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Version Control
Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
The acclaimed author of The Dream of Perpetual Motion returns with a compelling novel about the effects of science and technology on our friendships, our love lives, and our sense of self.Rebecca Wright has reclaimed her life, finding her way out of her grief and depression following a personal tragedy years ago. She spends her days working in customer support for the internet dating site where she first met her husband. But she has a strange, persistent sense that everything around her is somewhat off-kilter: she constantly feels as if she has walked into a room and forgotten what she intended to do there; on TV, the President seems to be the wrong person in the wrong place; herdreams are full of disquiet. Meanwhile, her husband's decade-long dedication to his invention, the causality violation device (which he would greatly prefer you not call a time machine) has effectively stalled his career and made him a laughingstock in the physics community. But he may be closer to success than either of them knows or can possibly imagine. Version Control is about a possible near future, but its also about the way we live now. Its about smart phones and self-driving cars and what we believe about the people we meet on the Internet. Its about a couple, Rebecca and Philip, who have experienced a tragedy, and about how they help--and fail to help--each other through it. Emotionally powerful and stunningly visionary, Version Control will alter the way you see your future and your present.From the Hardcover edition.
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I‘m so intimidated by Dexter Palmer I can‘t even review his book. How about this: It‘s really, really good. 😁
#ToB #TournamentofFavorites

BarbaraBB I didn‘t dare read it either. 3y
Readerann @BarbaraBB Yeah, I sympathize! I did read it - just feel so intellectually inferior to Palmer I wasn‘t sure what to say except that I liked it! 3y
BkClubCare He‘s so good. Smart and entertaining 3y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I *almost* bailed on this as the first half was so incredibly slow— But the second half has all the action 🙂While it‘s not as sexy as a Magic Treehouse or a Tardis, the “CVD” feels real as do the characters and the moments of their lives that we witness.

It throws in some time travel & physics theory (TBH, I‘m not sold on the “version control” concept) but the heart of the story will get you more than anything else.

📷: Double slit experiment

emtobiasz I don‘t think I‘d ever have thought of the magic treehouse as sexy 😂 but I take your point 3y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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All this time and I just now realized the cover is a woman‘s face! 🤦🏻‍♀️

This is a time travel novel featuring a married couple in the future, the wife having been hollowed out by a tragedy in her life. The husband is a physicist working on what is essentially a time machine.

Slow start so far (80 pages in) but eager to see where this is going!

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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One of my favorite #futuristic novels of recent years. 🚀

Eggs This really has a spooky vibe ❣️ 4y
Ruthiella @Eggs Coincidental but seasonally appropriate! 👻 4y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer

Re-reading this one and its just as painful as the first time. Palmer takes the time travel trope and twists it into a fascinating little mechanism to reflect the ways in which we mean so little and so much in each others lives, especially when technology replaces so much of our human interaction. Will make you want to run outside and do something human and base in the best way possible.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Well this looks and sounds interesting.

#kindledeal #ebookdeal

Zelma I really liked this one. Heavy literary sci go focused on family dynamic, really interesting. 5y
8little_paws this is one of my all time faves. 5y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Today‘s #manicmonday is brought to you by the letter V and @JoScho

📚 Version Control by Dexter Palmer
✏️ Kurt Vonnegut
🎥 V for Vendetta
📺 V I love the miniseries and both versions of the show.
🥕 I love veggies. I won‘t mention the many versions of Vanilla anything I enjoy.

JoScho Thanks for playing 😊 6y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Wow. This wasn‘t what I expected but it strung me along juuuuust enough to finish it.

It was more ‘literature‘ type reading than sci-fi where it dives deep into the relationships and cultural/societal topography of the near future.

It was interesting and quite well done but just slow and I was looking toward something a little faster and more action.

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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1. Coconut Cream Pie🥥
2. Time machine changes reality.
3. 20ish 😬
4. Scooby Doo.
5. Cancer🦀

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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This messed with my head so much, but it was really good. #virtualinsanity #aprella

Bookdragon69 Not usually a science fiction person but this looks intriguing. 🤔 6y
emilyhaldi Looks cool, and I love the cover 💕 6y
Reviewsbylola That cover is crazy!! 6y
Cinfhen I like your endorsement 💚😜 6y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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#bccunboxing I read and loved Version Control last year, nice to have a copy for my personal library now! I get the strange worlds case, there's several genres and it's a great priced no-frills surprise book subscription :).


Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer

I'm only 8 percent in but already fascinated.

Now at 35 percent. Still riveted!

