Going to start litsy-ing more often again! Re-read The Tempest in preparation, and now I'm diving in
Abroad tonight. Which means it's time to pull out my ebook reader and enjoy the books from the recent women in sff humble bundle!
If I hadn't already known this book was written by a woman, this passage would've given it away (and I mean this in the most positive sense). Just imagine the same passage with the genders switched
Trying to distract myself the evening before a few stressful days (and to get to 6/16 before the ToB starts on Wednesday)
I wish there was an "I'm not sure?" option. This was a book club book and I'm happy it was because I need to discuss this. I did like each subsequent section more than the one that came before, and there are some great images in there, but mostly this book left me confused.
Finished this one on Thursday... And bought the sequel on Friday!
Took advantage of the recent comixology sale! Looking forward to the Besson movie too.