Borrowing original photo from @chelreads.
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Borrowing original photo from @chelreads.
Come find me and add me! I love having new friends!
Dexter!! 😍😍
Omg, one of my Facebook friends saw my post about how long the wait was for this book and they gifted me with the audiobook!! How Flipping sweet of them! Also, I didn't even know that was a thing you could do with Audible lol
Looks like I'm gonna be waiting a while! Lol Thanks Trump for starting a national book club! 😆 😆
So here's a surprise. This book is actually incredibly deep, incredibly funny, and at times almost poetic and quite beautiful. It definitely is not what I was expecting from him, since I only know of him through his acting.
Excited to see a new book out from one of my favorites! Litsy doesn't have it listed yet so I had to tag another Dean Koontz book.
If you happen to be into our nation's history, you'll probably enjoy this. It has alot of information on our Presidents and it's hilarious!!
Side note: This makes it blaringly obvious how far down our Presidential expectations and standards have gone lol 🤦♀️🤦♀️
Just started watching the TV show and so far they have nailed the cast perfectly. I wonder if the people playing the characters also did the audiobook, cause they sound identical. Anyone know?
I love being the winner of a book giveaway!! Thank you again @TheLibrarian!!
😮😮 😄😄😄 I'm so happy!! I never win anything!! Lol and I really wanted this one!
Has anyone tried the Libby app? I'm assuming it's considered the new and improved Overdrive.. Although I don't know why they created a whole new app, instead of just fixing the old one lol But honestly it's really nice! It loads so much faster and it looks so much better. Plus it combines your library loans into one shelf.
Thanks to a litsy recommendation, I started this book. I've never seen the movie because I figured it would be something sappy and I hate those kinds, but this is turning out to be pretty freaking funny and so relatable. Is that weird? Lol
So I posted before that I had discovered that TuneIn Radio had audiobooks and it got me thinking of other music apps that might.. Well I checked my Spotify and whadya know!
I'm about to dive into the 2nd book of the Kingkiller Chronicles and I just realized how long it is! It's been a while since I tackled one that was almost 1000 pages!
I have never in my life listened to a book that was 36 hours long. I might as well send this one back lol My attention span can't handle that.
This may be old news, but I just found out that TuneIn Radio has audiobooks. I'm trying the free trial and I'm excited that some of the ones that aren't available on my Overdrive (or have a really long wait list) are on it.
While I found alot of this fascinating, and i apparently have enough of a morbid personality to not be grossed out by details of dead people.. I just couldn't stomach any more stories about animal test subjects. I can't fault the author for simply writing about the research she discovered but I just really wish there had been a warning that indicated there was animal cruelty (in the name of science or not).
This book is turning out to be wayyy more interesting than I thought it would be! And the narrator's accent.. 😍😍! I could listen to Irish people talk for dayys!
New book coming out from Stephen King! Super excited!
Just saw this on FB and thought to pass it on in case anyone wanted to check out the sale.
These are my picks for #BestofFebruary
I think they are all 5 star quality! Can't wait for the 2nd installments to become available in Overdrive for the Lunar Chronicles and the Kingkiller Chronicles.
I forgot to post my latest acquisitions. I found these at my local trade lot last weekend. I'm extra excited about getting a hardback copy of the Wolves of Calla. I am trying to slowly replace my paperback Dark Tower collection.
Just saw this on Book riot. The BBC is offering The Underground Railroad audiobook free for the next 29 days if anyone is interested.
Wow!! Fantastic book! This was very straightforward and intense and OMG the ending!! I was really not expecting it to turn out the way it did!
May not suitable for those that have issues with/sensitivity to subjects of rape as well as animal cruelty. (I could have definitely done without the animal cruelty parts of the book.) But other than that I consider it a must read!
I'm really getting hooked on this book but I'm not sure how they considered it to be YA.... There's alot of sexual content and I'm not even that far into it. Lol
Just found The Girl with all the Gifts on my android box. I had no idea they turned it into a movie! I'm hoping it's as good as the book was!!
Just finished this one and I know this makes me a weirdo, but I really dig these kinds of things. Im one of those people that watch the Investigation Discovery channel alot lol I don't know why but learning about the minds of serial killers, their motives, their ability to influence others.. It's just bizarrely fascinating. I got hooked on it in my Psychology classes in college.