I loved it!!! So well-done, thought-provoking and moving!

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I can't seem to just sit and read any of the books I'm in the middle of, so I'm choosing to start a fresh one and see whether it sticks. This one comes highly recommended by @8little_paws and @GregZimmerman.

8little_paws Omgggggg I hope you love 7y
AceOnRoam This one kept me glued. I hope it does the same for you! 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Oh dear this book is more relevant than intended

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Reggie That's what they say...... but I took a guy to dinner to break up with him because I wanted him to know he was a great guy but just not for me and it never ends well. 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Well, here it is. My top fiction read of 2017. Doesn't matter there's still 5.5 months to go. This book connected with me in a major way. Does anyone else feel like that feeling you get when you read a book that rocks your world is the same feeling as when you meet someone and feel like you could fall in love with them? This book filled the void that The Nix left in me around this time last year. An all time favorite.

Lola @GregZimmerman @RoscoeBooks absolutely loved this one as well. 7y
GregZimmerman Yeeeeeesssss! That was my favorite book of last year. Great minds. 😀 7y
UrsulaMonarch Looking forward to checking this one out! 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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This book just takes my breath away every five, ten pages or so. A delightful find.

Zelma I will definitely be reading anything this author writes in the future. 7y
8little_paws @zelma have you read his first book? 7y
Zelma @8little_paws no for some reason I thought this was his debut. I will research him more online. 👍 (edited) 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I'm so grateful I picked up this book. It speaks to me at this point in my life so strongly as I look at how I got to where I am and have to learn to accept things as they are. "You may learn to live with what happened to you, but you never get over it."

DeborahSmall So true. I need to pick this one up💕 7y
Suet624 This book. I think I gave it a so-so rating months ago but I've found myself continuing to think about it. It's pretty darn good. 7y
8little_paws @Suet624 it feels like it was custom written for me right at this moment. 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Oh em gee, not even to page 20 yet, I'm bananas for this book.

Zelma I really liked this one. It's definitely odd but very enjoyable to immerse yourself in. 7y
ValerieAndBooks The synopsis sounds intriguing! Stacking this! 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I didn't know what to expect from this book and I got exactly what I expected. This was intriguing, some science-y stuff (on the level of what is in Dark Matter). Enjoyable, with some thought-provoking content sprinkled throughout.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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A peaceful evening😊

Tanzy13 🐶 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Starting this tonight, I have heard good things about it 😊

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer

A *slow* burn of a book but a compelling story. About time travel, yes, but frank discussions of race and gender, as well. Intriguing.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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So far this one has some deliciously unsettling parallels to today's society. It's a lonnngggg book, but I'm liking it so far.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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#readathon #hour1 Finished up this book from #tob17. Not often I can post a picture of the last page without spoilers! #kindle

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I really liked this one! It dragged slightly in the middle but picked up again by the end.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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No YOU got overexcited at the library and checked out more books than could fit in your tote bag. 📚😝📚

#library #newbooks #readathonprep #bookhaul

Notafraidofwords Totally start with Evicted! 😀 7y
Books88 Me all the time 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Feeling very guilty because this book is late back to the library! But I really liked it. It was much more than a time travel story. The discussions about social media, self-driving case, dating websites, and Big Data were especially interesting. I recommend this for people that weren't quite satisfied with Dark Matter. More ideas but less action.

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I picked this book up from the library earlier today and just opened it to discover that this page has been ripped horribly! I gasped loudly enough that my dogs turned to look at me. 😂

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Nailing the experience of being a woman online dating. 😑

#ToB17 #ToB2017 #TournamentofBooks

MicheleinPhilly EW. I'm so glad I'm not single. Or into guys. ☺️ 7y
diovival YIKES 😒 7y
BraveNewBooks @MicheleinPhilly @diovival Yep. I don't doubt for a moment that these were at least inspired by real messages. 7y
diovival @BraveNewBooks Me either. I spent some time on POF and had to wade through plenty of hot mess messages. 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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"You don't want your story to be one where you hit a plateau and tread water for the rest of your life, and you tell yourself you're happy because you're getting by." This book is much more insightful that I expected it to be. I'm really enjoying it.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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This book was a little long for me. It was a cool idea, about how time travel works, and the implications. But I felt there was a lot of build up that did not add anything. And I felt that it sometimes got a little long winded.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer

"Look at history," the President said, "and you'll see that when empires start to fall, the science and the art are always what go first." Well, this was certainly NOT spoken by 45...

