.
My last official vacation of the summer is coming to an tomorrow. I‘ve been sucked into Tell Me Lies and I‘m hoping to finish it within the next 2-3 days!
I started the tagged book and didn‘t get very far, because this epigraph floored me. I feel like this is how so much of my life has occurred. Probably so many people‘s lives. I‘m stacking The Unbearable Lightness is Being now! ❤️😕
Wow, is it hard to rate this book! On one hand I hated it because the main characters were such unlikable narcissists. On the other hand, much like a car crash on the side of the road, I couldn‘t look away. It was well written, but the story itself was pathetic and sad. Then again, if Lovering‘s goal was to make me hate her characters, as well as the phrase, “the unforgivable thing”, then I suppose she succeeded.
Starting this book on my new Prime Day purchase. Had to test out reading in the ☀️ while I can since here in NJ, ☔️ is in the forecast for the next...forever. Rain is in the forecast for forever.
I found this gorgeous blog through Goodreads. Jennie Shaw has a truly phenomenal talent when it comes to combining her two passions. Check her out!
Lucky to have a best friend i can always go book shopping with. Excited to read this one! I‘ve heard really good things about it. Have any of you read yet, and If so how did you like it? #tellmelies #excited #carolalovering
Tell Me Lies is an eye-opening cautionary tale exploring how the wrong guy can wreck you & destroy your life if you let him. Almost painful & uncomfortable to read at times due to Stephen‘s stark & blatant manipulation, this is an impt. novel of the times, & will hopefully help readers recognize the signs & impact of a destructive love interest. Tell Me Lies is a vital read for young women & serves a much greater purpose beyond a work of fiction.
I disliked this book for the same reason I disliked the movie Closer. There is nothing redeeming about the protagonists. They are just awful. But, much like I rewatched Closer over and over for a period of time, I have been reading and rereading this book over and over. I don‘t know what that says about me. Maybe I keep hoping to find something good in them. I won‘t though.
This was a quick, intense read. I can empathize with Lucy - even though I found her choices to be infuriating at times. We have all had a Stephen in our lives which made this book relatable. Overall, I thought this was a good summer read that held my attention.
“Everyone has that guy, Luce. That one guy you think you‘ll never be able to shake—the one who gets under your skin and epically fucks you up for a little while. I know I did.” Pick up this book!! Ps I love the Bookly app!
I didn‘t even come close to finishing the #8intwo. 😔 my weekend was just a tad too busy. I did start tell me lies and have absolutely been devouring it!
I loved it. It was like a glimpse into my past. I had a "Stephen" for a few years. I am so glad to be past that point in my life.
" I don't even hate him, not anymore. It's just sad or something."
Amen! We all have that one guy.
This is why I always carry books. 20 minutes waiting on the husband!
How can you hate someone so much and only be 88 pages in? @SimonSchuster