I usually try to read something geographically relevant on road trips. I read this one on a trip between Phoenix and SanDiego. It's so hard to imagine crossing this terrain with nothing. This book should be required reading for Americans.
I usually try to read something geographically relevant on road trips. I read this one on a trip between Phoenix and SanDiego. It's so hard to imagine crossing this terrain with nothing. This book should be required reading for Americans.
Here, humans had to remember that the universe was far wider than their little nest of stars--that, in the universe at large, silence was always more than the noisiest shout of life.
This gorgeous woman is Elon Musk's mother. Apparently she's a well known model, and is in a Beyoncé video. Everyone in the Musk family is fascinating and larger than life.
Anyone with a kindle with ads is probably familiar with this. There are a bunch of these books, ranging from we have lost the president to we have lost the coffee. WTH? Do you think anyone actually buys these books? Someone is spending a lot of money on ads.
I really hope this audiobook lives up to the praise Sherman Alexie heaps on it in the introduction. That was intense! And yes, he did just say she puts the original back in aboriginal😀
This is a quote from author Jeff Vandermeer about the movie Annihilation. I'm one of the people who who kept saying "that's not in the book!" The move is barely recognizable to those who loved the book. And while the movie made me jump a few times, it didn't give me goosebumps like the book. Once again, the book wins.
I've been waiting for this movie since I first read Annihilation two years ago! I decided to refresh my memory with the audiobok before seeing it this weekend. Cannot wait.
I frankly didn't like anything about this book. Slow, boring, underdeveloped and stereotyped characters, irritating dialogue. Oh, and the main female character had a lot of potential, but in the end was pretty pale and weak and kept getting rescued. Blech.
Does anyone living in the dorms NOT eat ramen in their room 3 times a day? 🤣
It's been awhile since I've picked up a set of short stories. The first story in this collection is so good and chilling. I'm listening to it and love the narrator's voice.
Top pick! My friends and family would probably say I've been obsessed with Cuba ever since the Kennedy assassination papers were released. This book was everything I hoped it would be and much more. The mob in Cuba did everything from setting up an orgy for Senator John Kennedy to smuggling guns to Castro's men in the mountains to hedge their bets.I listened to this one, and recommend it to anyone who geeks out on this kind of stuff.
This was so beautiful and tragic and heart-stopping. This author has the unique ability to tell a story of unspeakable horror with beauty, innocence, and strength.
There's no way in HELL I would use that bathroom!
I haven't been on Litsy for awhile! What's everyone reading right now? I started this one last night and am finishing up Where the Water Goes.
Woohoo - round 2 on this one. This time I'm listening to the audio. Now I just need an excuse to go on a road trip.
This was my first time reading Harlan Coben. I enjoyed it - colorful characters, a good twisty plot, and a terrific audio narrator.
If you haven't read Sleeping Giants yet, clear your schedule and read it; and then clear it some more and read this one. It!s so so good!
I'm sorry the apocalypse wasn't convenient for you. Now go to bed.
I'm re-reading this to get ready for Waking Gods on April 4. It's even better the second time around!
I finished this book on a trip to Legoland, so here's the Lego Lincoln Memorial to go with it. What a strange and wonderful book!
Why I'm struggling with this book. Can we ever just get to the point without a page full of words? I'm not even sure what the point is here. #TOB2017
I was really looking forward to this one, but it was excruciatingly detailed and dreary. It felt like the author was more interested in setting a scene than telling a story. If I can fall asleep when a bomb's going off (in the book!), that's a pretty good sign I'm bored. #TOB2017
Trying hard to read 150 pages of this before it expires tonight. Since it took me 3 weeks to get this far, it's basically impossible, but still worth trying.
I loved parts of this book and the overall story. I also found myself sometimes bored, sometimes confused, but never bad enough to make me stop reading. I posted the author's photo here because her joy in writing this book is evident and contagious. #TOB2017 TOB17
"This was supposed to be the geek party to end all geek parties."
#bookmail #tob2017 #tob17 I bought this from Powell's since they sponsor the fantastic Tournament of Books. I already had the mug, but it made a good book mail prop 😜
This cover gave me a good laugh. I can only imagine what Henry James must have thought of it. At the bottom right, it says "the story that baffles every reader." That part, at least, is true. I'm glad I've finally read it, but the goodreads summary probably would have been good enough.
I loved this creepy little story! I listened to the audio, and am trying to remember the classic horror novels that were mentioned. Of course there was The Haunting of Hill House. Then there was The Turn of the Screw and The Woman in White. Were there others? Anyone know the author of The Woman in White? Several different books come up whenI google it.
Pick! Pick! Pick! Great fast-paced story with plenty of suspense and intrigue. So far I'm having really good luck with my 2017 book choices 👍
Yay! I love you guys!!!
One more picture from this book. MLK writing his letter from the Birmingham Jail.
I've shared this book before, but it!s a good day to share it again. It covers MLK's childhood, the bus protests after Rosa Parks, MLK in jail, Selma and more. This page introduces the Children's March. Meltzer thanks Rep John Lewis for reviewing early drafts. Children and adults will learn from this book.
Did I just read my favorite book of 2017? I loved this book so much I'm tempted to start over and do it again. A gorgeous literary fiction debut.
I need to talk!!!!
This slim novel gives us a taste of the story of Mata Hari in two view points: her own and then the lawyer that failed to defend her from the firing squad. It's a fascinating tale, and I was left wanting to know more.
Trying to make a small dent in the Tournament of Books long list while I wait impatiently for the final 16. #TOB2017 #TOB17
I'm having bad luck with my book loans lately. I curled up on the couch to finish this one, only to discover it just expired. I don't have strong feelings about it one way or the other, so I may of may not try to get it again some day.
I forgot to post that I really loved this book! Looking forward to seeing more reviews.
My library hold finally came in! And then I forgot to download it.😳 Back to the back of the line for me.
Can't wait to give this to my daughter for Christmas!