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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This is a biggie...please let me get through it before my six-mile snowshoe adventure next Sunday. I don't want to have to carry it in my pack!

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Grabbed this at Barnes & Noble tonight! I've been meaning to read this for a while.

While I was there I discovered my B&N had rearranged everything & done away with separating all new books sections. How am I supposed to browse new releases if they're shelved entirely with backlist? I don't always have a list when I go to browse & prioritize buying new books over older titles. Giant pet peeve & going to a new B&N now. 😡

jpmcwisemorgan I wonder if they're all doing that??? 7y
balletbookworm It's every BN, just FYI. 7y
Megabooks ☹️☹️ but this is on my TBR too 7y
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BookishFeminist @balletbookworm 😡😡😡 that's really obnoxious. When I talked to them tonight they said they'd gotten a lot of complaints. Terrible marketing and layout decision. 7y
JennaRoot Whaaaa???!??! Well that stinks to hear. 7y
manifestsanity One of the best books I read this past year! 7y
balletbookworm @BookishFeminist well, yeah, I don't think too many people will argue with you. But apparently they have data.... 7y
BookishFeminist @balletbookworm Their data sucks, lol 7y
nofutureparttwo as a B&N bookseller whose store is also in the process of making this change, i've heard a lot of customers express the same frustration, and i feel similarly. i don't quite grasp the reasoning behind it, but i'd be surprised if it lasts. 7y
BookishFeminist @nofutureparttwo Yea the staff I spoke with tonight seemed similarly frustrated. How else will people know what to shop for? I keep track of new releases but most customers don't I bet. I'm contacting corporate tomorrow. It makes book browsing stressful! 7y
BookishFeminist @jpmcwisemorgan @JennaRoot glad I'm not the only one frustrated by this seemingly innocuous detail. 7y
BookishFeminist @Booksandcooks I've been waiting for the paperback since it was such a big hardcover to lug around 😀 7y
BookishFeminist @manifestsanity So glad to hear that! I've had it on my tbr since it came out but after lugging the hardback around for a while & making hardly any progress, decided to wait until the paperback release 7y
balletbookworm @BookishFeminist I didn't say I had confidence in it 😜😜😜 (I'm at a healthcare epidemiology conference rn I have talked A LOT about confidence in one's data this week, lol) 7y
nofutureparttwo @BookishFeminist exactly! it seems a bit shortsighted, if there's no intention to eventually replace the New Release bays with another way to display or highlight new titles. many new(er) authors don't have access to the same degree of publicity/promotion as better-known (or better-reviewed) writers (not every book can be an Oprah pick!), and i imagine this might make it harder for potential readers to stumble upon some great titles. 7y
Zelma Oh, this makes me really mad. That is a horrible marketing decision and takes away one of the biggest reasons to shops there - browsing. This is something B&in does much better than online retailers - allowing for the serendipity of finding a book in a display. I won't even want to go anymore if that's a long term plan for all the stores. 7y
Zelma Version Control is really good though. 👍 7y
Zelma Oh, this makes me really mad. That is a horrible marketing decision and takes away one of the biggest reasons to shops there - browsing. This is something B&in does much better than online retailers - allowing for the serendipity of finding a book in a display. I won't even want to go anymore if that's a long term plan for all the stores. 7y
jpmcwisemorgan I'm going to complain too. I'm in a complaining type of mood so I need to put that to good use. 7y
ohyeahthatgirl I work at B&N, and I'm still getting used to it. It cost a lot of money in hours to do frontlist rotation and stores who got rid of the bays saw increased sales in backlist and frontlist (old & new books respectively). There will still be displays like new releases in HC & pprback, bestsellers, and some stores have "new in HC" tables. They figured it'd be easy to spot HCs mixed in and you might find an older title to go with it. 7y
ohyeahthatgirl I'm indifferent, but when sales are down because people can get it cheaper on Amazon and retail in general isn't doing great, they're trying new things. 7y
BookishFeminist @ohyeahthatgirl I get the logic behind it but I'm allowed to be frustrated with it and think it's shortsighted. Every other bigger bookstore, indies included, has new release sections and they're really just making it more likely for me and likely others to buy offline bc browsing will be a pain to find new titles. There are other displays sure, but those tend to be hotter releases, not lesser known authors or less buzzed titles. 7y
BookishFeminist @ohyeahthatgirl A lot of new things big box stores try don't work, and I don't think this is a smart decision on their part if they want to keep their customers less frustrated. Fwiw I heard 4 other ppl complain during the 30 min I was there. So I get it, but I don't think it's smart long term. I think sales are down bc frankly their marketing could use some work. It's stale and has been for a while. (edited) 7y
BookishFeminist @jpmcwisemorgan 💪🏼💪🏼 yea, I think I'm gonna go to my indie next time I want to browse until this is sorted out. Sucks since B&N is open late and I want to support them too but I'm not down for stressed shopping experiences. 7y
BookishFeminist @nofutureparttwo Yes! That's the precise reason I have with it. I don't buy bestsellers. I want to look at new, lesser known titles. Their current displays don't tend to make up for that and I have a well-stocked store. 7y
BookishFeminist @Zelma Yep, if I have a book to get off a list, I'm more likely to get it offline unless I know my local store has it in stock. (They often don't since I get indie published stuff and lesser known stuff if I'm buying new.) I go to bookstores solely to browse. I don't mind mixing frontlist w backlist in smaller stores but a store as big as B&N it's almost necessary to avoid frustration. I'd rather browse at my library at that point. 7y
Notafraidofwords Woah, I feel like my BN can never do that. The people there barely want to direct you anywhere let alone help you find something lol 7y
SaraBeagle They did this at ours too. At least in the history sections- my husband has been very frustrated the last two trips there. 7y
Jess All of the B&Ns near me did this. It has killed my Tuesday night ritual of browsing after work and finding new goodies. Now I only pick up books on my list because the browsing experience isn't relaxing. 7y
ohyeahthatgirl @BookishFeminist Of course! I definitely see what you mean. I love working in a bookstore, but it's definitely "corporate says" and stores do. It often feels like the C-levels haven't been to a bookstore for fun in a verrry long time. 7y
ban.annabread Well that ruins my weekend plans lol. I was gonna go to B&N and look for any new poetry anthologies. 7y
Laalaleighh I talked to the manager (used to work there) this is company wide. The store managers pushed for it. It infuriates me. 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Literary sci-fi done well. Set in a plausible near-future, with rogue physicists and potential time travel and a world that seems not quite right.

