Loved it.
Couldn‘t put it down.
Kids moving into different family shapes with parents changing relationships.
“Teresa was shocked by the roaming idleness of her mind, as if she were sifting through trash on the side of the freeway and was stopped, enchanted, by every foil gum wrapper.”
Part one of the best present ever, an overflowing bag of books!
I was a little hung up on the title but loved it… Heading for Crossroads next.
Yes. Why has no one else read this!? I have no interest in nursing but enjoyed her story.
I enjoyed this more than the other Liane Moriarty books. Big Little Lies and Truly Madly Guilty. Different formula.
Slightly confused about “pick” or “so-so” for this one! I enjoyed it all the way through but I was awaiting a satisfying weave of characters that never came. I felt ‘so-so‘ after the end but if you enjoy it until you realise you‘re on the last chapter!? ...
Honestly, I started this because it was available on my library ap. I knew nothing of Australian journalism. I was thoroughly depressed by stories of women just trying to get shit done in the workplace and having to cop it constantly #metoo I‘m so appreciative of her honesty, from hilarious to disgusting. Please read it.
Was addicted to this! Beware some quite upsetting domestic violence. Thriller, soap opera, mixed with hilarity! Love the way she writes eg. Madeline‘s PMT! 😂
A little bit of fragrance always clings to the hand that gives you roses.
I enjoyed the teachings. The dialogue between the lessons annoyed me. It seemed dumbed down. The guy‘s meant to be a lawyer. Can we give him some credit?
Loved it...
Started it again straight away. Jack Kornfield is a calm teacher of beautiful lessons. Get this audio. May you be happy and loved always.
I started reading “Anything is possible” then read it kind of comes after this (seemed like maybe it doesn‘t matter) so ditched and read this first. I enjoyed the story even though it was a little sad. Now I have to wait until December 14 for my hold on Anything is possible! 😊
55% on reviews seems low for this. Looking back it seems like an average every day story but I was hooked. Love the story going back and forth and coming together in different spots.
Enjoyed reading the story of a refugee, wish more Aussies would. Side note: I always expect comedians biographies to be funny and always seem to be disappointed in that regard.
Easy listening.
I think if you make it to book 3 you are in.
No doubt this time. Went through it quickly. Ready for book 3!
Very similar feeling to the other reviews. Seemed a loved book by all but I found the start hard to get through. Is she obsessed with her friend!?? Is it a true story? At some point I got right into it. Have started the second one and feeling a little slow again. I need to follow this and see what happens. Also, good to listen to, not being able to pronounce the Italian words would annoy me!
I added this book to TBR months ago but decided I had some homework to do first. I had only read a few of the classics mentioned (looked at chapter headings) so this book feels a little more important than usual. No pressure.
Photo credit: https://www.google.com.au/amp/bookriot.com/2014/01/01/illustrated-guide-buying-c...
Another win for the Brontës although I may be done with these classics for a while. The formula is a little too repetitive. They are very nice to listen to at night or in the car though when I don't want to concentrate too much. Thoughts?
Image credit: https://youtu.be/fAtg6xlKUi4
Kind of hard to find an actual review of Pride and Prejudice amongst the posts on Litsy, lots of hashtags and stories. Is it a satire or just a romance? If she wanted us to know something should it have been more obvious? Have people been 'reading into it' too much? I don't know. You expect a lot from classics. I found a romance, couldn't see beyond that. I didn't dislike it. Help me out if you have the answers!
Not sure why Sweetbitter seems to elicit love or hate reviews. If you've ever or never worked in hospitality, this is it. Food, wine, 'guests', relationships, drinking, drugs, sex. In some places moody and serious and some hectic and gross. I say read it.
I continue to be surprised by loving these classics!! Jane Eyre, Wuthering Heights and now Anne of Green Gables!! Get into them. ... any hints on where I should go next??
Images from Mamamiss.com
Descriptions of India almost made me anxious laying comfortably in my own bed although it was also full of tales of varied spiritual paths. I would never have chosen this if not recommended by my clever Aunty. I guess you can't judge a book by its cover, or its title...
I think you need to be a big fan. I got a few smiles that was about it. Can't handle women talking about how fat or chubby they are when they're a size 8 (US). A few fairly juvenile parts.
10th Dec, Had to give this a go! Haven't read many short story books. Great starting a new world every night. Some depressing although made me feel very grateful for my life.
Recommended so I wanted to love it but too slow for me. No chapter breaks. A sad vibe.
I had to pick this book at random after tricking my one year old into walking away from the kids section of the library. Loved it! First book I've been into for months. I was sitting at work thinking about getting home to my book! (And bed😴) Some of it seemed kind of teenage fiction, different threads but I liked it.
New book! Swapped Christmas present ☺️... and someone else's book picks for the morning.
"Zen is like riding a bike. You don't learn how to do it by acquiring knowledge; you learn to do it by doing it." A good time of year for a calming book.
I was laughing but squirming, kept thinking I can't read this. Kept picking it up until it was finished.
I would love to give this out to parents in the maternity ward, at school and to grandparents ... and to anyone else who would take it. Please read it, or better yet, get the audio version and keep it on your phone like I do now!
Disturbing in a number of places. Atwood's writing is brilliant.
Loved the first one, was told not to bother with this one. I was enjoying it and still involved with the character, evidently not enough to care when my loan ran out. (Image from http://wordpress.stuartneilson.com/on-the-non-diagnosis-of-professor-don-tillman...