This was a pleasant little read. I'm not sure if anything was lost in translation as it was a little strange in some places. The characters were likeable and interesting and the ending was quaint but not in a cliched way.
This was a pleasant little read. I'm not sure if anything was lost in translation as it was a little strange in some places. The characters were likeable and interesting and the ending was quaint but not in a cliched way.
This book is beautiful and heart breaking and wonderful and so full of sadness
This is what happens when I accompany the husband to the op shop "just to see what they have"... Oops...
Starting these two next... Just a bit of light reading...
With your donations we can buy carefully chosen books for remote Indigenous communities. Help us close the Indigenous literacy gap in remote Australia.
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Just started this one. Very interesting so far.
Still making my way through this giant. There's been a couple of times when I've almost had to stop reading because of the scenes describing William Hamleigh and his treatment of women. I didn't realise this book would be so full of graphic descriptions of sexual assault :(
Currently reading. Surprised how much I'm enjoying it. Its SOOOOOOO big though. I'm about a quarter of the way through.
I want to quote this entire book. It is amazing. A must read for all women. For all girls. For all humans.
1. The Dark Crystal and The Labyrinth
2. French fries definitely
3. I have VERY eclectic music taste so I'm always listening to the release radar on Spotify
4. the princess saves herself in this one by Amanda Lovelace
#friyayintro @jesshowbooks
I have returned to Litsy after a long break. I was struggling with my mental and physical health and needed to cut down on where I was putting my energy.
I'm now feeling much more human again and decided it was time to throw myself back into the best online community I know.
I'm looking forward to catching up with what everyone is reading and adding eleventy hundred new books to my #tbr
Starting this one for book club on Tuesday. It's so quirky!! Interested to see where it goes
About a quarter of the way into this one and loving it! A very easy read
Started this one. I'd never actually heard of Flannery O'Connor until this year's Reading Women Challenge.
When you eat lunch at the cafe at work so much that they think of you when buying new plates... Genuinely flattered 😁
A girl goes on an unexpected trip and commits a murder. No one minds. Then she goes on a really long walk, talks to an imaginary person and then walks some more. Commits another murder. Busts an old guy for being creepy. Misses her ride. Discovers shoes are the answer to everything. Acts like a weirdo when she gets home. #explainabookplotbadly
1. Audiobook memoirs read by the author
2. Working in my family cafe
3. Manager of a kids stationery store
4. To be paid to read books all day every day. But not have to write reviews for them, just read them for fun. I guess my dream job is actually billionaire 😁
5. Tea or if I'm being naughty a chai latte
Ohmigosh I want to strangle Britt-Marie so much and I'm only a few pages in!!!! She's the most frustrating person I've ever read about.
Finally saw Black Panther today and it was breath taking. I think this will be on regular rotation as a reading soundtrack.
It's a little bit late but here's my summary for Feb. I read so many good books this month that it's really hard to choose a favourite. I tagged Freshwater because it was probably the most challenging of all the books I read and is new so doesn't have much hype yet. See comments for other recommendations 👇
Not book related but... this is happening right now. Even though the app still lists the game as unreleased I was able to install it on my phone and start playing!!
#harrypotter #ravenclaw #hogwartsmystery
"He taught me that there is no shame in breaking something, only in not being able to fix it."
So I read this because I though it fit the prompt for @bookriot #readharderchallenge of a female protagonist over 60. The I found out Renee is only 54! Sigh. I'll have to spend some time with Britt-Marie instead.
1. Pretty much every book I read. I haven't done much travelling so everything makes me want to get on a plane and go!
2. Ubud in Bali
3. Exploring Europe with no time limit
4. Fly because it means I'm going further
5. Don't make me choose!!
#manicmonday @JoScho
Just started this one. I've heard lots of good stuff about it.
Finished these two last night. Dark Matter was for book club and I didn't love it. Lucky Boy I read for the Tournament of Books and was surprised to see so many people hating on it. I thought it was a great book and very well written but I seem to be in the extreme minority on the #TOB Goodreads discussion of it. Lots of people comparing it to Little Fires Everywhere and while the issues are similar I think they are seperate from each other.
@CSeydel #weekendchat
📚 A Wrinkle in Time
📚 Too many to count! I am ALWAYS doing this
📚 Li Cunxin (Mao's Last Dancer)
📚 Tootsie rolls (I don't remember which book though!)
Came home to this lovely package from @neet_reads that made my month. thank you so much for the thoughtfulness ❤️❤️
📚What I Was Doing While You Were Breeding - Kristin Newman
📚Lincoln in the Bardo - George Saunders
📚The Psychopath Test - Jon Ronson
📚 I'm always willing to give a second chance 😊
1. Teal/Aqua
2. Autumn
3. Contemporary Literature or Crime or Memoir
4. Overcommitting myself 😁
5. Potato chips
6. Tea or fizzy water
7. My reading journal
8. If you are reading this, consider yourself tagged
@Tiffy_Reads #gettingtoknowyou
(I now have the song from The King and I stuck in my head!)
1. Commuting, eating lunch or doing changes in my store while we're still closed
2. Audible and occasionally the library
3. Usually at 2x. Normal pace sounds so slow to me!
4. Neil Gaiman, Jon Ronson, Dan Stevens and anyone who is reading their own memoir
5. All of Jon Ronson's books and The Graveyard Book by Neil Gaiman.
#audiobookinquiry @Chelleo
Congratulations @TK421 on your awesome litsy milestone. The book that always makes me feel better is The Graveyard Book audio version read by the author, Neil Gaiman. There's just something about Bod and about Neil's voice that always makes me feel better. Funny given the title I know 😊
1. Australia
2. Contemporary literature or Mystery
3. Dark Matter by Blake Crouch for book club
4. I'm more of a savoury girl so potato chips or cheese and crackers are probably my go to comfort foods. My mum's roast dinner is a favourite too.
5. We have two dogs and five cats. Yes, that's too many pets.
6. Nope 😊
Starting this one for my other book club next week. Not excited by it so far.
I was so unaware of the discrimination and hardships endured by Koreans in Japan. Or that Korean refugees even sought refuge in Japan when their country was in turmoil. I'm interested to learn more now. This was an excellent family saga told across multiple generations. I love a good family saga that shows how society, culture and attitudes change over time. Definitely recommend this one.
Finished Sing, Unburied, Sing and started on this one for bookclub next week. All the covers are so beautiful that I couldn't pick which one to post. I have the version on the left but would be happy to own any of them.
Having a bad day. A VERY bad day. And feeling all the feelings you feel when you've isolated yourself so much that you don't get included in or invited to things any more. And that depression part of your brain tells you it's cause you're fucked and why would anyone want to spend time with you. And every nasty thing every one has ever said to you swims in your head and pushes you underneath the water because you know they must have been right.
Almost cried on the train
Day off work so I'm at the library of course 😁