SO.. I was wondering if anyone had suggestions for similar stories?
Spending my Saturday night at work but at least I have Neil Gaiman's wonderful, soothing voice to listen to! I could listen to his accent all day! ❤️❤️❤️
Finally finished Nevernight. I feel like it took me forever! I almost bailed on it about 1/4 of the way through because the way the narrator paces his words was annoying but I'm glad I continued. It turned out to be surprisingly really good.
Ugh... Such a huge huge mess 😕
This is how I'm going to feel all day today. And probably tomorrow. And probably the next 4 years. Sorry 😕
Came across this on Fb and realized this is exactly how I spend my time, every day lol
Since I looooooved Illuminae and Gemina so much I decided to look into other books by Amie Kaufman. I just finished the first of the Starbound Trilogy and I'd say it was a pick. It's not mind-blowingly amazing like the others but it definitely had me hooked. I finished it in a day and a half. I love the different worlds she creates in other universes!
I'm really happy to see I'm not the only one that hasn't read any of the Harry Potter books. I was worried about admitting that 😅😅
And somehow I managed to slide out of reading To Kill a Mockingbird and Animal Farm during school? Probably during my slacker days lol I may eventually get around to them though. Any of the George R. R Martin however I have no interest in Lol sorry I just can't.
Just saw that Dean Koontz has a new book coming out! He is one of my favorite authors and I've already read every one of his other books so I'm always excited to see something new!
This was a really great, educational book! Although 85% of it was way over my head I still really enjoyed it, and that says alot for the author. She added in alot of interesting anecdotes and relatable stories to keep it from being just boring science!
I'd like to find more like this (it doesn't have to be "venomous" creatures related- just fascinating educational stuff) so if you guys have any suggestions let me know!
I'm really happy this one finally came in over the holiday break. I've been looking forward to listening to it before the movie comes out. It's so much better now that I can picture Dylan O'Brien in my head the whole time. 😍😍😍 OH And I can count it for my #LitsyAtoZ! #A! We're going by title right? Or is it author??
I just finished this one and I'm kind of torn about it. There were soooo many parts about it that I love! BUT the main female character's emotional weakness and "shame" drove me insane!! I just wanted to shout omg get over it! Plus the references to Watership Down throughout the whole book was a complete heartbreaker given that Richard Adams just passed away. Definitely an emotional rollercoaster reading this one lol
Good morning fellow littens! My sleep schedule is completely messed up so I've been up for hours! My furbaby doesn't agree that we should be awake though lol So it's just me sitting here listening to her snore and enjoying my book! Hope everyone has a great day!
Taking a walk with the young'n while listening to and giggling hysterically at Anna Kendrick. I hope everyone else's Christmas Eve is just as enjoyable!
Since I loved Ready Player One so much, with Will Wheaton narrating, I decided to jump into the follow up book by the same author. I'm only on part one, but already WW is knocking it out of the park! 👏👏🙃😊
Another fantastic book! I feel like I'm on a roll lately with great reads! 🙃📚
Will Wheaton did such a SUPERB job narrating this, that now I'm on the hunt for more books that he's done. And I don't really even like him! Lol No offense to any Will Wheaton fans!
I loved this book! Loved loved loved! It was just what I needed to get out of my reading slump!
My present from @sheerin has arrived and I don't want to wait to open it! The theme this month was Sherlocked so it's gonna be awesome. Ahhh!
I didn't start the reading challenge on Goodreads until June so I'd say it's been a decent year. 83 books in 6 months isnt too bad.
FINALLY starting this gem! I can't believe I let it sit for a week while I finished other stuff.
I couldn't decide if I wanted to do the book or the audio, so I got both! Lol I did the audio on the first 2 and they were fantastic! But now I'm thinking I kind of want to snuggle in and read this last one since the wait was so long and the anticipation was built so high!
So I finally finished this one and I feel like it has taken me forever! I'm honestly not sure how I feel about it though. I enjoyed the writing, and of course we all know the Holocaust is gut wrenching and tragic.. But it wasn't anything at all like the first book and I just didn't feel any "connection" with the characters. I guess I'd give it a 3.5? 4? Idk?!