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Despite having yet to read either of these - I was really excited by the outcome. I kind of like it when speculative fiction wins out over a more traditionally literary offering. Going to need to move this book up my list.

#tob2017 #tournamentofbooks #tob

Well-ReadNeck My bracket is complete busted. I read and liked both of these books, though 7y
Redheadrambles @Well-ReadNeck I didn't fill out the brackets but so far I am super bummed Sport of Kings didn't make the play in, but happy UR won it's round as expected). I need to read The Vegetarian but I was pretty surprised it lost and in this round, based on my pre-reading bias I am happy ! So much fun 😀 7y
ReadingEnvy I'm still working on this one, waffling on my feelings on it. 7y
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Redheadrambles @ReadingEnvy any strong feelings about which book you would like to see take out the rooster ? 7y
ReadingEnvy @Redheadrambles black wave! Hoping for a zombie pick. 7y
ClairesReads Keen to read this one too! 7y
ClairesReads I was also super surprised The Vegetarian lost its bracket! I've not read it yet either- but seemed the stronger pick based on pre-reading! 7y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads Yes I thought so too but that's what I love about this ToB thing - the subjective nature of book judgement is kinda made manifest. I do feel I need to get to The Vegetarian but I am more immediately drawn to Version Control 7y
Redheadrambles @ClairesReads Also wasn't really a surprise but still super excited that Homegoing has progressed in today's round. I think it is shaping up nicely as a UR vs HG final. Although I almost wish it wouldn't as I don't like the idea of them always compared. They are both excellent in different ways. 7y
ClairesReads I totally wasn't surprised either- confession haven't read Homegoing yet! Preordered it in smaller format- should arrive in a month or two! But yes I do feel that probably there isn't a huge amount to be gained from comparison to Underground Railroad...will be interested to see how we proceed from here! 7y
merelybookish Version Control got the boot today. I think Underground Railroad is cruising to the win! 7y
Redheadrambles @merelybookish yes I saw that. It was a pretty good judgement and I think your right unless there is a big upset then it's likely Homegoing vs UR ? 7y
Suet624 I was just looking at reviews of this book because Mary Toft was written by the same author. I just noticed in your picture that one of the authors in this year‘s TOB shortlist was the judge who moved version control forward in the TOB. 5y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Just finished this in time for this morning's play off, #tournamentofbooks2017. I really liked this one. So much here to think about.

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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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(Saying 100 pages in that I'm not sure I'll finish this one.)

