#HauntedShelf #BookScavengerHunt Team #HexesandCrows @Catsandbooks
Prompt: Desolate
#HauntedShelf #BookScavengerHunt Team #HexesandCrows @Catsandbooks
Prompt: Desolate
Got behind but finally finished this after the #hashtagbrigade and I must say, I loved this book. It's from 1863 & is the first mainstream novel w a "fallen woman" heroine so you know this thing is devastating, BUT I got the point and always think it's cool when someone from the mid-nineteenth century writes a female character that goes against the grain.
RUTH? pub. 1853
MADAME BOVARY? pub. 1856
ANNA KARENINA? pub. 1873
All four are about women adulterers (referred to as “whores/harlots/wicked women“ in some of these novels, thanks to the societies they lived in). Gaskell paved the way for the other (perhaps) more famous novels. Her writing? Exquisite. Ruth's story? Tragic. Do I want to read more Gaskell? Absolutely.
Mrs. Gaskell broke my heart with this one! I was wondering why I liked this so much when Tess of the D‘Urbervilles just pissed me off. Both are trying to show the humanity in a “fallen” woman. I think Tess just gets really bleak while Ruth‘s life has good things in it (like Leonard), and the only characters who really condemn Ruth are generally unsympathetic.
I‘m in the minority of the #HashtagBrigade to say I liked the novel. Gaskell, whose husband was a Unitarian minister and lived near the factories and mills of England, sets as her MC a “fallen” woman and her path to redemption. This was a bit controversial at its initial publication, and it certainly is darker and more rooted in faith and redemption than her other novels. But, I get the sense that she is shaming her Victorian audience ⬇️⬇️⬇️
Ch 36: Donne 🙄 #ihatehim #whataselfcenteteredass #peaceoutloser #leonardwillberaisedbythevillage #theend #hashtagbrigade
Ch 35: nooooooo #ripruth #thatsallihavetosayaboutthat #hashtagbrigade
There‘s no doubt that Elizabeth Gaskill is a beautiful writer. Ruth appears to be a cautionary tale for young women. Women are the guardians of virtue because boys will be boys. And I think that is to malign men and women. Though it fits with Victorian values, the redress of “the fallen woman” to make it palatable in 1853, is excessive. It‘s definitely a pick, but I will not one I‘d easily recommend.
#HashtagBrigade @BarkingMadRead
Gaskell is a great writer, but it was impossible for me to enjoy this the way I enjoyed her other books because it was way over my quota of infuriating Victorian morality.
Some of the many fascinating covers for Ruth. (What on earth is up with the eyes?! The eyes of society always judging you?) I think the bottom one (from Italy), is the most true to the spirit of the book.
An interesting read from the perspective of “plus ça change, plus c‘est la même chose,“ and to understand the Victorian point of view, but I don't think it has much otherwise to offer.
I couldn‘t take it anymore #hashtagbrigade . I had to finish.
This one started strong for me, but by the end I was just annoyed. I know. Different times.
I was reading my chapter for tomorrow & realized there was only one more so I went ahead and finished. What. An. Ending. So thankful to @BarkingMadRead for leading the #hashtagbrigade and pointing me in the direction of books I probably wouldn‘t pick up on my own & creating a community to share them with. There was so much yelling, swearing, absolute fury from me for some of these characters #bellingshit will not be forgotten #dontthrowthekindle
Check out this creepy AI image that came up on Google!
