Anyone else participating in Space Opera September?
4 books down, idk how many to go! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
I was so afraid that I wouldn't like Miles as a character, especially with how much I connected with Cordelia and Aral in the first 2 books, but he is so well-fleshed out as his own character while having been clearly influenced by both Cordelia and Aral in his beliefs. I LOVE THIS series so much.
Book 3 complete! #24in48 #24in48readathon
This is the 4th Vorkosigan novel I've read and I keep expecting to hit one that's not at the same level in quality to the first, but Lois McMaster Bujold has managed to knock it out of the park 4 times now. I hope it keeps up through the next 8.
I'm 154 pages into my 3rd book and almost 8 hours in! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
Gooooooood morning! I fell asleep 18% into this book, with almost 3 hours under my belt. I'm ready to caffeinate and read some more! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
Less than 15 minutes until the start of #24in48! I'm starting out with a short one to get me in the right headspace. #24in48readathon @24in48
All the hype about the recent adaptation has made me want to reread Good Omens. It's been 12 years since I read it last, and I'd forgotten how *good* this book is. #currentlyreading
This was the last book of poems that Ursula K Le Guin worked on before she passed away last year. Most of the poems in this collection are very short, but 2 of the longer poems in particular stood out to me as exceptional. The poem pictured was my favorite in the collection.
Finished book 6 of #24in48! Still have a little over 1 minute left until I hit 24 hours, so I'm going to see what other short novellas are hiding in my kindle library.
#24in48 Hour 42 challenge: Swiss Army Book Rec!
This is one of my absolute favorite books of all time and I will continue to push it onto people until the day I am swallowed up by the rising ocean.
AaaaAAAAAAaaaaa so close now! I've decided to finish the book I've said I was going to finish for like 3 months now. #24in48 #24in48readathon
#24in48 hour 30 challenge! #FavoriteSeries
I bought this box set with my allowance when I was 14 years old (the first movie had just come out) and I DEVOURED it.
#24in48 hour 18 challenge (is it seriously already hour 18?) #weneeddiversebooks
I try to keep track how narrow my reading gets and course correct as much as possible.
2nd book finished for #24in48! What an absolutely amazing short story collection.
My first book finished for #24in48! I'm almost done with How Long Til Black Future Month? but I had some errands to run. Audio reading ftw!
#24in48 #24in48readathon #hour6challenge No dedication in the front of this one, but here's the first paragraph of the introduction!
That's going to have to do for tonight. I've caught myself dozing off a couple times. #24in48 #24in48readathon
Starting with this one for #24in48! #24in48readathon
I've got my #24in48 stack ready to goooooo
What's on your TBR for this weekend? #24in48readathon @24in48
This Book Beau is more like a Book Pilleau
I have 200 pages left of the Eye of the World and I've been putting off finishing it for 3 weeks while I cram as many holiday romance novels into my eyeballs as I can. I WILL finish this book today. I've said it on the internet, so I can't back out now. Everyone knows everything you read on the internet is true 😂
Finished this morning. A m/m romance set during and after WWI. Lovely, but ending is a bit abrupt. #romantsy
Going old school high fantasy with my current read.
This book was absolutely bananas. How is this the world we live in?
Pictured: this struck me as hilarious. They switched the pictures for Bannon and Ivanka in the appendices of the e-book.
Book 5 finished for #24in48! This is officially the farthest I've ever gotten in this readathon and it looks like I might make it to 24! 🎉🎉
#24in48readathon @24in48
For the #hour36challenge, I had to go digging in my closet for this ancient copy of Green Eggs and Ham. It was my mother's copy before me and is missing part of its spine. I have very faint memories of my grandfather reading it to me (he died when I was 4).
#24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
I'm told I have to go buy chicken now, so I'm taking a little break. I'm only about 100 pages into this but I'm still enjoying it. I have about a bajillion to go! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
Whoops, forgot to post that I was done with Heroine Complex. It was okay, but some of the characters and situations are way over the top. Especially toward the end, which kind of ruined it for me. Whomp, whomp, sad trombone. #24in48 #24in48readathon
Almost 16.5 hours in now! I've started this biography of Edward VII and am thoroughly enjoying it. I feel absolutely awful for him as I learn about his upbringing. I always thought Queen Victoria was this supreme mother figure with her 9 children, but apparently she was just plain awful as a mother. #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
Here's my pick for an underrated book. I don't know anyone who's read this book, but one of my mom's coworkers gave this to me when he moved to Colorado to go to pharmacy school (aka start a pot farm). I loved it and have been waiting for the 3rd book FOREVER. #24in48 #24in48readathon #hour30 @24in48
Alright, time to catch some Zs. Not bad for day 1! #24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
I'm a little over half way now and am getting that "eyes hurt, head hurts, just want a nap" feeling from being awake since 3:45am. I'm hoping to get a couple more hours in before I crash. How's everyone else doing?
#24in48 #24in48readathon @24in48
Almost halfway through book 2 of #24in48!
@24in48 #24in48readathon
First book of #24in48 finished!
Kakutani does not hold back. I don't know how I feel about what seems to be an indictment of postmodernism (I was taught as a student of history to Question Everything and that there is no such thing Truth) but I can see where she draws the connection between postmodernism and the rise of alternative facts. A very fascinating read.
@24in48 #24in48readathon
Not my favorite first line of all time, but a good one nonetheless! #24in48 #hour6challenge #openinglines @24in48
Good morning! I went to sleep as soon as I got home from work so that I could be awake at the very start of #24in48...except that didn't work. But I'm here now at almost 4am! I'm going to try to start with The Death of Truth, but if it's too dry for this time of day I'll switch to Death by Dumpling.