Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade
Ch 3.2: The Count is back #kidnapper #well #failedkidnapper #thatsprettymuchit #shortchapter #hallelujah #hashtagbrigade
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
Ch 1: we meet the characters #well #someofthecharacters #pymisashylittlething #mrskerrisinteresting #pymsreactiontobeingseenwithkerr #shouldgetinterestingquickly #shortbook #hooray #hashtagbrigade
Be sure and tag me in your post if you make one, you know i love seeing the different colors! Anyone can join in, just know that my hashtags are often ridiculous and always chapter spoilers
Ch 20: well, that took a turn #FisntlikingJeminasattitudelately #bradshawasksruthtospeaktoher #ruthwantstowitnessthebehaviorfirst #whatcouldgowrong #well #Flovesruthnow #bradshawthinksitworked #hewantstobuyruthafancydress #becausethatsnotweird #staytuned #hashtagbrigade
Ch 8.5: this chapter gave me Crime and Punishment vibes #dmitryloseshisdamnmind #runningeverywherecoveredinblood #scaringGsstaff #gettinghisgunsback #hetookmoneyfrompops #ispopsdead ☠️ #whoknows #well #dmitryknows #peterhelpedhimout #buyingupallllllthegoodies #offtofindG #withguns #whatcouldgowrong #petertellshalfthetownhalfthestory #againisay #whatcouldgowrong #staytuned #thebros #hashtagbrigade #pemberlittens #whewimadeit
Ch 43-44: Tess has a crappy month #thefarmerisanass #shefoundoutaboutIzz #aheoverheardtheclarebrotheratalkingshit #sheseesalecpreaching #youcantmakethiscrapup #well #hardymadethiscrapup 🤷🏻♀️#staytuned #pemberlittens #hashtagbrigade
Chapter 66: #FRED goes the to billiard hall and sees Lydgate gambling 😳 #dontdoitfred #farebrotherbustshim #farebrotherisasaint #withacapitalTandthatrhymeswithP #couldntresist #pemberlittens
I don‘t read many self help type books. Not my favorite genre. But once in a while one catches my eye. This was quite an interesting read. The stronger relationships you have, the happier you are, and the longer you live. I‘m going to focus on building & maintaining my relationships because I want to live a long time and enjoy my life.
@zezeki @deblovestoread @librarybelle @kwmg40 @ruthiella @clare-dragonfly @cuilin 2mo