Hate this version of ace in particular, but might be good for kids.
Hate this version of ace in particular, but might be good for kids.
Would bum me out so much less if I didn‘t know this ushered in the ousting of my favorite TF writers…
Loved it so much I bought original art directly fro the artist. I own a page from the first issue.
Read for Hugos last year and lives it: funny, loved the action. Since I don‘t read that much urban fantasy/, I didn‘t run into the problem of finding it too much like other series that some did. So I‘d suggest it as a starter series for urban fantasy.
Still reading, still can't find even one of the comics on Litsy. Oddly, I can find Zombies vs Robots Undercity #2 but not the graphic novel? So Weird!
One white Iron Fist takes the chi from another white Iron Fist then proclaims that he has the best Kung fu.
This is me: but you can't even master the Kung fu from the book the other white Iron Fist gave you! How can you say that with a straight face? 😮😮😮
And that doesn't even get into the other weird shit in this book...
And once again, Litsy has zero of the comics I've read. Even for full runs I can't find the graphic novels. If the database is so weak, I feel no compulsion to ask to add books. N last time it took weeks to add things and I only heard back about a quarter of my list. It would be so so much easier if I could just add books on my own - or if Litsy were better about getting comics on here 😐😐😐
Loved. All the Warzones were fantastic explorations of AUs.
Sorry, all. Just getting used to using Litsy on an iPad: just now figured out how to edit comments. If I make mistakes, I'm all up for someone pointing it out, but until then/unless anyone does I'm navigating iPad-land on my own. I foresee multiple mistakes in the near future.
Still so much love for this series.
Most depressing book so far, but still love this series! Temeraire makes this. Also much easier to do even these short reviews on and iPad; would be far easier in landscape mode, though!
Temeraire just gets more likable, as does his Captain, Laurence.
She's the guest of honor at Readercon so I finally read this book. All the yes ever. Ended up blowing through almost half this series so far.
I haven't been on here forever - but I got into Simmons. I paid the deposit so now I'm officially a grad student!!!
Super bad picture of the amazeballs poncho my mom made of an Avengers fleece for me. For Hanukah.
Can't explain this until I know if reading this helps.
Repeated in e-book. Entries to short to be very meaningful to me. Loved the foreword that gave me an idea about what Candy was like.
Have a photo of the very talented actor who played Frank - I have a picture of us together but I'm shy about posting since IDW gave my name and address to a stranger who might pass it onto the dude who threatened me and has ties to the geeky community. Needless to say, stressed out and won't be posting selfies for a while...
Why is her diary repeated in the e-book?
Just not into this. Not violent enough or scary enough to work as horror and I didn't connect to the characters so I just didn't care what happened to them!
So, so wrong in all the right ways. A hilarious, adult take on Alice in Wonderland. Love!
Nice but too brief and didn't give me as much information on the gems, Steven or their world as if hoped for. Adorable and worth a read but glad I got this from the library.
Beautiful and heartbreaking. Really, the most perfect novel I'll have the pleasure to read! Love, love, love!
Ugh. Why is Drift a Samurai stereotype on everything but IDW when he's amazing in the comics? I'll take my hippie Spectralist over this bullshit any day!
Liked the biographical parts more than the quotes. Too little in the quotes to really get anything from them.
Apparently I don't get poetry? Lovely use of language but it's hard for me to unravel most poetry and find something that means something to me. I think it's me, not you, poetry!
Guess who's seeing this tonight? Yay!!!!
It's sad how much this wants to be funny because it's trying so hard and isn't. It does make me want to binge watch Community, though...
Some of the most disturbing splatter punk I've read. Loved it!
When you show the creepy stain to your sister and it ends up with you yelling after her. What you yell is, "yeah, the masterbation is creepy!" And then she responds with, "no, the colors, Jesus!" We're such good Jewish children. Also, iThings hate self love and someone needs to make a pack of flesh colored gel pens so my sister is no longer creeped out by my coloring books...
Story written like a medical pamphlet, which made it hard to connect to the characters. I thought this was an important read, but the real life stories were more compelling, even as short as those were. I wish this had been written as a pamphlet is sorts without the pretense of fiction as the medical facts interested me greatly.
Fanservice galore. A female Moriarty makes a Lock/Mori pair more mainstream and the modern day teen angle was done well. All in all, a nice new modern take on this with a solid and original mystery. Bought it on sale for the Kindle and will probably wait for a sale on the second book.
I can't believe it's all over with! I'm still depressed this series has ended, even if Roberts is picking up with Lost Light in December. How can that compete with this series? I suppose I'll have to see if LL can as I've requested that be held for me at Newbury comics. Yes, already. That's how much I love this series.
Bad picture but there's a gross liquids looking stain on the wall. I feel like Dean might have relaxed a little too much and is now eating his feels. It would explain the odd, guilty expression on his face but then makes me wonder why Sam looks possibly amused. That one corner of the picture makes the rest of this super creepy...
Got this because I love Campbell's art. And it was half off at four dollars. Doing it slowly while I wait for the ink on SPN to dry. I'm so anxious, I haven't been able to do anything - even eat - but I'm binge watching Luke Cage and coloring, I'll deal with the disaster area that is my room later!
That hand is missing a finger which I didn't notice until I started coloring it.
I didn't mean for them to be so... Pink but I was tired and picked up the wrong pen. Their clothes are super glittery, too!
Starting this, guys. Need it after the past weeks with up to twelve hour workdays...
My boss, last day on the job, re did my shift. I made other plans and she has a plane to catch. She came in a half hour late and expects me to stay late /after/ she accused me of doing something that made us later and I did not do. Her solution is to have me stay late or come in tomorrow. I'm like no, I made plans to leave for the beach at twelve thirty latest so good luck.
When your boss is later than you are so you read. I'm only willing to stay the fourteen minutes I was late, by the way.
The fact that the robot is Mama to the Wyvern who is quite literally hearting at him makes me feel all warm inside. 😘
Another favorite character! Oh, Midnighter! I'm a sucker for violent men with hearts of gold and traumatic pasts+amnesia. I think this says more about me than them, but it's a thing. New #charactercrush. (Not character lust, the difference being that I have a crush on the character but am sexually repelled by meat.)
I want robot people to come look for me!!!! 😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