Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
Ch 20: well, that took a turn #FisntlikingJeminasattitudelately #bradshawasksruthtospeaktoher #ruthwantstowitnessthebehaviorfirst #whatcouldgowrong #well #Flovesruthnow #bradshawthinksitworked #hewantstobuyruthafancydress #becausethatsnotweird #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8.5: this chapter gave me Crime and Punishment vibes #dmitryloseshisdamnmind #runningeverywherecoveredinblood #scaringGsstaff #gettinghisgunsback #hetookmoneyfrompops #ispopsdead ☠️ #whoknows #well #dmitryknows #peterhelpedhimout #buyingupallllllthegoodies #offtofindG #withguns #whatcouldgowrong #petertellshalfthetownhalfthestory #againisay #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens #whewimadeit
Ch 43-44: Tess has a crappy month #thefarmerisanass #shefoundoutaboutIzz #aheoverheardtheclarebrotheratalkingshit #sheseesalecpreaching #youcantmakethiscrapup #well #hardymadethiscrapup 🤷🏻♀️#staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 66: #FRED goes the to billiard hall and sees Lydgate gambling 😳 #dontdoitfred #farebrotherbustshim #farebrotherisasaint #withacapitalTandthatrhymeswithP #couldntresist #pemberlittens
@zezeki @deblovestoread @librarybelle @kwmg40 @ruthiella @clare-dragonfly @cuilin 4mo