Ch 34: drama! #jemimawantstogototheocean #ruthconsidersit #drdavissaysdonnecaughttheplague #hisgroomsmanistheboyhesavedfromdrowning 😳 #didntseethatcoming #ruthwantstonursehim 🙄 #shetellsthedochesthebabydaddy #ohhhh #docwantstoadoptleonard #wtf #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
What could go wrong ?! #bellingshit #hashtagbrigade
Ch 33: the plague! #ofcourseruthgoestohelp #thatsweetmandefendingherinthestreet 🥹 #leonardwalkstallnow #ruthsurvives #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 32: so random! #dickisbehavinghimself #faithismadthatFKickeddickout #shethinksFisgreedy #thebradshawsarebackatchurch #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 31: Bradshaw has a heart! #FwantsDickoutofthebusinessbutnotinjail #bradshawwantsjail #jemimatriestohelp. #Fgoeslookingfordick #dickgetsintoqnaccident #karma #bradshawtakesithard #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 30: oh snap! #butfirst #Fwantstopayforleonardsschooling #ruthisworkingallthetime #ruthsaysno #thurstondidntgetmoneyhewasowed #Flooksintoit #bradshawtriestoblamethurston #amitheonlyonewhoimmediatelythoughtofdick #vindicated #menotthurston #bradshawwantstodisowndick #thurstonsaysnotto #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 29: Sally is going deaf #shegivesthurstonthemoney #nowthatwillseemsalittlelessrandom #jemimamarriesF #freedomtovisitruth #ruthwillbeasicknurse #finallyajob #hashtagbrigade
Ch 28: so much gossip and calling Farquhar F makes me think of Sense and Sensibility 🤣 #jemimasendshimtocheckonruth #heisbarrassedthathelovedruth #thevisitsbringhimclosertojemima 💍 #donneisntengagedanymore #morescandal #dickisapartnernow #leonardhatesbeingoutside #howcanthisendwell #hashtagbrigade
Ch 27: Bradshaw gives me Wormwood vibes #helecturesthurston #thurstonstandsuptohim #bradshawwontcometochurchanymore #ohdarn 🙄 #ruthtellsleonard #everyoneiscrying #ruthplanstorunaway #thurstontalksheroutofit #faithisthebiggestshockoftheday #fullsupportfromfaith #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
It doesn‘t quite feel like this type of late August where I am yet, but I‘m so ready for it to. And I feel it in the air, any day now it will, and then… autumn!
Ch 26: yikes #theshithashitthefan #butfirst #donneisgettingmarried #loveatfirstsight #asif #jemimaisalwayswatching #bradshawfindsoutaboutruth #thatseamstress 🙄 #ruthisthrownout #thurstonisgonnabeintrouble #jemimadefendsruth #didnotseethatcoming #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: Jemima gets a little more than a bonnet #leonardisfeelingbetter #Fbroughthimsomanygifts #andwherewasdaddydearestnow 🙄 #jemimaissadthatflikesruth #mrsbradshawsendshertobuyabonnet #theseamstressmentionsrecognizingruth #jemimaknowsthetruthnow #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 24: y‘all I just can‘t. So here are some damson plums that they were making into jelly 🤷🏻♀️ #thisfreakingguy #idonttrusthimatall #thisisntover #soproudofruththough #shestooduptohimandbrokedownafter #neverletthemseeyousweat #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
#weekendreads @rachelsbrittain
Thanks for the tag, @Yuki_Onna! 🤗
Hoping to get caught up with these two! 🤩🤩🤩
Share your reads? @AmyG @wanderinglynn @barkingmadread
Ch 23: my face when we meet Mr Donne, even though we all knew anyway #wtf #theballsonthisguy #ruthishandlingitwell #imean #aftertheinitialhissyfit #whichshewasentitledto #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I almost forgot to post!