Suet624 I struggled with this book. A lot. And then I talked about sections of it for the next hour. Not saying you should continue it but I was surprised by how it had seeped into my brain pan. 7y
ReadingEnvy @Suet624 parts of it I really like and then I hit sections where I'm skimming so I just don't know.... 7y
Kristelh So good, may be my favorite 📚. I need to process it but so much in this SF. 7y
ReadingEnvy @Kristelh good to hear a positive view! 7y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer

An amazing story about a possible near future. Couldn't put it down.

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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As a physicist... Ouch

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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The only ToB book I got to this year, but it was a really interesting one. A melding of physics, time travel, mundane like stuff, relationships, ennui, parenting, alcoholism, some race issues, this novel covers a lot. Not always successfully and it's a bit too long and meandering. But the characters are complex and made me want to follow their stories. Plus a really nice spin on the usual time travel story.

ReadingEnvy My favorite from the books I read just lost its round today 😢 8y
Zelma @ReadingEnvy ooh, I am about the read today's round. It was a brutal match-up. 8y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Trying to distract myself the evening before a few stressful days (and to get to 6/16 before the ToB starts on Wednesday)

Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Skippy and Toby stole my warm seat while refilling my coffee so I have been relegated to another couch. Super sore today and resting more. I might finally finish this book if I can get off of Litsy sometime soon! 😆

JoeStalksBeck ❤❤❤❤❤ 8y
Cinfhen Soooo cute 💕 8y
DGRachel 😻😻😻 8y
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MrBook 😻😻😻😻😻 8y
Megabooks 💖💖💖 8y
KVanRead And they look so innocent.😻😻😻 8y
SharonGoforth 😻😻❤️💕❤️ 8y
asiriusreader 😻😻💗 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Glad to hear everyone's okay and you're resting today. Take care! 8y
CherylDeFranceschi 😻😻😻😻😻 8y
JessClark78 🐱🐱❤️ 8y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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What I have left to read for #Tournamentofbooks2017

JenP You should participate in the march madness challenge. 4 of the books are in the bracket 8y
Kristelh @JenP, I did vote on your March Madness but I am such a slow reader that I only made it through have the #2017ToB and it started today. I missed the first playoff. Sudden Death won and I read the other two. I own Sudden Death and will get to it sometime. 8y
JenP @Kristelh it is possible to do really well on the challenge of you happen to pick the right book. It's set up in a way that luck/strategy has more to do with it than fast reading. But I understand that it's a commitment that might not make sense if you are working on other challenge. I just mentioned it because quite a few on the bracket are ones oh plan to read anyway 😊 8y
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Kristelh @JenP, I am struggling to get my current commitments done. I should look at it though. 8y
JenP @Kristelh no pressure. Tournament of books is a lot to get to. I will do that next year since I like many of the books on the list 8y
Kristelh @JenP, you start out by trying to guess which books will make the long list (and hopefully the short list this year so you can be ahead. I really like the list at http://www.themillions.com/2017/01/most-anticipated-the-great-2017-book-preview.... for trying to guess which ones to read for next year. I am think Lincoln in the Bardo will make it next year. So I need to read this years and start on next year. Makes it hard to keep up with 1001 book 8y
JenP @Kristelh yes, I follow the millions and follow there tournament of books, I just have never played along. I get tired after doing the Man Booker shadow panel and the Bailey's list. But maybe next year. Thanks! 8y
Kristelh So @JenP, you read that Sudden Death won and its about Tennis and we #infinitejestbuddyread should be reading that book 📚 8y
JenP @Kristelh yes! 8y
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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Version Control: A Novel | Dexter Palmer
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I haven't been around Litsy lately due to major changes in my house and projects (getting room ready for my mother-in-law to move in 😶). Still working on Same book, which was really slow at first and then just clicked frame around page 100. Now I'm really liking it and flying through it. Plenty of coffee this morning; Mr. Z has his GoT cup out. Isn't it cool? 😍

PurpleyPumpkin Love the cup! It's perfect for this time of year. Hope life gets back to "normal" for you soon... 8y
Zelma @PurpleyPumpkin thanks so much! I've also recently expanded my job hunting to outside my field in the hopes I can get back to work. Lots of transition here. 8y
PurpleyPumpkin Those periods in life are always stressful. But in some ways, exciting too! Hope your changes are more the latter than the former. 8y
Zelma @PurpleyPumpkin me too. I am ready for some change after a rough year and dreariness of the moment. I'm done with stasis and ready for new! 👍 8y
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