Grad school reading on tap for today!
Grad school reading on tap for today!
#WordsOfOctober Day 14: These are the bright #Radiant faces of my PhD students as we welcome a guest speaker (a very dear friend of mine, Dr Ruanni Tupas) from University College London who facilitated two sessions on intercultural education and how it feeds into inclusive practices and culturally responsive pedagogy. My PhD students are coming from Djibouti, Syria/Armenia, Kuwait, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia, and of course UAE.
Application submitted for graduate school! Hopefully, I will start my MLS program in January!
1. Police procedural
2. Bookstore clerk
3. Graduate student
4. Editor
5. Water (the time change did make tea really tempting this morning)
I forgot to let my Litsy peeps know my exciting news! I officially got accepted to grad school for library science! I start in the fall - I have to finish up that pesky bachelor‘s first. #whathaveidone #fivekidsschoolandworkforanothertwoyears
Sorry I‘ve been MIA! I got my master‘s degree this weekend! 🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻🙌🏻
Today marks the 10th anniversary of my receiving my Master's degree in Library & Information Science. The decision to go back to school for this was both one of the scariest and most rewarding decisions I've ever made. This certainly wasn't something I dreamed of being as a little kid -- that was to be a fighter pilot or Indiana Jones -- but by god I cannot imagine doing anything else.
I haven't been on here forever - but I got into Simmons. I paid the deposit so now I'm officially a grad student!!!