Ch 22: Mr Donne has arrived #ruthandthegirlsarelovingthesea #elizabethfeelsbetteralready #ruthmisessleonardmissesruth #anyway #morepolitics #donneshowsup #heisperfection #everyoneelsepalesincomparison #obviouslyhemustmarryjemima 🙄 #jemimaalmostgetsalongwithF #bradshawwantstoahowoffthebeachhouse #totallynotbribery 🙄 #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 21: drama #Fgoesstrawberrypickingwithruthandco #theybringleonardthenextday #jemimarefusestogo #sherealizedtoolatethatshelovesF #Fmovedon #yasnoozeyalose #toomuchfreshairmakeselizabethsick #offtotheseasidetheywillallgo #oh #blahblahblahpolitics 🙄 #hashtagbrigade
Ch 20: well, that took a turn #FisntlikingJeminasattitudelately #bradshawasksruthtospeaktoher #ruthwantstowitnessthebehaviorfirst #whatcouldgowrong #well #Flovesruthnow #bradshawthinksitworked #hewantstobuyruthafancydress #becausethatsnotweird #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Sorry this is so late! #travelday #delayedflight
Ch 19: 6 years later #leonardtellstales #thurstanisprettymuchthesame #sallyissassyasever #faithisfeelingold #ruthisprettyasever #bradshawstoo #kindofboring 🤷🏻♀️ #hashtagbrigade
Ch 18: Ruth‘s new job? #sallyhasawill #thatwassorandom #bradshawwantsruthasgoverness #whatcouldgowrong #hashtagbrigade
Ch 17: a christening #leonardafterruthsgramps #missbradshawattends #givingmecharlottevibes #thiscouldbitethemintheasslater #bradshawtriestobuyruthmoregifts #sheturnsmostdown #mrFisanewaddition #meantforjemima #interstingnewcharacter #possiblysomeforeshadowing #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 16: an interesting chapter #sallysalmostengagement #mrcollinsvibes #ruthwantstoleave #theyconvincehertostayforoneyear #shesdepressed #shedecidestolearnenoughtoteachbaby #whohasnoname #namethatbabby #hashtagbrigade
Ch 15: the baby is born #somuchtounpack #bradshawsendsagift #becausehesanassapparently #hefavorsruth #😳 #ruthmakesbabyclothes #clothesforthepoor #itsaboy #faithimmediatelyrainsonherparade #ruthworriesthathewillbelikehisdad #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 14: Faith full gets on board with the lying 🙄 #andnowBwasasurgeon #thosebradshawsworryme #ruthprayinginthechurch #thishasdidasterwrittenalloverit #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 13: Sally is not a fan of Ruth #butalso #isitherfaultThatBisdeformed #droppedhimonhishead #yikes #sheknowsthesecret #byebyehair #ruthtakesitwell #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 12: Eccleston (pretend the roads aren‘t paved 🤣) #ruthsendsbackthemoney #shepaysherbillwithawatchfromB #timetoplaythewidow #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
I'm catching up on #Pemberlittens buddy read with my best furry pal for company. I'm sitting outside hoping for a chance to glimpse the Aurora Borealis and Perseid meteors as we have the first clear night of the weekend.
Ch 11: Benson calls his sister #wasthiswise #bensonisaminister #thisexplainssomuch #faithisverynononsense #willsheacceptruth #wellshedoes #untilruthishappyaboutthebaby 🤰 #andyetshecomesupwiththeplan #williitwork #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 10: I hate these Bellinghams #bensonasksforhelp #mrsBsmaidtrashtalksRuth #Masonhasthemoney #whew #theywantherinapenitentiary #outofsightoutofmind #whatwillbensondo #hashtagbrigade
#also #dinklageasbenson #yayornay
Ch 9: why is this who I picture for sweet Mr Benson?! #shortchapter #ruthissick #shecantcatchabreak #bensonisasaint #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8: holy heck, so much happened in this chapter! #henrygetsbetter #mrsBgivingoffLCDvibes #lecturinghimaboutruth #hedefendsher #forlikefiveseconds #heasksmomtosendruthaway #coward #sneaksawayimmediately #mrsBsendsruthanastyletterwithapayoff #ruthrunsafterthecarriage #totalmeltdown #thedeformedmanfindsher #justasshesabouttodosomethingdrastic #hesavesherfromherself #amitheonlyoneworriedthatsheleftthatmoneybehind 🤷🏻♀️ #whew #hashtagbrigade
Ch 7: Mrs B is here #whatcouldgowrong #sheseemsdelightful 🙄 #ruthhangsaroundforinfo #mrsbisnthavingit #shewantsruthtoGTFO #poorruthwaitingforBtocallforher #notlikelywithmomaround #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 6: everyone knows about Ruth #littlepitchers #whatalittlebrat #ruthissosad 😢 #bellinghamisaspoiledbrattoo #andnowheissick #ruthcantcatchabreak #leechkarma #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 5: Ruthie? Also, I‘m trapped in Orlando until early Tuesday morning because our flight was cancelled due to the storm. This chapter made me a little salty 🤣 #anyway #ruthandbellinghamataninn #hereallylikesgettinghisway 🙄 #petulantlittlebaby #ruthhasasoloadventure #ilovehowsheviewedthestranger #ofcoursebellinghamseeshimdifferently #staytuned #hashtagbrigade