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Ruth | Elizabeth Gaskell
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Cuilin Why does Leonard look like Donne? Related to Bellingham? This is not good. 4w
currentlyreadinginCO Oof waiting for the other shoe to drop 4w
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Clare-Dragonfly Who are they even bribing??? 4w
mcctrish @Cuilin I missed this, who thinks Leonard resembles Donne? Leonard isn‘t even there. I‘m still queasy over Bradshaw asking Ruth to go with his girls to the sea but not let Leonard come 4w
Cuilin @mcctrish Mrs Bradshaw said it to Jemima. And then Jemima said he looked like a horse. 4w
mcctrish @Clare-Dragonfly Bradshaw is to give Donne money ? But it‘s not to touch either of their hands ? They both think it‘s wrong but has to be done ? Is this just more of EG ‘s social commentary ? 4w
Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly sounds like they are paying for votes. 4w
mcctrish @Cuilin I remember the resembles a race horse part, I thought she meant that positively ; power, grace etc 4w
Cuilin @mcctrish it‘s Mrs Bradshaw saying Leonard looks like Donne that stood out to me. Why include that? 4w
mcctrish @Cuilin I went back and read and I see it now, is it cuz he‘s excitable ? They both seem to be talking about mannerisms or are they ?! 4w
TheBookHippie @mcctrish trying to work this out as well …. @Clare-Dragonfly 4w
Bookwormjillk I‘m hoping tomorrow will clear up some things because I‘m a bit confused 4w
julieclair @Cuilin @Clare-Dragonfly I, too, think they‘re paying for votes, but I‘m confused as to how they‘re doing it. (edited) 4w
julieclair The Donne-Leonard similarities are making me nervous. 4w
dabbe @mcctrish @Cuilin ... Or what if Donne and Bellingham are related? I mean, Donne “gives“ $4000 to Bradshaw (if I read that right ... the politics part makes me go 💤), so if he's an a-1 a**hole, he'd fit right in with the Bellinghams. He is coming from somewhere else, and we have no idea where. Yet. #duhduhduhduhdah 4w
rubyslippersreads @Cuilin @mcctrish Maybe she should have specified which end of the horse. 😂 4w
AllDebooks @dabbe the 'politics' frustrates me so much. There is no mention of what either candidate stands for. However, Gaskell's strength is her social commentary. She uses her plot to highlight the inconsistencies and corruption of UK politics. You could 'buy' a constituency through bribes, and this was often the case. So few people had the right to vote it was easily done. 🤬 4w
julieclair @AllDebooks That‘s interesting info. And was it okay for the person “buying” the constituency to live outside its borders? 4w
Clare-Dragonfly @AllDebooks I get the impression it doesn‘t matter what each side stands for. There are two sides and that‘s what is important to Bradshaw! 4w
rubyslippersreads @AllDebooks @dabbe @julieclair @Clare-Dragonfly The political stuff reminds me of Trollope. (edited) 4w
AllDebooks @julieclair I think so. If you had the money, you could 'buy' any constituency 4w
dabbe @rubyslippersreads Which is why I've tried him but have never been able to get through a book! 🤩😂🤗 4w
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